Invisible Boy

By Virtual Insanity

Published on Jun 16, 2005


This story contains male/male consensual relationships of a romantic and sexual nature. If it is illegal for you to read this type of material, please adhere to your laws.

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Part Four


What the fuck was I thinking? I know I'm an idiot, an absolute and complete total fucking idiot! I couldn't stand the sight of them in the same space. It hurt like shit.

I don't know how noble I think I am, but this was the limit. I sat near the edge of the lake, my feet in the water as I watched Kyle and Jared chase each other around like they were fucking two-year-olds.

God, I didn't know that Jared was so good at flirting until Kyle got in the jeep and they proceeded to make goo-goo eyes at each other through the visor mirror.

It was like Jared invented the fucking double entendre. Everything he said had a hidden meaning...and most of it was sexual! I know Jared like the back of my hand and I didn't know he was such a horny fucker.

I honestly thought I was better prepared for it, for Jared being with somebody. But I'm not. I just wanna push rewind and go back to when I was in the hall and I knocked Kyle Riley over and completely ignore him.

After a moment, they were both winded from chasing each other around and flirting and they plopped down on either side of me. Kyle threw an arm over my shoulder and Jared put one around my waist. They were breathing heavily and grinning. I fought hard to smile.

"You two ready to eat?" I asked and Jared nodded. The sooner we got this day over, the better.

Kyle leaned back on his palms, stretching his bare chest and peering at me from under his eyelashes. God, he was really fucking hot. The pain in my chest only intensified. I could not compete with a guy like that, one who didn't even have to try to look good, it just oozed off of him.

"You boys want some fresh strawberries?" a familiar voice called across the lake and I looked over to see old Mr. Kent waving at us. He was this old guy we ran into from time to time. He had a house near the lake and lived there with his wife and two dogs. Every time he saw us, he offered us something that he grew on the land around his house.

"Sure, Mr. Kent," I called back, a little relieved that he was going to run interference for me. "I'll run over there and get them." I stood up.

"You sure you don't want me to come?" Jared asked. I looked down at him, his mercury eyes were fixed on me and my heart jumped. God, I loved him. I wasn't ready to lose him to Kyle fucking Riley.

"Yeah, its just strawberries," I told him. "We'll eat them with the food my mom packed." Jared nodded and I threw a quick glance at Kyle before walking away. I was just relieved to be out of their way for the moment.


I was nervous as hell as I sat there a few feet away from Kyle Riley while Everett went to collect strawberries from old Mr. Kent. I felt like my skin was being pricked by tiny thorns in a million places.

"Everett's pretty cool," Kyle said and I nodded, watching Everett's tall, lithe form as he walked across the wooden bridge that spanned the length of the small lake.

"Yeah," I said.

"So, how long you two been hanging out?" Kyle asked.

"Since tenth grade," I told him.

Kyle's eyes followed Everett as he walked the entire length of the bridge. I watched him. I should have known then that things weren't exactly the way I wanted them to be, but I was too busy being head over heels in love with Kyle Riley to care about the details.

"He's pretty hot," Kyle said...and that threw me. I hadn't ever really thought about him like that.

"You think?" I asked. Kyle nodded, looking back at me.

"He's fucking huge," Kyle said. "Makes you wonder if he's just as know..down there...and he's got those big, brown eyes that they sing about in songs. Plus, he's nice as hell, you just don't get that kind of combination all the time."

Hmm. I hadn't thought about Everett that way...not ever. I mean, he's cute, I a puppy dog kind of way, with the brown eyes and his patented cute smile. I guess he's not the kind of guy to draw the eyes of the crowd the way Kyle does, but he's definitely cute. It's a wonder there aren't a ton of girls after him.

"So, are you know...together?" Kyle asked and I almost laughed aloud.

"No," I told him.

"Why not?" Kyle asked.

"Um...I'm pretty sure that Everett likes girls," I said. "Plus, we're best friends, you know?" Everett was like a brother to me. Well, the closest thing I had to a brother. I could tell him all of my secrets and trust him not to tell a soul. I could count on him for anything. I could trust Everett with my life.

"Who has he dated?" Kyle asked.

I thought hard for a moment.

"Nobody really," I admitted. "I think he's kind of shy around girls." Yeah, that had to be it. I had never seen Everett talking to a lot of girls. There had been that one time that I thought he liked this girl named Sharon English, but for some reason I couldn't stand her...and things never panned out between them anyway.

"You aren't interested in him like that?" he asked me.

"Nope," I said, immediately. "He's...just not my type, I guess."

"Well...what is your type?" Kyle asked and I looked at him, swallowed hard and went for it.

"You," I said and he grinned real wide. My heart was thumping around in my chest like crazy. I had actually done it. I took a chance and told Kyle Riley how I felt about him.

He moved over the space where Everett had been sitting earlier and came close to me.

Before I could even think of anything else to say, he started to kiss me. I let out a huge sigh and started to kiss him back. Kyle kissed me like he'd been practicing since he was two years old and I fumbled along, kissing him back fervently and hoping that I wasn't screwing the whole thing up. I couldn't believe that he was actually kissing me.

He trailed his hands down my sides, sending tingles all through my body. When he reached the bottom of my shirt, he reached underneath to run his fingers over my bare skin and I was just about ready to explode from that small thing. He started to trail kisses down the side of my face, across my cheek and down to my neck.

His tongue flicked across the sensitive skin on my neck. I knew that I was moaning like a banshee and I didn't care. I just kind of gave myself up to his capable hands, moving so that he was able to pull my shirt off over my head. He kissed his way down my chest and across my stomach, sending tiny quivers through me.

I lost all conscious thought somewhere along the way and just let Kyle do whatever it was he was going to do to me. He moved his hands around my waist and pulled me closer to him. He moved his mouth lower and lower until he was hovering over my crotch, then he pulled my pants down around my thighs. I stared at him in shock as his mouth closed over me.

*** Everett:

I had the strawberries under my arm in a basket that I had promised to return to Mr. Kent before we left the lake. I walked across the bridge, gearing myself up to face the two of them again. On the walk over and in the time I had spent with Mr. Kent, I convinced myself that I was being a drama queen. It was inevitable that Jared was going to find somebody. If I was going to stay friends with him - which was a given - then I was going to have to deal with him having a boyfriend.

If that boyfriend turned out to be Kyle Riley, then I would just have to deal with that, too.

I was all the way across the bridge and walking towards the edge of the lake where we had set up before I spotted them. Jared was on his back barenaked from his head down to his mid-thighs and Kyle was on top of him, his mouth moving up and down on Jared's hard cock.


I turned away from the image and walked, quietly, mindlessly into the woods behind us. The pain was searing. My face was aflame and I knew that I had to have flushed a deep red. I just kept walking further and further into the woods until I thought I was far enough away that I they wouldn't know I was there.


I leaned back against a tree and just stood there, trying to catch my breath. At first, I didn't know why my breathing was so erratic, but then I realized that there was this awesome pain in my chest as if someone had just punched the shit out of me and there were tears on my cheeks. I was crying...and it wasn't just a tear or two like when I cried myself to sleep sometimes. No. This was full-out and total sobbing.

Never in a million years ever did I think that I would be watching Kyle have sex with anybody. I couldn't handle that. I just couldn't. I could be the friend. I could even be friends with Kyle if I needed to, but to see the two of them together like that. Fuck no.

I breathed wheezily, willing myself to calm down. If I didn't calm down my heart was going to burst out of my chest and all across the woods into a million pieces.

How was I going to face them again? No way could I even look at them. But I had to go back there and eat chicken with them and pretend as if I hadn't seen a thing, like my life hadn't just ended.

I waited ten minutes before I started back for the clearing near the lake. If they weren't done, then screw them, I was heading home.

The hurt was turning into anger. By the time I got to the clearing, they were sitting up on the edge of the lake, their feet dangling down into the water.

I walked over to where they were sitting and sat down next to Jared. I put the strawberries in his lap and he reached out and put a hand on the basket.

He looked up at me and his eyes were if something profound and wonderful had happened and he couldn't wait to tell me about it. I wasn't so sure I wanted to hear him talk about it, but I managed to smile at him and act normal.

We ate the food my mother had packed, all of the strawberries and then took turns swinging out into the water. Internally, I was counting the minutes until we were back in the jeep and headed home. I just wanted to curl up on my bed and not think about anything. I wanted to forget that the day had even happened, but I remembered that I was spending the night at Jared's...but at least then Kyle wouldn't be with us and there was the videogame there to distract me.

The sky was turning a pinkish blue and the sun was moving a little lower in the sky when they finally tired out. I gathered up the picnic stuff and Mr. Kent's basket and headed for the jeep.

"I've gotta run this back over to Mr. Kent," I remembered and Jared grabbed it out of my already stuffed arms.

"I'll do it," he said and before I could even protest, he was galloping over the bridge. I shrugged and went to the back of the jeep to load up. Kyle was standing slightly behind me. I slammed the back shut and turned to face him.

"Cool of you to hang out with us, man," I told him, not quite meeting his eyes.

"Anytime, dude," he said, smiling at me. "I had a blast." Blast was a good word. I started to move a little bit away from him, but he took a step closer.

"I just wish you and I could have spent a little more time together," he said and as I looked at him, it dawned on me in this creeping, slow way that he was hitting on me. An electric feeling went through me, like I wanted to smash his face in.

Jared was in love with him, head over heels and probably even more than that now that they'd been all over each other...yet here Kyle was coming on to me.

"Yeah, well, hanging with Jared is cool," I said cautiously and Kyle nodded.

"He's cute...but you and I could have had a little more fun," he said and then leaned over and placed his lips against mine. I was so shocked that I just stood there for a moment and he was pressing himself against me.

By the time I got it together enough to push him away, I heard a harsh yell and looked over to see Jared taking off into the woods. I pushed Kyle away but he was clinging or something and I had to practically punch him to get him off of me.

"What the fuck, man?" I said to him and he stood there, looking at me in confusion. I just took off in search of Jared. ************************************************ To be continued.........

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