Invisible Boy

By Virtual Insanity

Published on Apr 6, 2005


This story contains male/male consensual relationships of a romantic and sexual nature. If it is illegal for you to read this type of material, please adhere to your laws.

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Part Two


The most beautiful thing in the world happened to me today. I got paired up in a group with Kyle for English class today. The group will meet for two days every week for the next month, coming up with a Shakespearean skit translated into modern language.

I was just sitting in my third period English class, doing my usual thing, you know staring at Kyle from across the room, when Mr. Bailey announced that we were going to be grouping up to do a project that would be a major part of our final semester grade. He started to explain about the assignment and how each group would have to take a different scene from a Shakespearean play and translate it into modern language and perform the five minute skit in front of the class.

Groans went up all around and I wasn't too thrilled about it, either, because I don't like to get up in front of people and talk. To make matters worse, Bailey decided that he was not going to let us choose which group we wanted to be in, but that we had to do that stupid count off thing. I got the number five and sat sullenly in my seat, waiting for my other group members to be chosen when Kyle's sweet voice rang out in the air. Five!

I knew that this was a sign from heaven that Kyle and I were destiny. What else could it be? I mean, in the whole seven years that I had been trying to get Kyle to notice me, never once did he even come close...and now we'd have to work together in a group. We had to talk to each other if we were in the same group, didn't we?

When Bailey completed the group assignments, he asked us to get into our groups and begin discussions on which play we wanted to do. My heart was pounding in my chest as I made my way over to where Kyle was sitting and the other three group members came as well.

Kyle was gorgeous that day, dressed in a pair of soccer shorts, and an Umbro t-shirt, his killer legs on display for the world to see. I plopped down into the chair nearest him and willed myself to act cool, to at least say something that would stick in his head and make me stand out.

We were teamed up with three girls, only one of whom I had ever spoken to during our four years at West Central, Katie Markham. She was one of those kids that was in the drama club and did a play every year, so she was all excited about our project and was obviously going to be the leader, telling everybody else what to do.

The other two girls were making goo-goo eyes at Kyle. Katie had been dating a guy named Brett who did drama, too, for an extra long time, like two years or something. So, she was barely even paying Kyle any attention.

I felt bad for the girls because they had even less of a chance than I did with a kid like Kyle. I mean, Kyle's gay. Not that he's out at school or anything, but once I got dragged to a city-wide GSA dance with some kids that I knew and Kyle was there, dancing with this really hot guy.

This was sophomore year and it was like my biggest dream and my worst nightmare all wrapped up in one. I mean, there was Kyle, announcing to the world that he was gay by being at a gay-themed dance with a guy, but therein lay the problem, he was with a guy! And this wasn't just some ordinary, run-of-the-mill guy, either, he was like cover-model cute, you know with a strong chin and a perfectly symmetrical face and the kind of body you could only drool over, knowing that there was little hope you would ever achieve that kind of definition.

I think I dragged around for weeks, elation and devastation running through me. Then, one of the kids I had gone to the dance with showed up with the guy on his arm. With some careful questioning, I was able to find out that he'd only lasted a week or two with Kyle, that Kyle was too wrapped up in sports for him.

"I think we should do Romeo and Juliet," Katie was saying to the group and I groaned to myself while the other two girls squealed and moved around excitedly. Kyle looked supremely bored with the whole thing.

"Kyle, you'd make a great Romeo," one of the girls said. "And I could play Juliet." I rolled my eyes.

"I think its too soon to pick parts, Leslie," Katie said. "But I think we should choose a scene and then figure out how we're going to re-write it."

"I can do the rewrite," I volunteered. I had to earn a grade some kind of way, and it was obviously not going to be by playing a major role in the skit.

"Cool, Jared," Katie said and gave me a friendly smile. I smiled back at her, she was actually pretty nice. I started digging through my backpack for my copy of Romeo and Juliet and when I placed it on my desk, I looked up and noticed Kyle's eyes on me. A silent thrill went through me and I smiled at him. He smiled back and then sort of turned to listen to Katie.

I could barely hear what she was saying because of the rushing sound in my ears. It was finally going to happen! I had a chance to impress Kyle.


"He looked at me and smiled at me," Jared was saying, sort of jabbing his french fry in my direction as he spoke. "Oh, God, Ev, I love him so much."

The feeling I get when he says stuff like that, its hard to explain. Its like my heart does this one long contraction thing and I am just kind of left there, writhing in pain until I can breathe again. I managed a smile.

"This is your chance, Jare," I told him and he beamed at me.

"I know," he gushed and then went on again, re-describing his time with Kyle in English class for the umpteenth time. On the outside I looked like I was paying attention to what he was saying, maybe even being a little teasing, but inside all I could really hear was the unsteady beat of my heart. This was the single worst thing that could have ever happened to me in life.

I was happy for him in a way, I mean it really was a shot at getting Kyle to notice him. And God knows, he had been pining away after the guy for far too long, but what if Kyle decided that he wanted to be in a relationship with Jared? What did I do then? I put up with hearing about the guy 24/7, but what if he took Jared away from me?

Not that Jared was exactly mine to take. But if they became a couple, they would start to do couple things and they would want to spend time alone together and Jared would start going to Kyle's soccer meets instead of my basketball games and they would spend half the evening talking on the phone and I would be left without a pot to piss in.

I knew that my thoughts about Kyle were bitter, but I didn't even know what to do to change them. Any guy that Jared wanted, I really didn't feel all that great about.

"I know you think I'm lame for talking so much about him," Jared said, glancing quickly at me and then away. I forced myself to let go of my feelings and think about Jared, instead. He was happy. Honestly, I hadn't seen him so excited in a long time...and terrified. He was a mass of nerves, unable to stop talking about or thinking about Kyle. He was adorable.

"I don't," I reassured him. "How long have you waited for this? Forever, man. It's about time. You just gotta work up the nerve to actually talk to him now."

"I know," Jared said, and started giggling. I laughed at him.

For once, I was happy when the bell rang, dismissing us from the cafeteria, and the few hours that I would have away from Jared. I walked with him to his locker and listened as he talked some more about what he was going to do to get Kyle to notice him when they met in their group later in the week.

By the time he finished talking, the second bell rang and we both had to haul ass in opposite directions in order to get to class on time.

I was rounding a corner at top speed when, who should I hit full force but Kyle Riley? Kyle flew back a few feet and landed on his butt. I walked the few steps over to him and reached out a hand. His face was red because I had knocked the breath out of him.

"Hey, I'm sorry, guy," I said, grabbing ahold of his hand and pulling him up. He stood in front of me for a few moments, blinking up at me.

I could kind of see why Jared was so infatuated with a guy like Kyle. He really was eye-candy. His flashing blue eyes and lopsided smile were enough to make a guy weak in the knees...but still, nothing like Jared's.

"Shit, man, you almost killed me," he said, coughing a little.

"Wouldn't want to mess up your soccer game," I told him with a grin and his smile widened.

"Everett, right?" he said, peering at me curiously. I nodded at him and then tried to walk by, he sort of grabbed my arm.

"Hey, you played basketball with me awhile ago, huh?" he asked.

"Yeah," I said.

"Damn, man, you've gotten tall as hell," he said, looking up at me.

"Yeah, another four inches," I told him with a grin.

"Hey, we should hang out sometime," Kyle said out of nowhere. I looked at him like he had grown two heads for a moment. I had never been high enough on the popularity scale to hang out with him.

"Yeah, I guess," I said noncommitally. I really didn't know if I wanted to hang out with Jared's fantasy guy.


Jared would love it if I hooked it up so that he could hang out with Kyle outside of school sometime. He would go crazy. I could just imagine the number of outfits he would try on and make me choose the best. He would want his hair cut and..God, he would never stop talking about it.

I smiled to myself.

He would definitely know that I was looking out for him, that I wanted him to get what he really wanted out of life...even if it was cute-ass Kyle Riley.

Yeah, I was in love with Jared...but I was also his best friend. I wanted him to be happy...even if that meant that he never saw me as more than his buddy Everett.

"Maybe this weekend?" Kyle asked as I walked past him.

"Yeah, I'm going to the lake this weekend with a friend," I told him. "Maybe we can hook up." ******************************************************** To be continued.........

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Next: Chapter 3

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