
By ten.epacsten@836suineGlivE

Published on May 3, 2023


Here is the next part of the story:

Chapter 8: Master becomes the slave

"Jason? Jason Harris? You did this?" Colin asked tentatively, while dragging me out of the closet. "I mean, it was a great idea and gave me good opportunities, but no one messes with my bud J.B....except me of course."


"Shut up! you're gonna really deserve this!" he yelled, and he knocked me hard to the floor, went to my bag and pulled out one final pair of hancuffs. "If you don't want to get roughed up too bad, shut up and don't struggle. Now stand back!"

He was facing the wall of bookshelves, four grand maple bookshelves, wide enough to cover the wall completely, and jammed with an assortment of things. Colin went over to the middle bookshelf, shifted a few papers, cds, and other assorted junk, and found a brass doorknob sticking out of the wall. I watched curiously as he turned it and the bookshelf swung forward, revealing a flight of stairs leading up to what I could only assume was a dusty old attic.

"Get up there!" he said, and I started up the stairs. It was very dark, but Colin flicked a lightswitch and I could see what I was walking on. The stairs were carpeted with a thick, tall, plush rug, dark blue. I entered the room and I saw it had painted gray walls, and a black ceiling with a single lightbulb hanging from the center. The walls were slanted like the roof outside, and I could see hung around on the walls were sets of colored lights, and strobe lights, like you'd see at a rock concert. A solitary circular window allowed daylight into the strange room.

My eyes traveled down to the rest of the room. There was a big locked cupboard in one corner, and a small shower stall in another. Scattered around the room were various machines and objects, none of which I could identify, but they all looked like instruments of torcher. Colin half-dragged me over to one of them. It resembled a sawhorse, except that it had padding on the top, and on its four legs were shackles. He forced my stomach down onto the padded top part, and shackled me to the thing at my ankles, then went over to my front and unlocked my handcuffs and shackled my wrists to it too. I was getting sort of nervous and a little humiliated now, being with my naked ass up in the air and my throbbing cock jammed against the cushion.

"I'll be back in about fifteen minutes. Don't make any noise or your punishment will be twice as worse as I have planned now," said Colin threateningly, and with that, he descended the plush staircase into J.B.'s room.

Over the next fifteen minutes, I sat, or rather laid, in silence, listening to the bangings going on downstairs. I'd surmised that Colin had undone J.B. and Brian, because I could hear their voices coming from the direction of the same bathroom I had used that morning. And Shawn and Joe were inside they're closet again, I could definitely tell because they were banging and yelling to get out like they had that morning. I heard the shower go on. I knew that Brian and J.B. both needed showers, since they were both covered in piss and cum. They're probably taking one together, I thought.

Finally, I heard footsteps on the stairs. Colin came into my vision first, then Brian and J.B., both of which were fully clothed and made me feel even more humiliated and defenseless. Brian and J.B. said nothing, but stood on either side of me behind me. Colin went over to the cupboard, unlocked it, and came back with three flat pieces of wood that resembled ping-pong paddles, except they were longer and more rectangular, like the one I'd paddled Shawn with.

"Well Jason, you're shackled to a paddling bench, in case you didn't know. You're totally unable to escape the punishment we're about to give you're ass, but don't worry, this is light compared to what we have in mind for you," he said menacingly.

It began immediately. They all took their paddles, and landed them as hard as they could on my ass. J.B. was on my right, Colin in the middle, and Brian on my left. They all mercilessly beat the hell out of my ass, landing quick hard blows, until the room was filled with the sound of wood on bare skin. I was in involuntary tears at this point, unable to take the pain I was recieving. I was determined not to let out a noise at all. I didn't like being tied up or beaten, I was supposed to be the one that did those things. I was soft of course, and totally turned off, and in extreme pain. My ass continued being pelted for the next 10 minutes. I knew that it would be off-color for days at least and that I would have a lot of trouble standing and sitting.

"Well, now that the light excercise is over, let's move on to the worse things," said Colin, grinning. I felt myself getting turned back on as he looked at me. He was very good looking, not handsome, but he did have a nice body. One that I doubted even with my muscles I'd be able to overpower with J.B. and Brian there. I decided not to run and to see how this would turn out.

I was taken out of the shackles and, ass still searing as if it were just burned, dragged over to another odd-looking machine. It was a chair, except that the seat of it was only half as long as you would expect it to be, and an odd machine with what looked like a dildo on a stick sticking out of it. They forced me onto the chair, where I was shackled again. As i'd expected, my asshole hung off the end of the seat, and I knew this was for some reason.

"This, Jason, is a butt machine. I'm going to start you on low and then...increase the velocity."

I had a bout of foreboding, but quickly forgot it when the dildo, prelubed, slowly moved towards my hole. It went in slowly all the way, rotated 360 degrees, and then slowly came back out. Before I had a chance to recover from the agony, it repeated itself. Over and over this happened.

"This is getting old," said Brian after about 20 times. "Kick the notch up Colin."

At the second highest speed, I had to let out a moan. It was going in, rotating, and coming back out in the blink of an eye. I didn't stop moaning, not even when Colin said:

"Oh god, shut up all ready!" He went over to the corner cupboard and came back several minutes later carrying what looked like a voltage checker. It had the positive and negative alligator clips at least.

"This is a TENS machine, Jason. I'm going to hook it up to your penis and balls, and every time you let out a sound, I'll give you a small shock with this."

He bent over me, the buttmachine still speeding along, and hooked one alligator clip to my cock, and the other to my nut sack. After several seconds, I let out a tiny moan, and was instantly shocked. It was a strange feeling, but it somehow aroused me. I kept on moaning so I could keep getting the shocks.

"He's enjoying it! Turn the buttmachine on all the way!" said J.B. angrily. He must have wanted me to suffer like he did.

I didn't stop moaning, if anything I'd increased. The pressure was building. I was jerking around in my bindings. Finally, I came spectacularly. All over the place, on Colin, on Brian, on J.B., on the floor, even some on the slanted ceiling. Eight spasms and it was over. Colin shut the buttmachine off, and unclipped the TENS machine. I was breathing heavily now, sweating, and tired.

"Now he's ready," exclaimed Colin. "let's take him over to the hammock."

I was untied from the machine and brought over to a hammock that hung in the center of the room. I didn't struggle, I didn't have the energy to struggle. My cock was limp, my ass was sore, and I was spent. But the guys were apparently not done with me.

Brian was first. He fully undressed himself, showing his tan line and his 5 inch hard cock. I was forced unto the wobbly hammock on my stomache. Brian got on top of me, and, not so much as lubing himself up, started in. He slammed his cock in my ass hard, and I screamed. My ass was immediately smacked hard after this by Brian. He rode me like that for five minutes, until he reached orgasm and spewed his juice all over the inside of my ass. Breathing heavily, he got off me and invited J.B. to do the same. J.B., who I now noticed was undressed decided to lube himself first. It was just in his nature to not be mean, so I didn't know why he had all this stuff in his attic. Turns out I was wrong because he made me lube up his dick for him, and then got on my back. He rode me softer than Brian, but pushed his full six and a half inches into me slowly, and then pulled out fast. In slowly, out fast, in slowly, out fast, until he too let out a long sigh and erupted inside me. I could feel Brian's and J.B.'s cum all over my balls and dick and thighs and ass, gooey and warm. Colin mounted me last. He looked nice naked, I thought. He had a nice swimmer's build like me, big but not overly huge pecs and arms, and a nice cut stomache. His dick was bigger than it had seemed before, at least seven inches. His balls were big as golf balls hanging beneath his penis too, I don't know how he could stand things that big hanging off him. They must hold a lot of juice, I thought. I would learn later that I was right.

Colin got on me, and without lubing or any warning at all, shoved his dick fully inside me. The huge pole slid out speedily and then went back in. It was hard as a rock, and worse than the last two fuckings and the buttmachine put togeteher. I was moaning louder than I had yet, and to keep me quiet, J.B. stuck his ass in my face.

"You've sucked it once already, give me a nice reaming to keep yourself quiet." I dove in eagerly, suckling his ass, sticking my tongue in on occasion. Colin was fucking me so hard now that I was actually forced face-forward into J.B.'s ass, smelling his delicious scent. The realization of the situation finally hit me. The hottest guy in school had just fucked me, wacthed by two other hot fucking guys. Now I was sucking his ass. I had been bound to a chair while they abused me! This was my greatest fantasy come true. I knew that nothing would ever be this good again, and as gobs and gobs of Colin juice leaked into my ass, I rested my head into J.B.'s ass, and thought about what would come next.

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