
By ten.epacsten@836suineGlivE

Published on Apr 23, 2023


Chapter 4: Saturday

I awoke jerkily. The arlarm clock was going wild. I quickly shut it off, and found myself in an unfamiliar place. Then I remember the events of the night before. I got up off the floor and, stretching, moved over to look out the window. It was only 5:00 A.M., but there was still quite alot of movement on the semi-dark street. The paper boy, people going to work or going on a weekend vacation. I remembered the night.

After my awesome sex with J.B., I had kissed him on the face. He was breathing heavily from his ass penetration. I had gotten off the bed, plugged the clock back in, and set it in tune to the watch and set the alarm for 5:00 A.M. I slept on the floor all night, and had left J.B. in his position.

Oh shit! 5:00 A.M.? I had less than a hlaf hour to reapply the invisibility solution before I reappeared. I figured that I wouldn't be able to reapply it until I was visible again, so I left J.B.'s room and found myself in a nice corridor. I peeked in every room to make entirely sure that J.B. was the only one in his house.

The house was fabulously luxurious. 5 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, a dining room, a sitting room, a family room, a huge basement kitchen. It was truly built in the elegant style of the late 1700s. I found myself getting a little jealous of J.B. I looked at the hall clock and saw 5:25. I would have to get into the bathroom now. I used J.B.'s bathroom; I knew it was his because of the types of shampoos and soap I found in there. I quickly showered, and by the time I had finished my entire body had reappeared.

I got out and spent the next half hour uneventfully putting on the solution again. It was a boring task, but by 6, I had left the bathroom and crossed the hall into J.B.'s room again. I knew the solution would now last me until 3:30 in the afternoon. Upon entering his room, I noticed it reeked of boy sweat and hard sex, even though the window was open. It was shaping up to be another 90 degree day, and I spent the next hour finalizing my plans for what I would do when the arrivals came.


His eyes opened. It was 9:30. I had laid the alarm clock down on his chest, so he could see the time for himself. His eyes suddenly became panicked. He struggled hard at his bindings, but I knew it was fruitless, and after about a mintue, he gave up. I had been standing next to him, stroking him, touching his body. I stopped this now and walked over to the desk, past the brilliant light shining in through the window.

I opened the drawer, rummaged for a few moments, and found a piece of paper and a marker. I was going to write a note telling the trio that was coming to let themselves in. I tried writing it generically in case they knew what J.B.'s handwriting looked like. I finished the letter with a flourish, grabbed some tape and went downstairs to the front door and taped it on, unlocking the door as I shut it.

A half hour later, I heard the footsteps downstairs, and crossed to the stair landing to see who it was. The stairs were of quarter-circular variety, somewhat cliched in movies and television to show off how rich the house was. Standing at the top, looking down at the double front doors, I watched Joe Martini, Shawn Palmer, and Brian Benson walk in, chatting animatedly and carrying backpacks.

Joe Martini was a bit dim. His grades weren't good, but his body was really nice and his athletic ability was the only way he could get into college. The same went for Brian and Shawn too. I never understood why J.B. surrounded himself with such idiots. I guess it made him look way smarter than he actually was. Anyway Joe was a senior, with a nice strong-shouldered, rippling-abbed form, strong legs, and a very cute face. He had dark hair and a lot of it, although no facial hair, which was just as well as it turned me off. Brian was a darkly-tanned scrawny boy in my own year, with brown hair, a cute face, and a sweet smile. He was built similarly to how I would be if I hadn't worked out at all and didn't have muscle. He was very cocky, and possibly bi-curious; the previous year I'd walked into the bathroom with him and another definitely queer guy in my grade doing something in the handicap stall that was rather loud. They didn't know I had come in, but, not wanting to interrupt what they were doing, I left quickly. Now that I think about it, Benson never had had a girlfriend like you'd think a popular sophomore like him would have. As for Shawn Palmer, I knew that he had the really cute Lindsay Hoy as a girlfriend, and, though he feigned being gay and shouted things out a lot, I knew that he wasn't really serious about the whole thing and was merely acting under the influence of excess testosterone.

"Dude, he told me he got that new game Alien Suicide Massacre 3, I've been dying to try it," said Brian loudly.

"Man, no way, that game is totally sizzling...I saw the add for it online...It looked awesome," remarked Shawn, "man, it would be awesome to have an X-Box, but I'm stuck with crummy Game Cube. There are like no good games for it at all, it sucks!"

"What about Metroid Prime? That game looked pretty awesome," said Joe, pitching into the conversation expectantly.

"Are you kidding? The game blows, The graphics are terrible," responded Shawn.

The boys had made it to the top of the stairs at this point, and were heading towards J.B.'s open door at the end of the hallway. The hallway was wide enough for me to run around them. I sprung through the open door, and got a good view of their faces when they walked in to see J.B. spread out like this.

"Fuck!," said Joe, who was leading the group. He jumped back onto Shawn's foot, and he also let out a loud Fuck!

"Oh Man!," said Brian, who was trying to look disgusted at the same time as disguising his pleasure at the scene before him.

They all dropped their backpacks to the floor and as they stood aghast, I went over to the window, shut it, and locked it. The guys jumped at the sudden movement, and looked at the window. While they were in the midst of their bout of confusion, I ran over to the door, turned the key, and locked it, then pulled it out of the keyhole and quickly hid it in a convenient knothole in the flooring that I had found earlier. The closet door was opened, and I commenced with the plan now that the three guys, still speechless, were staring at the door. I shoved the two standing closer to the door, Shawn and Joe, into the closet, and locked it and hid the key in a similar knothole. I figured I would tackle each guy one at a time. Brian was going first.

Next: Chapter 5

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