
By ten.epacsten@836suineGlivE

Published on Apr 5, 2023


Chapter 2: Preparations and Perfections

The rest of the week passed uneventfully yet quickly. By Friday, I was nearly dying of anticipation. I had it all worked out, every detail of my plan was complete. As an excuse for being out of my house for Friday night and Saturday, I told my parents I was going to a friend's house. They wouldn't bother checking as I was old enough to look after myself, in their eyes.

I showered after dinner on Friday night. As I climbed out, I examined myself in the mirror. I was 5'6", skinny but with a swimmer's build, and with dark eyes and light brown hair. I consider myself good-looking, but not extremely hot. I was average size for my age and was still growing at 15. After examining myself for a few seconds, I realized that it didn't matter anyways, because I would be invisible.

I had decided that the invisibilty solution is permanent on clothes. The blotches I got on my shirt had still not reappeared. I would have to go to J.B.'s with nothing on, or ruin a set of clothes, and I couldn't do that. Plus to have any fun with J.B., if I wore clothes I'd have to add the solution to my clothes and my body.

Earlier that day, I had moved the invisible cans from under the workbench to into the garage. Saying goodbye to my parents, I left out the back door with my duffel bag full of toys. I closed the door behind me as I entered the musty garage. I removed my clothes after locking the door, and put them in the bag. I retrieved one of the cans and a paintbrush I had found in the store cupboard, and began painting myself. My feet, then legs, then my cock, and ass, and then my back as much as I could reach, my chest arms, and head. The potion had the consistency of water, and I was able to dunk my head into it to make entirely sure I'd got all of my hair. I cupped a handful of the liquid in my hands, and rubbed the parts of my back I missed with it. Now I was ready. I walked over to the cracked mirror in the corner to not-see myself. I had done a good job, I was totally unseeable.

By now it was dark outside. It had been a half hour since I had started with the potion at 7:30, I had until 5:30 the next morning of invisibility. I knew where J.B.'s house was exactly, having followed him home that afternoon, dodging behind a hedge or a tree whenever he looked around. It was a big old house, surrounded by other big old houses. He lived a few blocks from me, it would take me less than 5 minutes to get there.

I walked, trying to make the apparently floating duffel bag seem inconspicuous It was weighed down not only with my toys, but the remainder of the can of solution and my clothes. The house was set back from the road, farther than it's neighoring houses. All the lights were off. J.B. must have gone to bed early. I thought to myself, his days must be long, he has hockey practice every weekday at 5:00 A.M., he's in the school musical with practices every weekday from 2:15 to 3:30, has lacrosse practice from 4:00 to 5:30, and he has to go to school from 8:00 to 2:15. I guess I'd be tired too. I walked around the back of the house to where I knew J.B.'s window was. That afternoon, I had watched him climb up a vine lattice through his open window, and I duplicated the stunt now.

I could hear deep breathing. As quietly as I could, I dropped the duffel bag on the floor under the window and hoisted myself through. My first thought was that it was similar to my own room. Garbage and clothes on the floor, while bookcases and shelves bordered one wall. On the wall next to the window was a desk with a lamp and chair, directly across from the window were two doors; one was a closet and the other the exit, I assumed. On the wall opposite the bookshelves was J.B.'s bed and nightstand. J.B. lay spread eagled on his bed in an undershirt and boxers. It was a fairly warm night and he hadn't gotten under the sheets of his double bed.

My first thought was to leave now before I did anything regretful, but I sticked to the plan. I first walked over to the alarm clock and unplugged it. Then I went to my bag and drew out a roll of maximum industrial-strength electric tape and a pair of scissors. This really was the strongest adhesive available and could not be ripped without a blade unless under hundreds of pounds of pressure. I moved over to the bed, intending to tie J.B.'s arms to his headboard and his feet to his foot board, but something made me stop.

As I reached the bed, I heard J.B. mutter something in his sleep.

"Oh, Karla, yeah, oh yeah," he said, "Give it to me! Oh yeah awesome..."

I wondered what he was dreaming of. Obviously he and his girlfriend had done something--

"Oh I'm so horny right now....oh Karla!"

--some things in the past. Was J.B. having a wet dream? My question was answered almost immediately as he let out a sigh that surprised me, and, as I watched, his tented boxers started wetting at the tip. J.B. fell back into a deep sleep, and I continued moving forward with the plan.

Cutting off 4 long strips of tape, I tied down each of his arms and legs. Then I cut off a small strip and taped his mouth shut. He wouldn't be able to move now in case he woke up because the tape ropes were wound very tightly around each post at the corners of his bed. Surprisingly, he didn't wake up at all during this tying-down.

I stood back up and realized that I wouldn't know what time it was for when my potion ran out. I went over to the desk and after a minute's looking, I found an old watch that said it was 8:30. One hour up so far. I dropped it an it hit the floor loudly. I made a sharp intake of breath and turned back around towards J.B. He had woken up.

Next: Chapter 3

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