
By ten.epacsten@836suineGlivE

Published on Apr 2, 2023



This story contains references to sexual contact between teenaged males. If you do not enjoy such stories, or it is illegal to read such stories in your jurisdiction, please do not continue reading. The following story is a work of fiction.

Chapter 1: The Creation

CRASH! CRASH! SIZZLE! The walls shook as I ducked for cover. I had been messing around with chemicals all Sunday afternoon while my parents were out. I'd always been interested in chemistry, ever since I'd first learned the basics in 6th grade. Four years later, and I'm still into it.

I crawled out from under the workbench to see the wreckage of the room. I hope nobody heard the small explosions! My basement was in shambles; shelves knocked over, paint spattered all over the floor, boxes ripped with their contents falling out. I looked down at the beaker of chemicals I'd been mixing. Cesium, Amonia, liquid Hydrogen, and Neon from my advanced chemistry set had been mixed in the beaker...but it was then I noticed the beaker was gone.

I shook myself mentally, thinking I was seeing things. The beaker was gone, but the solution was floating in a cone shape on the bench...floating in midair! I reached my gloved hand out to where the the neck of the beaker should be, and wrapped my hands around something solid. I had created an invisibility solution.


My parents got home around 7:00 P.M. When I greeted them, I had to be careful not to show them my arm...or to not not show them my arm. I had dripped some solution on it. During the day, I had made five gallons of the potion, using all my available chemicals. This wasn't easy, what with the explosions and the not being able to see what you're doing. I knew that in the future my mixture would be of use to me...but I had only a faint concept of that.

Of course I had cleaned up the basement. My parents barely ever went down there since they new I didn't like to be disturbed while working. Even so, I hid the paint cans full of solution under the workbench.

As for my arm, I knew that the solution wouldn't be permanent because of the chemicals contained in it, but that didn't tell me how long it would last. After I was splashed with it, I had seen that it was about 12:30 P.M. I had also gotten a little bit on my shirt too.

My arm reappeared rather suddenly at about 8:30 that night. I had been reading when I got a shock from a tingling sensation in my arm. The solution lasted 8 hours, but my shirt still appeared to have holes in it. Now I could plan for the uses of this potion. I would be keeping it secret.


The bell rang signaling the end of 5th period. Sighing as I left English class with a ream of homework, I headed to my locker. I always hated Mondays, I was always very tired and couldn't usually focus in my morning classes.

I entered the cafeteria 5 minutes later with my lunch under hand, and made for my usual spot by the window. My friend Laura had to go to an Astrnomy Club meeting for the period, so I ate alone. I looked around and spotted the hottest guy in our grade sitting with his usual group of 7 or 8 guys. J.B. Riffle was talking loudly in that sweet voice of his and I was able to hear everything he said.

"My parents are gonna be gone on a business trip all weekend, maybe you, Shawn, and Joey can come over to play X- Box on Saturday," he said to his best friend Brian Benson, who was equally good looking but a little on the scrawny side.

"Dude, that would be awesome. I'll be over your place around live on Dwight, right?"

I raised my eyebrows. Dwight Ave. was one of the ritzier streets in our small town. Nothing but mansions and oversized houses. I should have guessed he was wealthy though by the way he was dressed in the hottest fashions all the time; he'd won the best-dressed award for our class every year for as far back as I could remember.

"Yeah, and tell Shawn about it. I'm sure he wouldn't pass up the chance to use my iced cappucino machine again. I'll tell Joe about it when I see him at lacrosse practice this afternoon." "Okay, see you later man," said Brian, getting up to leave.

I thought to myself, working out my plan. So Joe Martini and Shawn Palmer are going to be there at noon too. Shawn Palmer is in my physed class. He's finely cut, with big bulging pecks and biceps. I'd had a crush on the Junior earlier in the year after seeing him in only his boxers while we changed for class. He was tall, with short brown hair and a cute, round face. I didn't know Joe Martini at all, except that he was on my indoor track team last semester and he was an extremely hot senior of Italian descent. He had a strong chinned face with nice dark eyes and the characteristic Italian good looks. I was figuring how I could incorporate the three guys into my plan for J.B., when he got up. He'd apparently finished eating and was throwing out his lunch when his girlfriend approached him.

Karla Schumaci was easily the hottest girl in my sophomore class. She was the perfect match for an eye-pleasing guy like J.B. They exchanged a few words and as I watched they gave each other a quick kiss and left hand-in-hand.

I myself was gay. I had never experimented with anything other than my own body, but I wasn't really attracted to girls as much as guys like I knew I should be. I did have a unique talent that not many other guys could do. After watching J.B. and hearing him talk about other hot guys, I really needed to get off.

I went directly to the auditorium bathroom. It was quite a ways from the rest of the high school, and I new I would have a bit of privacy on the floor of the roomy handicapped stall. When I entered, the bathroom was empty of course and I went into the stall with the H on its door and locked it. I took off my backpack, pulled out a towel I used after physed, and laid it on the floor. This was only to make it soft enough for me to enjoy myself on.

I undid my pants, pulled off my boxers, and got on my back on the towel. I put both my legs behind my back and started sucking my own cock. I'd been able to do this since 8th grade. I'd never been able to suck my cock before, but one night, I was really horny and I kept trying to touch my tongue to my dick. After about an hour of stretching towards it, I was able to get the head of my dick in my mouth. Since then, I've done it on average about 4 or 5 times a week, each time ending in an explosion of cum into my mouth.

Today was different though. I was on the point of an orgasm when someone entered the bathroom. There was a brisk walk, and someone went into the stall next to me. They clearly didn't know I was there, and I heard the unzippering of pants and the pulling down of boxers. I braced for the worst; I thought he was about to take a dump. But then I heard the sounds of skin being rubbed together. I hardly dared believe someone was jerking off in the stall next to me. I nimbly climbed onto the toilet seat and peaked over the top of the wall separating the stalls. J.B. Riffle was in the stall next to me. I could have died right there, the hottest guy in school was beating his meat right before my eyes. But I couldn't see anything. From the angle I was positioned, and the fact that J.B. was leaning over himself, I couldn't see a thing. I decided that I wanted to save the surprise of seeing him for Friday night.

Next: Chapter 2

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