Into the Woods

By moc.liamg@swerdna.nave.rm

Published on Jan 8, 2023


Into the Woods Chapter 1: Prologue Evan Andrews 2023

This is a fan fiction.

Most of the characters depicted in it belong to and are trademarked and copyrighted by Disney and/or its subsidiaries. The rest are from their competitors. I am not related to any company and make no claim of ownership over the characters.

As for my changing the name Cassim to Qasim, Mousecorp needs to get better Arabicists.

This story should in no way be considered a true representation of the true sexuality of either actors or characters.

The story depicts males in sexual situations with other males. If that offends you, if you are underage, or if reading such is illegal where you are please stop reading now. Thank you.

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"This... is the forest primaeval—"

The warm masculine voice intrudes on the sounds and sounds of the woodland morning: leaves rustling, birds chirping, and little animals scurrying through the undergrowth And the sunlight breaks through the leafy canopy in places to dapple the scene.

"-- Or some bullshit like that.

The speaker, a mature man with long dark hair greying at the temples, dark skinned and bearded, thickly muscular, and jaybird naked, sits up from his bed, a natural bench made from a fallen tree whose trunk had been carpeted with ferny moss ages ago. It's a toss-up as to what you notice first about him: his smiling laughing eyes or his sizable erection. The one he's stroking.

It's not even a proper forest," the man continues. "At best it's a woods, but it's a woods that goes on, well... if not forever, then so far that I've never found the end of it. And I've looked. Nor can I tell you where the Woods-- it has no other name—actually lies, but I can assure you that you won't find it on any map drawn by man. In fact, to my knowledge, no man has ever found it, though it has found many, including your humble and obedient servant."

He bows elaborately and goes on, "I bid you welcome. My name is Qasim: sometimes thief, sometimes model citizen, but currently your most attentive guide. This place has been my home for-- I suppose it must be years now, and I hope you will, as I do, find it an agreeable place in which to be lost."

"They told us in school that trees were alive, but I never appreciated the truth of that as much as I do now. The trees rule here. Somehow they know everything that goes on and share that knowledge across the entire arboreal expanse. (Yes, I paid attention in school; you don't get words like that off the street.) They don't move, though, not the way you're thinking. No walking. They lack that kind of magic, but they still have an uncanny ability to see that things they want done get done. I've on occasion wondered if that's why the Woods brought men here to begin with— to do what men do naturally. And occasionally unnaturally, but you'll see that later. (He smirks.) To aid them, the trees have allies. Sprites, fairies of light, that creep out of the undergrowth and the canopy on occasion to set the woods glittering like the night sky. It's a beautiful sight, but dangerous as well since the fairies have the ability to cloud men's minds and bend them to their—or perhaps it's to the Woods'-- will. It's a mystery. Here let me show you."

Qasim holds out his hand, the palm up, and whistles a snatch of a tune. Around the clearing, tiny lights spark into being, and one floats away from the foliage to land in his hand. The tiny prick of light slowly resolves into semi-solidity, showing the outline of a tiny person inside its glow.

"Tink, say hello."

The glowing figure bows and dissolves back into the light which slowly rises to Qasim's right shoulder, there to hover.

"This morning, my friends, a new batch of beauties has woken to find themselves lost in an unfamiliar place. In short order they will discover that they're at the Woods' mercy-- a fate, I can attest, that has its own curious and enjoyable benefits."

Qasim strokes his proud shaft again and lifts a knowing eyebrow.

"I wonder what the Woods has planned for these new boys-- and what shenanigans they'll find themselves up to?"

"Shall we see?"

Next: Chapter 2

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