Into the spotlight

By intothespotlight

Published on Oct 28, 2024


Into the Spotlight -- Chapter 4


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Once the shooting was done, Walt called Josh and Carlo towards his small office space to show them some of the pics he just took. With are nearly naked Carlo standing close to him, Josh was barely able to concentrate on the photographers words. Carlo on his side was eager to get going, mentioning he had another delivery tour on his schedule.

When finally both were leaving the studio, Carlo said casually "You know, if you are really looking to make some quick money, there are other ways ..." "What do you mean?" "Well, I have a job as a delivery guy, I work for Walt and from time to time, I also do live shows." "What kind of shows?" "Mainly at privately organized parties. Like catering drinks in my underwear. Or stripping in front of an all-male audience. And I think you would be very good at that, with your looks." Josh's heart skipped a beat at the compliment.

"But I'm only 17, I can't even do a photo shooting without my parents approval, not speaking of something like that!" "As I said, these are private settings, no pics allowed. So no one needs to know you're in... anyhow, here is my phone number. If you are interested, give me a call. Next show is on Saturday." "How much would I get?" "200 bucks for the show. Plus tips, if you are staying on after."

"Wow, 200 dollars, that's a lot." "Yeah it is, so think about it and give me a call!"

With those final words, Carlo climbed into his delivery truck and set of. Josh unbuckled his bike from the nearby lamppost and started his own way back home. 200 dollars plus tips, that really was a lot of money. But deep inside himself, he knew that it wasn't only the money that attracted him. What was really appealing was the idea of being on a stage, half naked, and the audience looking him up from the dark.

For the next days at the country club, everything seemed coming back to normal. Josh guarded the swimming pool during the day, took a quick lunch at the restaurant and, at closing time, got everything ready for the next day before riding his bike back home. In the evening, he would watch TV - or some porn flick on his laptop. Once his mum called, to ask how he was doing and if everything was OK. She would be away for another week, obviously enjoying her first vacation in years very much.

During all this time, Josh tried to put his conversation with Carlo to the side. It just wasn't possible, he was too young, and besides, he would never dare to model or strip in front of strangers, guys he could bump in afterwards in the street or even at the country club.

But on Friday evening, when he was leaving the club, he spotted Carlo's truck in the parking lot. Its driver was standing beside it, looking out for him. Carlo came straight to the point: "Listen, you got to help me out. The guy I was supposed to do the show with tomorrow is sick. I need someone to replace him, and you are just what I'm looking for!" "Carlo, sorry, but no. I'm not ready for that."

"What's your problem? Don't tell me you don't want the money!" "Of course I want it. I even need it. But I'm afraid someone will recognize me, tell my mum or even the principal at school or...."

"Don't you worry. Tomorrow night is a show of a new collection of club-wear, somewhat to the kinky side. It's all in black and white, and the best: it's with masks. We on stage, but also the audience will wear masks. So no one is going to recognize you -- and besides, no one at this party is ever going to call up your school. Nor your mother!"

Carlo made a step towards Josh, closing the gab between them. "Come on buddy, don't let me down. It's going to be fun, I promise you won't regret!"

To be continued

If you like what you read or have ideas how this story should continue, get in touch!

Next: Chapter 5

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