Into the spotlight

By intothespotlight

Published on Oct 14, 2024


Into the Spotlight -- Chapter 3


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Next day early evening, Josh was standing at the entrance door of an old factory complex on the outskirts of town that had been remodeled into small offices and workshops. The name of the Spotlight Studio on the sign outside was marked 2nd floor. While he climbed the stairs, Josh was struggling to keep his racing heart at bay.

Music was pouring out of the studio door.

"Hi -- anyone there?"

As no one answered his call, Josh pushed the door open and entered. His eyes had to adjust to the dimmed lights. After a few seconds, he could make out what seemed like a small stage and various technical equipment in the middle of the large open space. To his right there were clothes racks and beyond that an office space. It was there he could make out a human figure behind a PC-screen.

"Hem, Hi -- sorry to interrupt. I called yesterday because of the ad and was told to come by for a shooting?"

The guy looked up, raised behind his PC and came closer to where Josh was standing.

"OK, so you showed up, I wasn't sure you'd have the nerves, as you sounded really nervous. Whats your name?"


"Nice to meet you Josh. I'm Walt, I'm the owner of this studio. Let me have a look at you, see if you've got what we need. Best to stand up on our stage over there, I will put on some lights."

"OK. Wasn't there supposed to be some kind of fashion shooting tonight?"

"Yep, I'm still waiting for Carlo. He is my best male model, but as he is also a Van-driver, not very reliable when it comes to respecting a schedule. But he should be here in a moment."

Josh stepped on the stage, that suddenly got flooded with light. He had to close his eyes for a moment to adjust. When he reopened them, he found that he couldn't make out anything anymore of the rest of the room.

"OK Josh, as I told you, I can't make you work for me without parental OK. So what we are going to do is to shoot some pictures -- pictures that I won't be able to sell, so you won't get paid for them - but you can show them back home and see if your parents are OK with it. "

"Yes, OK"

"So try to forget about the studio, and don't bother about me. Just move around slowly -- like you would walk in the shopping mall, so that I can take some pics of your face and body."

Josh did what he was told, slowly walking from right to left and from left to right, turning his face in the general direction of Walt's voice.

"Not bad. Now stand still, I'll take some close ups of your face."

Suddenly there was another voice in the room:

"Whats this Walt? Trying to replace me with a youngster?"

"Shut up Carlo. At least this boy isn't wasting my time by not showing up! And no, I'm not trying to get rid of you, seeing how my clients like you -- even if I sometimes would really love to kick your ass out of here!"

The guy named Carlo laughed out loud, and quickly hopped on the illuminated stage.

For a second, Josh couldn't believe his eyes. Close to him stood the hottest guy he had ever seen in real life. Tall and muscular, dark brown hair and goatee, tanned skin and green eyes, he looked like a Greek god - only that he was wearing the uniform of a delivery company. Josh guessed him to be in his late 30ties or early 40ties -- he was a DILF just like in the porn movies he so much liked!

"So, who are you?"

"Jo- Josh, my name is Josh" was all he could answer, mesmerized as he was.

"So Josh it is. Now get off this stage, we have work to do, and I haven't got all evening for it!"

"Don't be a bully Carlo, remember you were a newcomer once too. Josh come down, take a seat and watch."

"Yeah, watch how I do it, there is something for you to learn here if you really want to model."

Josh stumbled off the stage, and back in the dark struggled again to adjust before he could make out a chair. When he sat down, he saw that Walt had pushed one of the cloth rags with what seemed to be beach wear closer to the stage. On the stage, Carlo had already stripped down to his briefs, standing in all his glory under the spotlights. There was some cropped hair on his broad chest and a treasure trail went from his navel downwards into his underwear. Josh couldn't believe his eyes -- or his luck. Carlo pulled on a pair of Bermuda-pants an a Hawaii-shirt from the rag and the shooting began.

It was quick work, each outfit only taken pictures of for about 30 -40 seconds, before Carlo changed into something else. But Josh could see why Carlo was popular with clients. As he was posing, he radiated a sexual energy that was outstanding. The longer the shooting went on, the less Carlo was wearing. After the Hawaii-shirts there were tank tops and shorts, then swimming shorts and finally it was up to swimming trunks only. Never had Josh been so aroused, and he was glad the darkness around him hid his raging boner.

"You'll have to take of your briefs now, Carlo, they will show under the trunks." "Yes, sure - no problem."

With one swift movement, the man pulled down his underwear. Josh took a sharp breath-in. Growing up without a father, he had never really seen the cock and balls of a grown man before -- other than in porn. And Carlo was well endowed, a pair of large balls swinging from left to right while he pulled on the tight swimming trunks. He took his time, making somewhat of a show adjusting everything to a big bulge. When he lifted his head, he looked in Josh's direction with a grin on his face.

To be continued

If you like what you read or have ideas how this story should continue, get in touch!

Next: Chapter 4

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