Into the spotlight

By intothespotlight

Published on Sep 25, 2024


Into the Spotlight -- Chapter 1


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"Josh? Josh! Get up, we are leaving!"

With a jump, 17 year old Josh was out of bed, put on his sweatpants over the boxer shorts he'd been wearing for the night, and went down the corridor to the kitchen. His mother war busy packing some last things into a cooler-box. In a few moments, she would leave for what would be her first vacation in years, all thanks to her boyfriend and his newly acquired camper.

"Here you are -- sorry to get you out of bed so early, but Ron will be here in a few moments, and I wanted to say goodbye. Listen -- I stacked the fridge with some food, sou you won't be starving the first days. After that, up to you to do some grocery shopping. And please don't get only frozen pizzas, some fruit and vegetables will do you mighty good."

"Don't worry mom, I won't need much. Coach Wilson said, I could have meals at the country club for free. Actually, I will have to leave soon after you, today is my first day at the country club."

"Yes, and don't you dare being late, Coach Wilson had to really put his name forward to get you this job, don't disappoint him!"

"I won't mom, I promise."

Outside, Ron was honking, so now was really the time to say goodbye. After a big hug, Josh followed his mother downstairs and outside, helped storing the last things and then waved until the camper disappeared behind a curve. Finally, he was on his own, for 2 weeks! But he didn't really have the time to think it over. He went back to their flat, showered, put together a few things in his backpack -- his swimming trunks, a towel, sunscreen, a spare t-shirt and a cap while munching on some toast bread - before getting on his bike for the 15 minutes ride to the posh country club he would be working at during his summer vacation.

During his ride, he finally had time to think about those 2 weeks that lay ahead of him. Of course, he would work quite long hours at the country club -- even if being a lifeguard at the pool didn't seem to be much of work - but in the evenings, he would be free to do as he wanted, for the first time in his life. He liked that idea a lot! Also, he figured he would have time to figure out how to make enough money over the next months to pay for college, as his mom wouldn't be able to help there, working already 2 shifts to pay the rent, to put food on the table and pay the bills.

Opportunities for a 17 year old weren't great in their small town in the sunbelt. He had always done side jobs since being 14, mowing lawns or helping at the grocery store. But that didn't pay enough for college, even with the scholarship that he was sure to get because of his good marks. That's why Josh was really thankful to Coach Wilson, coach of the swimming team that Josh had been a member now for many years at high school. Even if the pay wasn't huge, it was better then any other job he had held before and, as Coach Wilson had put it: "All the local businessmen are members at this club, so who knows what opportunities may arise, if you play it smart."

Arrived at the country club, Josh presented himself at the reception desk and was given a quick tour of the facilities by one of the junior managers. As announced, his place would be at the pool, making sure nobody drowned, with a particular eye on the kids. After the pool closed, he had to make sure everything was in order for the next day -- and that was basically it.

In the locker room downstairs, Josh quickly changed into his swimming trunks and a new T-shirt and cap given to him by the manager, with the country club's logo on them. Minutes later, Josh was at his position and it didn't take long for the first parents and kids to arrive. Josh soon found out that, while the adults were all easy going, keeping control of a bunch of 6 to 12 year old bursting with energy wasn't as easy as he had imagined, but he was doing OK. Still, he was relieved when his first day at work came to an end. While the last swimmers were clearing the pool, he put together all the equipment. After a last look around, he went back to the clubhouse to change back into his street wear. But before that, he wanted to take a shower, as the day out in the sun had left him sweaty.

Once inside the country club, he saw his coach standing at the bar. Coach Wilson saw him too, and waved him over. "So Josh, how was your first day?" "Thanks Coach, everything went alright I guess!" "Good, make sure it stays that way, and you won't regret this job." " I sure will -- and thanks again for your recommendation. I know that without you, I wouldn't have gotten it!" "No problem son, I'll see you around."

Downstairs, Josh pulled his backpack out of his locker, grabbed his towel and stripped naked. There was no one else, everyone had finished and left, so no need to be modest. While he stood under the shower, he looked down his body. Josh liked what he saw: he had the typical swimmers build, lean and muscular. Most of his body hair he had shaved of, for better performances at swimming competitions. Only his pubes remained, dark blond and a little trimmed around his dick but not shaven of.

Josh had toyed with the idea of shaving them ever since he had seen porn movies where the guys were totally smooth. But he was afraid that his teammates would think that queer -- and Josh definitely didn't want them to know that he watched gay porn where hot hunks were getting at each other. Maybe now he would do it, seeing that there wouldn't be any training sessions during summer?

With the rush in the morning, he hadn't gotten any time to rub one of. So the sight of his cock and balls, and the thought of shaving his junk was getting to Josh. For a short moment, he was tempted to grab his cock and wank it. But he quickly came to his senses. Getting caught with his dick in his hand on his first day at work was a no go! And besides, there would be plenty of time for that at home. If he wanted, he could do it all evening, everywhere in the flat, while watching his favorite porn channel, now that his mother was away. He dried himself, put his towel around his waist and went back to where his backpack was waiting. To his surprise, a magazine was lying on the bench next to his stuff. Josh was sure it hadn't been there when he went into the shower room.

Someone had been down here while he was getting hard under the warm water -- shit! He looked around, but there was no one to be seen. Relieved that he hadn't totally exposed himself, he changed into his clothes, and than walked out with the magazine in his hand. While he went up the stairs to the main level of the clubhouse, he flipped through it. It was the typical local magazine, with only little content and mostly advertisements for coffeehouses, a bakery, some car sellers and a few strip joints. Josh was on the point of thrashing it in the dustbin in the lobby, when his eyes fell on a small ad that said "Male models wanted", with beneath it a local phone number. Without really knowing why, Josh quickly put the magazine in his backpack and left.

To be continued

If you like what you read or have ideas how this story should continue, get in touch!

Next: Chapter 2

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