Into the Flames

By Jason Elmquist

Published on Mar 8, 2023


This story is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents, and dialogues are products of the author's imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Just an FYI, I have created a blog where I will update my progress... I will also post when you should expect the next chapter to be posted on nifty.

**I am so sorry it took this so long to get this chapter out... I have been suffering from writers block and from a severe lack of time since I am a college student. I will try to get a more regular schedule.

--Into the Flames Chapter 4--

Hayden walked from the classroom in a slight daze. He took a seat on the closest bench and just stared into space.

"The guy I have become smitten over not only lives across the street from me, but now he's my Calculus teacher." Hayden thought to himself, "This can't be happening."

Hayden had been so out of it that he didn't even see Ryne Calloway walk up to him.

Ryne had waited for everyone to leave before he started packing up his things.

"Semester is going to be interesting." Ryne thought.

Once he had everything packed up and the white board erased, he headed for the door and headed for his office. Just outside the classroom, Ryne had to do a double take. There on a bench looking pretty dazed was Hayden Clarkson. Wanting to make sure his student was alright; Ryne sat down next to him, put a hand on his shoulder and asked, "Hayden, is everything okay?"

Hayden gave a shutter when Ryne began to talk, almost like he didn't notice that he was there.

"Umm, yeah, I think so. I guess I'm just a little bit overwhelmed at the moment."

"Well, that's normal." Ryne said.

People had started to gather to see if everything was alright with Hayden and Ryne needed to get him out of the hallway to prevent further embarrassment on Hayden's part.

"What do you say we move this conversation to my office?" Ryne asked.

Hayden didn't really say anything. He nodded his head in agreement and gave Ryne a look that said "Thank You." So the duo made their way through the maze of hallways that made up the school and arrived at Ryne's office. When they arrived, Ryne open the door only to reveal Kyle Sitting in His chair with his feet up on the desk.

"Hey Ryne, nice digs man. " Kyle said as Ryne walked through the door.

"Hey Kyle, do you mind giving us a few minutes, I've got to meet with one of my students." Ryne asked. "I'll give you a call when I head home."

"Sure, no problem, I'll talk to you later." Kyle replied and walked out the door.

"Come on in and have a seat." Ryne said to Hayden gesturing to the chair closest to his desk.

Hayden sat down as Ryne took the chair behind the desk.

"So, what's up? You looked like you saw a ghost out in the hallway." Ryne said to Hayden.

"I guess I'm just overwhelmed with having classes at a college. I'm not used to how hectic it is." Hayden replied.

"That's completely understandable. It looks like complete and utter chaos out there, but believe me this school is a well-oiled machine. There is a method to all of this madness. Ryne said with a chuckle. "You'll just have to take some time to get used to it."

"Yeah, I guess it just takes time. I'm sure I'll be fine." Hayden said.

"Well, before you go, I'd like to get to know you a little bit. I'm new to this teaching thing and I feel like I want to get to know a few of my students. Where do you go to school?" Ryne asked.

"I go to McGraw High." Hayden replied.

"Really... That's where I went, class of 2008." Ryne said. He was excited that they now had something in common.

"That's awesome." Hayden said, his eyes lighting up a bit. "I just started going there last year... we moved out here from Iowa the summer before my junior year so I'm kind of new to the area."

"That's probably why I had never heard your name." Ryne said, "I used to tutor 8th and 9th grade math when I was in high school so I knew most of the students by the time I was a senior. So, since you go to McGraw, I'm assuming you live in the area then."

"Yeah, actually I do." Hayden said, "I live in Hulman Springs, that new subdivision out on the south side of town.

"Really, I in that subdivision too," Ryne said. "On Ohio Avenue."

Hayden kind of perked up a little bit when Ryne said that.

"It's a small world isn't it?" Hayden said, "So do I, I'm at 1930."

"It really is, I live at 1929." Ryne replied, "We live across the street from each other and didn't even know it."

The two of them sat and talked about various things for a long time. By the time Ryne looked at the clock, it already read 4:45.

"Do you realize that we've been talking for almost 4 hours?" Ryne asked.

"Wow, we really lost track of time." Hayden replied, "I better be getting home."

"Yeah, I'd better be headed that way as well." Ryne said.

Hayden began to stand up, but Ryne stopped him.

"Hayden, I want you to know that if you ever want to talk about anything at all, I'm here for you." Ryne said, "Here is my cell number, call or text me anytime."

"Thanks Ryne, I will definitely take you up on that." Hayden said, "I really do appreciate it!"

With that Hayden stood up and left. Ryne finished up a little bit of paperwork, cleaned up his desk, grabbed his things and left his office, locking the door behind him.

Hayden drove home in a slight daze. His crush had just given him permission to talk to him at any time AND he got his cell number. It turned out to be a way better day than he had thought.

He arrived home in less than fifteen minutes as he began to walk in the front door; he noticed a car pull in to the driveway across the street. He just stood there and watched as Ryne got out of his car and walked in to his house.

"I have to think of a way to get to know him." Hayden thought as he walked through his own front door.

Hayden walked into the kitchen to see what his choices were for dinner. He opened the fridge and rummaged through all of the meals his mom had prepared for him before she left. He settled on spaghetti. After fixing him a plate and warming it up in the microwave, he sat down in the living room and turned on the news.

Ryne arrived home slightly giddy. The events of the afternoon had gone perfectly. He had had a very long conversation with Hayden and it seemed as if the two had hit it off. Just as Ryne walked in the door, his cell phone rang... it was Kyle.

"Hey, you wanna go to that party on campus tonight?" Kyle asked, "It's gonna be awesome!"

"Nah, I don't think so. I'm kinda beat from this afternoon, plus I have to get a lesson plan for next week ready." Ryne replied, "Sorry dude."

"Alright, I guess I'll have to go alone." Kyle sounded bummed, "I'll call you tomorrow and fill you in. Later dude"

By the time Ryne had hung up with Kyle, it was going on 5:30 and Ryne was getting hungry. He didn't really feel like putting much effort into whatever he cooked, so he decided to throw a pizza in the oven. Not the best dinner, but it would do.

While he waited for his pizza to cook, he pulled his laptop out and began to work on his lesson plans. Surprisingly, he was finished in no time at all. It seemed as if teaching just came naturally. After eating and cleaning up the kitchen, Ryne made his was to his bedroom to change into something more comfortable. As he was changing, Ryne got the urge to go for a run. Ryne wasn't the athletic type, more of the bookworm, but he had suddenly become very self-conscious. He changed into a pair of athletic shorts, and a t-shirt and out the door he went.

Within the first block Ryne could tell how out of shape he really was... but he pushed forward not wanting to quit until he was completely worn out. There was something t that so called "runner high" that Ryne really liked. After about a mile he was completely beat and walked the rest of the way home.

Once he was home, he went directly up to his bathroom and took a very relaxing shower. Ryne decided that he would make running a regular this so that he would get back into shape. After his shower, Ryne threw on a clean pair of shorts, a shirt and some socks... he hated walking round barefoot.

Ryne took a deep breath and turned the door handle. He had not set foot in this room since the funeral. He flipped the light switch and the room came to life. A few dim lights made his brother and fathers belongings the focal point of the room that is besides the single light that brought his grandfather's baby grand piano shine like a freshly waxed car in the showroom of a dealership. Besides their vehicles, this was the one item that Ryne and Adam cherished most. He sat down and lifted the lid to expose the ivory keys. He ran his tired fingers over the keys, stopping every once in a while to let his fingers sit in the places that his grandfather had worn down.

Ryne lifted the lid of the piano to expose the inner workings of the instrument. As he did he noticed the note that his grandfather had left for him and Adam:

Adam & Ryne,

I hope this gift will relieve all of your worries and bring back fond memories for many years to come. Words cannot express how proud I am of you both. I width you the best of luck with everything that life throws at you.



Ryne sat down and began to play God only Cries by Diamond Rio. It had been a very long time since he played this particular song, but he remembered every note without fail. As he was playing, he could feel tears run down his face and hit the keys. This had been one of the most emotionally draining weeks of his life, but this was the perfect way to end it. Ryne had been so zoned out while playing that he didn't even feel his phone vibrating in his pocket. It was Hayden...

-- Alright y'all, this is where you tell me whether you like to story so far or not. I would like to express my gratitude to my editor Hermes, without you, I may go insane about overlooked grammatical errors. I am open of any sort of criticism whatsoever, so please contact me. Email me at, thanks!--

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