Into Servitude


Published on Aug 2, 2013



This story is about my humiliating journey into servitude to my straight Master. He has told me to write about my experience as a faggot and how I got to this point. He is posting this as a means of telling the world how pathetic I am. This is part 1 of many humiliating situations have been put through.

I grew up in a very small Midwest town and have known that I was gay from a very young age. However, growing up in a town of conservatives, I always had to hide my true feelings and act straight. That all changed when I went to college.

In college I was free to explore my sexuality and did so enjoyably. I even had a boyfriend for two and half years. We got along, he was an amazing guy, but I still felt like something was missing. He was almost too nice. I was really attracted to the Dom/jock types that really only existed in straight males. Eventually we broke up and I moved to the West coast for work.

That is when I met Sir. We worked at the same company, but in different departments. He did Operations work while I worked in IT. However, we would always see each other and after a few months became friends. If he didn't know immediately that I was gay, he did shortly after working together. He was the type that I fantasized about: Jock, tall, dark skin, arrogant. I would slyly flirt with him and I think he loved the attention. The problem, or so I thought, was that he was straight and married.

After becoming work friends, we started hanging out after work. The usual stuff like smoking pot, going to the bar for a drink, or watching a sports game. I hate watching sports, but any time I could spend with him was fantastic. He would tell me about all the girls that would hit on him and how he would even fuck some of them on the side when his wife was out of town. I always wanted to be one of those girls.

One day when we were at work, we made plans to go to his place after work to smoke, drink, and watch the 49ers play. His wife was visiting her parents for a few weeks so I knew (and was happy) that it would just be the two of us. We smoked a blunt and were drinking some Coronas before the game started. He started to stare at me in different ways than normal and seemed ever more active in scratching and drawing attention to his cock. Me, being high, couldn't help but stare down at his bulge every time he reached for it.

Then, out of the blue, he started talking about how fucking horny he was because his wife has been out for a few days. He was planning on going to a bar that weekend to pick someone. I (somewhat) jokingly told him that he wouldn't have to wait for the weekend. He had a grin on his face and didn't seem to mind my suggestion.

"What did you have in mind?" he asked.

"Well, you know I could always help you if you're really horny." I replied.

"Like suck my cock? I don't fuck faggots." he remarked.

"Yeah, whatever you want me to do." I said while starting to get hard at the idea.

"Well, I'm horny and all, but not fucking gay. Are you getting hard?" he asked as I was repositioning myself.

"Umm..sorry, I'm just kind of high and all."

"Yeah right. You're getting hard at the idea of my cock. You're so fucking pathetic. I'll tell you what, you give me $100 right now and I'll let you suck me off during the game."

I couldn't fucking believe it! $100 wasn't cheap by any means on my budget, but how could I say no? I had been fantasizing about seeing and serving that cock for months now.

"Ok!" I quickly quipped.

He started to laugh. "You really are a fucking faggot aren't you! Well, I could use the money and the release, so get me another beer and let's do this."

My heart started racing. I quickly pulled out $100 and got up to get him another beer.

"Hurry up, the game is about to start" he said nonchalantly.

I came back with the beer and he just laughed again.

"Ok, get down between my legs" he said while spreading his legs on the couch.

I blushed and immediately got on my knees right between his legs.

"Good bitch" he said.

I started to reach for my pants, but he hit my hands away.

"I don't want you fucking touching me! You're just going to be a hole." He then started to unzip his pants. I could see his enormous bulge in much greater detail now. I was rock hard and almost dizzy from the pot, alcohol, and my heart racing.

"I'm not hard. Put your mouth on my balls."

I quickly leaned forward and pressed by mouth against his briefs and could feel those enormous balls. I started sucking gently on them through his underwear and tried to massage them with my tongue. I did that for about ten minutes while his cock started to get a little stiff.

He then grabbed my hair and pulled me off of them. I just stayed still staring up into those big brown eyes.

"I'm going to take off my underwear now and you can put your lips around my cock. But don't fucking use your hands or touch me in anyway."

I just knelt there speechless as I nodded.

"You understand?" he asked in a demanding voice.

"Yes" I replied.

"Yes what?"

"Yes, Sir!"

"Good." He then started to take his briefs down and I could finally see the giant tool he was packing. I started to salivate at the sight and knew I would probably be enjoying this more than he was.

"Ok, say ahh'". I opened my mouth and said ahh'. He then grabbed his semi-hard cock and propped it up and pulled my head with his other hand straight towards it. I basically fell forward, but landed my mouth right around it.

"Good slut" he said. "Now massage it with your tongue and don't let it out of your mouth. Otherwise you'll never get it again."

I worked my tongue all over his head and shaft while applying some suction. It started to grow in my mouth. I was in ecstasy and couldn't believe this was actually happening. His musky smell around his balls invaded my nostrils. This went on for about 15 minutes while he slowly got completely hard. Once he was at full mass, it had to have been about 10" of uncut perfection.

He started to quietly moan a little and I knew that I was doing a good job. Every once in awhile he would grab the back of my head and force me to take it all the way down to the base. I would choke and gag for a little bit while he held me down there, then he would let go and I would drool and gasp for air.

"Your mouth feels like a wet pussy" he said. I could only moan at the comment and worked harder to please him.

He then pulled me off his cock and started to slap me with the big tool. Each hit to my face left a sticky, saliva spot.

Then he pushed my head to his balls. "Lick them, now!".

I obligingly obeyed and licked and tongued those big balls with everything I had. After a few minutes of that, he directed my face back to his cock. He was getting more aggressive. He started pushing his tool into my throat more often and with greater force. I was gagging and could hardly breathe, but loving it at the same time. He would tell me to look up at him every once in awhile while he started thrusting his hips into my face. I was choking so much that tears were running down my face. He would just grin and then turn his attention back to the game.

Soon, his thrusts were getting deeper and more rapid. He was fucking my throat with no regards. I was so focused on trying to not choke or throw up that I didn't see him reach for his phone. Then he told me to look up again.

To my horror, he had his phone directed straight at me.

"Say cheese!" he said with an evil grin.

I started to try to tell him no, but he held my head down and I began choking. Then a flash, and another, and another. I always considered myself to be somewhat of a sexual deviant and pretty open, but had a strong rule against any sort of pics/video. But there I was, helplessly gagging on his monster as he took probably ten photos.

"You stupid faggot" he laughed.

He then started pumping his tool furiously while holding the back of my head. My throat was on fire from the beating. He then quickly pulled out and told me to open my mouth with my tongue out. Instinctively, I did as I was told without thinking much about it.

He then shot huge fucking ropes of cum that splattered all over my face and eyes and in my mouth. I then heard some more flashes of the camera on his phone and knew I was fucked. My eyes were covered in cum, so I couldn't open them yet. I could only think about how hot this all was and how good his cum on my tongue tasted.

"You are such a pathetic whore. Look at you! You're fucking covered in my seed with a big fucking grin your face." He then smacked my forehead with his cock as a little bit more cum landed on my forehead. Then he shoved his tool back down to my throat and told him to suck any remaining cum off. I did my best, but was somewhat panicked at everything that was happening.

He removed his cock from my mouth and then told me to open wide. I wasn't sure what he was doing because I still couldn't see anything, but obliged like the little bitch that I was. He started to then spit on my face and in my mouth and would laugh at me after each one. I was frozen though and couldn't protest because I was secretly loving everything about it. I was a victim of my own perversion. I heard him click a few more photos. This was horrible! What was he going to do with them?

He then took his thumbs and wiped the cum on my eyes off and shoved his thumbs in my mouth. I eagerly cleaned them off and was able to open my eyes. I couldn't see myself but could feel the cum dripping and starting to dry on my face along with his spit.

"Here, I want to show you how pathetic you look right now" he said as he turned his phone around to me and showed me a picture of myself. I was horrified, but turned on so much at the same time. There I was with cum laced all over my face and hair with random spots of spit as well. I didn't know what to say.

"Ok, you look fucking disgusting, get out of my house" he quipped while I was just kneeling there still between his legs.

"But, Joaq--" I started before he hit my temple. That really hurt and stunned me.

"I said get the fuck out, NOW!" he yelled back at me.

I was still stunned, but knew I had to get out of there before I got hit again. I quickly got up and went to the front door. I could hear him chuckling behind me. I stepped out into the hallway and closed the door behind me. I was a bit disoriented, but knew I just needed to get to my car and go home.

I went to the elevator which seemed to take forever to come to the fourth floor. I got in and pressed the button for the ground level. The elevator started to go down and then I started to panic as I realized I still had cum all over my face and in my hair. At that time the elevator stopped and I was at the second floor. The doors opened and this man with his dog walked in. He gave me this look and I just knew I had to get out of there. I ran off the elevator onto the second floor and bolted for the stairs. I also started to wipe some of the cum off with my shirt, but I was wearing black so it just painted my shirt in this shiny film. I was finally at the ground level and exited the apartments. Of course there were people outside on the sidewalk and I just tried to keep my head down as I walked as quickly as I could to my car. I overheard some teenagers starting to laugh at me and call me a faggot as I swiftly walked by. Finally, I was to my car and able to get in.

I looked in my mirror and just saw this pathetic looking reflection of my former self staring back at me. Cum drying on my by face and a big, white rope right on top of my hair. What had I done? How did this happen? I started to cry a little and found a napkin to wipe away the rest of the cum that I could see.

I was pathetic. I paid him $100 to do this to me. Not only that, what was he going to do with those photos? I couldn't go back up there, I needed to get home and quick. But then I noticed...I was rock hard and had started precumming through my jeans. I enjoyed this..the humiliation, being used, everything. I quickly drove home and jacked off while thinking about everything that had just happened. How I finally was not only able to see my coworkers cock, but to be used by it. To serve him by choking on it and then being sprayed. And further, the humiliation of then being in public with cum and spit all over me. I shot the biggest load of my life. I didn't know what to expect the next day at work, but knew our relationship had forever changed.

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