Intimidating Love

By Rion Gallagar

Published on Sep 3, 2008


ATTENTION: If you are not old enough to be reading this material (adult man on man action) then STOP!!! Also this work is my very own and I would not appreciate anyone stealing any part of it. Feed back is always welcome and in fact is needed. Please just don?t be a jerk, if you don?t like the story, then don?t continue reading it. Simple as that. I?ll try to respond to everyone. I hope you all enjoy.

Well, I think I officially met Dylan in the second semester of my freshman year of college. I think that I first saw him in one of my art classes. It was Painting and Sketching. I am an art major and I was taking the class for a prerequisite. He was taking it because he thought it would be a blow off class and could see some naked chicks. He was right about one thing. It was a blow off class. He didn?t understand that the nude model drawing wasn?t open to freshmen. He was not too bad, but he couldn?t draw a face to save his life.

One afternoon, I was packing up my pastels and I caught him staring at me. It kinda creeped me out. Most people would be flattered that this handsome guy was watching them intently, but I thought it was pretty strange. I shoved the rest of my stuff into my bag, threw the strap over my shoulder, and quickly exited the room. I almost made it out the door when I heard my name being said.

?Daniel,? he said, puffing a little from the run and from what looked like embarrassment. ?Um, sorry I was staring a second ago. I know that it looked like I was freaky, but I always think that you draw faces really well, and I was wondering if you could teach me how you do it, because I really suck at drawing them and I could fail this class if I don?t learn how??

?Jesus,? I replied. ?Take a breath and learn to use a period in speech.?

?Sorry, I get really nervous when I?m embarrassed and I tend to run all of my sentences together. My sister thinks that I ramble too, but I really don?t see what the problem??

?Your sister is right. You do ramble,? I said jokingly. ?Why are you embarrassed??

?I, um, cuz, you, ah, your drawingsareamazinganditintimidatesme,? he blurted, blushing a deeper shade of red.

?What the hell did you just say?? I asked, puzzled.

?Your drawings are amazing and it intimidates me,? he confessed slower.

All I did was laugh in his face. That was probably not the best thing to do, considering he thought I could be intimidating. Me, a few inches shorter than his 5?10?. Me, not hugely built compared to him. He was on the hockey team I later found out. He thought I was intimidating? I couldn?t help but laugh.

?I?m not laughing at you,? I assured him between fits of giggles. ?I just think that a guy like you would never find the Art and Dance major to be intimidating.?

?Um, so do you think that you could, um, help me?? Dylan asked meekly.

?Sure,? I said instantly. ?But I?m really busy with rehearsals and stuff, so late hours are best for me.? Really, I had NO time to spare, but I thought what the hell, he?s hot.

So over the next few weeks, I would meet him in the studio after dance and help him hone his technique. At first, I had him try to draw me, but that failed miserably. Next, I had him bring in pictures of people?s faces and try to draw them. It eventually started paying off and he got loads better. What did I get out of this? A cup of coffee every session and a chance to spend time with a very attractive man. Hey, I was young, full of hormones, and in the middle of a very dry spell. That and I bribed him to take the next level of Drawing and Painting with me in our sophomore year. He?d finally get to see some naked women. Unfortunately, I didn?t tell him that most of the women were not very attractive and the professor offers extra credit to male students to model. Turns out very few guys are willing to strip for a class of college age boys and girls.

It was nearing the middle of the semester and Dylan was getting a C+. I was getting an A. We really hadn?t talked much since then and the few times we had, it had been real casual and fleeting. So, I was really surprised when he came up to me and asked me how much extra was given for modeling. I had done it once already, but I wasn?t fully nude. I had something covering the good bits. I told him and he looked like he was thinking really hard.

Three days later, he approached me again with yet another interesting question. He had asked Prof. Wills how much points were worth two men and he said double to both.

?So,? Dylan said. ?I was wondering if you would pose with me. Totally nude.?

I was flabbergasted. Completely speechless. Of COURE I would love to get naked with you, I thought. He took my silence for denial and he said, ?Oh, I?m sorry. I thought that since you?ve done it, you wouldn?t mind doing it again. And since you were comfortable being naked in front of the class and all,??

?What?? I asked, cutting him off.

?Dude, you were amazing up there the last time. You looked like you owned the stage.?

?First off, I was terrified, and second, I was not totally nude,? I replied.

?Well, you looked really good up there. Not that I?m interested or anything. I mean I don?t hate gay people and stuff, I mean, if you are that?s cool, I don?t care, but you acted like??

?You?re doing that stupid thing where you ramble again,? I warned him. He smiled at me weakly. ?Fine, I?ll pose with you. Then you are taking me out for pizza after because I don?t need extra credit. At least I?ll get a free dinner out of it.?

He grinned really big then bounded off to the art room to sign us up. What was I getting myself into? Prof. Wills, the creepy old homo who seemed a little too interested in the success of some of the more delicate boys, was delighted that there would be two men modeling this week. He decided to put us in a combined pose instead of just separate poses. We had all agreed that there would be full frontal too.

When the day came, I was incredibly nervous. I prayed to God that I wouldn?t get wood and that the room would not be as cold as it usually was. Those were the last things I needed. We got undressed in the bathroom, but we were facing opposite directions. When he turned around I could see a mask of terror in his flushed face. He was even more nervous than I was. Prof. Wills told us what position we would be in and told us to loose the robes. We both fidgeted a little then I finally undid the tie and let the terry cloth drop. I wasn?t embarrassed, but I don?t like being naked. Dylan eventually disrobed too.

I couldn?t help comparing our bodies. I was less muscled than he. I had a lithe dancers build, whereas his was jockish. You could tell that he worked out regularly. Not to say that I never work out. I do twice a week, but all of my definition is lean from daily runs and cardio. He was strong but not bulky like a body builder. That grosses me out. He had a dusting of hair on his chest, which thinned out to a dark line that made up his happy trail. I have almost no hair on my upper body. I have a very light happy trail, but other than that, I?m as smooth as a baby. I also noticed his right nipple was pierced. I had yet to get a piercing other than my tongue, but I did have two tattoos. One was of a Celtic knot on the inside of my left forearm, and the other was a ring of flames and water intertwined around my belly button. He was a medium tan, way different from me. I was as pasty white as they come. I wouldn?t even glace at his crotch. My dick is a traitorous bastard and would give me away in seconds. My eyes did not leave his face the rest of the time.

Our next pose was what I was dreading. It was a more sexual pose. We were side by side with us facing opposite directions. His hand was around my neck, cupping the back of my head. My arm was around his waist, with my hand resting on his hip and upper ass area. Our heads were turned and we were looking straight into each other?s eyes. His were an amazing hazel. The outside was a dark green. There was a small inner ring of brown around his pupil. The brown kind of streaked into the green at places. They were beautiful. His face is wonderful too. He wasn?t the hottest man I?d ever seen, but he was very good looking, don?t get me wrong. He had a slightly roman nose set above a great pair of lips. They were full with the bottom one a little bigger, giving him a pouty look. He also had a very prominent Cupids bow, which I find very sexy. Shit, I had to look away. I was starting to let my mind wander. The rest of the time, I looked right into his eyes.

After twenty-five minutes, we were allowed to put our robes back on for a break. The second half of class was uneventful. We switched poses with us more exposed and less together. I was grateful for that. The second session is much shorter than the first. We were both dressed and in his car in thirty-five minutes. I gave him directions to the pizza place nearest my apartment. It was a short distance from the school, so we didn?t have much of a conversation on the way there.

In the restaurant, we chatted about this and that. I found out that he had an older sister who was married and had two kids. He didn?t get to see his niece or nephew much because his parents didn?t approve of the marriage. He also had a little sister, 17, and a younger brother, 6. He grew up in a strict house hold with a Greek mother and an Irish father, which explained the olive complexion with freckles. In high school, Dylan had played hockey all four years and football for the first two. He was studying physical therapy and sports medicine. I was disappointed to learn that he had a girlfriend of seven months and they were pretty serious. She had even asked him to move in, but his parents said no. The pizza finally came.

Over the course of eating, I told him a little about me. I?m an only child. My mother owns her own real estate company and I have no clue where my father is. He left when I was two and I haven?t heard from him since. My maternal grandmother raised me more than my mother did. I was always the nerd in high school and got picked on because I was small and into the arts. I have danced since I was five and decided to make that my major. Attending a university was hard because my mom didn?t like my major, so I was on my own, but thankfully I got a lot of really nice scholarships. I live above a dance studio where I teach in exchange for almost no rent and some spending money. Pretty nice deal if you ask me. Cheap apartment and experience in my field. I insisted that we split the bill since he drove and bought me all those coffees last year.

When we got to my apartment, I invited him up for a cup of coffee. He was impressed that I got the space for nearly free. It really was quite a large area. It had three bedrooms, but I only used two for actual bedrooms. The extra I turned into a studio for myself. I also had a huge bathroom, decent sized kitchen, and a sizeable living area. All of the walls had been painted by me.

?Wow, this is an amazing place,? he said. ?Cool.?

?I know. I?m really lucky to have it,? I replied. ?But it gets really lonely. I?m so used to living with another person. My old roommate is studying in Europe this year.?

?Are you looking for another roommate?? he asked hopefully.

?I?d love to have one,? I said. ?You looking for a place??

He told me that his mother didn?t want him moving in with a girl but she wanted him to have an apartment to learn some responsibility. I told him that if he wanted he could have the other bedroom for the same price that I was getting it for. He was so excited that he grabbed me in a bear hug. His smelled so good, like cologne and laundry detergent and him.

?Um, before you move in,? I started hesitantly. ?I think that you should know that I?m bisexual. I mean since you mother seems pretty strict and what not, she might not approve of you living with me because your sister and that kind of??

This time he cut me off for rambling. ?I have a lesbian cousin. She?s my mom?s favorite. Sometimes I think that she likes Kassie more than me. It doesn?t matter to me, and it won?t to her either.?

Over the next few days, I talked to his mother twice on the phone and she seemed very nice. I helped him move in and by the end of the week we were settled in. In the studio/extra bedroom, I had an old weight bench that I hardly used anymore. Thankfully, Dylan was into lifting and got a lot of use out of them. In that first week together, we fell into a routine. I?d do the cooking; he?d do the dishes. We split cleaning the apartment, and we did laundry on Wednesday nights. He worked out every night for about forty-five minutes for lean muscle. I would always be working on my next project for class. Sometimes, he would do his homework with me, but usually he never did any. Typical jock.

For a few hours every night, I would sneak down to the darkened studio and work on my moves. I loved the quiet and solitude of the dance studio when no one was there. I did my best work when I was just dancing to dance. That and I preferred to dance in as little as possible and I was too self conscious to dance in just sort work out shorts when people were actually there. Even after fourteen years on stage I was still had esteem issues. I had just finished my newest ballet routine, when I heard clapping coming from the door way.

?SHIT!? I yelled, startled.

?Wow. That was amazing, Daniel. I?ve never seen anyone move like that,? he said. ?Sorry if I scared you, but a performance like that deserves applause.?

?Thanks,? I muttered, slightly embarrassed. I gathered my junk and walked past him up to the apartment. He clapped me on my sweaty back and left it there as we climbed stairs.

?You really shouldn?t be shy about your talent or your body,? he lectured me. So he had noticed me covering up my nearly naked body when he started clapping. ?You got a great body and if anyone tells you different, they?ll answer to me.? He pushed me in the direction of the bathroom and smacked my ass playfully. It shocked me and he just chuckled.

One evening, I had just come up from the studio after working on a routine for a few hours. I was tired and sweaty. I wanted nothing more than to shower and go to bed. When I walked into the apartment, I could hear the clank of the free weights.

?Hey, Dan?? Dylan called out. Normally I hated when people shortened my name, but I thought it was kinda cute when he did it. ?Can you come in here? I need you to spot me for a few power lifts.?

The sight of him working out made me want to cum right in my pants. Or pass out from lust. He was wearing a pair or worn mesh shorts and was naked on top. He was not so much dripping sweat as glistening. I didn?t think I would be any help spotting him because my knees refused to keep from turning into jelly. Well, I might was well try. He positioned me right in back of him. He lifted his arms above his head and started bending his elbows, working his triceps. They were quivering with the strain. He did two sets of twenty. I doubt if I could get through ten. One the last one, he let out a huge grunt and let his arms fall. I caught them, but the momentum pulled me into his back. My dick was right on his ass. I really hoped he didn?t feel the stiffness I was acquiring.

?Thanks man,? he breathed heavily. ?I?m gonna feel that tomorrow. I call first shower.?

?Bastard,? I whispered as he set the weights down and strutted to the bathroom. I couldn?t even argue. His naked back on my torso left me weaker in the knees than I already was. I went to my room and opened the window to cool down a bit. He came in about fifteen minutes later wearing only a towel, his hair still dripping. Damn, I thought. Was this give Daniel blue balls day?

?After your shower, put something decent on. I?m taking you out to dinner,? he proclaimed. ?Jeans and a nice shirt should do.?

I made sure to take a cold shower and think of only the purest thoughts in the shower. It barely worked. I tried on three outfits before I reminded myself this was not a date and I didn?t need to impress any one. I settled on my favorite pair of faded jeans. No fashion faded here. I earned these pants through years of use and love. I threw on a nice green sweater and my best tennis shoes.

As soon as we walked into the restaurant, I almost turned around and left. ?Shit,? I whispered under my breath.

?What?? Dylan asked concerned. ?I thought you said you loved this place.?

?No,? I reassured him. ?I do, it?s just that I saw my old boyfriend Rick. Damn, I didn?t think he liked this place much.?

?We can go if you want,? he offered.

?No, I?m good. We?ll just get a table on the other side of the restaurant. I?ll be fine.?

?Good. I?m starving. You grab us a table, cuz I need to use the restroom.? He dashed towards the men?s room, leaving me to find a table. I chose a booth in a dark corner and hoped that Rick wouldn?t see us.

I had been sitting for a mere thirty seconds when Rick flopped into the opposite side of the booth. Fuck.

?You here alone?? he asked snidely. I was about to answer when I felt an arm wrap around my shoulders and Dylan plop next to me.

?Never,? he said. ?This cutie is with me.? I think my I.Q. dropped a few points. I was stunned. To prove that we were an item, Dylan leaned over and whispered into my ear, ?Play along, and don?t look so surprised.? To everyone else, it looked like he was kissing my neck. It sent a shiver down my spine.

?And you are?? he asked.

?I?m an old friend,? Rick answered.

?Oh,? Dylan replied nonchalantly. ?He?s never mentioned you before.? He reached over the table with his left and to shake in greeting. His right was too busy wrapping itself around my waist. I was too shocked to even get wood.

The waitress came up to take our order and Rick left. ?What an ass,? Dylan said. ?You could tell that he was really jealous.?

Over the course of dinner, I could feel Rick?s eyes all over us. Dylan surprised me even further by reaching across the table and grabbing my hand. My heart was hammering in my chest the rest of the night. We left our bill on the table and got up to leave. Once I had my jacket on, he grabbed hold of my hand again and led us out of the building. He gave a short wave to Rick, which I could see really pissed him off. We held hands until we got to the car. I will not fall for my roommate, I kept saying in my head.

The car ride home was not at all awkward. I really appreciated that he had done that and it seemed that Dylan got a kick out of pissing the guy off. A win win situation. That night I dreamt that Dylan and I were dating. I woke up in a cold sweat and with a huge erection. Not good.

Thanksgiving was only a few weeks away and school was starting to get hectic. Most nights we would stay home and study. There was no time to do anything but work and more work. On top of that, Dylan had hockey practice almost daily.

Over the holiday, I was staying in town. Mom was up in Canada with a cousin and we never did much for holidays anyway. I would have loved to spend the weekend with my grandmother, but she was out of town as usual. She travels all the time. Since Dylan was staying for hockey, we decided to have a little get together of our very own, but a few days before the party, Dylan?s mother called. Apparently, she and Mr. Burke were taking a short vacation to Greece to visit Mrs. Burke?s family. She wanted to know if her remaining children could spend the weekend with us. I had no problem with this, and after what I can guess was a stern talking to, Dylan agreed. They would be coming the day before Thanksgiving, and I was so excited to meet the family.

Coming from a small family, I was totally unprepared for meeting everyone. They were everywhere and loud. I instantly loved them. Mrs. Burke was a typical pants wearing mother. She was going a mile a minute, holding a conversation with everyone. There was a definite air or authority about her too. No one would cross her. Mr. Burke on the other hand was rather quiet in comparison to the rest of his family. He was very calm and relaxed. He stayed in the background, but he and I got along great. We would both just sit back and watch the others.

His brother and sister were really great too. His little brother, Jake, was just loaded with questions. How old was I? What did I like to do? Did I like living with his brother? Do I have any pets? Lexie, his younger sister, was a little standoffish. She was very nice, but I don?t think she liked me for some reason. After an hour or so of chatting, the adults left for the airport. This would be an interesting week. For dinner we got take out, and shortly after that we had gone to bed. Lexie was taking the pull out, Jake and Dylan were sharing, and I was alone in my room.

That night, a tapping on my bedroom door woke me up. ?Come in,? I whisper shouted.

?Hey, man,? Dylan whispered, as he walked in. He was only wearing pajama bottoms. ?I?m really sorry, but Jake is taking up the entire bed. Can I bunk with you tonight??

?Sure,? I said, pulling the covers back. As he crawled in as I prayed that I could handle sleeping with my studly room mate.

?Man, it?s fucking freezing. You mind if I scoot closer?? he asked. I shook my head no. He moved right up behind me almost touching me. We were so close that is was more awkward that we weren?t touching. After several uncomfortable minutes, I thought fuck it and I reached behind me. I grabbed his arm and wrapped it around my waist. He nuzzled into my neck and let out a contended sigh. A few more minutes later, his breathing deepened and I knew he had fallen asleep. Wow. One of the sexiest men I know was half naked, in my room, and snuggled up with me. Could life get any better?

The next morning I was the first one up. We were still entwined and I had to untangle my self without waking Dylan. I tip toed out of my room and started making coffee. Moments later, Dylan walked out rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He stifled a huge yawn as I poured him a cup.

We sat at the kitchen bar for about ten minutes before he broke the thick silence. ?Um, thanks for letting me sleep with you last night. I forgot how much Jake hogs the bed.?

?It?s cool,? I replied. ?It was fucking cold last night, so the extra warmth was appreciated. If he hogs the bed again tonight, feel free to just come on in. My doors always open.?

We sat there again for what seemed like forever. I finally got up and opened the fridge to look for something to throw together for a quick breakfast. I decided on cinnamon rolls. I popped open the can and arranged them in the pie pan. While the oven was preheating, I started to get out some other stuff for dinner later. Even though it was only eight in the morning, there were still hours of work ahead of us. Scratch that, hours ahead of work for me. Dylan may be an ace on the ice, but he was lacking in domestic duties, so I would be cooking the entire dinner myself. The timer on the oven dinged and I put in the buns. Dylan was in the shower, which left me alone in the kitchen. Not for long though. The smell of the cinnamon had awoken our guests. Lexie and Jake were now seated in the kitchen drinking OJ and watching me prepare the meal.

I took out a bowl and spoon and placed both on the counter. I did this every morning. I personally hated cereal, but Dylan could not live without the stuff. I heard the shower turn off, so I filled the bowl with Captain Crunch and topped it off with some milk. He soon walked in wearing nothing but a pair of jeans that were so loose they rode very low on his hip bones. His hair was still damp and there were beads of water on his chest. His nipple ring was so shiny against his tanned skin. I checked myself and turned around so I wasn?t looking at him. He topped off his mug of coffee and filled up mine as well. I have taught him well over the past few months. I like my morning coffee black and as thick as oil. Dylan knows I can be a raging bitch if I don?t have a steady flow of caffeine in the morning.

After his cereal, Dylan announced that he was off to the store to pick up some last minute items that I needed to finish off the feast. I had given him a short list the day before, but we were both too busy to go. It was actually better this way. It cleared up the kitchen a little, and I might even have time for a run. An hour later, Dylan and Jake were pulling out of the street. Lexie had stated that she didn?t have time to get ready, so she?d stay here with me and help with dinner. I was glad for the company and the help, but I didn?t think that she liked me, so why spend extra time with me. We finished all we could in silenced. I told her that I was going for a run, and oddly enough, she asked if she could join me.

We did my normal three mile route, but I took it slower than I normally do. I really didn?t need too; Lexie kept up just fine. Again, there was a deafening silence between the two of us. We got back to the apartment and Dylan and Jake were still not back. I got us both a bottle of water and I opened mine right away, taking a huge gulp.

?Are you and my brother dating?? Her question surprised me so much that I choked on my water and ended up spitting it all over the floor.

?Wh- Why would you think that?? I asked. I could feel the blush creep across my cheeks. Hopefully, it just blended in with my flush from running.

?Well, all he ever does is talk about you,? she reasoned.

?He?s my best friend, and vice versa. Of course we mention each other to our families. We do live together,? I reminded her as I wiped up the water I sprayed all over the place.

She rolled her eyes. ?No, you don?t get it, he always talks about you. And last night, I got up to use the bathroom and your door was open. It looked like the two of you were pretty cozy.?

This time, I know I blushed at least three shades deeper. ?Um, Dylan said that Jakes a bed hog, so he bunked with me, and it was cold last night so?? I didn?t know how to finish the sentence.

?It?s, uh, ok with me if you two are dating,? she said timidly.

I recovered. ?We?re not seeing each other. Dylan?s not even gay. He?s actually dating a girl now.?

?I know,? she replied. ?And no one likes her. Well, Mom tries to. But, you would go out with him if he was attracted to you?? This girl and her questions, sheesh.

?Well, he is good looking, anyone can see that?.. Hey! How do you even know that I?m attracted to guys??

At this, she merely laughed. ?Duh, I told you that Dylan talks about you ALL the time. He mentioned it when he first moved in. Wanted us to know so that we didn?t make you feel uncomfortable if we asked questions about your girlfriend.?

Thankfully I was spared further embarrassment and inquiry by Dylan bursting through the door shouting, ?Honies, we?re home!? Lexie just gave me a raised eyebrow and left to go get cleaned up. After we were both showered and dressed, we all played a few board games until dinner was ready. We all stuffed our faces until we were ready to burst. We decided that the big clean up could wait, and after putting away the food, we all plopped down to watch a movie. I don?t even remember which one. Before the second movie we all got changed into pajamas, because we all knew that we were not long for the waking world. Sure enough, we had all fallen asleep half way through. Jake had fallen asleep on top of Dylan, who was laying his head in my lap. Lexie was on my other side, curled up into a ball. I woke to Dylan getting up. He still had Jake in his arms. He went into his bedroom and I covered up Lexie for the night. I stumbled into my room, making sure to leave the door open. Just as I was about to fall asleep, I felt weight on the other side of the bed, followed by an arm wrapping itself around me. Dylan?s hand slipped up my shirt a little and rested on my stomach. We fell asleep like this for the second night in a row.

I woke up alone in bed at ten. I normally got up earlier than that, but I was so warm last night that I couldn?t drag my ass out. But, the smell of freshly brewed coffee was calling my name. I pitter pattered out of my room, careful to be quiet in case some one else was still sleeping. All three of the Burkes were watching cartoons. I smiled; they all seemed so happy. I loved that their family was so close. Don?t get me wrong, my mother and I love each other, but we aren?t as tight knit as this family. I poured myself a cup of brew and plopped down next to Jake. We ended up watching cartoons until it was after twelve.

After lunch, Dylan decided that he and Lexie needed to spend some quality time together, so I was in charge of Jake for the day. Around three, Dylan and Lexie had left to go shopping. I don?t know why they even bothered to go shopping today. The stores would be hellacious. While they were out, I took Jake to see a movie.

We got home around the same time. I started to pull out leftovers to heat up. Once again, we were gonna stay in and watch movies. Jake and I had picked out a few on our walk home. After eating the heated turkey and fixings, I decided to pass on the movies in lieu of some practice in the studio. I hadn?t danced in a few days and had eaten way too much; I felt like a fat whore.

After a half hour, Dylan and Lexie came down. Jake had fallen asleep within 15 minutes of the movie and they weren?t tired yet. I felt self conscious in front of them, but I decided to put on my best face and give them a show. I soon forgot about being nearly naked in front of the guy of my dreams and his little sister. They had a good time watching and I got a great work out.

?Wow,? Lexie said, amazed. ?That?s so cool.?

?Thanks,? I replied, my face getting a little redder.

?No, I?m talking about your tattoo. Well, the dancing was cool too, but I love guys with tattoos. My stupid brother is afraid of needles and would only get that ridiculous ring. Real men get tattoos, not nipple rings,? she said in a superior sounding tone.

?I have my tongue pierced,? I offered as I stuck it out so she could see.

?Yeah, but you got tattoos too, that?s what makes you cooler than Dylan.?

I blushed even more, if it was even possible, when Dylan reached out and traced his finger gently around my navel.

?She?s right. It is a really cool design,? he said, as he kept tracing. ?You design it yourself??

I could only nod and shudder. So I was ticklish. Dylan?s eyes got bigger as he realized his discovery. He lunged at me and started in on my sides. I was on the ground in seconds with him on top of me. His nimble fingers and my hysterical laughter had rendered me useless. I was having trouble breathing and Dylan was not giving in, so I decided to play dirty. I reached up and grabbed his nipple ring. I gently twisted and pulled it. Dylan gasped suddenly and immediately stopped his torture. I was afraid I had hurt him and I said as much.

?No,? he corrected me. ?Um, it, uh did the exact opposite.?

?Me twisting your ring got you all hot and bothered?? I asked incredulously. He just nodded sheepishly.

?Bro, you are one sick fucker,? Lexie said as she slapped his chest, turned, and walked back to the apartment. That left the two of us in an awkward silence. It didn?t last long, before I grabbed my stuff and bolted to the bathroom to get cleaned up. I took the coldest shower I could handle and threw some scrub pants. They make the best sleep pants. I was reading in bed when Dylan came in from tucking in Lexie and Jake. He sat down as I was putting my book away.

?So,? I said. ?You really get turned on when someone plays with your nipple ring?? I asked as I reached over to give it a tug. He slapped my hand away with quick reflexes.

?Hey,? he admonished. ?I wouldn?t do that if you didn?t expect to feel something in the middle of the night.?

I could tell he was just joking, but I swear that when he spooned up against me he felt a little firmer against my ass.

Today was our last day with Dylan?s siblings, so we decided to do something special. We went ice skating. Dylan, being on the hockey team, was a god on the ice. Lexie wasn?t bad, and Jake was really wobbly. I was not that great, so I stayed with Jake and made sure he didn?t fall. After a few hours, our group headed home so the kids could pack up before the Burkes got here. Shortly after dinner, they arrived golden and refreshed looking. It looked like they had a wonderful time and everyone, including me, got presents. Lexie got some amazing jewelry. Jake got a picture book of the gods and goddesses and a really neat carving of the Trojan horse. Dylan and my present was three bottles of high end Greek wine. Needless to say, we were the happiest.

Getting back to classes was pretty easy considering Christmas break was coming in a few weeks. Mom had told me that she was working the entire month of December, even Christmas. I was fine with this. Over the past year, we had just grown apart. I think I remind her of a different time, a time she doesn?t care to remember. Unfortunately, my grandma was leaving for Japan to visit some of her childhood friends. Did I ever mention that I was half Japanese? That?s where I got the dark hair and evenly pale skin. My other known bit is Irish. That?s really the only thing I know about my dad, is that he?s Irish. Not the red headed green eyed but more the original. Most people don?t know that some of the first Irish, the Pict, were blue eyed brunettes. Dylan?s family was flying out to France for the weeks before and after Christmas to visit Mr. Burke?s great aunt. Apart from that, we were both staying in the apartment as long as possible. We have come to really enjoy our life in this place.

A mutual friend of ours was hosting a Christmas party the last day before the Burkes left. Getting ready together really showed how much we had fallen into a domestic routine. We both showered at the same temperature so after one of us would get out, we?d just leave the water running for the next. While one showered the other shaved. It was actually a little disgusting in that 50?s household way. I loved it. I decided upon a pair of tan corduroys and a thick but tight cable knit sweater in a forest green. The high neck and thick weave made me look more muscular.

The party was only a few blocks from our place so we decided to walk. We were both planning on drinking and even driving the short distance would be stupid. The night was crisp and clear. I was still cold in my tweed pea coat, but it was so crystal clear out I hardly noticed. Everybody we knew was at already there. We each got a drink after dropping off our coats and started to mingle. In a little over an hour I was kind of buzzed. Good company, good music, good drinks, good times. Eventually the hostess Christina gathered a few of us for a game of spin the bottle. It was so junior high, but we were all excited about it, plus there was also mistletoe. There were a few more girls than guys playing as per usual, but it was still fun for me. I mean kissing is fun no matter who it is. After about twenty minutes and seven turns later, we were on our last round. I spun the bottle and after a dozen rotations, it slowed down and stopped on none other than my room mate. I looked at him and I?m sure our faces had the deer in headlights look.

?I-I can?t kiss Dylan,? I tried to reason. ?He?s my best friend and room mate. It?d be too weird.?

?Yeah, I agree,? he echoed.

?It?s just a kiss, guys,? Christina reasoned. ?It?s not like you?re gonna sleep together.? At this we both blushed a little more. ?Plus, I?ve kissed four girls this game. Quite being pussies.?

We locked eyes again and shrugged. She was right, it was just a kiss. Nothing more. We scooted to the middle of the circle and leaned in and touched our lips together. We pulled away to a chorus of female boos.

?OH COME ON!? one girl shouted. ?We all used tongue before. It won?t kill you.? Apparently, everyone else agreed with her and it looked as if there was no other way. After another minute of heckling, we gave in. I was so nervous. Sleeping in the same bed was one thing, but kissing was definitely sexual.

I put my hand on his shoulder to brace myself. We started to lean in at the same time and slowly met lips for the second time. His lips were so soft and kissing him was making me lightheaded. He opened his mouth and ran his tongue along my own lips. I opened up for him and I tasted his mouth for the first time. I?d like to say he tasted like honey or something romantic like that, but he tasted a little like rum and taco dip. Our tongues began their slow battle. I was more of a submissive kisser and took him in my mouth more than I was in his, but I did use my tongue ring to the best of my abilities. The kiss lasted no longer than fifteen seconds, but it was fifteen seconds of perfection for me. When we pulled away from each other, the crowd of women were hooting and hollering. We both blushed a deeper red than Dylan?s shirt.

After the game ended, the group scattered and continued to mingle. I was plenty drunk, plus I had work tomorrow. I tried to find Dylan to tell him I was going home. I found him sitting on the couch with some floozy in his lap. I know I had no right, but I couldn?t help feel a little jealous. I caught his eyes, held up my keys to tell him I was going, and left. The cold walk home was completely sobering and totally killed my buzz. I couldn?t even fall asleep because my pillow smelled like his cologne mixed with mine, so the couch was looking like my best bet for a good night?s sleep.

The next day, I woke to Dylan shaking my shoulder. ?Daniel, wake up. My mom?s on the phone. She says there?s an extra ticket to France and if you can be packed in two hours it?s yours. I also called in to work for you. Apparently your Great Aunt Margot is very ill.?

I barely had time to process what he said before I was in my room and clothes were everywhere. What does one pack when going to France? Everything. I packed for hot, for cold, for dressy, for casual. Four hours later, we were in the air. I couldn?t believe I was spending Christmas in France with my best friend and his amazing family. Landing in Charles Du Gaul Airport was interesting. It was a huge maze connected with moving walkways. We had five days in Paris then we were off to Province for the rest of the time.

I had never been to France before and everything was so new and amazing. America has some great history, but Europe is just so much older and culturally richer in my opinion. We were staying at a beautiful upscale hotel in the heart of the city. Everything was a short train ride away. The first day, we just explored shops near our hotel and ate dinner at a small caf‚. We ended up going to bed really early because of the crazy jetlag. The Burkes had gotten two rooms; a small single for themselves and a nice size double for us kids as they put it. Again, I ended up in bed with Dylan. I was starting to get used to falling asleep next to someone again.

The next day was going to be a total tourist day. We hopped on a train and saw everything we could. Notre Dame was absolutely amazing, as was the Opera House. We fed all the birds at the cathedral and the morning sun through the stained glass windows was literally breathtaking. The Opera House was covered in these beautiful gold sculptures. L?Arc de Triomphe was also very cool. The giant flag that hung in the center was the most impressive, though. After that we just strolled along the Champs-Elys‚es. I personally hate shopping, but I have to admit it was fun to look in all the Diors and Guccis. Dylan, Lexie, and I had a competition in Dolce and Gabana to see who could find the most expensive outfit in ten minutes. Lexie lost horribly, which surprised me. She only picked a dress and a pair of shoes. Dylan was close. He did a layered casual look. I grabbed a suit and a silk scarf, which made me win by a landslide. Dinner was at another caf‚ near the hotel.

I was so excited for the next day. We all went to the Louvre. That was exciting. The art was overwhelming. We saw all the major things- Venus, Cupid and Psyche, and Mona Lisa- but my favorite painting was a giant painting opposite of the Mona Lisa. I thought it was much more impressive than the famous portrait. My most favorite piece though was Winged Victory. It is this huge statue at the top of a grand stair case. It was totally inspiring the way she looked so proud and strong. I looked at her for nearly an hour. We spent a total of eight hours in the museum.

We only had two days left but we had them both planned out. On the first one, we would visit Versailles. The palace was HUGE! There are almost no words to describe it. It was lavish and stylish and beautiful. I loved it. Versailles is the reason fairy tales exist. On our last day, Dylan and I planned to get lost in the side streets of Paris. In the morning, we picked a direction and walked. Around noon we found a cobble stone street that didn?t allow cars. The street was lined with little shops selling everything from lace to hams to wine. We bought a loaf of bread, a hunk of cheese, and a bottle of wine. We found a great spot and just ate bread and cheese and drank out of the bottle. It was by far my favorite moment in Paris.

The next day, I had the worst phone call that I could. My mom had been in an accident and needed me to come home. Not to take care of her, mind you, but to run the business while she was bed ridden. So, the day before Christmas, Dylan went to the airport with me. I was about to go through the terminal when he grabbed me in a big bear hug.

?I?m gonna miss you, buddy,? he said in my ear. ?Christmas break just won?t be the same without you.?

On the eight hour plane ride home, I couldn?t help but smile because I felt really loved. The entire Burke family had adopted me. It was still the most perfect Christmas I could ever hope for, even if it was cut short. I fell asleep with a smile on my face. Getting back to the apartment was not as bad as I thought it would be. It was still really lonely, but I would only be here for a day or so. I had not really slept regularly since going to Paris, so I decided on a nap. Three hours later I got a phone call even worse than the one I got yesterday. No, Mom didn?t die unexpectedly, but I would seriously be considering killing her. Turns out she didn?t need me to come home. I just spent eight hours on a plane flying away from people who loved me more than anything for absolutely nothing. Great. Merry-fucking-Christmas to me.

Christmas morning I woke up and wanted nothing more than to fall back asleep. I definitely did not want to go visit my mother, but I was a good son. I got cleaned up and dressed. On the ride there, Dylan called.

?Hey, buddy,? he said. ?Merry Christmas.?

?Hey! You too, man. Tell all of your family that I wish them well too. Thanks for calling. You really made my day just now.?

?No problem buddy, that?s what family is for. Listen, I gotta go, but I?ll talk to you soon. Merry Christmas.?

?Bye and thanks.? Then all I heard was static.

The rest of the day was spent at my mother?s house. It wasn?t as bad as I thought it would be. We had a decent dinner and spent most of the day watching It?s a Wonderful Life. Around eight, I decided to head home. When I got in the apartment, I noticed something was off. The couch was all messed up and the TV was on. I?d cleaned the place before I left. I Pulled out my cell and grabbed the nearest weapon, which happened to be candlestick holder. I was about to dial 911 when the bathroom door opened and Dylan came out in nothing but a towel.

?Merry Christmas, Daniel!? he shouted. I dropped the phone and the holder and threw my arms around his neck.

?Holy shit!? I gasped. ?What? Why? When? Hey, you asshole. You nearly scared me to death.? I then noticed that I was still hugging him and he was still very nearly naked.

?It wasn?t the same with you gone. My mom got tired of me moping around the house so, one of my Christmas presents was a plane ticket home. I got in an hour ago.?

?This is the best Christmas present ever. I?m gonna go open a bottle of that wine your parents got us and see if I can make something to eat,? I said.

?Merry Christmas,? he said again, then leaned down and pecked me on the cheek. ?I?m going to go get dressed, then we can exchange presents.?

While he was putting clothes on, I rummaged through the fridge and pantry. I found some frozen lasagna in the freezer and I popped that into the oven. I poured us two glasses of red while that was heating up. We moved to the living room to exchange gifts. He went first. He opened his box and pulled out the local hockey team?s jersey. They weren?t pro, but he still loved them.

?Wow, man. This is a great jersey,? he said.

?Look a little deeper,? I advised. He did and found the picture of his favorite pro team. Every player had signed it. He was completely speechless. He just reached over and pulled me into another one of his huge bear hugs.

?Before you get too excited,? I said. ?I had to lie in the letter I wrote to the team. They all think you are my kid brother who got hit by a car, so that?s why some of the signatures say ?Get Well? and what not.? He looked closer to read some of the messages and laughed for about five minutes.

I was next. In the small box were two things. The first was a hotel receipt. The second were two tickets to the Dancing with the Stars tour. Front row, center. I was so excited that I couldn?t speak now. I know I?m a huge nerd, but I love dancing and watching hot men who can dance.

?These are outrageously expensive, you didn?t-,? I started, but Dylan stopped me.

?My dad worked a case for one of the theaters big sponsors. The tickets were free, so all I did was book us the room, but there is a hitch: we have to have dinner with my aunt. She?s a bit weird. She lives near the hotel we?re staying at and she got wind that we would be in town.?

?I would have dinner with my mother and Hitler for the rest of my life if I had to. Nothing could ruin this for me. Thank you so much.? I gave him the best hug I had ever given. It ended when the timer dinged, signaling that the lasagna was ready. We ended up sitting on the floor around the coffee table eating it out of the pan. The lights were low, Christmas music was playing softly in the background. Everything was perfect.

I realized that we had finished a bottle and a half, which was more than sufficient to get us well on the way to drunkenness. We had both been quiet for a few minutes when Dylan announced that he was ready for bed. He gave me a quick hug then went off. I stayed up to clean the mess we had made. I hate going to bed with a messy apartment. It really wasn?t that messy, and I got done in about twenty minutes.

I went into my room to grab my flannel pants and headed to the bathroom for a quick shower and to brush my teeth. When I got back into my room, Dylan was sprawled out under my covers. I just watched him sleep for a few minutes before I crawled in next to him. As soon as I was settled in, he pulled my back to his chest and buried his face in my hair and the back of my neck. Right before we fell asleep, I heard him murmur, ?Merry Christmas. Love you Daniel.?

We slept in late the next day. I think we were both nursing small hangovers, so we ended up saying in and watching movies all day. We hunkered down on the couch and only got up to go to the bathroom, get more water, and pay for the Chinese food we ordered. Later that night, Dylan?s girlfriend came over for more movies. I don?t know her that well. But what I do know, I?m not too impressed with. She seemed very stuck up and princessy. Amanda was pretty though. Her long hair was perfectly golden, which made me suspect that the color did not occur in nature. She was curvy too; overall, a total ?cheerleader package.? She wasn?t my type at all, and I was hoping that she really wasn?t Dylan?s preferred type either.

During the movie, Amanda was all over Dylan. She kept trying to make out with him, but he kept avoiding it, glancing at me like he didn?t want to do it in front of me. With about twenty minutes left, I couldn?t take it anymore and got up to get some popcorn. I could hear a whisper fight in the next room, but I didn?t hear what it was about. I took my time in the kitchen, trying to leave enough time for the spat to finish. After a sufficient time, I grabbed the bowl of half eaten popcorn and went to the living room. As I walked in, Amanda whispered forcefully, ?Ask him!?

?Ask me what?? I said, slightly curious and suspicious at the same time. ?I?m not leaving for the night so you two can do it in every room in the apartment.?

?No!? Dylan said, alarmed. ?I mean, well, Amanda has this thing. She, uh, wanted me to ask you if, Lord this is embarrassing. Um well, she has a thing for being with two guys, and I trust you. So, would you be willing to, um, sleep with us. Like, tonight??

I was completely stunned. I would have been just as surprised if the Easter bunny rode in on a unicorn. I just turned around and left the room. I ended up in the bathroom. I splashed cold water on my face. When I looked back into the mirror, Amanda?s reflection showed up behind me. I just stared back at her.

?I thought it would be best if we asked you,? she explained. ?You?re his best friend and I figured it would be easier to be in an intimate situation. Plus with you being bi, I figured that would make things a little smoother too.?

?I?m really flattered, but I don?t think I can. I can?t have something I?ve wanted this much, and then be denied it after.?

?Oh, Daniel,? she said in a soothing voice. ?You?ll find a girl soon.? I gave her a not so friendly look. ?Oh!? she exclaimed. ?Oh, you?re talking about him, aren?t you??

There was a knock at the closed door. ?Is everything ok in there?? Dylan asked. ?My God, you love him. When you heard his voice, you stopped thinking and just smiled.? I opened the cabinet to search for a hair tie. I was getting instantly hotter and my hair down to my shoulders was not helping any. ?We?re just having a talk,? Amanda answered, filling the awkward silence. ?Listen, this is probably going to be your only chance to be in bed with him. If I was in your shoes, I?d take the opportunity.?

?We?re coming,? I told Dylan. ?If this ruins our friendship, neither of us will ever forgive you, you do understand that right??

?Nothing I could ever do will tear you two apart. I sometimes think he likes you more than me.? That one statement made me think Amanda wasn?t as brainless as I previously thought. ?You are one hot item, Daniel. Make it a game; try to seduce him and me.? With that, she left me to collect myself. I splashed my face again and went to my best friend and his girlfriend.

Dylan was sitting on the couch facing the blank TV. Amanda was sitting about a foot away from him. I walked over to the CD player and found some sexy music. I?d do what I do best, dance. I started by swaying my body to the beat. I slowly turned around to face them as I unbuttoned my shirt. Amanda was closest to me, so I climbed into her lap with my knees on either side of her hips. I started gyrating my hips as I bent down to kiss her. Her hands were playing all over my thighs, but I felt another hand finish undoing my shirt and start taking it off. Amanda broke off our kiss and leaned over to tongue wrestle her boyfriend. Her hand moved to the back of my head and brought me closer to their faces. Before I knew it, all three of our tongues were in a messy kiss. That only lasted a second before I realized I was only kissing one person, and his lips were all too familiar. Dylan reached behind me and pulled my hair free. He balled a fist of my hair at the base of my neck, making my legs go weak. Amanda cleared her throat and we stopped to look. She had taken off her shirt and bra and was stroking her breasts. We went to a breast apiece. I worked a hand down her pants and found she was pretty wet. I was at a bad angle to try getting a finger in, so I stood up and lead us all to my room.

Soon we were all naked lying on the bed. Yeah, threesomes may sound hot, but it?s kind of awkward. We all took turns kissing and touching. After a fashion, Dylan was sitting on the edge of the bed with Amanda between his knees sucking him off. I was behind him, rubbing his shoulders and kissing his neck. My dick was rubbing up and down the center of his lower back. I then had my hands wrapped around his chest. One was gently twisting his nipple ring while the other played along his abs. Getting more into his neck, I was encouraged by his moans to start using teeth. I was biting down on a considerable amount of flesh when Dylan stopped us.

?If we don?t stop now, I?m gonna blow before we get to the good stuff,? he pointed out. Dylan and I switched positions on the bed. Amanda wasn?t the best blow I?ve had, but she was pretty damn good. Dylan?s mouth on my ear and neck was what really drove me wild though. He started to get ballsy too and use teeth. He was hot and hard against my back as well. Soon Amanda?s mouth got tired, so she was the last one to receive some oral administrations. Instead of one down and the other up, we both got between her thighs. It was sloppy and messy with Dylan and me kissing more often then not, but we made Amanda come twice in five minutes.

Amanda was sandwiched between us. My cock was running up and down her crack and Dylan was pumping away in her. One of my hands was kneading Amanda?s breast while my other was again tugging at the nipple ring. I could feel when Dylan was getting close because his rhythm was speeding up. Six thrusts later, he cried out and froze. At that point, I blew all over my stomach and Amanda?s back.

After wiping up, I was still a little sticky and slightly freaked out, so I hopped in the shower. I stayed in until the hot water ran out. I dried off and went to the kitchen to get some water. Dylan was there with a sheet tied around his waist. He was holding two cups of coffee.

?I figured you were a bit weirded out,? he started. ?I was too. I think we need to talk about it.? When we sat down on the couch, I asked, ?Where?s Amanda??

?She passed out shortly after we finished. She told me she?s never had seven orgasms in a row and was worn out. I just wanted to let you know that I?m ok with what we did in there. Nothing could ruin our friendship. We?re bullet proof.?

?I was hoping you wouldn?t bolt,? I admitted. ?I mean, you?re really hot and I didn?t want the fact that I find your attractive to ruin this.?

?You think I?m hot?? he asked.

?Shit, that was supposed to be inner thought,? I began to panic. ?But, nothing would ever make me do anything. I mean, I know this was a one time thing and you only thought of Amanda. I was just there for her, I know you aren?t into guys.? I had begun to tear up. I couldn?t believe that I had said that and possibly ruined everything.

?Hey, don?t get upset Dan,? he said as he wiped a tear away with his thumb. ?I told you, nothing could make me not be your friend. Plus, it was hard to not notice you were there. I have the massive hickey to prove it too. As for not being into guys, well that?s true for the most part.? He got up and went to refill his mug.

?Wait,? I called after him. I got up to follow him. ?What did you mean by ?for the most part??? He was leaning against the pantry door looking like sex incarnate.

?It?s hard to explain. I never thought of guys as attractive. I mean, I recognize when someone is good looking in general, but I was never into a guy.? He stressed into, which despite the crazy emotions, made me giggle inside. So what if I never grow up.

?It?s just different having another guy there while you have sex. It was a first for me. You are no longer just a guy, because ?just a guy? has never seen me doing it. I don?t know what it means, really,? he finished, staring at the tile between his feet.

The next few days were sort of awkward. We didn?t know how to act around each other because we didn?t know what we were. It kinda ruined what we had before, so I decided to fix it. We sat down after the night before New Years Eve and had a long chat. I told him that I didn?t care if our relationship never went anywhere; I was happy just being his friend. He said that he was so new to the thought of being more than friends with another guy that it was a shock to his system. After that talk, we slipped into a far better place. We were just more comfortable with each other. There wasn?t any more touching than normal, but we just lost any walls that had been there before. Neither of us really cared about nudity in the first place, but now Dylan barely bothered to get dressed half the time, and that didn?t have an extreme effect on me like it would have had.

On New Year?s Eve, neither of us wanted to go out. We planned on having a few people over for cards and a few drinks. My resident fag hag, Natalie, was finally back for Christmas break from her year abroad and tonight would be the first time I saw her in months. Dylan invited a team mate and Amanda. Natalie is about two inches taller than me and didn?t have a spare ounce of fat on her. But, she was really curvy, without being outrageous. Her dark red hair was in a short pixie cut. She was possibly the most beautiful person, physically and mentally, I had ever met. We had tried dating a few years ago, but made much better fuck buddies, and even better friends.

Our guests arrived at about eight. As it turns out, James, Dylan?s team mate, did not drink. The rest of us started out slowly.

After a couple of drinks, we decided to play some poker. Well, we don?t have chips and no one wanted to play for money, so it became strip poker. The first to loose was Natalie. As she stripped off her shirt you could see James? eyes drilling into her. After a few more hands, I was down to my boy shorts and socks, Amanda had a bra and jeans on, Dylan had an undershirt and boxer briefs, Natalie was wearing a bra, panties, and boots, and James was still fully clothed. I lost the next hand and gave up a sock. Amanda lost the one after that and gave up her pants. Finally, I was dealt my worst hand of the night, but a game is a game, so I stood up to bare it all when James threw down his cards.

?I didn?t play to see any dick. Keep you pants on or I?m leaving.?

?Um, ok,? I said, sitting back down. ?But if you?re gonna be an asshole, you should be kind enough to not do that in my apartment.?

?Fine,? he snapped. ?I got other parties to go to.? He openly eyed Natalie?s chest. ?I got room in the car if you wanna come too.?

?I?ll come,? Amanda interjected. She too was eyeing Natalie?s body, but I think it was because she was jealous. ?I wanted to go out any way.? She was quickly dressed and out the door. Natalie took off her boots and I put a tee shirt on.

?Well, that?s not ruining my night,? I said cheerfully. ?This just calls for some tequila.? Dylan then said that he had never done a real shot of tequila. Natalie and I were horrified. I got the bottle and shot glasses as she searched for a lime and salt. We carefully instructed him in how to take one. After the first we just sat there for a moment and decided on another. In the next forty-five minutes, we took shots to limes, us, tequila, shots, and Natalie?s boobs. That last one reminded her of body shots, so we had to do a few of those. I licked Natalie?s neck, put a filled shot glass in her cleavage, and shoved a lime slice in her mouth. After licking her, taking the shot out of her boobs, and kissing her, Dylan was in awe. We made another for him. Natalie then took one off of me, but this time she just took the shot, considering I have no cleavage. I got an idea of how to body shot off a guy. I told Dylan to hold still and trust me. I dabbed the lime below his belly button and covered it in salt. I put the lime in his mouth and grabbed a shot. I licked the salt off of him and dribbled the booze down his chest, slurping it up as I went. I then kissed him hard and we ended up sharing the lime.

?Shit,? exclaimed Natalie. ?That was hot!?

?Jesus, Danny, you didn?t swallow all the tequila,? Dylan complained. ?I think I?m gonna get drunk off of that one too.?

We realized that the tequila was gone after that and it was getting close to midnight, so we were going to wait until the ball dropped before we popped the champagne. I forgot how much I like to kiss people after that much tequila and I ended up kissing Natalie every ten seconds it seemed. They were mostly just pecks on the lips, but a few were real tongue tanglers.

About 11:55 I had to pee really badly, so I stood up and wobbled. Once I steadied myself I announced, ?Before I go pee, I need another kiss.? Natalie puckered up and I bent to kiss her. I stood up too fast though, and fell into Dylan?s lap. I grabbed his face between my hands and gave him a sloppy kiss on the lips.

I got out of the bathroom as the count down started. The champagne was open and we didn?t even bother with glasses. We were sitting on the floor as the clock struck midnight. Dylan took a swig as I kissed Natalie. She broke off with me and went into lock lips with Dylan. The mouth of the bottle was right by his face and I went in to wrap my mouth round that, but Natalie would have nothing of the sort. She pushed my face into Dylan?s as she grabbed the bottle and took a long pull off of it. My lips, instead found my room mates for the third time that night. We made out until we fell on the floor and contact broke. I laid my head on his chest and kind of dozed off, until I could feel him struggling to get up.

?You gonna be ok buddy?? I asked him. He just shook his head no. Natalie and I pulled him up and into the bathroom. He kneeled with his face in the bowl and couldn?t get himself to puke. I peeled off his shirt and held a cool cloth to the back of his neck. Fifteen minutes passed before he was sure he was not going to throw up. After we were sure he was ok to stand again, we got him into bed. I positioned him on the edge with his face hanging off and a trash can underneath him. I sat on the ground and wiped his face with a cloth. Natalie came in with some pills and a bottle of water which I fed to Dylan. She unsnapped her bra and grabbed a shirt out of my drawer. She walked out still chugging from the bottle.

I just sat there for the next hour holding his hand and listening to him murmur in his sleep. I fell asleep like that, leaned against the bed still grasping his hand.

The next morning I was the first one to wake up. I had a killer head ache and wanted nothing more than to die. But, instead I got up to make coffee. Natalie was passed out on the couch. How did she look hotter in my shirt than I did? She was also clutching an empty bottle.

I made it to the kitchen and turned on the coffee pot. While it was brewing, I took the time to stumble about closing all the curtains and blinds. I didn?t want to see the sun for at least another week. After my first cup, I made and ate some toast. By that time, Natalie had woken up too. She came in rubbing her eyes and downed the rest of my cup before going to the fridge and getting a bottle of water. On her way out she pulled the delivery pizza menu off the fridge. I figured it was time to wake my other sleeping beauty. I grabbed a sleeve of crackers and another mug filled to the brim.

I put everything on the floor and shook Dylan awake. He just batted at me and rolled over. I pushed him a little harder the next time.

?If you wake up now, you?ll still be a little drunk. Then you can eat and sober up throughout the day and won?t even get a terrible hangover,? I mentioned in a sing-song voice.

He rolled back over to face me and opened one bloodshot eye. ?Really?? he croaked out.

?It?s worth a try,? I said truthfully. ?But we did drink an impressive amount of booze last night, so I think a hangover?s inevitable. Get up, pizza will be here in a half hour.?

We made it to the living room where we all curled up on the couch with blankets, crackers, and coffee to hold us over until the food got there. Dylan and I were sitting on the two ends and Natalie was stretched out between us, with her head in his lap and her feet in mine. Both of us guys had our arms stretched out on top of the couch, but our hands kept getting tangled.

?Jesus Christ, you two,? Natalie snapped. ?Stop fidgeting, the movements making me nauseous. You made out like fifty times last night, holding hands for a few hours won?t kill you!?

?It was only three times, and one was for a shot,? Dylan said back in a small, quiet voice. I didn?t even know he remembered them. His fingers intertwined with mine and we settled.

?Didn?t know you were keeping track Mr. Hetero,? taunted Natalie.

?I wasn?t.?

We ate, napped, and watched cartoons until about six that evening. Dylan said that he wanted to go work out at the school gym for a while because he wanted to use the pool for a while. The minute the door was closed, Natalie turned and became the Grand Inquisitor.

?Ok, spill it,? she said forcefully.

?What?? I asked. She just gave me the mother eyes, saying without words that she knew I was full of bullshit. ?Fine, you bitch. You remember that guy who I taught how to draw last year? Well, that?s Dylan. Since you decided to go all the fucking way to Finland- you need to tell me all about that by the way- I needed another roommate and he was looking for one. Since he?s moved in, we?ve slept in the same bed, and I?ve cuddled with him about a dozen times. I?m getting used to waking up next to him. We?ve kissed a few times, but we?ve usually been drinking, and we had a threesome with his girlfriend.? I added that last part quickly and grimaced in preparation for the reaction to that bit.

?WHAT?? she shouted. ?You did what? Like was there touching? Did you kiss? Did you go down on him?? She smacked me across the face. Not too hard, but it stung a little. ?Were you even planning on telling me about this??

?Yes, yes, no, and yes,? I answered. ?I was going to tell you, but it just happened and there really hasn?t been a good time.?

?I?d guessed that you didn?t blow him,? said Natalie, wisely. ?That mouth of yours has stolen a man from me before, and I know I?m damn good. Wow, this is intense. Do you like him like him?? It was my turn to give her the don?t-be-dumb eyes.

?I?m just so stressed out with the whole situation. I have no idea how to go about this, or even if I should do anything about it. I could very possibly ruin my relationship with the second most important person in my life, you and Grandma being tied of course.?

?Well, there are two things that we could do to make you feel better,? she said. ?We could have a little stress-relief sex.?

?Dylan will be back from the gym before we even get to the real stuff,? I said glumly.

?Then there is only one real solution to this problem,? Natalie said with a mischievous glint in her eye. ?We need to go to The Klub.?

When Dylan got home we explained where we were going that night. ?The Klub is this huge old warehouse,? Natalie and I told him. ?It?s a Goth/punk place that we went to when we were a few years younger. It?s the best place to go and not up get carded, thrown out, groped, or dry humped by an ugly person, and it?s free if you dress accordingly.?

?What?s dressing accordingly?? he asked, warily.

In an hour, we had thrown together three outfits and were out the door. Natalie was wearing a tight corset that put her cleavage a few inches below her chin. She also wore a very mini skirt in a red plaid. Her legs were covered in ripped fishnets and knee boots. Her face was made up with dark greens and reds to match her eyes and hair. A vinyl jacket made sure she didn?t get too cold on the short walk to the train station. I was in a vinyl zipper vest that clung so tightly I could hardly breathe. I had combat boots and a pair of Natalie?s leather pants on because Dylan had on mine. We had also used my pale complexion to the maximum and Natalie made my eyes all smoky with blacks and grays. Dylan?s ass looked phenomenally delicious in the tight skins. His fishnet shirt was also mine. It was too tight, so it rode up about two inches past his waistband, flashing the world his perfect stomach every time he moved.

?I look ridiculous in this,? Dylan complained for about the tenth time since we dressed him. ?Every thing is way too small and you can see my package through these pants.?

?You shut your mouth, mister,? retorted Natalie. ?My nipples keep slipping out and I flash my poon to everyone in front of me with every step I take.?

?You are one classy broad,? I told her. ?And everyone stop complaining, we all look hot. So shut the fuck up.?

When we got there, we went straight to the bar and did a round of shots to get the juices flowing. Thankfully, we got there early enough to grab a small table near the dance floor. After setting our stuff down, I grabbed both their hands and led them out into the center. The center of the floor is the best place to loose yourself in a song. There is nothing but the beat, nothing but the bodies all around you. It?s so strange; even touching and feeling all the people around you, it still feels like you are the only one out on the floor.

It wasn?t long before people started pairing off to rub crotches and do the normal club dancing: fucking with your clothes on. Natalie was in the middle of us, forming the hottest sandwich I?ve ever seen. After a while, I went to the bathroom to wipe my face off and cool down. As usual, there were people snorting lines of blow in the stalls and I could hear at least three different voices moan. When I got back out on the dance floor, Dylan and Natalie were sitting and drinking some beers, so I decided to dance a little more. I barely made it through one song when I felt hands on my hips and a hard crotch shoved against my ass. I tried to take a step away, but he slammed against me again, and then whipped me around to face him. They man was about 25 and was attractive enough, if he wasn?t molesting me. All of a sudden, he mashed his lips against mine and I had to open my mouth so I wouldn?t cut myself on my teeth. It only lasted a second before he was shoved away by Dylan.

?Stay the fuck away from him,? he shouted over the music. ?You knew he didn?t want to even dance with you, so just leave and there won?t be any trouble.? If I was that guy, I would have pissed myself and ran away. Dylan was madder than I had ever seen him.

?Maybe your little boyfriend shouldn?t dance like a little slut then,? was his reply. ?He was just beggin to get fuck-? He didn?t even finish his sentence before Dylan punched him square in the nose. There was an instant gush of blood, and the man tottered over before going down. Right then a bouncer came up and asked what the problem was. We told him what had happened and he told us that even thought it wasn?t our fault, we had to leave. Club policy. We were cool with it though because after getting mouth raped, who wants to dance?

The train ride home was rather boring and we didn?t talk much. Dylan sat very close to me though, so I wasn?t complaining. Natalie called the first shower as soon as we walked in the door. Once we were alone, Dylan pulled me into the kitchen and looked at me with the most serious expression I think I?d ever seen.

?So, are we going to press charges?? he asked sharply.

?For what?? I said back. ?Shit like that happens all the time in clubs. It?s really not that big of a deal. You should really be the one worried about charges being pressed; you nearly punched his head off.?

?I know, I know,? he said, hanging his head. ?But it really bothered me that he touched you without your permission.? He then pulled me into a tight hug. The fishnet encasing his back felt good on my bare arms.

?Thank you,? I whispered.

?Anytime,? he answered.

?Um,? I said then paused. The hug had gone on longer than I had expected. ?I love your hugs and everything, but you kinda stink.?

?You do too,? answered Dylan against my ear. ?I got next shower,? he claimed after letting go and bolting to the bathroom. He didn?t hear me call him an asshole under my breath. Thankfully, he was quick in the shower and left it on for me so I could get in right away. There is really nothing better than a long, hot shower after being sweaty.

Dylan was already asleep by the time I got back into the bedroom. He looked so damn sexy half coved up. It was teasing me and taunting me. Normally, I was little spoon, but tonight I crawled in and nuzzled into his back. I wrapped my arm around his chest and put my hand over his heart. I could feel its steady beat. Sleep came quickly.

Next: Chapter 2

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