
By cajuncock / John Skehan / jaskejr

Published on Nov 13, 2018




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Internship cajuncock

It was the summer between my junior and senior year of college. I'd expected to be working at the Post Office as usual. That all changed when I got the letter. Someone, some angel watching over me, had submitted my name for a paid internship at one of the most prestigious organizations in the city. The letter said that the interview and possible orientation would be the following Monday. My parents were excited at the opportunity. Both of them worked hard and since I was the oldest of the five children they insisted that I go to college.

Monday came around and I arrived at the offices right at 9:30, the appointed time. I was ushered into a conference room where 3 men sat at a long table. The interview soon took on an informal mode. I had some questions about the internship and my college credits. I was told that the college had already been contacted and had agreed that I'd receive 9 hours credit for the internship. The organization would pay for me to take an additional course at the local university. Then they got down to details. From their tone I had already been accepted. The pay was five times what I'd make working at the post office. Some weekend travel would be part of the position. I was over the moon.

After the interview I was taken through the usual routine orientation and given my credentials. Each of the six interns would have a mentor. Mine was a young lawyer, Hayes. We toured the five major divisions of the organization for the remainder of the morning. At lunch time Hayes grabbed me for lunch. We took a taxi to a very nice restaurant. After ordering, Hayes asked me a lot of questions about my life at home and college. We got to talking about which sports we liked. His favorite was swimming. I mentioned that I'd never learned to swim and he was shocked. "We'll soon remedy that." he said laughing. He went on to explain that during the internship I'd rotate through the five divisions, spending 2 weeks in each. After that I'd be assigned to the one that best suited my skills and interests. Hayes would monitor my progress and be available to me at any time.

For the rest of the day I shadowed Hayes. At 5 PM, the office was clearing out. Hayes suggested that we go for a drink and spend the time on any questions I might have. It would be a more informal way of getting to know each other. We went to a posh local watering hole. Hayes ordered a screwdriver so I did the same. Time passed quickly, we talked about everything we could possibly imagine. I found out that he was single and from the west. I related some of my experiences in school and my previous summer jobs. It was getting late and both of us had had a few drinks. He invited me to dinner, saying he hated eating alone. I used my cell to tell my parents that I'd be late getting home and that I'd be with my mentor.

Dinner was at a small Italian place not far from the office. Hayes ordered for both of us since I'd never been there before. He also ordered a bottle of wine. He seemed to be somewhat of an expert on wines. Over the meal he went back to the topic of swimming. He swam at the local YMCA and offered to get me a guest membership so that he could teach me to swim. I accepted his offer gladly. We agreed to start on Friday after work. The night ended with Hayes putting me in a taxi for home.

The week went well. Hayes made a point of eating lunch with me in his office each day. Friday arrived finally. I had a swim suit, a pair of speedos, that I brought to the office that day. I made my way to Hayes' office at 5:30PM as arranged. We took a taxi to the local YMCA. After signing in we went to the locker room to change. I noticed that under his suit he had a well developed muscular body. He made no effort to hide his nudity, unlike my own basic shy nature. Once at the pool we did some warmups before getting into the shallow end. He had me hold the side of the pool while he held my mid-section up in the water. Once he told me to relax and let my legs float. He moved further down to hold my hips up in the water while I kicked as instructed. I felt his hand move up to cup my junk. This sent an instant message from my head to my cock. I knew that he must be able to feel my hardness. He held on for a few minutes while telling me how well I was doing. I was a speedo so there was not doubt that he knew I was hard.

After a few minutes he had me turn over onto my back, still holding onto the side of the pool. He held my butt up with both his hands as I floated. He smirked and whispered don't be shy it happens to everyone. He moved one hand to my crack and stroked the crack of my ass. I moaned at the new sensation rushing through my body. Over the next hour he taught me to do 2 strokes until I felt comfortable in the water. We decided after an hour to call it a day. Hayes suggested that we get something to eat. We went to change. In the locker room I noticed that his cock was plumped up as he stood naked in front of me talking about our food choices. He did not seem to be ashamed of his nakedness. On the other hand as soon as I saw his cock I sprung a boner with my 7 inches of teen cock pointing to the ceiling. Seeing my stiffness he asked if I might want to go to his place with some takeout. Hell, looking at his body only made me mumble "OK". We stopped at a deli on the way to get food and a bottle of wine to go with our meal. On the way I called my folks and explained that I was going out with some guys from work and might be late.

Hayes lived in a high rise in a very nice part of town. His upper floor apartment had a great view of the downtown of the city. Before eating we showered off the chemicals from the pool. We showered together to save time. The whole time in the shower we were both hard. It didn't feel at all strange to me. Drying off he offered me a robe while he pulled on just a pair of sweat pants. Sitting on the floor we used his coffee table to eat. The sitting position caused the robe to stay open displaying my equipment. Hayes carried onasif nothing were unusual. By the time we finished eating half the bottle ofwine was gone. Iwasfeeling the affects. We cleared the table and sat together on his balcony with the rest of the wine, sipping and talking. He reached over and began to rub my shoulders telling me that it would help me to relax. Pulling the robe off he worked on my back before moving to my chest. His fingers rubbed my nipples causing me to moan loudly. He whispered that he could show me other ways to relax and at the same time solve my problem down below. I moaned again to let him know I agreed.

Standing he offered me his hand and led me to his bedroom. Knowing what I wanted I dropped the rob on the way. He moved behind me to pick it up. In the bedroom, both of us now naked he told me to lay on my stomach. I fell onto the soft bed. At that point I was putty in his hands. He leaned in to whisper into my ear telling me how handsome and desirable I was. He worked his hands massaging from my shoulders to my hips. Then he switched moving to my feet u mu legs to my thighs. As he got higher on my legs I moaned at the pleasure he was giving me. I wiggled my hips when he neared my ass. Ifelt him leaned down and kiss both cheeks of my ass. He asked if I was good so far. Driven my the pleasure I mumbled a yes. Ifelt him pull my ass cheeks open to reveal my pink, virgin pucker. He moved in quikly to lick and wet myy opening. His tongue fored its way in. I yelled out "Please fuck me, take my cherry please!" I heard him reach into the table next to the bed telling me "I'll be as gentle as I can but once I'm inside you I won't stop until I possess you. You'll be mine at that moment when I fill you." Again I yelled "YES!". I felt a cold drop of a lube hit my crack. Using a finger he worked it into my hole. I asked "Will it hurt?" He kissed my neck saying "Only at first, then a whole new world of pleasure will open up for you." His moist cock head pushed against my opening, my breath caught at the realization that I was about to give him my virginity. His head pushed until just the tip was inside. He told me to relax and push out. I did as he told me and felt another few inches fill me. He paused waiting for my inner muscles to adjust. When he felt me push back against him he shoved the rest of his inches in. In a minute or two my pain turned to a fullness and a pleasure. For a few minutes he thrust himself into me. Then he pulled out and turned me onto my back. He smiled down at me before leaning in for another deep kiss. As he kissed me he again began pumping in and out of my hole. I wrapped my legs around his hips to hold him in place.

Hayes moaned "I love your ass!" over and over again. I told him how great he made me feel. With one deep thrust he held himself inside my body as he unloaded his juices. My own orgasm exploded my seed onto my chest and his at that same moment. He fell on my body kissing my neck. After a few moments he rolled over to lay next to me. I felt so good, now knowing that I was gay and needed more sex. I softly asked Hayes "Can we do it again?" He laughed telling me he needed some time to recharge but if I wanted to spend the night he was sure that we could do it many more times. I snuggled up to him and we fell asleep holding each other. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok, that's it for now. Let me know if I should continue the story

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