Interning with Jeff?s Dad

By Gavin Mcinnis

Published on Jan 14, 2019



Hope you like this. Will do additional installments as inspiration comes to me -

Clint looked over to Jeff, and just felt grateful. They weren't that close, but Jeff hooked him up for this summer. Clint was worried how he'd live while doing an unpaid internship, and Jeff came through. "Just do an intership with my dad- he's an author. I did it last year, and that's how I got a job with Meridian. Hell- you'll have it better than I did, because my parents just built a separate guest studio."

Jeff just texted his dad, and they were all set. No resume, not even a phone call. Jeff was driving back with Clint. He was staying overnight at his parent's and flying to Chicago in the morning.

At the house, Jeff showed him the studio. "It's just an office, bed and bathroom, but it gives you some privacy." Jeff went to the house and Clint unpacked. Before he was done, Jeff's dad came into the studio. "You must be Clint." Jeff's dad looked him up and down. "So you're mine for the summer?" "That's right sir. Really nice to meet you." They shook hands and Jeff's dad looked him up and down again. "I'm Jeff's dad Dave." He looked Clint up and down again. "It'll be good to put you to use this summer." "I'm looking forward to it sir." "The studio is pretty new. You're the first guest, so let me know if anything doesn't work or needs attention."

After lunch, Jeff's dad went out and started to mow the yard. Clint had to work to not stare. Jeff's dad had his shirt off, and his thick body was covered in brown hair. Clint had a thing for older men, and Jeff's dad hit all his buttons. Clint kept looking out at him though, and staring as sweat went down his body and his shorts started to cling. Clint was overwhelmed and hard as a rock, when Dave looked up from the lawn. Clint panicked and turned, but they made eye contact for sure, and he was so embarassed.

Clint kept unpacking and he heard a quick knock and the door opening. Dave was walking in, drenched in sweat. "Get me some water Clint... it's hot out there." "Yes of course" Clint replied. As he got a glass, Dave continued "just a bit of ice. And really, you should be doing this for me- you're mine for the summer right? Not just to get me water, but everything else too, right?" "Yes sir, totally." "Ok- well you can't do it in jeans, so change into some shorts." Dave drank more water while looking at Clint, who realized that he needed to change in front of Dave, but had a huge boner. He grabbed some swim trunks and walked towards the bathroom. But the door hadn't been installed yet. Clint also noticed that Dave hadn't shut the door to the guesthouse, and the large windows had no coverings.

"You shy Clint?" "Uh.... no. Not really." "Ok- no worries. The guest house isn't finished yet, though, so I'll need to be in and out of here often, and I'm not a big fan of privacy."

Clint turned and changed with his ass towards Dave, so he wouldn't see his boner, but he still felt exposed. It was like Dave saw far more than Clint even wanted to admit to himself. Clint's dick was clearly visible, but he hoped Dave would simply not notice.

"How do you feel about Privacy Clint?" "Uhh- I don't know. I haven't thought a lot about it." "I have Clint. It comes up a lot in my writing." Dave drank the rest of the water and held it out for Clint. Clint grabbed it, and saw that he wanted more. When he gave the full glass back to Dave, he sinply said "good boy." He took another drink and kept talking.

"Privacy is all about hiding, and it ruins things. People use privacy to avoid what they really want, and what they're willing to trade to get it. Privacy puts up walls in relationships, or creates a fake relationship that's really shallow."

"When people don't have privacy, they can't put up fake walls, or get out of relationships they think are too hard or uncomfortable. With no privacy, there are fewer lies, to others and to yourself Clint. If we get rid of those lies, we get to our truer selves, even if it's scary."

Clint was now sure that Dave had his number. Dave wasn't going to pretend, and it sounded like he wouldn't tolerate Clint pretending either.

"I'll be honest with you Clint- I expect a lot out of you. It's obvious to me you would do what I want completely, but that starts with being honest. I can tell when people are hiding and I won't tolerate it. That's not just lying, but trying to be private at all."

"Uhhh. Ok. I'll be honest with you."

"And you'll do as I saw. Because you want to please me. And I don't want you to hide that at all."

Clint wasn't sure what to say, so he just tentatively said "Ok."

"Try again."

Clint was uncomfortable, and wasn't sure what to say.

"You're uncomfortabe, Clint. You're pretending you don't know what to say, but I know what you want to say to me. And so do you."

Clint's erection was leaking, but he had a clear mind.

"Yes sir. I'll do whatever you tell me to and I'll be honest about how much I want to please you."

Dave gave Clint a wicked grin.

"Good boy. Now let's do the changing thing again. This time, you'll do what I told you, and forget privacy."

Clint was nervous. "But Jeff could easily see back here."

"I don't care. And neither does the real you. The real you wants to please me by showing me you'll do whatever I ask."

Dave just nodded, and Clint took off his shorts. His underwear was wet with pre-cum, and he was so embarassed. Dave just looked into Clint's eyes and raised his eyebrows. Clint knew this meant he needed to take of his underwear also. He pulled them down, his boner soringing up and smacking his stomach, then bobbing up and down as Dave looked at him.

"Are you a virging Clint?"

"No sir."

Dave's eyes kept on Clint, and he revised his statement.

"I've slept with five girls, but never with a man."

"Ok then. Well don't expect me to be gentle with you. I'm not a virgin, and the entire point of honesty for me is getting rid of what you'd otherwise say is too much, too fast, too hard and too rough. I want to wait until my son flies out tomorrow, but you're mine to do what I please, and that is going to be a lot mentally as well as physically."

Clint's dick was streaming precum.

"For now- put on your shorts, no underwear, and mow the lawn."

"Yes sir"

"And don't touch yourself. At all. You'll need to stay in a state of constant horniness to stay focused."

"Yes sir"

"Good. So no privacy, total honesty, and do not touch your dick."

"Yes sir"

"There are consequences for this. I love to punish to make someone better. You're going to come lay across my lap for a spanking, because you tried to hide from me. Come over."

Dave sat on the bad, and Clint walked over. Dave grabbed Clint by the hair and pushed his face into the bed, pulling his torso across Dave's legs. Dave started to spank. Clint yelped and Dave pushed his face deeper into the bed, his fingers pulling hair, running through Clint's hair and showing his head deeper as his other hand smacked his ass.

"Oh that's a good boy. You've been working out your ass too. Hoping to please some man that likes it big and round." Smack! "I'm stern, but I'm a good teacher." Smack! "And I'm going to fuck your pussy so hard you'll cry." Smack! "And all you can do is suck up to me." Smack! "Because I'm your boss, and you need this internship." Smack! "I have the power to make or break you." Smack! "So I get to do whatever I want with you." Smack! "But you like it too." Smack! "You want a man to be rough and demanding. You're made to be my sex slave." Smack!

Clints's dick was vibrating, and he was sure he was about to blow his load, when Dave smacked his testes. Clint cried out- it hurt like crazy, but it made his orgasm stop just before the point of no return.

Dave grabbed Clint's balls tightly and pulled them back. Clint's orgasm felt like it hardened and stayed just between his sac and his hole. He felt like he could blow at any time, but his balls being pulled so hard made it impossible. The hard spot was shaking, and he felt intense waves go over his body. Dave's hand was running through clint's hair, occasionally gripping and tugging.

"I'm good at what I do, Clint. And that's seeing how the stories we tell ourselves are tied to much older stories we thought were long gone."

Clint was now sure he couldn't orgasm, and Dave started to slowly loosen his grip on Clint's balls.

"You told yourself that you're an intern, looking to trade work for a better chance at jobs. But I have the power in this relationship, so I get to define it. I'm also older, so I understand how things work in the real world. I have money and connections and you're 100% at my mercy. At my mercy or someone else's. You belong to me. And you're attracted to that power, so you'll eagerly give me unfettered access to your mind and body. That's an old relationship- and it's brutal, but we're made for those kinds of relationships."

Dave's grip started to get tighter on Clints hair, and he again grabbed Clint's balls.

"I'll define everything, but know that I like exploiting you. I like that I'll owe you nothing, even after you give me everything. It's how the world should work, and you know it. It's primal truth and it turns me on and helps me write. It also organizes people. We can't all be the boss, and you asked me to be your boss."

Dave let go of Clint's hair and testes. Clint got up slowly. He still felt like his orgasm became a knot behind his balls, and realized he wanted Dave to finger his asshole to reach it.

"And you're made for it. You don't want to be equal. You know how much you need this relationship even if you don't get a job out of it. You're my intern and I'm your demanding boss you just want to please. You're my servant and I'm your master. You're my slave and I own you. Whatever you call it, it's all the same relationship."

Clint felt light headed, but felt honesty come directly. "Yes sir. I do need you. Not just to find a job, but to understand how the world really works."

"Good boy."

Clint put on the shorts (no underwear), and mowed the lawn. Dave went back in the house, and Clint kept imagining him as the owner of an estate. Inviting Clint to live with him, but having nefarious purposes all along. Clint was hard imaging Dave forcing himself on Clint, beating him, tying him down and letting friends fuck him, embarassing him in public, spitting on him, punishing him, arresting him, etc etc.

Clint really recognized their relationship, and that however it was framed, he wanted their unequal power to be deeply exploited. That Dave was so comfortable doing so really struck a chord with Clint.

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