Internet Hook Up

By Bob S

Published on Sep 16, 2008


I woke up in darkness. It was 1:00am Sunday morning and someone's hands were playing with my naked ass. It felt so good...that I just moaned and put my head back on the pillow, allowing my eyes to adjust to the darkness and to bask in the feeling that was centered on my butt. As I was doing this...a shadowy silhouette moved to the side of the bed I was facing and came right up to my face. Then I felt warm flesh fall on my cheek...and instinctively I reached up to take hold of a fat cock. I knew from it's size that it was Sam's and I merely opened to welcome his big black cock into the wet warmth of my mouth and throat. Now it wasn't I that was moaning, but a low gutteral groan that woke me up completely to what was going on.

With Sam deeply rooted down my throat, I felt naked hot flesh press against my back...and a hand lifting my right leg in the air...and another fat cock pressing against my still cumfilled pussy...and without the slightest bit of effort...drove balls deep into me. Oh my, this was going to be a long night, I thought. Damon pumped half a dozen times and stiffened... shouting, "Take my cum slut...take it all...breeding you again and fucking sweet this boypussy is."

He finished and pulled out...rolled over on his back. It was only a few more shoves to the back of my throat before Sam started to fill me with cum from the other end. My clit ached as Sam squeezed the last few ropey strands of his cum into my hungry mouth. When he pulled his cock out of my mouth, he leaned down and kissed me and said, "Good night sweet bobbie".

I turned my attention to Damon...and as he lay on his back recovering from his orgasm, my mouth went to his softening cock and I licked it clean as I savoured the flavor of his cum. He was telling me how much he enjoyed our together time and how good I was in pleasuring him. The whole time he was talking, I was getting so sexually aroused from clit exploded on it's own. This was the absolute first time I ever had an orgasm without any physical stimulation whatsoever. I orgasmed from the verbal stimulation Damon was giving me...Now that was something to be in awe from.

After cleaning Damon's cock he said, "Let's get cleaned up now."

He led me to the bathroom where he already had a bath drawn...and said, "OK bobbie...I'm going to clean you now...get in." I smiled at him and put my arms around him and kissed him. What a wonderful thoughtful thing he's doing for me.

I climbed in and lay back...while he took a wash cloth and proceeded to clean my entire body...taking extra care with my boypussy. I felt like I was a princess being tended to by her court. What a marvelous, sensuous, soothing feeling it was to be bathed by Damon. He would lean in and kiss me from time to time...saying things like, "Sweet bobbie...good pussyboy...such a good fuck...etc." He had me melting into euphoria. He finished after about half an hour and pulled me to my feet...taking a fluffy towel, patted me dry like I was a piece of china. An overwhelming feeling of love took over and I just had to have this man in me again.

We went back to the bedroom and lay together. Damon on his back, me on my side with my head propped up by my hand...the other roaming all over his nakedness...playing with his tits....and roaming down to his fat cock...and ball sack.

He put his arm around me and pulled me on top of him as his lips found mine and locked me in a deep soulful kiss. As his hands roamed over my back, pulling me closer to legs straddling his torso...he began to massage my asscheeks...and I began to moan into his mouth. I could feel his cock growing as it rose between my asscheeks and was burning into my crack. I began to move in an up and down motion feeling the sexual sensation his cock gave me as it moved between my cheeks.

He broke our kiss to say, "Climb on bobbie...we're both ready for this." And as I climbed onto his cock, our lips pressed against each other again. I slowly sank down on him and we moaned into each others mouth. The totally full feeling I had his tongue began a throat fucking session of it's own...I shuddered and climaxed again...

Damon kept me like this...pumping my pussy for all it was worth...I climaxed two more times...unbelievably from his cock working in and out of he pinched and tweaked my nipples...and fucked my throat with his tongue.

Then it was his turn to cum...and I wasn't he filled me again...with his seed. Once he finished, he said, "Hold still...don't move." I stayed on him with his cock still deep inside my pussy...until suddenly, I felt him cum again...this time he wasn't moving either. This time it felt different...It wasn't more cum he was pumping into me but his piss...he was filling my boypussy with his piss. He was rocking my world...I could feel my belly begin to fill...and extend a little. I was in shock...I didn't think this was possible and the feeling of his hot piss filling me took me completely by surprise and I again fireworks went off and I again orgasmed...squeezing his cock with my sphincter...and thus, shutting off his flow. When I came down...still plugged by his fat cock...he smiled at me and simply said, "I've wanted to do this since I first pissed in your mouth...and now I've marked both your holes with my black seed and my nigger piss."

I hugged him and shut him up with kisses. I said to him, "Damon, you are never cease to surprise rock my world. I don't know how I'm ever going to be able to function as a man in the world...or as a husband to my wife after being with you. You've brought out a feminine side of me that I didn't know existed. I'm thinking crazy shit like divorcing my wife...moving in with you...becoming YOUR wife...taking care of all your needs...both sexually and emotionally. What have you done to me?"

Damon looked me in the eye saying, "I've turned you into a slut. You're a slut for the black man now...I've marked you in every way imaginable...and you're now mine. However, you will not divorce your will not become MY you are my SLUT. I don't need a wife...I need a slut...and YOU'RE it. You will function as a man in the world...and I will continue to rock your world while using you for my sexual needs. You will be at my disposal...DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME SLUT???"

"Yes Damon...of course I understand." There was never a question as to my place in this relationship. I knew his needs and knew what had to be done to satisfy them.

He then said, "Now, very carefully, get off me and empty yourself of my piss. Here's a towel to catch any that may leak out as you go to the bathroom."

I eased myself off him...pushed the towel against my pussy...and gingerly made my way to the bathroom...the toilet...and flushed his bellyfull of piss. I added my own piss to his in the toilet bowl and thought it was nice to be sitting and pissing instead of standing. It was so much more 'girlish'. I was snapped back from this thought when I heard Damon snoring. I smiled to myself...wiped my pussy...and crawled back in bed beside him...resting my head on his chest instead of my pillow...and wrapping my leg around his...I fell asleep.

Damon woke me by shaking my shoulder and telling me, "I need to piss...get your slut toilet mouth on my cock and do your duty."

Two days in a row...I've woken to my morning juice...directly from Damon's juicer. I eagerly gulped him down...and continued to tongue his cock...keeping it in my mouth until he began to fill my throat with his hardening flesh. Three or four pumps was all he needed before he began giving me his morning cum...What a way to wake up. I milked the remains of his cum from his cock...and looked up at his smiling face and merely said, "Thank you."

He replied, "Ok bobbie...time for breakfast."

I got out of bed with a new found spring in my step...went downstairs to the kitchen and mixed some pancake batter while cooking up some breakfast sausage. Must be Freudian as all I seemed to have on my mind was black sausage. LOL

As we ate breakfast...still naked...Damon said, "I'm going home now...I want you to clean your house. Make sure you remove any possible trace of our fuckin around her the last couple of nights. If your wife finds out...or begins to suspect anything out of the ordinary, it won't be good for either of us."

I nodded and said, "I understand. Will we get together again before she returns home?"

"Of course...she returns Wednesday, right?" he asked.

I said, "Yes...and today is only Sunday. Why should I worry about cleaning so soon?"

"I'm thinking of you bobbie...I want to give you enough time to make sure every trace of our lovemaking has been cleaned up. The remainder of time your wife is away, I'll be using you at my house...or Sam's".

His words made sense...and I told him so. So, for the rest of the day, I was the housewife. I put my wifes housecoat on and cleaned...vacuumed, mopped, washed, and dusted everything in the evidence of any goings on remained...not even

After all that was 5:00. My cell rang. It was my wife.

"Hi are things going? Did you enjoy your weekend without me?"

"Oh, Hi Kath...I'm doin ok...busy cleaning the house for your return. Been a bit lonely yesterday...but I'll are YOU doing? Enjoying LA?"

"It's fabulous here...went to Disney yesterday...and Hollywood this morning. We just got back...and I'm changing to go to the afternoon cocktail party. It's been a whirlwind couple of days. I wish you were here to share it with me."

"I know...I'm jealous. Maybe we can take a vacation back there sometime."

"That would be great...have you heard from the kids?"

Holy shit...I thought. I never gave the kids a thought. They both live away from home, but sometimes pop in unexpectedly on weekends. I felt a flush of heat travel through me as I thought how easily it would have been to be caught by either of them while two black men using me for their pleasure....right in my own home.

I told her, "No...didn't even think of them to be honest...guess they're ok."

"Ok Bob...I'll check back when I can...I think Bill is at the you."

"Love you too Kathy. Have fun."

WOW....that was unbelievable...I thought. Oh didn't happen...they didn't show up stop dwelling on it dummy.

I finished cleaning the house...made something for myself to eat...and sat down at my computer. A message from Damon was on the screen and I looked to see how long ago it was that he sent it. It was only 10 minutes ago and it read..."Hi bobbie...feeling ok? Have you finished your cleaning chores?"

I started tapping the keyboard..."Yes, I have."

"Good...ready for more fun?"

I began feeling randy again and replied, "Yes...quite ready."

"Come to Sam's...he's in his hot tub and is waiting for you. I won't be able to make it there...but he wants to fuck you again."

I signed off...put a pair of sweats and a jacket on and headed over to Sam's.

I parked and went down his driveway to his back yard...opened the gate anounced it was me coming in and found him sitting in his hot tub...with steam billowing up into the cool night air. He grinned and said, "Hey glad you could make it...cmon in...the water is just the right temperature. Strip those damn clothes of yours off and climb on. OOps...I mean in. Ha Ha."

Stripping, I climbed in the tub. As I began going down the stairs into the hot bubbling water...Sam reached out with his two hands and took hold of me by the hips...stopping me from going further. He looked up at me and brought his mouth to my clit. He wrapped his big black lips around it and took my balls in at the same time...his mouth felt so good. I put my hands on his head...running my fingers along and through his tight curled grey hair and moaned while throwing my head back and looking up at the stars. He moved his black hands around to take my ass in them and pulled me deeper into his hot wet mouth. It was an indescribable feeling...having his wet tongue working over my he was eating a pussy...getting her ready for his manhood. Now let me tell you...everything he was doing was working it's magic on me.

I was swooning...and when he released my clit from his mouth...he spun me around and pushed gently on my back with his hand making me to bend slightly...and I felt his tongue going to work on my boypussy...softening it up so I would have an easy time putting his love tool inside me.

"Sam", I moaned, "Please fuck me now...I am so hot and horny and ready for your Black cock inside me...Please Sam. Take me and use me here and now."

He let me go and guided me down and placed me in front of him...with my back to him...and pulled me from my hips down to a sitting position...he removed one of his hands as I was getting ready to a he could hold his cock and aim it at my pussyhole. I gingerly brought myself down and into contact with his large mushroom head...and held there like he told me yesterday. I waited until, amazingly once again, my pussy opened in anticipation of receiving this monsterous prize to fill it with delight. It was like it was eager to accept his gift...almost with a mind of it's own...sucking it deep inside it's dark cavern...massaging it's girth with it's muscles as it drew it deeper causing both Sam and myself to moan in incredible pleasure.

"Oh bobbie...your pussy is so eager and hungry for my Black cock...and it feels so good wrapped around me as you sink down on it. You are such a hot little girl...I'm so glad I met you."

And with that, he was balls deep inside me and he held me there without moving. I kept squeezing my sphincter open and shut...sending shivers through his body as well as mine. Leaning my head back and looking up I saw was paradise...and I started the motion...picking myself up and sitting back down until he grabbed my hips and took over the pace. It was a long slow fuck...he nibbled my neck and licked and sucked on my ear...sending shivers through me the whole time...playing with my nipples and calling me his cute girl... and telling me how sexy and hot I was. The compliments...and verbal stimulation along with his pinching fingers and wet tongue certainly had their effect on me and I wailed out in a screaming orgasm...clenching down on his cock as he pumped his own orgasm deep inside me.

After we both came down...and caught our breath, he picked me up off his cock...and an amazing thing his cock came out of my pussy...a gush of hot water filled my cavity...and it sent me off into another orgasm...

I never even thought that would happen...but as my pussy became void of the fat cock that was filling became a vacuum and sucked the water in it...instead of air. I giggled as Sam held me in his arms...and told him what just happened. He laughed and said, "You better get inside and empty yourself in the toilet...don't want that in the hot tub...Ha Ha Ha!!"

We sat and talked for a while after I returned from the bathroom...about everything and nothing...and as it was getting late...I said I need to get home and get rested for a work week ahead.

I dressed, and went home to a very restfull sleep.

I spend Monday after work at Damon's house and more of the same ensued. He told me to bring a change of clothes and I could go to work directly from his house Tuesday morning. We made more passionate love that night...all night actually. I don't think I slept more than a couple of hours and that was only from dosing on and off between our fuck sessions.

Tuesday night, I quitely recovered from a marathon of sex with Damon and Sam. I needed this time to regroup and recover so I wouldn't give Kathy any reason to be suspicious.

Damon, Sam and I continued our group play for several months until they both gradually drifted out of my life. Not my doing, I can assure you. It was sad...but I have these memories to hold on to.

This all happened five years ago...and I've seen Damon only once since then. It was a casual meeting void of sex...we walked in the park one day and talked. He hooked up with a guy, white and single, and had him move in with him...and he's been with him since. I didn't pressure him to fuck me...and I think he was thankful for that. He also told me that Sam had died a couple of months earlier from an aneurism. I was shocked and saddened by this news.

I wrote the fist part of this story shortly after hearing this started as a tribute to Sam...but I never finished, and never even got to Sam in the first part. It wasn't until recently, when I received an email from a reader telling me how much he enjoyed my story. I thought "why had I never bothered to continue it". His email resulted in a flood of memories...fond ones...and I had to complete my tribute to Sam. Thank you Papa Tom.

I'm living my life now as a faithful husband...and, although Kathy and I don't have sex anymore due to some female problems she developed, I'm quite happy and content with my life and my memories, and my new sex partner is my right hand.

Sam...I hope somehow you know you hold a special place in my heart and how fond I am of you and what a good feeling you gave me when I was with you. Damon, although not your real name, you know who you are. If you read this, know that I totally enjoyed our time together and I want to take this opportunity to thank you for all the kindness...and sexual madness you've provided me with. I'll always be your slut and your baby girl.

I hope all my faithful, and not so faithful readers enjoyed this chapter in my life as I enjoyed recalling and documenting it. It was like visiting a time past.

Thank you all again for all your emails and your encouragement. I hope to be making an attempt at some erotic fiction in the if you have any thoughts or ideas...please don't hesitate to email me.

Thanks again, bobbie.

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