Internet Connection Series

By Alain Mahy

Published on Mar 27, 2015


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It was a very strange sensation to have all that money. We had never to complain in the past as we both had good incomes with our jobs, but this was different. From one day to the other we could live without doing anything if it pleased us. We could travel the world without being concerned of the work that was pending. All this, thanks to a man we had never known.

Here I was. I was going to turn forty and Richie forty-two. We were both in quite good shape thanks to the daily workout we had in the basement gym. We were married for five years now and we were as happy as the first day we met. We had a small difficult moment when we feared routine was going to kill our feelings, but that all changed as we talked about it and acted on what we had discussed. We were more than wealthy financially. Our apartment was fantastic and we both drove a car we had dreamed about. Our lovemaking was very satisfactory. What else could we ask for? Right: nothing!

And that was what was worrying me! For just a moment I was scared that we would have no more goals to achieve. How wrong I was! Richie had a vivid imagination and I was always ready to follow his ideas even if they sometimes seemed crazy. After all, he was the pragmatic one in our relationship.

Richie had continued his office to help the less fortunate ones. Of course, now that he had the means, he hired even more help as Jessica was overloaded with work. The office he had was soon cramped and far too small. He bought a building in the poor neighborhood and refurbished it completely. On the ground floor there were the offices and on the three floor above he had made several apartments, completely equipped, as to help people who were really in need. He had hired three more lawyers, fresh out of university. They received their more than generous wages as long as they helped people out with conviction. Jessica had now three more women helping her with all the administrative work that was bound to all the cases.

As for me, I sold my business to Jason. Of course, the price was ridiculous but he wouldn't accept it as a gift. I forwarded all e-mails with inquiries and requests to him. He was soon submerged with work and more than happy with it. I didn't know yet what I would do with my time. I didn't have to hurry and explored all my possibilities. A ready-to-go package was not available, but I knew I could give sense to me new life and my new financial possibilities. I wanted to do something useful. Strangely enough, I was never bored. I always had something to do and sometimes I even thought that a day with twenty-four hours was not enough.

Richie and I could always count on Stewart and Troy to do things in common. Troy had some misfortune with his cabin and his boat and we anonymously helped him out. Stewart and Troy knew we had inherited something, but didn't know the extend of it. Actually, nobody knew what we had inherited. We kept really discreet on it. When Stewart told us he was about to lose his job because the hotel owners didn't want to invest any more money to have it up-to-date with security and fire- department requirements, I bought the hotel and had the necessary works done. I put Stewart as the general manager and let him run the place like he thought it should be done. I never regretted my decision as the benefits raised far beyond my expectations.

Richie went less and less to the office. He let Jessica run the administrative part of it and the three lawyers were also doing a fantastic job. But that didn't mean Richie had less to do. He looked very closely in any investment we made. If he wasn't the good lawyer he was, he could certainly be a very good financial advisor. He had an incredible gift: everything he touched turned to gold, just like King Midas. When he invested into something, it was almost certain the benefits would be good. I let him manage his and mine money with closed eyes. My trust in him was always rewarded.

We started to travel extensively. Of course, we went back on a cruise and contacted the captain. This time we reserved the ultimate cabin. It was just huge and we had constantly a butler attending to our very needs. It was wonderful and once again we asked the permission to the captain to dance together in the big dinning room. He gave us his ok with a big smile.

We went to Europe and Asia. We did a photograph safari in Africa. We went sailing in the Seychelles and had a romantic holiday in the French Polynesia. We did a lot of crazy things and even went skydiving. What an experience! Richie did one jump and loved the thrill of it, but I was more than enthusiastic! I did various jumps and knew I had found a new passion. The sensation of total freedom during the free fall, but also under open canopy was something I couldn't describe. It gave me shots of adrenaline that I felt in my whole body.

The hotel Stewart was running was almost constantly full-booked. He organized events and the convention room was busy at least once a week, sometimes two. One day he called me and asked to see me. We met at the bar of the hotel and he mentioned that with the benefits the hotel was making, it was maybe time to invest it in redecorating the whole place. The costs would be important, but he thought it was necessary in most of the rooms and would give a fresh outlook to the place. He had already contacted various companies and had their offers ready for me to look at. He also showed me some sketches of what it would all look like after the works. It looked great. The hotel on itself would cover part of the works, but part of the works was actually the responsibility of the owner of the building. That was why he had asked me to come by to know if I could afford the refurbishment. We went over the figures on the different offers and, of course, I could more than afford it, but didn't want to make it obvious. I gave him the ok and he was thrilled. He also said that the hotel would have to be closed for at least two months, but as they were in low season, he thought it was not a big deal.

I told him to go ahead. We discussed a few more details of the offers. The very next week, the hotel closed and the few reservations we had were forwarded to colleagues of Stewart in the neighborhood. Stewart was even more present in the hotel during the works. They discovered a few defects in the general constructions of the building, but those were repaired on the spot, causing the general budget to rise slightly over what was foreseen. The whole building was stripped of everything that had to be changed. The look of the stripped hotel was somehow a bit sad. I had the feeling that part of its history was disappearing.

I joined Stewart and his decorator on the shopping trip for furniture. It was fun and interesting. I was flabbergasted at the amount of materials were necessary for curtains! Actually I was stunned with the quantities of everything! But it was a hotel after all, and the twenty-five rooms had to look stunning. Stewart, just as if he had to organize an event, had thought about everything. I threw in some extra money to have the kitchen renewed. Only the best appliances were chosen and whoever would work in this kitchen would have all the necessary at his disposal.

The decorator looked familiar to me and when I asked Stewart about him, he smiled.

  • It is Troy's brother! I have seen some of the things he's done and always have been impressed with the results. He has a very good taste. Of course, it is the first time he has such a huge project on his hands, but I trust him completely.

I could understand Stewart's trust in the man and even more when he showed us some samples of colors he had chosen for different areas. I could only imagine the finished work, but if it was going to be close to the sketches, it was going to be beautiful. The two months of work turned out to be three. Stewart started to be concerned with the existing bookings, but the clients seemed to understand. All the people who could not enter in the hotel according to their reservations received a substantial discount for a next stay.

Finally, the grand re-opening of the hotel came. The results were worth being featured in a decoration magazine. We knew it was impossible to satisfy everybody's tastes, but the opinions were unanimous. It was almost impossible to find something that was not right. The combinations of colors, furniture and general decoration were exquisite. The technology applied was the ultimate one and quite a few features were based on what Richie had in his apartment. The same engineer had done a tremendous effort to have all the features built in. A general control panel of the complete hotel was installed in the new security quarter.

The same day of the opening Stewart met the guy who decided how many stars the hotels get, according to the amenities and the general quality of service. After his visit Stewart called me all excited telling me that the hotel had one star more than before the remodeling. Nonetheless, he didn't want to increase the prices as he had too many regular customers. He wanted them to be able to enjoy the new hotel without having to pay more. His strategy would turn out to be a huge benefit as the hotel started to have waiting lists and customers had to book months, if not years, in advance to be sure to have a room at their requested dates.

One of the new things in the hotel was the nuptial suite which was always offer for free for those who rented the convention room for their wedding. This causes to have yet more events booked. Stewart had organized a nice cocktail for clients and press. Stewart had hired a new chef. The old one had expressed the desire to retire. All the small bites and canapŽs for the cocktail were as beautiful for the eyes as they were delicious in taste. The Champagne flowed freely and we could see only happy faces. All the personnel of the hotel were dressed in their new uniforms: dark blue trousers, pink shirt and dark red tie. The women had the choice to wear trousers as well or a skirt.

The cocktail was a huge success and the next morning paper were living proof of it. It was impossible to ignore the opening of the hotel in the gay district! Only one little black cloud, for me, on this evening was to see one of the guests I'd rather not see: Scott. He was on his own but seemed he had stayed at the hotel several times and had automatically received an invitation. I mentioned his arrival to Richie and pointed Scott out to him. It was impossible not to notice him as he was dresses in a flamboyant and shiny out fit, probably quite expensive but void of any god taste. Richie was in a very good mood and decided to let out his sarcastic side. He picked a rose out of a vase and went directly to Scott. Ha graciously offered him the rose.

  • I have to thank you for who you are and your way of life. If you hadn't been the little shit you are, I would never have met my husband! Thank you!

Scott didn't understand what was happening till he saw me. His eyes almost bulged out of their sockets. Richie was really enjoying himself.

  • I guess you know Fred, the owner of this hotel and my husband?

Scott was visibly nervous and uncomfortable and Richie was really amused. He whispered something in Scott's ear and after e few moments Scott got beat red and left the place in a hurry.

  • What did you tell him? I asked.

  • Oh, nothing new: just that you are a fantastic lover and that he couldn't even begin to realize what he missed. Then I thanked him once again.

Richie laughed at his own remarks and told me he had wanted to do that since I told him the adventure. The rest of the night Richie was in a super good and romantic mood. I knew we wouldn't be asleep directly after arriving home. His good mood, added with the Champagne, would make him horny as hell. I was not going to complain.

We were about the last ones to leave. We took Stewart apart to bid our goodnights and to congratulate him for the upgrade of the hotel. I had prepared an envelope earlier in the afternoon with a nice bonus that would allow him and Troy to make a nice trip or whatever they wanted to. Stewart had put the envelope in his inside pocket without opening it.

Richie and I went home and just as I thought he was horny as hell. From the parking in the basement, where I was fully clothed, he rode up to the apartment and I left the elevator naked, carrying my clothes and shoes in my arms. We entered the apartment and as soon as the door was closed, he was all over me, kissing me and licking my skin as far as he could reach. I thought of pulling him to the bedroom, but Richie had other ideas. The marble tiles felt cold on my skin, but the heat Richie was irradiating made up for it. He soon had me on my back with my legs high in the air, rimming me and using a lot of spit. I was squirming like never before and when he put his cockhead on target, I relaxed and he slipped in. Thanks to the Champagne he reached his climax really soon and sucked me off to completion. When we caught our breath and our heartbeats had come back to normal, we gathered our clothes and went to the bedroom. After a nice shower we slipped between the sheets and slept with the angels.

We were woken by the sound of my cell phone. It was Stewart.

  • Hey Fred, good morning! Do I wake you up?

  • No, I said with sarcasm in my voice, I was up to pick-up the phone!

  • First of all, you didn't have to do it! The envelope I mean. You already pay me generously and that bonus is far too much! But thank you any way!

  • It is my pleasure Stewart. You did a wonderful job and you deserve every dollar that is in that envelope!

  • Thanks Boss, he replied. I sent the bellboy to your place with this morning's newspapers. You won't believe your eyes. With such reports we will be fully booked for several months!

  • I am glad to hear that! I answered. Are you and Troy available for lunch? There is something I want to talk about with you.

  • I'll have to call Troy, but I think we can manage around one if that is ok with you. Come to the hotel, as the chef wants me to try a few dishes he is thinking about.

We agreed on that. Soon after we hung up, the doorbell rang. I recognized the bellboy from the hotel and he had indeed several newspapers under his arm. I pushed the button on the buzzer to let him in. Once I had the newspapers in my hands he left. I went to the kitchen to prepare some breakfast and the smell of coffee had Richie soon out of bed and with me. We went over the various articles and all were really positive! There was not the slightest negative note in any of the papers. I was proud of Stewart and the efforts he had made to have everything "close to perfect" as he didn't believe perfection existed.

After breakfast I talked with Richie about a project I had. I just wanted to build a second hotel and told him the details I had gathered up till then, which was not really much. Richie found the idea splendid. I told him we would have lunch with Stewart and Troy and that I was throwing the idea on them to see the reaction I would receive.

We were at the hotel at one o'clock sharp. I had brought my laptop to show them a few things I had found. Stewart and Troy were at the reception desk when we arrived and we were soon having a drink at the bar. The chef was not ready a hundred percent yet and we would have to wait about fifteen minutes.

  • So Boss, said Stewart, what is it you want to talk about?

  • What would you guys think of moving?

  • Where to? Asked Stewart frowning his brows.

  • The Bahamas!

There was an awkward silence. Neither Stewart nor Troy had a clue what I was talking about, so I explained.

  • There is a huge piece of land for sale in the Bahamas. I was thinking of buying it and build a hotel on it. To do so, I need people I can trust one hundred percent and who can lead the project to a good end. It is a long-term project and that is why I ask you if you would be ready to move. All moving expenses will be paid for, of course.

  • I guess that is the main idea in a nutshell, Stewart observed. Can you give us more details?

The piece of land I had found was huge, and when I say huge I was talking about several hundreds of acres. It included a beach of several miles and, as to the laws in the Bahamas, if I bought that land, the beach would be private. I was thinking of building a hotel, once again with no more than twenty-five rooms, but to the highest standards. All the possible amenities would be present, even an eighteen- hole golf course. All the rooms would bee very spacious to the point we would better talk about apartments than rooms. Every single apartment would be fully equipped and have its private butler. The resort would be advertised as gay-friendly.

"Wow" was the only reaction Stewart gave with the first exposition of the project. What he said next came as no surprise to me. He asked for a few days before giving me his decision. I sent all the information I had so far to his e-mail so he would have all the answers to the questions he may have had. But he had some questions and I was the only one to who could answer him.

  • What about here?

I knew this question was going to come sooner or later as Stewart, with all the work and efforts he had thrown in, considered the hotel as his "baby".

  • If I saw things correctly, you have a very good right hand here in the person of Adrian. He seems to love the hotel as much as you do. From your various reports, I could read that he is a very capable man and if you agree, I would promote him manager if you accept the Bahamas' project. Before we can start the whole project, we have to buy the land and I guess it will take some time to reach completion of the deed. Meanwhile I would appreciate it if you could give him all the possible information to ascend to manager. Now, if you think he is not the best person for the job, tell me right now and we will hire a person from outside.

  • You are serious about all this, aren't you? Stewart asked but didn't wait for an answer. Adrian is indeed ready to be manager. He is very conscious and follows the rules very closely. He can run the place without a problem and I trust him with my life. But let me ask you Fred, how about the financial part of all this?

I had considered the possibility of Stewart asking the question and agreed with Richie that I would be honest about it if it came up.

  • You don't have to worry about that Stewart, I said. As you know we had the heritage of Richie's father. What you don't know is ...

And I told him the complete story. His eyes, and Troy's, got as big as saucers and even more when we threw the figures at them.

  • Oh my... said Stewart, you mean you are both multi-millionaires?

  • I'm afraid we indeed are, Richie answered to his question. But please, keep this information to yourselves. We don't want the news to be spread around. We are discreet about it and want to keep it that way.

  • It sure answers a lot of questions I had and never asked you. While re-doing the hotel here, you never had a problem about budget. I wondered how that was possible. But be both assured, your secret is safe with us. Knowing that there will be no financial burden to the project, my mind is already made up. The only thing we have to discuss, Troy and me, is if we are ready to move away from here.

For the first time Troy gave his point of view immediately.

  • If we don't accept this project now, there is a lot of chance that we will feel too old to do it in the future. If you ask me my opinion about the whole project, I have only one question. When do we leave?

  • What about your job Troy, Stewart asked.

  • Do you really think my job would prevent me from moving to the Bahamas? You have to be crazy if you think that. I know there are sometimes hurricanes there, but if everything is built and properly constructed, it shouldn't keep we away from there. Apart from that, I guess, my skills as a computer engineer can be put to a proper use.

I guessed they would still have to talk about a lot of things, but was convinced I had the adequate manager for the resort. I was happy about that.

Meanwhile we had been served several dishes the chef wanted our opinion about. Some of those dishes were difficult to identify. If the waiter had not said what we were going to eat, we would have been totally incapable of saying what was on the plate. Nonetheless, it was all very nice and tasted exquisitely. I asked where Stewart had found this fantastic chef and he told me that he had contacted the cook school and asked for the best. I made a mental note to copy the idea once the resort would be almost operative.

Stewart and Troy took almost a week before giving us their answer. Of course, they accepted the offer and that same afternoon I contacted the real estate agent that had the piece of land for sale. We made an appointment for the following week when Richie and I would fly down to Nassau. That first flight to Nassau was a real nightmare. There was a considerable delay, the plane seemed to be old and worn-out, our luggage was lost and we arrived really exhausted after the bumpy flight. I made a stupid remark about buying our own plane.

Nevertheless, we met the real estate agent the following day and he drove us to the land. Even though he had the exclusivity for selling that piece of land, he had some difficulty to show us exactly the limits of the property. He was a salesman, not a geometer. Despite of that, he was a very pleasant man and knew exactly what could be done and what not with this property. The views were spectacular and both Richie and I were falling in love with it. Strangely enough, the negotiations went really smooth. All the papers were in order and Richie went over them very carefully. He had taken some information before we flew out and it seemed that, legally, there was no problem to buy the land and to build the hotel. The price was not announced on the website where I had found the property and when the salesman announced the price we didn't even flinch, as it was approximately what we expected. The salesman had probably not expected us to agree so quickly because when we asked to sign the sales contract, it was not ready. He was a little embarrassed but ran out of his office and gave orders to have the contract ready ASAP! Once it was done and signed, he gave us their bank details so that we could transfer the agreed amount. I opened my laptop and did the transaction on the spot. I printed off a copy of it to give him. He admitted he had never thought it would be that easy. Neither had we!

We had a few more appointments with different constructors and several architects. The most difficult part was with the architects as we had a very clear idea of what we wanted, but they had their own. It was just a question of making clear who was paying! Finally we opted for a young architect, who was probably still in his early twenties. He listened very carefully to what we were telling him and made a lot of notes. He then took a piece of paper and started sketching according to his notes. It was a very rough sketch but what we had in mind soon appeared on the paper. He had understood the essence of it all in the first meeting. He said he would need a bit less than a month to draw it out properly. We agreed and he was pragmatic enough to ask for a deposit. I once again took out my laptop and made a money transfer to his account.

When we showed him the different constructors we had already seen, he pointed one out.

  • I have been working with them on my previous project and I have to say they are very serious and respected everything in the agreement we made. I can show you the house they built if you want, as it is my parent's house.

We visited it the next morning and were warmly welcomed by his parents. They showed their house with a lot of pride and they had all the reasons in the world to be proud about their son's work and his choice of constructor. We noticed quite a lot of small details that made the house close to perfect. It confirmed we had made a good choice.

The airline that had lost our luggage arrived with it the day before we had to fly back. We had been shopping the same day of arrival, as we didn't know how long it would take before we had our things. We had now double of all the things we needed! When we flew back to Toronto, we had almost the same nightmare as when we flew in. Delays seemed to be common and the plane was once again an old one. I mentioned it once again to Richie because we knew we would have to fly down here more than once during the whole process of the building of the hotel and to help Stewart with the opening. Strangely enough he didn't make any comments about it all.

Exactly a month later we received a call from Charlie, the architect. He said that all was ready for us to approve. We had to fly down to Nassau once again and Richie made the necessary reservations. He suggested we take Stewart and Troy with us, so they would know where they were going to live and in what kind of hotel they would be working. On top of that, we needed Troy to overlook the complete automation of the place. We had asked him to contact the engineer that did the apartment and the hotel in Toronto. We would soon learn Troy had learned his lesson well.

When the day arrived to take our flight, we went to pick-up Stewart and Troy. Richie was driving and if I hadn't paid attention to where he was driving, I would never have noticed he wasn't going to the departure hall. Instead he drove to a more remote place of the airport and we soon parked in front of a hangar. I had the intuition of what was going on, but was not sure a hundred percent. When I asked him if he had rented a private jet, he just said "Something like that". When he opened the door to the hangar we were in presence of one beauty of a plane. A Flacon 2000LXS was standing there, completely white with a fine blue and red line on its flanks. At the bottom of the stairs stood the crew composed by tow pilots and a flight attendant. We went in and I was flabbergasted by the luxury of the cabin. I turned to Richie and asked:

  • You rented this for us to fly to The Bahamas?

  • No, he said, I bought it.

  • You what???

  • I bought it. I contacted Jonathan and asked if he could help. He was of great help as normally seen they couldn't deliver a plane that quickly. They only had this plane that was cancelled by the buyer and asked if it would suit us. I just said yes.

To say we enjoyed our first flight in this new plane would be an understatement. It was just fantastic. The seats were ample and comfortable. The flight attendant was nice to look at and very serviceable. The pilots knew how to take this beauty up in the air smoothly and there was no comparison with the last bumpy flight we had been on. Upon arrival the landing was as smooth as the takeoff. Our rent-a- car was waiting for us at the precise spot where the plane stopped. Money has its advantages after all!

As the appointment with Charlie was only the following day, we took Stewart and Troy to our land. Just as we had been, they were falling in love with the place. We even went to our private beach and had a swim in the sea. As our suitcases were at the hotel, we had to go in the water naked, but that was not a problem as we were on our private beach. I made a mental note to foresee a part of the beach to be cloths optional. It was clear that Stewart and Troy were in love like the first day they met. They were constantly touching each other and kissing, something we had never seen before, but then again, we had almost always seen them on a professional basis, except when they came over to our place for a meal or something like that. Here they seemed a lot freer. Knowing it was a private beach probably helped a lot.

At one point they fell on the sand and kissed passionately. They seemed at ease enough as to not having to hide to express their feelings. Troy was lying on his back and Stewart on top of him. From where Richie and I were, we couldn't see all the details, but it was clear to us they both had hard-ons. It became even more obvious when Stewart glided down over Troy's body and buried his face in his crotch. We could see his head was going up and down and it was clear to us he was sucking Troy off, but it was erotic, nothing vulgar. It was not just sex, it was lovemaking. Richie looked intensely at what they were doing and, as we were still naked, I could notice his growing manhood between his legs. I didn't doubt a moment and soon had his shaft in my mouth. As I was buried in his groin, I couldn't see what the other two were doing, but Richie described it. He told me that Stewart was lifting Troy's legs in the air and was eating out his ass. With that Richie fell down on his back and spread his legs wide in the air. It was an open invitation to rim him and I dove in with gusto. I knew we had no lube with us and so I used as much spit as my mouth could provide. When Richie was slippery enough I pointed my erect member on his rosebud and entered him easily. I pushed myself up on my hands and pumped in and out of my husband. When I looked aside, I saw Stewart was doing exactly the same. We were both trying to give as much pleasure to our partner as possible. I felt my juice boil in my balls and knew I was about to fill Richie's insides. I heard a cry and guessed, correctly, that Stewart was emptying his balls in Troy's bowels. That sent me over the edge and I climaxed. Richie, as he had in the past, climaxed without even touching himself. I collapsed on top of him and once we came down from our sexual height, we went into the sea to wash away the remains of our lovemaking. Stewart and Troy soon joined us. We let the sun dry our bodies and didn't mention what had happened.

The following day we had our appointment with Charlie and we were amazed at the work he had done. He was a fantastic architect and would certainly have a lot of success in his future. We were more than satisfied with what we saw. Troy just had to add a few wirings for the automations. Two hours later we agreed on the totality of the project, just in time when the constructor arrived. Charlie showed him the supplementary things Troy had added. The constructor just nodded and made some notes on his laptop. He then printed out the price offer. He said he would send the complete workbook to our e-mail. I didn't know why, but I trusted him like I trusted Charlie. The necessary signatures were apposed but the handshakes were even more important and sealing the deal. The constructor said he could start the work in just one month. We agreed.

The next day we flew back home in our plane. Stewart and Troy had about a month to move to The Bahamas. They would first stay in the same hotel he had stayed at, till the private house on the hotel's land was finished. On the plane they were starting to plan there move. Richie and I were cuddled up together and took a nap. Wow, only two months ago we had no idea we would start such an important project, but we felt happy with it.

To be continued É

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Next: Chapter 9: Internet Connection 9

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