Internet Connection Series

By Alain Mahy

Published on Mar 22, 2015


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I ran over to Richie and whispered the information in his ear. He looked at me and then went over to the DJ, asked for the microphone and announced to all our guests that the celebration was a double one as we had our meeting anniversary. More Champagne was served for the occasion.

When the waiters wheeled in the wedding cake, we could see an inscription on it that just said "One Year". Stewart had really thought about everything.

Around ten pm Stewart announced that our car was in front of the hotel door. He handed me the card that would allow me to drive it. We bid our goodbyes to our guests who accompanied us to the door and once outside started to throw rice. I guessed we would find rice in the car for the six months to come. I drove away, making quite some noise with the tins and other things Stewart had attached to the car together with a huge sign that said "Just Married".

I couldn't, with the best of wills, drive directly home. I did quite a tour in the city just to enjoy the car and as well to show people I was with my husband. I was on cloud nine!

We had purposely postponed our honeymoon. I wanted to have some time with the friends that had come over and that were staying for a week in Toronto. Stewart, he once again, had organized a few excursions so that my friends could visit the most important places. Useless to say that Richie and I went with them. Most of the evenings we gathered at one or the other nice restaurant and it was clear that everybody had a good time. When the week was over, we took them all to the airport and waved them goodbye. As usual in those occasions, there were a lot of hugs and kisses and a few tears were shed. I was sad to see them go, but happy I would have my time with my husband.

We still had a few days before returning to the routine of every day. It will not come as a surprise that we drove around quite a lot. We went to see places that even Richie had not seen. The GPS in the car was very useful and gave us even indications as where to go and what to see. If I had loved my car that I sold, I knew this one would certainly make up for it. We were happy and that made that everything we did was even more beautiful.

We also got really close to Stewart and Troy. Friendship and friends, as words, are often misused. Friendship is a pure and uninterested feeling that is reciprocal and that was what we had with Stewart and Troy. We often went for a meal or a movie. Theatre and concerts were also on the agenda on a regular basis. We even had plans for a holiday together to the Niagara Falls. They were all three pure Canadians and had never seen the Niagara Falls! I couldn't believe it.

When we met at our, or their place we would often have a few drinks, maybe even a meal and sometimes playing some Trivial Pursuit or any other board game. It was always pleasant and fun. Richie had told me that Stewart and Troy indulged a third and sometimes a fourth person in their sexual game, but I was too much in love with my husband to allow that. I asked Richie if he had been part of a three-way with them and he admitted he had in the past, before knowing me.

  • Is it something you would like to repeat? I asked him.

  • We have a monogamous marriage Fred, and I want to keep it that way. A threesome with them is totally out of the question because it implies that you wouldn't be there. I've done threesomes, foursomes and even orgies in the past, but now I have a husband who satisfies me to the highest level and I don't need more. If you reach a point where you want to be involved with other people sexually, we will talk about it but I don't see it happening in a near future.

His answer made me happy. I had to admit that my curiosity was piqued. I had had my share of men sexually before meeting Richie, but was never in a threesome or more. I had discovered very soon that one-night-stands were satisfying on a very temporary basis, meaning that the excitement of the moment was ok but as soon as it was over it left a sense of emptiness. I had soon switched over to masturbation instead, having the same result of sexual satisfaction in the literally sense of the word. Ok, I had had anonymous sex as well and that was when I needed to feel other hands than mine on my body. As said before, it gave me a temporary satisfaction, but nothing else.

I had even gone to a gay bathhouse. At first it was not with a sexual purpose. I just loved the warmth of the Finnish sauna and just adored the steam room. When I got out of the steam room I felt like my skin was a lot cleaner than before I entered. Sweating profusely without having to do any muscle exercise was something that renewed my energies. When I noticed that most of the guys came there for a pure sexual adventure, the gay bathhouse lost a bit of its interest. I tried some straight bathhouses, but saw that the sexual purpose was even more present than in the gay ones, only that the people trying to have sex with me were women and not so many men, although there were a few.

I thought I was getting old before my age. Most young guys considered the bathhouses as their second home. There was a huge display of muscular studs. I had to admit that some of them were very nice- looking but most of them had that much muscles on them that it lost my interest. It was not natural anymore.

I had told my experiences to Richie in the very beginning of our relationship and we both agreed on the subject. Richie on top of that insisted that sex in the heat of the moment, was often practiced without any protection and that in our time, the risk was too high to catch any STD. He told me of a very nice spa in town, servicing both men and women but at different times. He had gone there and enjoyed the total spa circuit, with after that a nice session in the steam room and finishing it all off with a very professional massage. He had enjoyed it immensely at the time. There were no sexual activities in that spa and he even suggested e would go when we felt like it.

As both our jobs meant we were sitting a great deal of the day, our morning workouts were heavenly sent. Most of the time I only used the treadmill where Richie used more the weights. But all in all, it made us sweat off the hours we were just sitting at our desks.

I came to notice that Richie was often frustrated in his work. His fees were quite high and he had a very selected clientele. Quite some cases he defended were futile as he said himself. He started to have some good fame with divorce cases, but he actually didn't like it. It was easy money though. If people were arguing about (most of the time) huge amounts of money, he didn't care to increase his fees. But he felt useless at one point.

  • You see, he said, there are a lot of people who really need a lawyer, but who can't afford one. People who are the victims of injustice and are about to lose everything they have because one guy has been smarter than they were and took advantage of it. I was thinking, and I would like your input Fred, to open an office in a less fortunate part of town and exercise my profession at totally different fees, and even for free when I see there is no other way. I think it would be far more satisfying of working the law efficiently for those who need it most.

Once again I realized why I loved this guy. He had such a big heart and genuinely wanted to help people who needed it. My brain as working at the speed of light with what he had just told me.

  • Let me create a website for you, explaining your purposes and what you can do. We could even include your fees so the people would know they can afford it.

  • That's a brilliant idea Fred! Let me work out what information should appear. I would also like to speak to some judges about the project and see what they can come up with. I even think that the name of the website is obvious: "Affordable Justice". I would keep the two parts of my profession completely separated and make big money with the rich ones and just covering the costs with the other ones. I guess it would even be tax deductible.

Richie was suddenly in a very creative mood. He took some paper and a pen and started to write down whatever the project was including. He was that much concentrated on what he was doing that he didn't even hear me when I was talking to him. It didn't make me mad, on the contrary, it made me proud to have a husband who got into things with such a passion and fever, just like when we were making love.

It took him several days and almost weeks to write down what he wanted. When he thought the project was efficient and viable, he showed me what he had written down. I had to admit I didn't understand all of it and told him so.

  • Please Richie, try to write down things, not in your professional terminology, but in a language even a six year old would understand like Denzel Washington says in the movie "Philadelphia". People who will visit your website, have to understand every single word that appears on the screen. Don't use your lawyer's language or the court language. Use the street language that will put your clients at ease. You can even mention some cases you've won so that the website visitor will know you are not a student that just graduated from university, but that you are a full time lawyer who knows what he is talking about.

He kissed me and disappeared in his office again. I had almost to drag him out of it to come to eat, but as soon as he finished his plate he was gone again. For my part I had started a design of his website, using soothing colors, readable fonts and user-friendly buttons and links. I used all my skills and knowledge to make it attractive without being too pedantic. I asked Richie the names of his competitors and went on a search to see if any of them had a website. I found a few and I was sure the less fortunate people would never contact them. Everything was written in lawyer's slang and most of them were on the verge to tell they were the lawyers of the President of the United States himself. I wouldn't have been surprised if any of those had asked a fee just to enter their website! I observed their websites scrupulously and made my notes about what I had to avoid in Richie's.

It took Richie almost three month before he had everything in its place. He had rented a modest office on top of a grocery store and furnished it accordingly to the neighborhood and the possible clients he would have. Although he had talked about changing his car for a newer one, he didn't do it. He kept his ten-year-old Honda that was a lot more discreet than the BMW 5 series he had in mind. He made an attentive choice of his clothing when he went up to that office, always elegant but not screaming out it was a tailor made suit. All the details were covered, even his nameplate next to the door was simple and efficient: his name, his business and the hours he would be available.

It took only two days before he had the first inquiry by e-mail. It was a case of a person renting a place and the landlord refused to do very urgent and necessary works to keep the place livable. The people asking for his help were older people with very little income and no money to do the works themselves. Richie immediately called them and made an appointment to meet them.

I realized that with helping less fortunate people, I would see him less and less. I didn't care, as I knew he was doing a tremendous job helping those who were in need. It was like that in a very short time because with people who can't afford a lawyer, he had to spend more time and adapt his speeches so that they would understand him without ambiguities. Every time he came back from that office, he was tired and worn-out, but happy. His face and his eyes were telling me that. The change in him since he started his project was noticeable. He still had his rich clients that provided most of his income, but the fact of feeling useful, he got it from his downtown office. I was proud of him. Nevertheless, I had to convince him to open his new office only five days a week as it took so much energy from him.

What he noticed in this new project was also the fact that for a lot of people there was no need to go to court. Amiable agreements were often found when the other party realized there was a real and serious lawyer defending the less fortunate. There were also a lot of cases where the court was not necessary as the answers to the client's question were obvious and just common sense. When Richie mentioned that to me, I suggested to add a page on his website with FAQ's. That page would probably need a daily update with the questions he received at his office.

Six months after the opening of the office, Richie was obliged to consider having some help. He couldn't do all the work he had. He needed a secretary or a law student that wanted to have some practice. His clients didn't pay a lot and that was the problem of hiring someone. He tried to convince some of his fellow lawyers, but most of them were not so keen to work for almost free, till he met Jerome. Jerome was a confirmed lawyer and had had the same problem as Richie: not finding a satisfactory professional life although his incomes were great. They had been talking about the project that Richie was developing and Richie invited him over to our apartment to discuss things further.

When I first met Jerome, I have to admit I thought he was hot, burning hot. He was tall, slender, muscled, blond and with sparkling blue eyes. He radiated confidence and self-esteem, but was humble at the same time. He had a dazzling smile and was very well mannered. When they came in, Richie introduced me as his husband and Jerome didn't flinch at all. We sat down and had a drink and they resumed their conversation where they left it before. Jerome seemed genuinely interested, as this supplementary job would allow him, just as Richie, to deduct it from his taxes, but most of all giving him a professional fulfillment. He admitted with a laugh that sometimes his fees were far above the amount of work they represented, but just as Richie, his clients were quite wealthy and could more than afford it.

Richie showed him the website. Jerome was impressed. They went over all what was mentioned in the website and we could see that he was more and more interested in joining the enterprise. They then started to talk about more private subjects and life in general. We so learned we all had more in common than what we saw at first sight. Our sexual orientation was never mentioned and that gave me the intuition that Jerome was probably as gay as us. He didn't mention any boyfriend though, but he didn't mention any wife or girlfriend either. His parents were part of the high-society of Toronto and he had had a happy childhood. Richie and he had been to the same university and even had had some of the same professors. As the hours went by, we invited him to share our evening meal and he gladly accepted after a polite "I don't want to bother you..." All in all, the evening was nice and pleasant and at the moment of leaving Jerome said he wanted a few days to think it all over and that he would call to give his answer.

Once he was gone, Richie and I looked at each other and at the same time we both said: "He's gay". We burst out laughing, but Richie said that his sexual orientation was not an issue. What he was looking for was someone with professional skills and who wanted to genuinely help people in need.

  • Are you convinced he will be the man you wanted at your office? I asked.

  • I am more than convinced. He has a very good record and the cases he won were not the easiest ones. He knows his profession and from our conversation I can say he would be a very good asset. He is in the same state I was in a few months ago. He could be of great help and as you know, I have already too much on my hands.

  • If you think so, than go for it ... if he accepts.

  • I am pretty convinced he will accept.

Indeed, two days later Jerome called and asked to meet. They met at the office to discuss the details of the collaboration and soon agreed on all the conditions from both parts. As they both were lawyers, they drew up a contract that they both signed and shook hands that sealed the deal.

Richie started to get home earlier, something I was not angry about. In the last six month I had gone to bed often before he came home. He always slipped in bed as carefully as possible, but I was always awake anyway. He always kissed me goodnight saying he was sorry to arrive so late. He was also always so tired that our sex life started to suffer under the pressure he had at his office. Running two offices at the same time was not easy and he most certainly tried to dedicate the necessary time to any of his clients, being it the rich ones or the less fortunate ones.

Bit-by-bit our sexual life was reduced to the weekends. I had insisted from the very first day that the weekends would be work free, just as the official holidays. I had convinced Richie that the kind of work he did didn't need him to work seven days a week, as he was working late almost every day. It was not that he needed the work for an income. We had enough money to be able to pay all of our bills and we didn't have that much time to spend the rest. We had since short a housekeeper who was doing the cleaning and running our errands. We tried, as much as we could, to maintain our morning routine and workout to keep in shape. From time to time we went to the spa to relax a hundred percent. At one of our visits to the spa we were surprised to meet Jerome. As he had only a towel wrapped around his waist, I could see my suspicion of a magnificent body were right. He had to workout as well to keep in such a good shape. We had a fruit juice at the little bar and then went for the steam room. Before we got in I just stated that anyone speaking about work would have to pay a fee of five dollars. They both laughed at it, but agreed.

  • And what is it you want to talk about then? Jerome asked, the size of our dicks?

But as we sat in the steam room he removed his towel and that subject was not necessary anymore. We all three had about the same endowment with trimmed pubes and shaved balls. Although none of us talked about it openly, we could see we were all very similar but with Jerome in a slightly better shape. Nudity didn't seem to bother Jerome at all. We told him that we were mostly nudists at home and even tried to find any kind of resort to have a long weekend or some other holidays in the nude as well. Jerome confirmed he was a nudist as well and would give us some addresses of resorts that were clothing optional. He told us about a few he had visited and one in particular that was for him the very best. Once again he didn't give us any clue as to his sexual orientation.

When our circuit was over and we had received our massages, we left the spa to go home and it was almost obvious Jerome would join us for yet another meal. The only difference this time was that, as we had all admitted to be nudists, we took of our clothes when reaching the apartment. It was a little awkward at first but we soon were at ease being naked around each other. There were no sexual innuendos and none of us got hard. The only thing that changed was that when Jerome left, Richie was hornier than usual. I wasn't complaining!

When I started to notice that Richie was looking at Jerome with a little twinkle in his eyes, I talked to him before things were going in a direction that could possibly put our marriage in danger. So, one weekend I confronted Richie with what I had seen. He didn't deny it and I was glad for it. We had always been honest to each other and had never left a subject unspoken when it rose.

  • Yes, he said, Jerome is a very attractive guy and when we are here, all naked, there is a kind of lust coming up. I know we have not made love as much as in the past Fred because the huge amount of hours I am working. Very often I am far too exhausted to indulge in my matrimonial duties. It is not that I am getting tired of you, be assured. Of course, during the week-ends we are a little more relaxed and if Jerome comes by I can't avoid thinking about what it would be to have a threesome with him.

  • Have you ever had anything sexual with him while at the office? I asked.

  • No, we never have and we will never do something like that at the office. When we are working we do our jobs to the best of our abilities and I can tell you I don't regret one moment the fact I have accepted him as my associate. At the office it is pure professionalism and nothing else.

Richie was very calm when saying that and he looked me straight in the eyes at the same time. I knew he was telling me the truth and I had no problems believing him. So I continued:

  • If I understand you correctly, you wouldn't mind having a threesome with Jerome. Right?

  • We had this discussion some months ago, you remember? If you ask me from a pure sexual almost bestial point of view, I have to answer yes. If we speak about an emotional involvement, I definitely say no. I love you and I am married to you Fred and I don't want that to change in any way. You know that we, men, are born hunters and it is not the fact of killing an animal that has us going, it is the hunting on itself, tracking down the animal, following it, find it. Once it is killed, for whatever purpose it is, the game is over. It is the same, I think, when it comes to get what we want, as long as the emotions are not concerned. Look at us. We are both hunters and had it the easy way, as we both wanted the other. If you now look at Jerome, I don't know if he is interested in me or in us and that makes it exciting. If we haven't acted on it, it is just because I first of all don't want to lose him as a friend and secondly I don't want to lose him as a partner in the business.

  • I understand what you are telling me.

  • Would you be interested in a threesome with him? Richie asked.

  • Well, as you perfectly stated, Jerome is an attractive guy and from the "hunter's" point of view, speaking about lust and almost bestiality, I would have to say yes as well. Emotionally, just like you, I would definitely say no. There is maybe one point I have to add to what you said, and please don't take it as a blame, as I have not the love making as often as I would like to, my libido is increasing with the day. Just know that I would rather masturbate than cheat on you. What we have together is far too important to me than any sexual satisfaction I could eventually find somewhere else. The most important thing here is that we are honest about the subject and with each other. I will not accept that you cheat on me and I would never do it to you. If we both think that a threesome could spice up our sexual life, I would probably accept. But I would have problems accepting it if it was for any different reason. Our sex life has been very satisfactory up till now and when we make love I am the happiest man on earth. I would have problems with it if we had a threesome and that the rest of the week you wouldn't even touch me. Do you understand what I mean?

  • I understand you very clearly my dear husband, and I do agree with you wholeheartedly.

We agreed to not plan a threesome, but that if the circumstances were right, we would allow it to happen. Richie had understood my point of view completely. As Jerome was taking quite some cases for himself, Richie got earlier home most of the week days and was less exhausted. Our lovemaking got back to an almost daily activity. I was so glad we had been able to talk it over in complete honesty. A big burden had been taken off my shoulders, as I tend to see the worst instead of the best, but my husband was my best friend! We could talk over everything that happened in our lives, without getting angry or upset when there was a difference in opinions. I felt more than blessed to have found that man and be married to him.

Winter had been blowing full force. Richie's car had run its last miles when one day it stopped completely. As it was well over ten years old, the costs to repair it were not worth it anymore. Richie had enjoyed driving my car so much that he decided to go for a new BMW as well. As he had often clients (the richer ones) to take with him, he went for the 5 series as it had 4 doors and was more spacious than my convertible. The day it was delivered, I drove him to the dealership and before driving home we drove around although the snow was covering most of the roads. Nonetheless, the car went flawlessly through the white stuff. Richie was like a kid on Christmas day with his new toy.

The following Saturday we went to the spa and Jerome was there as usual. He had not seen Richie's new car and when we got out he whistled his appreciation. We went for a drive and suddenly Jerome started to give instructions to Richie who followed them scrupulously. Jerome said he wanted to show us something. We drove out of town and into the country and soon reached an almost deserted place. When Jerome said to stop we were in front of a cottage that was completely snowed in, but that looked very inviting nonetheless. He said he had just bought it. It still needed quite some work before he could move in, but he explained and showed the potential of the house. It was indeed very cozy and we could see why he had bought it. He explained what kind of renovations he wanted to do. Our imagination was fertile enough to see what it would become. He even wanted to have his own little spa with sauna and steam room. The main feature of the living room was a huge fireplace and it was really easy to imagine the place nicely furnished. We were happy for him. As we still didn't know his sexual orientation we kept discreet about the fact if he would share that house with someone or not.

We drove back to town. We invited Jerome to share our meal and he accepted. Once in the apartment, it had became quite normal for us to get out of our clothes and Jerome followed our example each time. It was nice to enjoy nudity, as through the window we could see the snow covered city. After our meal we sat in the living room in front of the fireplace and were still talking about the complete make over of Jerome's house. I was sitting next to Jerome and Richie in an easy chair in front of us.

Suddenly, without any warning, I heard Jerome saying: "Shit" and he leaned down and took my cock in his mouth and started sucking on it with frenzy. Of course, it didn't take more than three seconds to have me as hard as rock. Richie looked bewildered at what was happening just in front of his eyes. In the heat of the moment and with Jerome sucking like a vacuum, I shot my load very quickly. Jerome came up for air and was beat red.

  • I am sorry, he said I ... I don't know what overcomes to me! ... I am sorry ... I should not have done that!

He babbled and apologized profusely, not knowing where to turn to. He stood up and was about to leave. Richie got up quickly and took him by the arm, turning him to look at him. Jerome had tears in his eyes and was apparently quite ashamed of what he had done.

  • Don't worry Jerome, Richie said. You don't have to be ashamed of anything. I know my husband is a very attractive man and that you wanted to do this.

  • I wanted to do this for months now Richie, he answered, but I always could refrain my impulsions. But today, I really don't know what happened, I ...

  • Shht ... don't say anything anymore. Please come back in and sit down.

Jerome hesitantly sat down between Richie and me. I was glad we had discussed this before the actual happening of it. Jerome was totally upset and didn't know how to act. Richie tried to calm him down, but as it didn't work with words, he just French kissed Jerome with passion. When he came up for air, he nodded to me as if to say it was my turn. I obliged and kissed Jerome with the same passion Richie had shown. When I came up for air, Richie took my face in both his hands and kissed me feverishly.

If we are going to do this, Riche said, let's do it properly and move to the bedroom. He took Jerome's hand in his and I took the other one. We fell on the bed and the kissing resumed. It was an incredible feeling. Six hands were roaming over three bodies. Jerome was a very good kisser, but I still preferred my man to kiss me. Our cocks were hard before we even fell on the bed and were pressed in between of us. Even though I had shot my load in Jerome's mouth only a few minutes before, I got all worked up with the newness of the situation. We suddenly had one more body to give pleasure to. We had to learn which buttons we had to push to unleash the fire Jerome had inside.

It was not difficult. Jerome was so excited that the slightest touch made him squirm. My hand met Richie's on Jerome's swollen organ. We played with his cock and balls and as he gasped for air, he shot his juice. I guessed that his feelings were in total overload. I grasped Richie's cock and sucked a few moments, as I knew he would climax real fast as well. His creamy juice filled my mouth in seconds. I didn't swallow though. I wanted to share it with them. I kissed Richie and Jerome joined us, all three enjoying the flavor of Richie's semen. As we had climaxed we knew that we could go for a more relaxed round two.

Jerome's cock stayed hard and he stayed in an active sexual mood. It was clear he couldn't get enough of it. He jumped up and kneeled between Richie's legs. He leaned forward and engulfed Richie's cock till his nose was buried in his pubes. He sucked avidly as if he wanted to be sure there was nothing left inside. I watched him suck my husband and although I was excited by this little show, I had confused feelings. It was a good friend who had my husband's cock in his mouth! The only place that cock was really home was in one of my openings and not someone else's. Although I had accepted it even before it took place, I had a quiver of jealousy going through my mind and my body. I had never before in my life been jealous. I watched them going at it and felt that my cock stayed flaccid. The scene was hot but the excitement was gone for me. I got off the bed and sat down in the chair closest to the bed, watching them. Jerome flipped over and presented his cock to the open lips of Richie who swallowed it. He sucked on it like he always sucked: with fever and passion. These two magnificent specimens of men, in a hot sixty-nine position, were giving each other as much pleasure as was possible. They were clearly oblivious of me not being in bed with them anymore. After a while Richie got on his knees and turned Jerome on his stomach, lifting his hips and pushing a pillow under his stomach. Richie pointed his cock-head directly on Jerome's exposed rosebud. It seemed Richie was letting himself fall down on Jerome and penetrated him in one thrust up to the hilt.

Jerome couldn't even shout his surprise as the sudden invasion in his ass had cut off his breathing. Richie didn't even let him getting used to the invasion as he started to pump in and out of Jerome's hole. Jerome didn't say anything. He just lifted his hips a bit higher as if he wanted Richie to go even deeper. Richie obliged and was pumping furiously between Jerome's ass-cheeks. Richie's breath was heavy and he started to sweat all over his body. When he threw back his head I knew that he was only a few thrusts away from filling Jerome's insides. With a last powerful thrust he shouted his climax out, unloading in his associate's ass. Then he collapsed on Jerome's back and tried to catch his breath. As they came down from a post-orgasmic height, Richie left Jerome's hole with a plop.

Richie looked at me with a quizzical look. I didn't do anything to give him even a silent answer. I just took the pad and started the shower. The other two joined me and although we still grabbed and caressed, the urge of the moment was gone. Contrary to his normal way of doing, Jerome was soon gone and Richie and I were alone again.

You didn't like it or am I mistaken? Richie asked.

First of all I was flabbergasted at Jerome's actions. I had not expected it in any way. What happened next is that something snapped in in my head. Seeing you interact with him caused a feeling of jealousy I had never felt before. Yes, it was hot to look at but when he sucked you I was thinking that it was my mouth that ought to be on your cock. When you fucked him I thought it was my hole your cock had to be in. It was very confusing as I have never been jealous in my life. It was not that I didn't want you to have your pleasure. I love you so much and after this experience of a threesome, if you don't mind, I'd rather have we don't repeat it.

  • I understand, said Richie, and I will respect your desire. It is true that Jerome has a hot body and it was kind of fun, but knowing you are not comfortable with it, I can assure you it won't happen again. We have enough with just the two of us. I'll just explain to Jerome that the next time he comes we will stay clothed as to avoid the incident we had today. I am sure he will understand and accept it.

Richie got up and came over to me. He kissed me with his usual passion and before long we were in bed again, not fucking, but making love.

The evening of our first day of work after the weekend, I was anxiously waiting for Richie to come home and tell me Jerome's reaction. Strangely enough, Richie got in late. I guessed that he had waited to talk to Jerome till their office was empty, but when Richie came in he had a strange look on his face.

  • Jerome has not come to the office today. He didn't leave a note or anything and when I tried to call him, he didn't answer. This is so not like him! I have sent him an e-mail but haven't received an answer up till now.

Richie was really concerned and worried. He tried several more times to call Jerome, but never had an answer.

As days went by, Richie was on the verge of calling police and hospitals, but he heard from some colleagues at the courthouse that they had seen Jerome the day before or had him on the phone. That proved that Jerome was alive and not hurt in any way.

It took three weeks for Jerome to give any news. He called Richie during the office hours, apologizing profusely about his silence and saying it was all too hard for him to see us as a happy couple and he being the fifth wheel of the carriage. Being in Richie's presence all day and with me on top of it on weekends, was too much for him. He couldn't stand it. The threesome he provoked was nagging at him. He could forgive himself he had initiated it. He felt like an intrusion in our relationship and he didn't want that. He even thought we had allowed the threesome out of pity for him. Well, just to make a long story short, he preferred to stay away from us although Richie tried to convince him of our friendship and so on. Jerome insisted he needed time to sort things out. If that was what he wanted, we would give it to him!

Richie had to find someone else to help him at the office, but he swore to god it would have to be a woman!

To be continued if you guys like the story and let me know you do! All comments welcome at

Next: Chapter 6: Internet Connection 6

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