Integral Relationship

By Alan McGregor

Published on Feb 19, 2010


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--Integral Relationship Chapter 4--

The next morning, Jack awoke to the familiar sound of Billy Joel's, Piano Man. This wouldn't seem odd in any other circumstance, but his alarm wasn't to go off for another ten minutes. Instead of starting his daily routine, Jack decided to investigate.

Jack made his way past Brian's room, which was empty and, as always, spotless. He then proceeded down the stairs towards the den. He rounded the corner and found Brian playing the black grand piano that took up most of the room.

"Shouldn't you be getting ready for class?" Jack asked causing Brian to stop playing.

"I don't have class on Fridays so I get all day to mold the mind of my young pupils." Brian said with a smile on his face.

"Then shouldn't you be getting ready to go 'mold minds'?"

"Ah, not today little bro," Brian said slyly. "I care to guess that you have not looked outside yet?"

"No, I was more concerned with the piano playing that woke me up." Jack said walking to a window.

As jack pulled the curtain back, the view outside revealed a rather thick blanket of freshly fallen snow.

"I got a call at about five this morning informing me that school had been canceled, so I decided that I would practice a little." Brian said, "Sorry if I woke you."

"My alarm was going to go off anyway. Should I Make us some breakfast?" Jack offered.

"Sure." Brian said, "That sounds great."

As Jack made his way to the kitchen, he heard Brian start playing once again. This time it was Don't Stop Me Now, by Queen. Once in the kitchen, he began to prepare a breakfast of eggs, bacon and Hashed Brown potatoes. By the time Jack had finished, Brian was walking into the kitchen.

"It appears as if we both have inherited dad's cooking skills. This looks great." Brian said.

"So it seems," Jack said proudly. "Do you have any plans for the day?"

"Well, after I eat and help you clean up the kitchen, I plan on going back to bed for a couple of hours. What about you?"

" I might see if John wants to come over and hang out."

" I knew that you two would hit it off. He's pretty cool isn't he?"

" Yeah, he is. I might see if Kirk wants to come over too. I think that it would be good if John was friends with him too."

"One can never have too many good friends, and Kirk has been a really good friend to you. "

After the two had finished eating and the kitchen was clean, they both headed upstairs. Brian went into his room and Jack made his way into their adjoining bathroom to shower. While Jack would have loved to get more sleep, once he is awake, it is really difficult for him to return to any sort of useful slumber.

Once Jack had finished his morning routine, he proceeded down stairs to the living room and turned on the local news. As Jack had expected, the only story they seemed to be covering was the weather, which was of no interest to Jack. So he turned it to Comedy central for a rerun of The Daily Show with John Stewart.

Around 9:30, Jack sent a text to John to see if he wanted to come hang out around noon. Jack had barely set the phone down from sending the text when he received a positive reply from John. He didn't even have to ask Kirk, but to be polite, he did. He received a positive reply from Kirk as well.

It was about this time that Brian came wandering down the stairs.

"Do you know what time Dad is going to be home from work?" Jack asked.

"He won't be back till Sunday night," Brian yawned, "He's on another business trip this weekend remember."

"Crap, why do I always forget things like that?"

"So, do you have company coming over today?"

"Yeah, both John and Kirk are coming over, I figure we'll just hang out and play some video games and watch movies. You are more than welcome to join us if you so desire."

I might take you up on that later tonight, but I have some work I'd like to get finished so I don't have to do it this weekend. And seeing as I haven't assigned anything for your class yet, it seems as if I can't push you to do the same.

"Does this work include playing more piano or possibly your new guitar?" Jack asked with a smirk.

"Alas, you have found me out... but seriously, I'll be in my office finishing up next week's lesson plans if you need me. Once I get those finished, I will be practicing my artistic abilities."

"Ok, if you need a partner for a jam session, I wouldn't mind giving that guitar a shot."

Jack just lay around on the couch until his companions arrived. Once they did, Jack made the necessary introductions and the three of them decided to get some lunch. After asking Brian if he would like to join them, they made their way to the pizza place downtown. After devouring a large pepperoni pizza, the three of them returned to the house and initiated a multiplayer game of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare on the PS3. While Jack and Kirk had become quite good at the game, it turns out that John was way better than either of them had ever hoped they would be.

After getting their asses handed to them by John for about an hour, Jack and Kirk decided that they wanted to have the upper hand for a while and popped Madden 09 in. As expected, the two of them took turns dominating John. After John had surrendered to the two, they decided to watch a movie.

After selecting Talledega Nights, one of Jack's favorites, from the expansive media library in the den, the three returned to the living room to watch it. Two hour later, the movie ended. Kirk announced that he had to leave as he was going to dinner with his parents.

After the boys said their good-byes, John and Jack headed down to the basement to shoot a few games of pool. They passed by Brian's office, where it was evident that he wasn't working on his lesson plans.

"Well, it doesn't seem as if jack is working on his lesson plans for next week." Jack said to John, "Sounds like he is practicing his guitar skills."

"I didn't know that he played guitar." John replied.

"Well he didn't until a couple months ago. He used to be just piano, but he wanted to 'widen his horizons.'"

"Do you play?" John asked.

"I started learning about a year ago, but I'm nowhere near as good as he is." Jack said as he racked the balls. "You wanna break?"

"No you go ahead... I don't want to show off." John said with a smile on his face.

But John didn't get the chance. Jack had put every one of his balls in a pocket without giving John a turn.

"Are you sure you want to try showing off at this?" Jack laughed.

"Damn, I was just kidding!"

At about that same time, Brian came out of his office.

"So how'd you talk John into this?" He asked

"What do you mean?" John asked.

"Well, I haven't met one person who has been able to beat this kid at pool." Brian replied.

Jack started to blush.

"I'm not that good." Jack protested.

"Bullshit! If you're not good at pool, I really suck at playing piano." Brian said walking over to the piano that they kept in the basement. " And we both know that I don't suck at piano."

He then started playing Queen's, Somebody to Love.

The rest of the night went uneventful. Brian Jack and John hung out and watched more movies until they all passed out in the living room.

--Author's Notes-

Sorry for the delay in update's. I've been pretty busy and haven't had time to sit down and write. As always, I encourage any feedback that I can get. Email me at fridayauthor01@gmail.coms

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