Integral Relationship

By Alan McGregor

Published on Jan 2, 2010


-- The same warning that applies to every other story on this site applies to this one too. So if this type of material offends you, you probably shouldn't read it. --

--Integral Relationship Chapter 3--

"So," Jack said to Brian as he walked through the door, "Why didn't you tell me you were taking over my class?"

"I was told not to. The school wasn't going to release who they hired until this morning. The only person I told was dad. Believe me, if I could have, I would have." Brian pleaded with his younger brother.

"Ok, it's alright." Jack lied, but now was not the time for a confrontation. "I've got one more question for you. Why did you pair me with this John kid instead of Kirk?"

"I don't know, I thought it might be good if you two spent a little less time together." Brian said. "Besides, John is a good kid. I figured you, being the nicest person I know, wouldn't mind being his first friend at school. Show him around a little."

"Ok, I buy that." Jack said, "But I know you better than that. There is something else. You know him from somewhere don't you? You think we have something in common."

"Last summer he did an engineering exploration that I was in charge of. He and I became good friends and we kept in contact." Brian said, "Jack, he's been through a lot since then. The reason I want you two to get to know each other is because you do have something in common, all three of have something in common."

There was a silence in the room as Brian took a deep breath.

"Jack, his mom died just over a month ago. It was almost two years to the day since the accident." Brian said softly. "I really feel his pain, but I don't think I can help him because I am no longer one of his peers. I want to help him, but since I am now one of his teachers, I think it would be inappropriate for me to get involved. I think you can help him a lot. He doesn't have anyone to turn to, he's an only child. I know that our relationship is what helped our wounds heal."

"Wow," it was the only thing Jack could get out.

"Jack," Brian pleaded, "If you don't do this for John, please do it for me. I really care about this kid. He's become almost like a second little brother to me."

"Ok, I'll see what I can do." Jack agreed.

"I'm sure you already know this, but don't confront him about it. Wait for him to open up. Just be a friend, be yourself." Brian said.

Jack just nodded his head and turned to leave.

"Jack, one more thing," Brian called out, "I'm not sure how you feel about this subject, but John is gay."

Jacks heart skipped a beat. Did he really just hear that? This gorgeous boy who is coming over to his house tonight is gay. Was this a sign to Jack that he would have the support of his brother when he decided to come out? Now was not the time for this, maybe he would talk to Brian this weekend, but for now, just play it cool.

"That's cool. Is he open about it?" Jack asked.

"He's not out to his family yet, so you and I are the only ones around here who know. As far as he's concerned, I'm the only one who knows, you understand?" Brian said sternly.

"Loud and clear bro, I will say nothing about it."

Jack was jarred awake by the sound of the doorbell. He'd fallen asleep on the couch.

"Shit," Jack said to himself, "I wasn't going to fall asleep, just sit and watch TV."

Jack stood up, flattened his shirt and looked in a mirror to make sure none of his hair was standing up. He looked like he'd been sleeping, but maybe John wouldn't notice. He opened the front door.

"Hi John, what's up? Come on in." Jack greeted John

"Thanks for inviting me over. I really appreciate it." John Replied

"No problem." Jack said. "Come on into the living room."

The two boys immediately hit it off. Jack found it almost easier to talk to John than it was Brian.

"So, have do you have any friends from school yet?" Jack asked.

"Well, not really, only you so far." John said. "I mean of my fellow students. I've been in touch with Mr. Calloway for a few months now."

"Oh really," Jack said acting surprised." How do you know Brian?"

"I did an engineering thing over the...Did you just call him Brian?" John asked with a confused look on his face.

"Yeah, is it weird for me to call my brother by his name?" Jack asked with a smile on his face.

John looked completely dumbfounded.

"Why didn't I put two and two together?" John asked. "I am so oblivious."

"No, you're not." Jack said reassuringly, "90 percent of the class probably doesn't realize it."

The two continued to chat for the next couple hours. It turned out they had a lot of common interests. They both enjoyed the same music and the same TV shows. After sharing a few laughs about some favorite movie moments, the conversation turned a little serious.

"Jack, I really appreciate all that you've done for me today. I really hope that this friendship will last for a long time, but I have got to be completely honest with you." John trembled.

"John, it's ok. I'm not going to judge you. You can tell me anything." Jack said with a reassuring smile.

"Jack," John took a deep breath. "I'm gay."

John looked down at the floor, away from Jack, waiting for the worst.

"John, there is nothing to be disappointed about, it's awesome." Jack said. "And, as long as we are being completely honest and I can trust you to keep this strictly between you and me." He took a deep breath, "So am I."

"Really? I never would have guessed it. That's awesome!" John jumped up and gave Jack a hug. "I am really happy to have someone who knows what I'm going through. You don't know how much your trust in me means."

The two continued to talk well into the night. It wasn't until Brian announced that he was going to bed that they realized what time it was.

"Shit it's almost eleven, I've got to go." John jumped up.

"Well, I had a great time tonight. You wanna hang out again tomorrow? I don't have any plans." Jack asked.

"Yeah, I'd really like that." John said as he walked out the front door, "See you tomorrow Jack."

--Authors Notes--

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I know that the story is going a little slow at the moment, but I like to include details in my writing. Please send any comments and concerns to


Next: Chapter 4

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