Integral Relationship

By Alan McGregor

Published on Dec 29, 2009


-- The same warning that applies to every other story on this site applies to this one too. So if this type of material offends you, you probably shouldn't read it. --

--Integral Relationship Chapter 2--

Christmas break went very quickly for Jack. His family didn't do anything exciting, but he was grateful for the time he got to spend with them. Before he knew it, New Years was over and it was time for him to return to school. Jack was kind of anxious to get back to school and be with his friends, but he also knew that going back meant that he wouldn't get to spend as much time with his brother.

The night before he went back to school, Jack was hanging out with Brian in his room.

"You know Brian, I have really enjoyed spending time with you over the break... and I would really like to continue it." Jack said

"Oh, I think that we will be seeing a lot more of each other here really soon." Brian smirked, "Good night buddy."

And with that, Brian left the room.

The first day back was always the worst. Even though it was a Thursday, it felt like the weekend would never come. At lunch, Jack sat with Kirk at their usual table. Kirk had a new romantic interest, which Jack teased him about. Kirk didn't think twice about teasing back pointing out every time Jack eyed some hot guy. This quickly got old and Jack changed the subject.

"So, have you heard anything about the new Calc teacher?" Jack asked.

"The only thing I've heard is that he is a younger guy who also took over teaching physics." Kirk replied.

"Well, I hope he's not one of those guys who thinks he's hot shit. I don't know if I could stand having another one of those guys. Remember that asshole who taught PE last year?"

"Yeah, I'm in the same boat with you there... I couldn't stand him."

Just as Jack was about to say something else, the bell rang signaling the start of the next class period. The two friends said their goodbyes and headed off in different directions. Only three more periods before this day was over... Jack couldn't wait.

The next two class seemed to fly by, which Jack really appreciated, but jack was dreading his last class... Calculus. He knew his new teacher was going to be worse than the last and really didn't want to go. Just before he got to the room, Kirk caught up with him.

"You ready for this?" Kirk asked.

"I think so... I hope it's not as bad as I think it will be." Jack replied.

As he walked into the classroom, Jack tried to find his new teacher, but it didn't appear as if he had made it to class yet. Jack and Kirk took their usual seats in the middle of the room and waited for the bell to ring before getting anything out to start class with. Five minutes after the bell had rang, still no sign of the new teacher. Something was up.

Jack turned to say something to Kirk when a familiar voice came from the open doorway.

"Sorry I'm late guys, I guess traffic this time of day is worse than I thought."

Jack thought he was hearing things, but when he turned in the direction of the door, he knew he wasn't. Standing in the doorway was none other than his older brother.

"Good afternoon everyone, my name is Brian Calloway and I will be your Calculus teacher for the remainder of the year." He said and started handing out papers.

It was at this point that Jack realized that his mouth was hanging wide open. He couldn't believe that his own brother would be teaching Calculus at HIS high school. The entire time he was talking about his syllabus and how he was going to run the class, Jack was completely out of it. The shock of the whole situation kind of subsided as Brian finished up his talk and moved on to a project that he was assigning. "Great," Jack thought to himself, "My brother is the only teacher who gives me homework on the first day back; I'm going to have to talk with him."

"From what your last teacher left me, I understand that you have learned a couple of basic methods of integration. This project will highlight the importance of the first and second integral of the acceleration function when dealing with an object in free fall; of course we will be ignoring air resistance for the time being. I want you to work in pairs on this one, but I will be assigning your partners." Brian stated.

A low moan was heard from the class.

"Working with people who you don't know is a very important skill in life guys. It's something you are going to have to deal with every day." Then he started naming off the groups.

Kirk was put with some girl who seemed to be very pleased with Brian's decision. My group was the last to be named.

"Jack Calloway," he said, "You will be working with John McCabe."

"Who?" Jack said to himself, "Great, he put me with someone who I didn't even know existed."

" Hi, I'm John." Said a voice behind him.

"Hello John, I'm ...Um, uh." Jack was caught mid sentence as he looked up. John was possibly one of the most gorgeous men Jack had ever seen. He was around 5'10" with nicely toned arms and from what Jack could see, he assumed a nicely toned body to suit. His eyes were a stunning brown to match his shot and nicely styled brown hair.

"Jack, I presume?" John finished with a smile.

"Yeah, Jack. Sorry, I lost my train of thought." Jack quickly replied.

"Ok guys, the bell is about to ring. Your assignment for tonight is to get to know your partner if you don't already know them. We will pick up with this tomorrow. Have a good afternoon." Brian said just as the final bell rang.

"So, are you new in town, I've never seen you around." Jack asked John.

"Yeah, my dad and I moved here last week. It's kind of tough moving over the holidays, but he got a last minute job offer and had to take it." John replied.

"So, you got any plans tonight? I think I ought to complete tonight's assignment or I may get my ass chewed." Jack asked.

"You really think he is going to check to see if we actually got to know our partners?"

"I have a feeling he will know if we don't."

"I really don't have anything going on... You wanna do your place then? Mine is still in cardboard boxes."

"Yeah, that sounds great." Jack said giving John his address, "Come by around six."

With that Jack set off for home. He didn't want to show it, but he was really looking forward to getting to know John better.

--Author's Notes--

I would like to encourage everyone to send me your thoughts on this story. Your feedback is the only pay I receive from writing. Email me at

Next: Chapter 3

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