Integral Relationship

By Alan McGregor

Published on Dec 27, 2009


-- The same warning that applies to every other story on this site applies to this one too. So if this type of material offends you, you probably shouldn't read it. --

--Integral Relationship Chapter 1--

"Jack Calloway!"

As Jack returned to reality, he found himself blushing as he heard the laughter from the rest of the class. "Sorry Mr. Clarkson."

"I know it's your last class before Christmas Vacation, but I am trying to make an important announcement. Now, as I was saying, today marks the last day of your first semester of Calculus, but it also marks the last day that I will be assisting you on your journey deeper into the wonders of mathematics. I have been offered the chance to return to college to earn my PhD. Unfortunately, I must devote the majority of my time to do this and I feel that I will no longer benefit you if teaching is not my main goal. Now, I know that you are all disappointed, but not to worry, a replacement has already been selected and has been brought up to speed on what we have covered. You should expect to pick up where we left off when you return in January."

The entire class was fairly surprised to hear of Mr. Clarkson's departure, but not at all disappointed. He was a complete ass to everyone, and if you happened to ask a question, he would go on and on about how stupid the question was and never gets to the answer.

As Mr. Clarkson continued his speech, the final bell rang and the entire class, including Jack, gathered their things and exited without a word to their departing teacher.

"So, Clarkson's leaving, wonder who they'll get to replace him," announced Jack's best friend Kirk.

"I don't know, but I sure hope they're not as big of an ass as he was.", Jack replied.

"That'd be nice! You need a ride home?"

"Yeah, that'd be great; my car is in the shop. Let me just put this shit up."

Jack sprinted off to his locker, grabbed his backpack and coat and was out to meet Kirk at his car. The ride home was filled with the usual conversation: who is dating who now, and plans for over the break, of which, Jack had none.

"You wanna hang out tonight? I've got no plans and my dad is gonna be out of town for the weekend." Jack offered.

"Sure, I've got nothing better to do; I'll come by around six." Kirk replied as they pulled up in front of the Jack's house.

"Sounds like a plan." Jack had thought about using the word date, but thought twice before he did. The two seniors spent so much time together anyway that people were starting to wonder if they were, in fact dating. As much as Jack would have loved to call Kirk his boyfriend, he knew it would never happen because Kirk was as straight as Jack claimed to be. "See you in a couple hours."

With that, Jack jumped from the car and ran up to the large oak front door. Upon entering, he removed his shoes and headed up to his room to put his stuff away. After putting his school supplies in their proper places, he turned on his laptop to check his email, nothing but spam... as usual. He didn't even know why he had an email account. He then went back down stairs and plopped himself down on the couch and began flipping through the channels on the TV. After about 20 minutes of surfing, he settled on a rerun of Modern Marvels. It was about this time, that he heard the front door open and his older brother, Brian, walk in.

"Hey, buddy! How was school?" Brian asked.

"Nothing real big happened. My Calculus teacher quit and I'm getting a new teacher when I go back."

"It's about time that asshole quit, I worked my entire high school career trying to get him fired. Got any plans for the evening?"

"Kirk is going to come over and we're just gonna hang around here. Probably watch some movies."

"Sounds relaxing, mind if I join you?"

"Sure, as long as the big college Junior doesn't mind hanging out with a couple high schoolers." Jack joked.

"Now, even though I live at home, I don't get to hang out with my little bro that often, and I would never pass up that chance." Brian argued back.

"I know, I was just joking with you, besides, where else are we going to get our beer?"

"Ha ha, very funny." Brian replied, "And what have I told you about saying that out loud, I swear dad has this place bugged sometimes."

"Yeah. Well, he'll get over it. Kirk is gonna be here around six"

"Ok, I'll be down stairs finishing up some paperwork." Brian yelled as he descended, "Do you think you could go pull my car in the garage, it's starting to snow."

By the time six o'clock rolled around, it had snowed about 2 inches.

"Well, it looks like I'll be staying here tonight!" Kirk said as he walked in the front door, "The roads are already crap and the city isn't going to send any plows out until the storm is over."

"You know, you could ask if you could stay every once in a while." Jack said sarcastically.

"What are you talking about? Your dad thinks of me as a third son!" Kirk shot back, "Besides, I knew you wouldn't mind!"

Kirk was the only one that Jack had actually come out to, but it wasn't by choice. Everyone had their suspicions, but Kirk was the only one who had ever confronted him. Jack knew he couldn't lie to his best friend, so he told him the truth. After that day, it seems as if their friendship has been even stronger than it was.

"Oh, whatever," Jack said as he rolled his eyes.

The rest of the evening was pretty much uneventful. The three boys ordered pizza and watched three movies before turning in for the night around 1 in the morning.

--Author's notes--

Hi all! First I'd like to welcome any and all feedback that you have, I'm not really sure where I'm going with this one yet, but bear with me. You can email me at Your feed back is the only thing I have to gauge how I'm doing. Also, if anyone would be willing, I would like to have an editor, I'm kind of OCD when it come to English and I can't proofread my own writing.

Second, I'd like to apologize to everyone who had been reading my previous story, Friday, I had to leave for school around the time the last chapter was published and I haven't been able to pick it back up, but I have had the hankering to write, so this is my second attempt. -- K.A.M.

Next: Chapter 2

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