Innocent Repentance

By Abra Cadabra

Published on Apr 28, 2016


DISCLAIMER: This is the story of a boy experiencing supernatural torment that wasn't even meant for him. There will be pain and gay things.

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Felix breezed through third grade with ease, so he had a lot of spare time to spend on his hobbies – lifting weights, swimming and wrestling. Sure, he wasn't the most popular high schooler but his lithe, toned body made sure nobody messed with him. As he came home one day, he found a letter on the door step. Odd, that the person hadn't put it into the post box. Felix carried it inside and dropped his stuff in his room upstairs. He was alone because his parents worked until late at night. About to make himself lunch, he walked downstairs to head for the kitchen, passing by the letter. There was no address on it, only the name of his brother James, who was off to college. Well, his brother wasn't going to come home until in a few weeks. If it was important Felix had to tell him. Gingerly, he opened the letter. There was a puff and thick, black smoke erupted from the envelope. It was a sticky, gooey substance that left stains on his fingers and shirt. Cursing, the teen rushed back upstairs, dropped the sticky paper and walked into the bathroom to see the damage. His shirt was probably a lost cause and the gross stuff had sunken under the fabric and left stains on his body. He stripped and took a quick shower to get all the weird goo off his smooth skin. Still naked, because he hadn't prepared new clothes, Felix left the bathroom. The letter was on the ground in the corridor. He wasn't going to touch it again but it was face up, allowing him to read it. It was handwritten with a curvy and archaic style. "There is no greater mistake you could have made," it said. "Now you will carry the consequences. Since you must repay me for your guilt, my curse will make sure you are just as I require you to be. Until your course of repentance is complete, goodbye James." It was signed with a name too fancy to decipher. That was certainly weird. Felix would have to ask his brother what he had done to make somebody sent him letters with gross stuff inside and creepy threats about curses. The black goo on the ground bubbled. Felix stared at it as it coalesced into a small heap. Then it began to grow. Weirded out, the naked teen took a step back. The goo followed him, moving like a massive slug. Felix took another step back and the creature followed again, a bit faster now. It also started to grow quicker. Only a bit at first, then explosively, nearly to person size. The boy ran into his room and slammed the door shut. "What the fuck? What's happening?" He had to call his brother. Dialing the number in his cell phone, Felix kept his eyes on the door. Then there was an odd sensation. In the spots where the goo had hit him earlier, he felt a strong itch. It only lasted a second and gave way to heat, that spread through him, warming his insides up unnaturally. His brother didn't answer. The heat reached a level where he began to sweat lightly. What should he do? Call his parents? Call the police? Call animal control? As he looked to the side his view met his reflection on the computer monitor. There was writing on his forehead, like a tattoo, saying "FUCK YOU". Instinctively he brushed his shaggy hair over the horrific thing as if that would make it go away. A splotching sound. The pitch black creature crawled through the slit under his door. It had grown immensely and tentacles spread into the room. Felix understandably panicked. He grabbed the only item of clothing in reach – a pair of old Adidas sneakers that had been white once upon a time, but were almost falling apart at the seams. Then he pried open his window and jumped onto the garage's roof. He slipped into the sneakers, made sure he had a firm grip on his phone, and looked back one more time. The unnatural thing was as big as a human but shapeless and ever moving. The naked teen grabbed the roof's edge, swung himself off the platform and dangled for a moment, deciding how to land. He dropped down and hit the ground without much difficulty. Above him he could hear the creature slobber its way out the window and onto the roof. He still wasn't safe. Not thinking clear, the lean muscled, nude teen tried to consider his options. He should tell a neighbor. They'd let him in if they saw the creature. He hurried across the street. Not even knowing who lived in that house, he banged on the door, newly brushing his hair over the mark. An elderly woman opened, very surprised by the attire. "What? Who are you?" "Please let me in." "What? No. Are you crazy?" Felix gestured behind himself where the black thing flooded off the roof into the driveway. "It's following me." The woman strained her eyes, apparently unable to see anything out of the ordinary. "I have no idea what you're on, but stay away from drugs, boy." She slammed the door shut. The creature had to be invisible for anyone but himself. He really had to call his brother. But the monster was already closing in on him. He ran farther, past the woman's house and to the little forest area behind their street. There was a creek. Maybe water could stop it. That was a long shot, but what else could he try? While on the run he called James again but got no answer that time either. He was sweating a lot more than usual, even when he stood still. Had the goo infected him with some kind of super flue? If this curse was meant by an angry, wronged person for James to make him repent, it sure explained the tattoo. It didn't explain the sweating. Was that just the curse taking shape inside him? As he pondered that terrible option, the spots itched again. This time it didn't translate into heat – although the heat stayed with him – instead it made blood rush downward. As he moved, his dick grew semi hard. The left and right slapping was enough to make it go fully erect. It got so hard, it even skinned back, revealing his dick head. That was highly uncomfortable and felt more embarrassing than being naked. The tool's veins pulsed, as they only did after a long masturbation session right before cumming. Felix felt little of the accompanying horniness. Actually, he barely felt horny at all. Perhaps, it was overwritten by his panic. Another tattoo had appeared on him. This time his tight chest had received the ugly thing. Across his tan skin with muscle fibers rippling underneath it said "VICTIM". Well, wasn't that right? The weather was chilly – a bit to cool to go shirtless – and the sweat evaporating from his skin made him shiver over and over as it was fought by the unnatural heat inside him. He had made it to the creak, but saw no way to cross the water safely. There was no bridge. Finally, James picked up on third try. "Sup Felix?" "Fuck, listen. I opened a letter that was for you. From some bitch who thinks you did something that needs to be punished." "Oh yeah, I know about that. Didn't think the old hag would send it to my home address. Did it say anything else?" "There was this black stuff-" "Fuck!" James shouted. "You didn't touch it, did you?" "It's chasing me, James." The older brother sighed. "I thought if she really went that far I could deal with it. Sucks that you got drawn in." "What did you do?" James sighed again. "Doesn't matter. I'll have to ask around how to get rid of the curse from afar. Can you hang on?" "How long is that going to take?" Felix wiped a drop of sweat from his brow. Then his hand wandered down subconsciously and held his solid dick. It was as if he was about to explode with cum but the horniness just wasn't there. "I dunno. I need to ask my girlfriend. I'll call her over. Hanging up now." "Okay, but please hurry." Felix lowered the phone. There was a sound of rustling leaves behind him. The creature had caught up. He could see it between the trees. The boy took off his shoes and threw them across the creek. He couldn't throw his phone so he'd have to carry it above the surface. He dipped one toe into the water. Since it came from the mountains it was almost at freezing temperature. That unnatural heat would probably save him from hypothermia but there was no way he wouldn't experience the temperature it all its terror. As the black goo came into reach, Felix waded in. He couldn't afford to hesitate. Getting the legs in was hard but he managed. Sinking in further let the water rise above his belly button. Even that didn't make his dick soft. He shivered, but there was no going back. With trembling muscles, Felix took the phone between his teeth and swam. The water pressed against him with an icy grip that surprised him, threatening to make him sink as his limbs grew numb and unresponsive within moments. It took ten seconds until he had ground below his feet again. The phone rang. Its vibrations surprised the boy and he lost his dental grip. The device fell in and went silent. He tried to grab it but his fingers were too cold to grasp tightly it was washed away by the current immediately. "Fuck," he said, teeth chattering. As he emerged on the other side he felt the heat inside him finally do some good by warming up his skin. He was sweating again before he was fully dried. The black thing only waited on its side and did nothing. Finally, he had gained some ground. He slipped back into his sneakers and stepped away from the shore. Where was he going to find a phone now?

Next: Chapter 2

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