Innocent Love

By Gavin I. Barrie

Published on Apr 8, 1991



Organization: Strathclyde University VAX Cluster

Bored with loong periods of studying for exams, I wrote this. Hope it's to your taste, constructive criticism and commants accepted...Flames piped to dev/null.....

Innocent Love

(c) G.I.Barrie

Slowly I wake up.

Sounds of the day filter through the windows to my sleepy head, a warm breeze drifts through the open window bringing the salty tang of the sea to my awakening nostrils. I move slightly under the covers, enjoying the feel of the silky material against my warm skin, caressing my body as you had the night before.

Opening my eyes I move my head so my gaze falls on your sleeping form, lying next to me. In sleep, your eyelids flicker, animat- ing your beautiful face, a slow smile comes to your lips, oh I hope that you dream of me, beloved! I watch you awhile, my eyes following the masculine contours of your face. A tendril of hair falls down, framing your closed lids and dark, bushy eyebrows. Your full lips part slightly, a low murmur escapes as you shift position, an arm reaches over to me in dreams.

I move closer to you as your arm enfolds me in your quiet strength. I feel the warmth and power of your manly body next to me and I smile. We are one in Love. I reach out a hand, letting it glide along the line of your jaw, feeling the black stubble that grows there. Moving my fingers upward I touch your lips, remembering the pleasure they give, I smile one more. I brush the hair from your face, pausing to run my fingers behind your ear, then down your neck as I reach behind with my arm and pull you closer to me.

You murmur dreamily, wrapping your strong arms around me. I kiss you softly, on your warm lips, gently raising you from your deep slumber. I whisper in your ear that I love you and you stretch out beside me. Your long body arches as the ghosts of dreams fall from your mind and you wake. You yawn, white teeth flash and eyes clench shut. Finally you relax, your face turns towards mind, your lids open and your beautiful green eyes smile at mine. "Good morning beloved."

You sit up, pulling me with you. Pulling back the silken covers, you rise out of bed, your muscular frame towers over me. You extend your arm towards me, beckoning me to follow as you turn towards the bathroom.

Together we step under the hot tingling spray, water courses past your neck, over your broad chest to run down your torso. You pull me to you and kiss me once more, passion flaring as the water revives us. Gently I pull back, I have something else in mind. Smiling, I reach for the soap. I run my fingers over your body, feeling the firm flesh that lies beneath my tender touch. You quiver and laugh as I caress you, the crystal notes of your joy are music to me. Enjoying the moment, I lather your powerful body, feeling glad. Knowing the pleasure it gives you, my ef- forts are repaid, soon you are clean. Now your turn. As you wash my body, you run your hands behind me, stroking my back, you move your hands upwards gently running your fingernails over the nape of my neck making me groan in pleasure. The passion in your touch, and the hot tumbling water is driving me insane with pleasure. I close my eyes feeling nothing but your touch, driv- ing me wild.

Icy water hits my flesh, I screech.

Laughing, your hand returns from the tap, and you encircle me in your strong limbs, hugging me as I am drenched in an icy shower.

I swear indignantly, jokingly, as you turn off the shower and lift me out onto the floor. With pretense anger I scold you. Your face is momentarily somber, then you laugh, kissing me gently on the cheek - you are forgiven. Tenderly, a towel is wrapped around me, with a hug you lead me back to the bedroom to dress and prepare for another day.

"That's All Folks...!" -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |JANET: CBAP09@UK.AC.STRATH.VAXB * BITNET: CBAP09%VAXB.STRATH.AC.UK@UKACRL | |INTERNET: CBAP09%VAXB.STRATH.AC.UK@EDU.CUNY.CUNYVM | |"When the flower of love has died and time has healed the pain of its passing | | we are left with warm memories of its beauty", G.I.Barrie. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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