
By Robert B. Morton II

Published on Feb 18, 1998



Innocence, by Rob Morton (m/m, interr, cons)


In my "old age," I'm only now beginning to understand just how much fun being a teenager really was. Experiences in my youth seemed simple and uncomplicated at the time; no bills to pay, no children of my own to raise. Then there were the things done as a teen which, when looked upon with an adult's eye, seem to be acts of sheer madness. Let me share one such experience with you...

Part One

Dan Walls was the kind of guy who could charm the horns off the Devil himself. Reddish-brown hair, bright blue eyes and the expected cluster of freckles. Danny was also very bright and well-mannered. But, as you might expect, things with Dan weren't always what they appeared to be.

Hanging out with him was a joy - and often risky; you just never knew what his overactive mind would come up with next. Like the time he asked his parents if he could go camping - without them. His parents put up a mild argument, but finally consented. Dan quickly arranged for his parents to talk to my mother and my cousin Ernie's mom, convincing both of them it would be safe, fun, and a good experience for growing boys like us. The plan was for us to hike to a predetermined location along the Brandywine River where, after camping out for a couple of days, Dan's parents would pick us up for the trip back to the city.

The outbound trip the following Friday was pretty much as expected; three guys overloaded with camping gear, walking along the river on a hot summer morning, taking time to hone skills learned as Life Scouts.

Hot and sweaty, we made a scheduled rest stop along a known, yet secluded spot Brandywine to take a swim in the cool waters of the Brandywine. After stowing the gear, we all stripped down to our underwear and, with yells which would have awakened the dead, we plunged in, grateful for the soothing relief.

An hour later, we dried out on sun-heated rocks, each of us basking in the now-welcome heat after the relative chill of the water. Dan and Ernie were engaged in a quiet debate while I just laid in the sun enjoying the moment. After we were all baked to a crispy crunch, we dressed, geared up, and headed upriver. The sun was setting just as we reached our first campsite for the night. After hours of horse playing, we got the business of setting up camp and putting on the feed bag.

As we ate, I noticed Dan was spending a lot of time glancing in my direction between bites, not saying anything - just looking. At first, I didn't think much of it; Dan was, well, a little odd at times. As he continued to peek at me over a bowl of baked beans, I realized this wasn't the first time he'd been staring at me.

My mind flashed all the way back to our first rest stop, remembering Dan's fixed gaze in my direction as I undressed. I didn't pay much attention, assuming he was looking past me at something down river. But, I sorta noticed it again as we lay naked on the rocks, even though he had been talking with Ernie. And now, he's doing it again...

You ever get the feeling something is about to happen - but you don't know what? That's how I felt as I went down to the river's edge to clean my mess kit. The feeling wasn't as much scary as it was unsettling - I hated not knowing things.

As I stowed my kit, both Dan and Ernie made their way down to clean up as I put out the cooking fire for the night, preparing to settle into my sleeping bag to wait for whatever was to happen next. As I lay naked in my bag, the growing sense of excitement made me restless as I waited for... what?

Part Two

I didn't have to wait long. Dan and Ernie made it back and in short order stripped down and climbed into their bags. In the tent, quiet prevailed while, in the darkness of the Brandywine woods, the party was just starting as the sounds of insects and nocturnal creatures went about their business. Dan was the first to break the silence.

"Hey, Rob," he called out quietly. "You asleep?"

"Nah," I answered, staring at the tent's ceiling.

"How about you Ernie?" Snores answered Dan - Ernie was dead to the world.

"He's out of it," I said. "What's on your mind, Danny?"

"I dunno," he said. In the darkness, I could hear him shifting his position. "I just can't sleep."

"Neither can I," I admitted.

"You wanna talk or something?"

Or something? Somehow, the way he said it gave me the impression he had something on his mind...

Part Three

"Talk about what?" I asked, knowing whatever Danny really had on his mind was about to surface.

The sound of rustling leaves filled the darkness of the tent as Danny scooted closer to me, lowering his voice. "You ever have sex?"

I almost laughed out loud at the question but I didn't, knowing it would hurt his feelings. So, with my face mercifully hidden in the darkness, I said, "Sure, lots of times."

"What was it like?" Danny whispered, his voice so low I had to strain to hear him.

"Shit, man, I dunno - it feels good."

"Can I ask you something?"


His next words were more mumbled than spoken. "You ever, uh, do it with another guy?"

"Well, yeah," I answered, not sure where this conversation was going. "Why do you ask?"

"What was that like?" Dan asked, continuing as if I hadn't spoken at all. "Did you like it?"

"Kind of," I admitted.

Punctuated by Ernie's rasping snores, the tent was quiet as Dan absorbed the information, giving me another chance to ask why he was asking - and knowing the answer would be a doozy.

"Um," Dan finally said after a few minutes. "I was kinda checking you out while we were swimming."

"Checking me out?" I asked, feeling my cock begin to stir.

"Yeah, you know, looking at your, ah, cock and your ass. You look nice without any clothes on."

Even in the pitch black darkness of the tent, I could "see" Danny's face turning red with embarrassment. Still, I found his words strangely exciting, my cock completely hard and throbbing.

"Thanks - I think," I said. "What else?" I suppose Danny realized he didn't have anything to be afraid of because his next words were bolder and more to the point.

"I was wondering if we, uh, if we could..."

"What?" I asked, my excitement making me impatient - and very horny.

"You know, um, do it."

"You mean fuck?" I said, hoping it was what he meant. Being young and horny meant you didn't care where your next fuck came from - just as long as it happened. Besides, I'd done it with a guy before and, like I said, it was kinda nice.

"Yeah, fuck," he whispered, savoring the word.

"Where?" I asked, turning my head to look at Ernie who continued to call hogs with reckless abandon.

Danny fell silent; I could hear him thinking, his fertile mind going over a lot of possibilities in a few seconds. Finally, he spoke up. "We can zip our bags together and do it right here."

Sounded like a plan to me. Instead of bothering with a verbal reply, I unzipped my bag from the inside, the sound spurring Danny into doing the same with his and,in seconds, our bags were joined together.

My heart was pounding as I felt Danny's warm, soft skin brushing against mine as he snuggled close to me, his hands touching me lightly at first, then with more confidence. I felt his warm breath against my neck, his lips barely touching my dark skin. Instinctively, I wrapped my right arm around him, pulling him closer, enjoying the closeness.

"Can I tell you something?" Danny asked, his free hand toying with my erection, filling me with a rush of pleasure.

"What's that?" I asked, my voice husky with building lust as Dan's fingers wrapped themselves around my cock, massaging it gently.

"I've dreamed of this for a long time. I used to lay awake at night jerking off and thinking about you."

I was too damned horny to be flattered, so I didn't say anything; I just pulled him closer, lightly kissing his forehead.

"There's something else you should know."


"I think I'm in love with you," he whispered in my ear, letting his tongue flick against my earlobe.

"Ummm," I said, shivering at the contact, my whole body relaxing.

"You like that?"

"Uh huh."

"Then you'll really like this," Danny said, shifting his position beside me. Seconds later, I felt his incredibly soft lips engulfed the knob of my cock, a jolt of exquisite pleasure racing through me from head to toe.

"Oh, shit," I said, as Dan took more of me into his mouth. Not to be outdone or left out - take your pick, I shifted my own position, focusing my eyes until the white shaft of his erection came into view. Without a thought, I swallowed him whole, feeling his prick pulsing in my mouth.

It was a good thing my cousin was a sound sleeper because between me and Danny, we were making enough sucking and slurping sounds to wake a cemetery!

God, his cock felt good in my mouth! I managed to get my hands around his boyish ass, holding him tight as I tried to suck the white off of him. One hundred and eighty degrees south, Danny was slurping on my pole for all he was worth...

I worked a fingertip into his ass hole, feeling more than hearing Danny moaning with approval as his own finger found its way into my back entrance, taking our mutual excitement to another level.

Part Four

The heat building up inside the mated sleeping bags was fierce, but I barely noticed as I tested my cock sucking skills, taking Danny's shaft into my mouth and trying to include his tight sac. In comparison to all my boyhood friends I'd sucked, it was relatively easy; what Danny might have lacked in size, he made up in just flat out tasting so fucking good! My actions encouraged his and I took some perverse pleasure in hearing him gag on my cock before backing off to a respectable distance.

You know this wasn't going to last very long, right? Two teenagers, one White, one Black, giving each other head like it was illegal? Danny's hips began to thrust forward, plunging his prick into my mouth with greater urgency and I held on as his body stiffened. Seconds later, I felt the first spurts of his come on my tongue and I drank it down.

I could feel my own cock swelling within the sweet confines of Danny's mouth and I was soon filling his mouth with spunk, taking care not to take a bite out of his cock, laying nicely in my own mouth.

As the world swam dizzingly, I heard the sound of the zipper being undone, the relatively cool air rushing against our bodies, enhancing the delicious feelings.

"Come on, Rob," Danny whispered, wiping his mouth on the back of his hand. "Can you stay hard?"

"I think so," I said, sounding drunk.

"Come on, then," he said, turning onto his stomach, his pale bottom poking into the night. "Put some spit on it and put it in!"

Didn't have to tell me twice. Even though I had just shot Niagara Falls (or so it seemed), I could feel my hardness returning as I covered his body with mine. My hand went to my mouth, gathering as much saliva as I could before smearing it all over my cock.

"Ready?" I asked.

"Yeah. Do it," Danny said, thrusting his ass upward. My glans made contact with his tight hole and I pushed forward, feeling the ring of muscle begin to spread to admit me before it tightened, trapping just inside his bowels. Instinct must have kicked in because I felt Danny push out, as if taking a shit and, in one smooth motion, I was deep inside him.

Anyone who's ever been fucked in the ass knows about the sickening, painful feeling when someone goes in too fast. Danny wasn't any different as first the pain of my entry hit him, followed closely by the maddening urge to throw up.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Yeah," came the strained answer.

I rested for a moment, more for my benefit than his, I think. Gathering myself, I fucked my friend's ass which, strangely, felt better than any pussy I'd fucked to date. It wasn't long before my spunk was flowing into his once-virgin ass, the feeling quickly going beyond anything words could explain. Drained, I rolled off Danny, gasping for air - and knowing I'd soon feel him in my ass.

"Come on Danny," I urged, turning onto my belly. "Your turn."

"I don't think I can," he stammered.

"Yes, you can," I said, turning toward him and taking his soft cock into my mouth again, sucking him into hardness. As I removed him from my mouth, I left a generous amount of saliva on his head and shaft, returning to my face down position.

Danny's body enveloped mine, his cock poking between my cheeks. Impatient, I reached between us and guided him to my chute. Danny pushed into me, his cock going in to the hilt all at once. It didn't hurt, but, man! Did I want to throw up or what?

Despite the sickening feeling, I settled in to be fucked, delighting in feeling his shaft inside of me. In my ear, I could hear his labored breathing, almost masking the obscene sound of his hips slapping against my brown buttocks.

Didn't take him long to lose it, either; Danny slammed into me hard once before I felt the warmth of his seed flowing into me. Trapped between my body and the sleeping bag, my own cock spilled its seed, warm and sticky.

I don't know how long we lay there, trying to get it together. Finally, we stood up and I hugged Danny tightly against me. I could feel wetness on my shoulder; pulling back a little, I could see he was crying a little. Insanely, I kissed him, feeling his lips melt against mine, my tongue probing the moist cavern of his mouth.

"You okay," I asked after breaking the kiss.

"Yeah," he said, wiping his eyes, "I just feel so good right now."

I knew how he felt, as I shivered in the cool night air, Danny's juices oozing out of my slightly sore bottom. "Let's get this mess cleaned up and get some sleep," I said finally. "We've got a long day ahead of us."

"Okay." As Danny moved to recover his sleeping bag, he stopped, turned, and looked at me. "Rob?"


"Can we do this again tomorrow night?"

"Yeah, if you want to," I said, slipping into my bag.


Danny and I continued our steamy activity the next night at our final campsite. Yeah, Ernie caught us in the middle of a delicious 69 and pretty much lost his mind, threatening to rat us out - until Danny convinced him otherwise. Maybe it was the blow job he gave Ernie...

A few months later, Ernie's dad got transferred to another state. I spent the week at Danny's house and some pretty wild shit happened.

But that's another story...

Rob Morton

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