Innermost Desires

By Brian Nelsen

Published on Apr 19, 2005



This story is totally fictional. The characters and everything else are fake and this has never happened in real life that I know of.

As always, the supporting characters do without description for the most part. They are props and nothing more.

E-mail rants, raves, etc can be directed to (its my would be porn star name). Don't bother flaming I won't waste time reading it.


*This is completely fictional, except as already noted persons, places, and events referred to in this story are completely fictional.

*If it is illegal for you to be reading this, either because of age or some other factor, STOP READING NOW!

*Lastly, if stories involving Transgender issues, youth, sexuality, nudity, Football, etc. are a turn off for you, STOP READING NOW!

If none of this applies, sit back and enjoy.

Innermost Desires (TG, Sci-Fi, Teen)

The wind in the trees stirred Frank from his slumber. Reflexively, Frank drew a finger across the slit he knew would be there; as it had been on every Saturday morning for the past year. Having done this almost fifty times already, Frank knew without question what his finger was simultaneously confirming. Sure the first time had been a suprise, but Frank was accustomed to finding the small slit that guarded the entrance to his vagina. It had ceased to be a suprise long ago, but Frank repeated the examination on each of the previous fifty occasions. Lately it was more reflex then anything else.

Frank knew, as he had done many times in the past, that he would slide out of bed and present himself to the full length mirror that shared the room with him. He knew, as it had been for the past year, that the mirror would confirm as it always had that the potion had worked. He was no longer Frank the standout freshman, six foot two inch 240 pound football player; he was for the time being a fifty pound girl half his age who called herself Jenny and wanted nothing to do with football.

Long hair, light brown, that she often wore in a pony tail, deep blue eyes, a delicate nose and deep red lips crowned narrow shoulders and pale undeveloped nipples seperated from her still narrow hips by a slightly rounded belly. Her slender legs formed a slight V that pointed towards her immature slit like runway landing lights guiding a plane home. A quick turn in front of the mirror revealed her slightly rounded butt. Delicate fingers attached to smallish hands and slender arms again brushed across her vagina. She didn't have to perform this final sweep, but she did out of tradition to confirm any aspect of Frank was completely absent as it would be for the remainder of the weekend. It served also to remind her of her determination to rid herself of Coach once and for all. Jenny didn't have to look in the mirror to know that the potion had been a success, this Saturday was no different then the fifty or so that had preceeded it; so why should her expectations be any different? It was a ritual for the young girl, freed from the teenage boy she shared with the other half of her persona with, like a snake that sheds its skin, she was celebrating the fact that she'd shed the skin of her former self.

Jenny opened the drawers of her dresser and tossed a series of clothes on her bed. Coach would be up soon and she was determined to be rid of her nakedness when he did wake up. Jenny started the process by pulling a pale pink pair of panties up her slender legs and settling them into place on her narrow waist. Next she pulled a yellow t-shirt over her head, the screen printed flower made it a favorite of hers, followed by a pair of worn denim shorts she snapped in to place across her hips.

Dressed, she sat at a small mirror and brushed out her long hair. Satisfied she pulled it back and fixed it in place with a small ponytail holder. She was too young, not even eight yet, to wear makeup; but Coach allowed her to shape her nails and wear a clear nail polish. This took only a few minutes to accomplish. Jenny still had plenty of time before Coach would wake up. She would entertain herself in the big backyard her room overlooked. She looked at her watch, she had less then 36 hours before the potion would wear off and Frank would return, in time to take posession of the body they shared and return to the life he lived away from this place.

Jenny would spend the rest of the morning on the backyard swing set, swinging higher and higher each time. Coach would still be asleep for sometime, it was time Jenny could use to review the plan she'd been hatching for the past six months since she first became aware of Coach's motives and her own desires. It had started out innocently enough, neither Coach or Frank would have ever imagined this would be how things would end for all three of them. If everything went the way Jenny had in mind, Coach would be in jail, Frank would be gone forever and Jenny wouldn't be confined to weekends anymore.

Frank had proven himself invaluable on the playing field as a wide receiver on the freshman football team. He'd worked hard the whole season to keep the image he'd cultivated at the forefront of everyone's mind. Coach saw the raw, undeveloped talent he possessed and promised him a spot on the Varsity team the following season, provided Frank was willing to commit his weekends to improving his talents under Coach's personal supervision. Coach had in the past invited standout players to spend the weekend at his house where they could focus on their skills from sun up to sun down. What he had in mind for Frank was no different. Frank's parents knew of Coach's track record at turning out winning football players and were only too happy to agree, provided it was what Frank wanted.

What Frank wanted, more then anything else, was to have been born a girl. He used his football talents to cover his hidden desires. Who could possibly think that a boy of Frank's stature wanted more then anything else to be like the cheerleaders on the sidelines of every game he played in? The one-on-one training Coach was offering was yet another opportunity for Frank to keep his strongest desires hidden. Frank wanted it as much as his parents did, just for different reasons.

And so it was decided. Frank would ride home with Coach on Fridays from school and spend the remainder of his weekend in one football drill after another. Frank's parents would pick him up Sunday nights and the process would be repeated each weekend after that. Frank's performance had been lackluster that first weekend. The drills he was put through by Coach seemed almost out of his reach both physically and mentally. Frank was dreading the second weekend of training even before the first one had ended.

The following Friday was a quiet ride to Coach's house. As they pulled in the driveway, Coach spoke first.

"Frank, what if I told you I could give you something that would unleash your innermost desires?"

Coach was already sounding like a late night infomercial.

"I've used it with some of my players in the past and its helped to bring out the athlete within each of them. Your training last weekend was much less then I was expecting out of you. I think this will help you reach your full potential more then anything else."

"I'm not sure, what do you mean?" said Frank.

"Come inside, I'll show you."

Frank followed Coach in the front door. Coach reached up in a cabinet over the stove and produced a small brown bottle.

"I was first introduced to this several years ago while in Mexico. As I told you and was told to me, it will release your innermost desires. Do you remember Jeremy Hensen?" Coach continued without waiting for the answer, "What do you think got him the football scholarship?"

Coach poured a small amount in to a glass for him.

"Drink it, you'll notice the difference tomorrow when we train."

The thick liquid was brownish green and reminded Frank of swamp water. It had the consistency of cough syrup and smelled even worse. Frank drank it quickly, hoping to get it down before his tastebuds caught up with the insult. Too late, Frank added the taste of stale pond water to the list of everything he thought was wrong with it.

Frank didn't feel any different, as far as he could tell he didn't look any different. All he had as proof of his consuming the foul liquid was the slime he felt dripping towards his own stomach. Frank couldn't see, but the potion had begun infiltrating every cell in his body and awaking his desires. Too late, it occured to Frank that his innermost desires might not be what Coach had in mind. Frank in the moment before downing the potion had forgotten more then anything else that he wanted to have been born a girl. For the time being nothing had happened. Maybe it was just hocus pocus Frank thought. Only time would tell, for now his secret was safe.

"Relax," Coach said, "it takes time for it to take effect, you have to sleep first for it to work."

Coach and Frank worked hard on his drills that night. After the sun had gone down, Frank found himself more exhausted then he had the week before. That was unusual he thought, it seemed like Coach had taken it easier on him this Friday then he had the week before. Frank took a fast shower and crawled into bed. In rapid order, he was deeply asleep. The potion had begun to affect him physically.

Coach turned in shortly thereafter. He looked in on the slumbering boy, everything seemed to be normal. Frank would wake up in the morning and would find the demanding training regimen almost too easy for him. The potion would work its magic overnight and Frank would be the football powerhouse he'd imagined himself to be. Or so thought Coach, with good reason, every boy that had come before Frank had the same experience.

Coach woke first in the morning, he knew he would. Having done this countless times in the past, he was well aware of the mildly narcotic effect of the potion he'd given Frank. Frank would slumber for the next several hours. Coach looked in on Frank and was suprised to see the slumbering form of a young girl. He thought maybe this was Frank's idea of a joke, that he'd switched places with the girl sometime in the night. It was impossible though, the bedroom was on the second floor and all the windows and doors were locked tight from the inside. There could only be one explaination. Coach had misjudged Frank's innermost desires. That the girl was wearing the same boxers and t-shirt Frank had gone to bed in was only that much more confirmation.

The incapacitated girl was too much for Coach to resist. For as excellent a coach and mentor as he was to his football team, Coach harbored a desire for young girls that he'd kept to himself. Recalling the narcotic effect of the potion, Coach realized the girl would be incapable of resisting his intentions or probably even remembering them after the fact; further, the girl would cease to exist within the next day. If there was no victim, there was no crime.

Frank's boxers hung losely on the girl. Coach slid them down without so much as the young girl stirring. The slit he was expecting was still puffy from its overnight transformation but as small and hairless as he'd expected. The girl stirred but offered no resistance. Coach's manhood sprung to life as he slid out of his own boxers and prepared to fulfill his own innermost desires.

Gently spreading the girl's legs, Coach advanced towards the slit that lay before him. Thrusting his swollen manhood forward, he quickly felt it enveloped by the absolute tightness of her young vagina. His hips pressed against hers it only took a few thrusts before Coach flooded the young girl with his semen. A small smile crossed her face, Coach convinced himself she'd enjoyed it. It wouldn't have mattered, Coach doubted she'd remember it.

Coach knew he had some time still before the girl would wake up. He made his way quietly downstairs. It wasn't much later that he heard the soft cry of a young girl. Frank was up, he thought, and there was plenty of explaining to do. The girl Coach had sex with only a few hours before stood in front of the full length mirror wearing just the t-shirt Frank had gone to bed in. That she couldn't account for the boxers she'd gone to sleep in didn't seem to matter. Frank wasn't a little girl tweleve hours ago.

"What happened?" asked the amazed girl.

"Do you remember the potion you drank last night? I guess this was your innermost desire."

Frank's most closely held secret had been revealed. How could he possibly convince Coach it wasn't true when his own body had already revealed the truth? There was nothing else to do but admit to his secret desires.

"Well at least I'm pretty."

"What should I call you?" asked Coach, "Frank certainly doesn't suit you, at least not like this."

"Jenny, I've always liked that name."

Jenny instinctively became aware of her nakedness. She tugged at Frank's shirt that already fit her like a nightshirt. Frank was used to Coach being in the locker room with the team, but this was different; Frank had never had the body of a young girl around Coach before.

Coach had already benefitted from Frank's unspoken desires once this morning, anything he could do to encourage Frank to continue to spend the remainder of the weekend this way was sure to benefit him as well.

"I'm sure you weren't planning on this, so I assume you have nothing to wear."

The speechless girl nodded.

"There's cereal downstairs, help yourself. I'll be back in a little while with some clothes for you."

Coach returned that afternoon with two outfits, enough to last the weekend. He found Jenny slumbering on the oversized couch in the living room. She woke up when he entered. Coach had handed her the same outfit she'd put on this morning. No wonder it meant so much to her. It was the first thing she'd ever worn as a girl.

There was no mistaking that there would be no football drills for the rest of this weekend, or any weekend to come. Sure Coach and Frank would continue to work on drills on Friday nights. Having consumed the potion the night before by the morning, the Frank that everyone knew would be gone and he would be free to enjoy the rest of the weekend as Jenny. Coach, well Coach allowed Frank to live the life he desired, just so long as Coach got what he desired first.

Jenny would spend her weekends playing at the neighborhood park with the other girls and doing all the things that girls do together. Coach bought his weekend visitor several more outfits so she wasn't limited to just the original two. Once the weather warmed up enough to go swimming, Jenny was delighted to wake up one Saturday to find a girl's swimsuit draped across the chair in her room. She excitedly pulled it on and marveled at the way it hugged her body. She squealed with girlish delight and hugged Coach. She went swimming nearly every weekend after that.

For the price of two drinks of a most foul liquid, Frank could spend his weekends as the girl he so desired to be. Each dose was only strong enough to effect a 24 hour change in Frank. A second dose would have to be consumed on Saturday nights to effect a change for the whole weekend. Come Sunday afternoon, the potion would have worked its way completely out of Frank's body. Jenny would invariably fall asleep on the couch and slowly Frank would reemerge. When all traces of Jenny were gone, Coach would wake the slumbering boy and drive him home. Frank's parents were none the wiser to how their son had been spending his weekends. The Friday night training sessions produced enough effects to avoid any suspicion.

Coach, meanwhile had become addicted to his early morning sex sessions with the young girl. Jenny was physically half the age of Frank, but shared the same mental and emotional development as the boy twice her age. There was some truth to the fact that Frank, as Jenny, had come to enjoy sex with Coach even if she was mostly unaware of the act itself. Coach, blinded by his own lust for the girl, failed to account for two things that would ultimately be his undoing.

First, like a true narcotic, Jenny had become accustomed to the narcotic effects of the potion. So it was one morning several months ago she found herself aware of her football coach thrusting into her and subsequently cumming inside of her. Mentally and emotionally still 15, Frank as Jenny found it satisfying. The rage she found burning inside of her stemmed from the rather nonconsentual aspect of the act itself. She wanted to cry out in protest, but found herself unable to as a lingering effect of the potion. The next time, the narcotic effect of the potion wasn't as strong. Jenny wanted to cry out again, but in an instant she hatched an even better plan.

The second part of Coach's undoing was that he failed to take Jenny's youthful metabolism in to consideration. Her changed body was storing traces of the potion in the fat cells it was laying down as her changed body rapidly approached puberty. Jenny began to notice that it took less and less of the potion to produce the same effect. It had gotten to the point that she only had to take a drink of the potion once and its effects would last the whole weekend, the second dose she faked for the effect. What Coach had forgotten was that long term use of the potion would in time permanantly alter the users DNA, as it had for Jeremey Hensen.

It was only a matter of time before the potion would have a lasting effect on her and there would be no Sunday regression to Frank. She figured it would be no trouble to slip a sleeping pill into Coach's Sunday beer. Then she would let herself out and find an adult to tell about Coach's repeated raping of her. Frank's disappearance would be explained by his having uncovered the rapes being comitted by Coach. In a drunken rage, she would tell people, Coach had killed Frank and disposed of his body before passing out from drinking too much. It wouldn't matter that Frank's body would never be found, Jenny knew her well used vagina would be drenched in Coach's DNA and that would be all that was needed to convict Coach and put him away forever for both the rapes and the murder.

If only he'd asked first, this wouldn't have been necessary. Freed of Coach and not having to worry about regressing to Frank, Jenny figured she was young enough to be taken in by a couple and raised as the girl she'd always wanted to be.

Jenny swung higher and higher. She caught her reflection in the window, this body was on loan to her for the time being; soon it would be her's forever.

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