Inlaws and Outlaws

By slut

Published on Oct 22, 2011



My sister Tracy arrived dead on time. I put on the flowery housecoat and went to let her in. Bemusedly, she looked me up and down after I'd opened the door. The housecoat only reached mid-thigh, and I knew my scrawny legs, white and hairy, sticking out the bottom only made me look all the more ridiculous.

"Laundry day?" she asked, laughing.

"He usually does all his chores naked," I heard Helen say behind me "I'm not having him mess up good clothes. The housecoat is to spare your blushes."

She had come to the door of the living room and was standing there leaning against the jam watching us.

"I don't blush easily," Tracy said, pushing past me. "And I think you look cute in your little housecoat, Simon. Apart from the hairy legs, of course.."

"That's a good point, Tracy," Helen said. "They do spoil the effect. You think I should have him shave them? Or maybe go the whole hog and everything from the neck down?"

Tracey look truly startled at that. I had guessed that Helen had told her something of our relationship when they had been giggling in the kitchen the other night, and her not batting an eyelid at the mention of my naked chores seemed to confirm it. But obviously not everything. I realised then that something very strange had been happening in my mind. Some part of me cringed with embarrassment that my little sister knew what she did about me and dreaded what else my wife might reveal to her. But some other part, some part that had once been buried deep in my mind, relished the humiliation and wanted more.

"Yes, perhaps," Tracy said uncertainly.

We went through to the living room, and Helen told me to get the tea and cakes. It was not the usual harsh commanding voice and language, but neither was it the honey-coated requests of my parents' visit. Just a flat order. I obeyed instantly, and when I came back Tracy was sitting in one of the armchairs and Helen on the sofa opposite her. To avoid revealing too much as my housecoat rode up at the back, I faced Tracy as I bent over to put the tray on the table. What I had not taken into account was that it fell forward as I bent over, and Tracy was given a quick glimpse down the whole of my naked body inside the coat. She blushed, and then gave a little involuntary giggle.

Helen patted the sofa seat beside her and I sat down. Not an easy operation wearing nothing but a short housecoat, and I'm not sure I managed it without giving my sister sitting directly opposite a quick flash. As soon as I was settled, Helen told me to pour the tea and I had to go through the whole thing again.

For the next hour or so they ignored me as they chatted about fashion, reality television programmes and various film actors. I just concentrated on keeping as still as possible, but it was not easy. The merest twitch un settled the hem of the housecoat and then I would have to rearrange it again. Eventually Helen turned to me with an exaggerated sigh.

"Stop fidgeting," she said. "You've been doing it ever since we sat down, and it's very distracting." She turned back to my sister. "I'm sorry, Tracy, he can be so infuriating. But I expect you know that."

"Don't I just!" Tracy replied, laughing. "Drove me up the wall when he lived at home."

"I think it's because he's so used to being nude at home now," Helen went on. "Can't get comfortable with material against his skin. He's just a silly boy."

"So you're naked most of the time?" Tracey asked me.

I nodded.

"Well," she continued. "Don't mind me. I don't want you feeling uncomfortable."

"You heard your sister," Helen said to me. "Take it off."

Reluctantly I stood up and unbuttoned the housecoat and took it off. Tracy looked me up and down and giggled again.

"Such a big fuss over so little," she quoted the old joke and laughed.

Helen joined in, but decided to take her seriously. "It is a rather pathetic specimen, isn't it?" she said. "I hope when you find a man to marry, you'll be luckier when it comes to the trouser department. Later I'll get him to make it stiff for you to see. Honestly, it hardly grows at all."

I stood there, taking it all, and I noticed that Tracy was looking at my face as much as any other part of me. There was an intent looking on hers that I had never seen before.

"Poor you," she said to my wife.

"Oh I don't let him put that little thing inside me. What a thought! But he does have quite a talented tongue."

Helen told me to clear the tea things and go wash up. I loaded it all on to the tray and moved round the table to go to the kitchen. As I passed her, Tracey suddenly slapped my arse with the palm of her hand.

"Yeah, big brother," she said. "Go do your chores." I took my time doing the washing up, not really wanting to go back in there. The embarrassment of being humiliated in front of my sister had overcome whatever illicit pleasure it had first been giving me, and was all that I felt right then. In the days to come that need would reassert itself, but now it was smothered by my shame. Looking back now after all this time, I'm a little amazed that such minor degradation could have bothered me so much. But then I was just at the start of my journey.

When I did go back, to my relief they had returned to their former harmless topics. But the relief was to be short-lived. Helen looked up at me and smiled.

"Time to show your sister your pitiful erection," she said.

"No," I begged. "Please don't make me. Not in front of her."

She was up out of her seat like a wild fury, her face contorted with anger. She slapped me hard across the cheek, making me recoil. Grabbing me by the ear she pulled me over to the sofa and sat down, dragging me down with her. I found myself over her knee, my arse in the air.

"Don't you ever dare use that word to me again, you little bitch," she snapped at me, and then proceeded to give me a thorough spanking.

When she had worked out enough of her anger, she pushed me off on to the floor. I was quietly crying, but I'm not sure through pain or shame.

"Now get up and do what you are told," she barked at me. "You've shown me up quite enough for one day."

I got to my feet and stood facing Tracy, avoiding looking at her. I reached down and took hold of my cock, stroking it till it got stiff. Despite what Helen had said my cock was about average when erect, but she never let facts get in the way of my humiliation. Once it was hard, I took my hand away. I risked a glance at Tracy, and saw that she was smiling.

"You gave such great control over him, Helen, " she said.

"Over the bitch?"

"Yes....over the bitch."

"It's easy enough with wimps like him. Not with a real man, of course. Luckily it's no problem to tell the difference."

"Like your brother?" Tracy asked hesitantly.

"Sam?" Helen said with a slight smile. "Yes, he's real man. You picked up on that, didn't you?"

Tracy nodded.

"I thought you would. You're a very perceptive young lady. He likes you too."

"He does?"

"Oh yes. Likes you very much."

Helen looked at me, and then down at my now flabby cock again.

"I see Mr Floppy is back," she said, giving it a slap so that it swung from side to side. "Mr Stiffy doesn't last long, does it?"

"Can I have a go?" Tracey asked.

"Of course you can, my dear."

Tracey turned in her seat to face me, he head level with my genitals. She gave my tentative slap, and laughed as it swung. The she gave several more, alternating hands, so it kept going.

"This is fun," she said. Then she stopped and looked at her watch. "Damn it, I have to be somewhere. I'd really like to stay longer, but I can't get out of this."

"Don't worry, my dear," Helen told her. "You're welcome here any time. Nest time we'll have some real fun." She glanced at me. "Show our guest to the door."

They kissed goodbye and I escorted Tracy top the door.

"Tracy," I started. "Please let me explain all ..."

"Shut up, bitch," she snapped at me, giving my flaccid cock one last slap.

Then she was gone.

*My other stories:

Next: Chapter 10

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