Inlaws and Outlaws

By slut

Published on Oct 20, 2010


Sam left early next morning, having arranged to meet up with some army mates. I was at the sink, washing up the breakfast things, when Helen came in and sat down at the table to watch me. She was wearing a skimpy halter top that showed off her small breasts to perfection and a short tight skirt. She put her bare feet up on the chair next to her, legs parted, and one quick glance told me that she was not wearing underwear. I glanced away quickly, hoping she hadn't seen me looking, but my wayward cock gave me away. It began to grow, pushing at the side of the sink. Helen saw it and laughed.

"You reduced to fucking the sink now, you sick little pervert?"

"I'm sorry, Ms Helen."

"Face me, bitch."

I turned to her, putting down the cloth. She opened her legs wider and hitched up the skirt until her hairy cunt was fully visible. I looked. I couldn't help looking.

"You know you'll never ever fuck me, don't you?" she said.

I nodded. "Yes, Ms Helen," I said.

"But you still want to stay with me, don't you?"

And I did. I wanted that above all else, whatever her and her family put me through. I had to be with her, near her, pleasing her. I would do anything she desired to make that so. Even all these years later, with all the degradation and humiliation I have suffered over those years, I cannot bring myself to regret not walking out on her right then and starting a proper life for myself. That was her power over me.

"I do, Ms Helen," I said.

She smiled. "Good boy," she said, just as there was a ring on the front doorbell.

She got up and straightened her skirt and went to answer it. I was sure it wasn't my sister Tracey yet, not due for another hour and a half, so that ordeal was yet to come. I still hadn't asked Helen whether I could wear my normal clothes for the visit. Probably because I was fearful of what the answer might be. I hard a number of female voices out there, and then behind me the serving hatch was pushed open.

"Some neighbours have kindly come to welcome me to the neighbourhood," Helen said to my back. "Make us some tea before you finish the washing up. Four cups."

She left the hatch open, and I heard someone ask if she had a cleaning woman.

"No," Helen answered with a light laugh. "My husband."

"You have him well trained," someone else said jokingly.

"That's what husbands are for, isn't it?" Helen responded to general laughter.

I made the tea, managing to keep out of line of sight of the hatch. Then I put it all on a tray and took it over to the hatch, relying on the fact that only my upper half would be visible. Our visitors would just assume I'd been sunbathing. I saw three women sitting with Helen. For the moment they were just faces, but I would come to know them all well in times to come. Julie was in her very early twenties, recently married. A petite little thing with a mass of curly hair and an angelic face. Amanda, in her thirties probably, was a tall and rather gaunt blonde. And then there was Betty, a plumpish woman in her fifties or sixties.

"You expect me to get up and get it for myself, darling?" Helen asked me sweetly. "Bring it on in and meet our new neighbours."

I started to protest, but she cut me off with a hard look.

"My husband is a naturist," she explained to the others. "Does his chores in the nude And now he's gone all shy on us. Must think you're all going to leap on him with uncontrollable lust once you see his little winkie. He should be so lucky, eh?"

They laughed with her, but their's was a little uncertain.

"Bring it through, darling, and don't be so silly. You don't mind, do you, ladies?"

I was already going through. I had seen that look from Helen, and I knew what it meant. Strangely, the principal worry in my mind at that moment was that the embarrassment of the situation had caused my cock to shrivel. As I entered the living room with the tray, all eyes turned to me. Betty was looking at me steadily, an amused half-smile on her face. Amanda just looked at me, a little contemptuously. Julie was the only who seemed as embarrassed as I was. She was blushing and trying to keep her eyes averted, but kept taking quick glances at me as I set down the tray and emptied it on to the table.

"Thank you, darling," Helen said. "Now you can get back to your chores. And close the hatch., We don't want you earwigging our girlie talk."

"He's very obedient," Amanda said as I left.

"He's getting there," Helen answered.

In the kitchen I closed the hatch, reducing their conversation to a low murmur of voices. I finished the washing up and set to cleaning up the kitchen. I was finishing mopping the floor as I heard them leaving. Helen called me in to clear the tea things.

"I quite like them," Helen stated magisterially. "I think I'm going to enjoy living round here."

I noticed that my sister was due in less than twenty minutes.

"Tracy will be here soon, Ms Helen," I said.


"You have yet to decide what I am to wear for the visit, Ma'am."

She looked at me consideringly, running her eyes up and down my naked body. I held my breath, dreading what she was about to say. Then she smiled.

"You may wear your housecoat," she said.

It could have been a lot worse, I thought. But it was bad enough.

"Thank you, Ms Helen," I said.

"You're welcome, bitch."

*My other stories:



Next: Chapter 9

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