Inlaws and Outlaws

By slut

Published on Oct 6, 2010


If I thought that the end of the honeymoon would bring some respite, then I was kidding myself. My new bride and I were supposed to be moving in the house that my parents had helped us buy, but I had not planned on her brother moving in with us. Nor on him sharing the main bedroom with my wife, while I took up residence in the spare room. That arrangement was made clear to me when I was directed to take the cases up to the rooms.

I had a few days of my holiday left, time I had intended to spend getting to know my new bride better. Instead I just learned more about my new life. The initial rules were laid out for me as soon as I had unpacked all our cases and hung up the clothes. All the chores were to be my responsibility, and I would be punished if I did not carry out my duties efficiently and with enthusiasm. In the house I was to be naked at all times except when traders or workmen called, which would be often with getting the new house up and working. Then I would be allowed to cover my nakedness with a housecoat, but ti would be the frilly feminine one I had bought Helen hr last birthday and that she had never worn. Should we have any social visitors I was to ask for instructions about dress of either Helen or Sam.

They both looked at me a bit impatiently after they had finished going through the rules, and so I quickly stripped off my clothes there in the hallway. I hadn't liked that use of the word punishment, and determined to avoid it at all possible. As soon as I was suitably naked, they went into the living room and settled themselves down while I set about preparing a meal for them.

The next few days settled into a routine. During the day I would get all the housekeeping done while Helen and her brother lounged about or went out. A number of workmen and delivery men came, and each time I would don the frilly housecoat over my naked body. Naturally it led to amused glances and a few ribald remarks. I figured I was getting quite a reputation amongst the local tradesman, but I had to grit my teeth and endure it. It was even worse when Helen was there. She would dress herself in the skimpiest of outfits and hang around while they did their work. They'd look at her and then look at me in my ridiculous housecoat and smirk at me. She and they would exchange suggestive comments, and the men would get bolder and bolder as they saw I did nothing.

The nights also followed a pattern. Soon after they retired to bed I would get a shout from one of them to come in. They would be naked on the bed, sweaty from sex, and it would be my chore to clean his cock and her cunt with my tongue. Job done, I would be dismissed back to my own little room.

On the third day after we returned, my parents and my younger sister were due to make their first visit. I was getting very worried about what Helen and her brother might have me wear, and they kept me wondering until almost the last moment. Half an hour before they were due, Helen told me to go up to my room where I would find my clothes on the bed. I ran up the stairs, and was relieved to see a normal shirt and trousers on the top of the bed. I went to my underwear drawer and found nothing. All my pairs of pants had been removed. So I put on the shirt and trousers, still grateful for small mercies. The trouser material was a little insubstantial so my unrestrained cock was a little obvious, but I figured it would not be too bad if I sat as much as possible.

All things considered, most of it went alright. Helen was dressed in a halter top and very short skirt, which earned her a number of disapproving looks from my very strait-laced mother. And she flirted outrageously with my father, which got her even more disapproval. Sam was there and charmed my mother out of some of her disapproval, and he was very attentive to my seventeen year old sister Tracy. I could see that she was quite smitten with him. He told them he was visiting for a couple of days and was staying in the spare room. My father made some weak joke about hoping he was not cramping the newlyweds' style, which Sam laughed at a bit too heartily.

My plan to remain seated as much as possible to hide my flopping cock went nowhere. Helen kept asking me to get things and to serve everybody with drinks and eats. Not in the commanding way of normal, but sweetly with lots of smiles and blown kisses. I saw my mother's lips purse each time. She believed that it was a wife's place to do everything for her husband. So up I would get, my cock obvious beneath its inadequate covering, and both my parents would look away embarrassed while Tracy tried hard not to stare. At one point she and Helen disappeared into the kitchen to et some plates, and I could hear them giggling in there. I could only imagine in horror what they might be talking about.

Shortly before they were due to leave I had to go to the bathroom. I was in there shaking myself fry when I heard the door opening behind me. I was not allowed to lock the bathroom door when I was in there, and not even close it, so I had left it unlocked. I turned to see Sam standing there.

"You broke the rules, bitch," he said.

I knew he meant the door, and started to apologise and explain but he cut me off.

"On your knees," he ordered. "And open your mouth."

I got down immediately. Sam took out his cock and rested it on my lower lip. I knew what was coming, so when he let go with his piss I quickly swallowed it. I had visions of going back downstairs with a piss-stained shirt. I managed to swallow it all, but when he'd finished he wiped the tip of his wet cock around my lips.

"Now get back downstairs," he told me, putting his cock away.

Mine was still hanging out. "May I zip up before I go, sir?" I asked.

He looked down at my crotch, and then back up at my face. He was smiling. After a long heart-stopping moment, he nodded. I tucked myself away and went down the stairs, Sam close behind me. My family were getting ready to go and were already in the hall. My mother kissed me on the lips, and then licked her own puzzledly.

"What have you been eating?" she asked. "There's a very peculiar taste on your lips."

I shrugged it off, but behind her I could see Sam's wide grin. Helen then demurely kissed all three of them. I think I was the only one at the right angle to see her brush my father's crotch with the back of her hand as she reached up to kiss him.

After they'd gone, I automatically stripped off my clothes immediately. Meanwhile Sam was telling hi sister the source of the strange taste my mother had detected on my lips. It made her laugh.

"So the bitch's old bitch of a mother has tasted your piss," she said, still laughing. "We'll have to see about arranging for her to get it direct from the source. And what do you think of the bitch's sweet young sister?"

"Very fuckable," he answered.

"I've invited her over tomorrow. For a little girlie chat."

"Good. You want me here?"

"Not this time, no."

"Fair enough."

He looked at me, standing there waiting and listening.

"Before I'm finished, bitch," he told me. "I'm going to dip my cock in each and every one of your family. Even that scag of a mother of yours."

"Yes, sir," I said, and I believed him.

They told me to get cleared up and then headed upstairs. I knew I'd be getting a call eventually.

Next: Chapter 8

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