Inlaws and Outlaws

By slut

Published on Nov 26, 2009



I sat there and watched as this army friend of her brother's fucked my wife, fucked the wife I had never even been allowed to touch. I could have closed my eyes or looked away, but the thought never even occurred to me. Al the time her brother Sam stood by me watching too, and her sister Elizabeth and her friend Beverly sat watching too. Mitch first told her to get down on her knees, the wedding dress she had married me just a few days before spread out around her. He took hold of her hair and she instantly opened her mouth before closing it over the head of his big cock.

He looked over at me as she took more of it between her lips. "Your wife's got a real sweet mouth, cucky," he said leeringly. "Bet her cunt and her arse are even sweeter."

For the next half hour, he set about finding out. He pushed her face first over the table and hiked up her wedding dress so that her arse was bare and sticking out ready for his attention. He fucked both her holes, one after the other, taunting me all the while. When he'd finished with my wife, and cum up her arse, he strolled over to me with his big thick cock swinging limp and heavy. It glistened with cum and my wife's juices.

"Clean it, cuck," he ordered, straddling my legs so that it hung down in front of my face.

With all their eyes on me, I leaned forward and began to lick the slime from his cock. I heard laughter, but kept my head down and concentrated on my given task. It began to stir as I licked around the shaft and head, slowly getting harder again. Without warning, he suddenly grabbed hold of my hair and pushed the end of his cock into my mouth. I choked at first, but then relaxed and just let it happen. I didn't have to do a thing. Mitch did it all. He had a tight grip on my hair, and he held my head steady as he thrust his cock in and out of my mouth. For a while I lost myself in the sensations, with just a vague awareness of what the others were doing. Some giggling from the girls, sarcastic comments that I could barely catch from my wife as she watched her husband being face fucked. And closer, right by my side, her brother Sam. Telling Mitch that he was going to have me next. And the constant clicking of the camera as my shame and violation were recorded for eternity.

When Mitch climaxed, I swallowed it convulsively. My first direct taste of cum wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. I had expected it to be slimy and repulsive, but it was nothing of the kind. When he pulled his now softening cock out of my mouth, he casually wiped it clean across my cheeks and then stepped back. It was then that I caught sight of Mrs Trent watching from the doorway. And following my gaze, the rest of them turned to see her too.

For a while I was ignored as the reunion went through its paces. Mrs Trent went to her son first, holding him in her arms and kissing him passionately on the lips. When she moved out of the way to go to him it was then I first saw Mr Trent behind her watching patiently. He was naked, and I suppose he had stripped as soon as he entered the house. Then she was introduced to the naked Mitch. She kissed him too, and I saw her briefly fondle his flaccid cock as their lips joined together.

"You won the sweepstake then, Mitch," she said, as they broke apart.

He smiled and nodded. "You have a very fuckable daughter, Mrs Trent," he said. "I loved every one of her tight little holes."

She looked him up and down appreciatively. "Fancy a chance to compare mother and daughter?" she asked.

Mitch's smile turned into a grin. He returned her inspection, and then glanced over at Mr Trent. "Hubbie another sissy wimp like this one?" he asked, pointing a thumb at me.

"No," she said, shaking her head. "He's much better at it than the boy here. Been one a lot longer."

She turned her attention to the two girls on the sofa. "Hello, darling," she said to her younger daughter. "Hello, Beverley. Your mum wants you to head home now."

"Ok, Mrs Trent," Beverley answered, her disappointment at missing any more of the show obvious.

"She and I have been having some fun with your daddy out in the garden," Mrs Trent went on. "And Elizabeth's daddy, of course. Your brother filmed it, and your mum said you and Elizabeth can go watch it if you like."

I could see that changed things entirely for Beverley. Happily, she and Elisabeth headed out of the room. As she passed her father, Elizabeth gave his limp cock a quick flick. Following her, a giggling Beverley did the same. After they had gone, Mrs Trent told her husband to untie me. He did it quickly, and then returned to his place by the doorway.

"Come with me," she said to me, barely glancing at me. "My bladder needs some relief."

I got up and followed her out. I was half convinced of what awaited me, but still had some doubts. Perhaps, I thought, she just wanted me to attend to her in some way as she was on the lavatory. But even thinking it, I didn't really believe it. And my disbelief was more or less confirmed when she led me out into the back garden rather than to the bathroom. She ordered me to sit with my back against the wall. As I dropped, my skirt rode up and all that protected my arse from the rough stone of the patio was the thin strip of material of the panties the girls had put me into.

"Head tilted and mouth open," she commanded.

Not doubts at all now, but I still complied without question and without hesitation. She stood over me and lifted her long skirt. She wore no underwear, and her very hairy cunt was inches from my face. My cock had subsided but at this sight it rose up again, causing her to laugh.

Reaching down she pulled the lips of her cunt, and suddenly a stream of my mother-in-law's hot piss shot out and hit me on the nose. She shifted her aim fractionally, and it poured into my mouth.

"Drink it, bitch,"

I did what I could, but there was just too much. It filled my mouth, and no matter how fast I swallowed still overflowed on to my cheeks and my chin. It tasted a little bitter, but like the cum a lot better than I had thought it would. Before the flow faltered, she shifted again and was pissing onto my crotch. Some soaked the skirt, but most pattered down on my still erect cock. The last spurt gone, she pushed her groin forward.

"Clean me, bitch."

I put my face forward, and began to lick around her piss- splattered cunt. Then between the lips until she stepped back and dropped her skirt again.

"Get out of those clothes before you come back in," she said. "Then clean yourself up, and wash the clothes in the sink. After you have done that, you may join us."

Next: Chapter 7

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