Inlaws and Outlaws

By slut

Published on Sep 19, 2008


Eventually, with nothing else to do, I lay down in the bed with my mind still churning with thoughts of the events of the day. My nudity in front of Helen's entire family, and the way they had all treated me. Her father's strange behaviour, and particularly that business where he was massaging and licking his own daughter's foot while she played with his cock with the other. And then the way I had acted myself. There was no getting away from it - this family was seriously weird. But then, what did that make me that it had all excited me so much?

My hand slipped down to my cock and began to stroke it. As I stroked I was thinking of holding Helen's mother's foot in my hand, and of the way the other had felt pressing into my cock. And the taste of my own cum, mixed with her tangy sweat, as I licked it off. Then as my strokes became brisker, Mrs Trent transformed in my mind into Helen's younger sister Liz. Those delicate little feet in my hand and on my cock, and a sneer on her face as my cum exploded out of my cock.

I drifted off to sleep then, curled up there on the side of the bed. I half woke when Mr Trent came to bed, as he climbed in beside me. He cuddled up to me. His chest against my back, his arm across me, his limp cock pressing into my buttock, his knees in the back of mine. Then I slipped back into a deep sleep. Later, I either woke again or I was dreaming. I was lying on my back and could feel cool lips around my cock. I looked down, only to see Mr Trent's balding head at my groin. I murmured something that even I didn't understand, before either going back to sleep or sliding into another dream.

In the morning I was woken by the covers being pulled off me and a sharp slap across my arse. I opened bleary eyes, and made out Liz standing by the bed. Behind her another girl, about the same age.

"Time to get up, you lazy slut," Liz said.

"What?" I mumbled.

She leaned over, and again a sharp slap across my buttocks.

"I said it's time to get up," she said. "This is Bev, by the way, my friend."

So what do you say in that situation? Wake up stark naked with your wife's young sister slapping your arse, and then be introduced to her friend. What I did say was "Hello, Bev", which made them both of them giggle.

"I told you he was a klutz," Liz said to Bev. "Now get up, slut."

Laid out there on my front with no covers and no clothes, I was very conscious of my bare arse and pretty certain I should try to avoid showing any more of myself. Alright I know Liz had seen me wandering about yesterday with everything on show, but now there was this Bev girl. And yesterday Liz's parents had been around all the time, not to mention my bride. That could have been passed off as some weird sort of naturism, but flashing all I had to two just- pubescent girls alone in a bedroom didn't come anywhere near that. And there was the added complication of my cock being rock hard and making a decided dent in the mattress. Not a mere morning erection, I had to admit to myself, but one caused by the situation itself.

"You shy of showing your little willy to Bev?" Liz asked, in a mock-sympathetic voice. "Worried she might go all of a flutter at that dinky little thing and run off screaming?"

It was the "little" that was getting to me. Defiantly I pushed myself up and swung my legs to sit on the edge of the bed, my cock sticking up like a tent pole between my thighs.

"I am not dinky," I said, a little too loudly.

They were both studying my cock, rather analytically I thought. Not the sort of reaction to inspire you with confidence, but I also found it strangely arousing. As if they were inspecting it. And while they studied me, I took the opportunity to have a look at them. Liz was in halter top and shorts, and bare feet which reminded me of my fantasy last night as I wanked. Bev was wearing tight jeans and a t-shirt that stretched across her small tits to show that she was not wearing a bra. Not that either of these two needed such support.

"He's right," Bev said after a moment. "It's not dinky. Not big either, and certainly not as big as your Dad's, but not dinky either."

I looked up at Bev in surprise at her so casually commenting on the size of Liz's father's cock, and the distraction had me missing Liz swing her arm as she gave my erect cock a sharp slap with the palm of her right hand. I felt it though, mainly in the base of it as it seeing wildly to the side and then back again.

"He does not talk to us that way," she told Bev harshly. "He treats us with respect. Always! He has to learn, Bev." She turned back to me. "Mommy and Daddy are visiting Bev's parents and Helen's picking up our brother from the station. So we've been left in charge of you."

It is certainly possible to retain your dignity when naked, but not when you have an erection. And Liz's slap had done nothing to cool its ardour, if anything making it more intense. But I tried.

"I think you may have that the wrong way round," I said rather stuffily.

She slapped me again, but this time across the face. She was strong for such a frail-looking thing, and my head rang with it. Then she used her left palm this time to slap my cock again. I heard Bev giggle.

"That looks fun," Bev said. "I love the way it swings back and forth. Can I have a go?"

"In a minute, Bev," Liz said testily. She leaned over me, and before I knew it my balls were gripped in her hand. She gave an experimental pull and I winced involuntarily. If I'm being totally honest, which I'm trying to be in this, she didn't need any sort of threat. Despite her youth, it was her personality that was dominating me. Another time, maybe not. But I had gone through such humiliation the last day or so that there was very little resistance left in me right then. Or perhaps I'm even kidding myself there. Helen must have seen something in me right from the start to know that things would turn out as they had.

"Helen said you're ours to use this morning," she said, her face up close to mine. So close that as she spat out the words, I felt tiny drops of spittle hitting me in the face. I left them there, not sure how she'd react if I wiped them off, and not wanting to found out. "You got that?"

I nodded, but she seemed to be expecting more. "Yes," I said.

"You will call us Ms Elizabeth and Ms Beverley," she said. "Now try again."

"Yes, Ms Elizabeth," I trotted out dutifully.

She gave my balls a little squeeze and then let go and stepped back. "Now you can have a go at slapping it, Bev," she said.

Bev, or as I was even now starting to think of her Ms Beverley, needed no second telling. She came forward quickly and gave the top of my cock a resounding slap that sent it slapping into my thigh. It was now hurting along its entire length, but still the damned thing refused to go down.

"Now get down on your knees, bitch," Ms Elizabeth suddenly barked at me.

I slipped off the bed and onto my knees with an alacrity that surprised even me. It seemed my body was responding to the commands almost before my brain had registered them.

"Now on all fours!"

I bent down and put the flats of my palms on the carpet. The two girls sat themselves down on the bed behind me, and I felt two pairs of feet, one bare and the other in trainers, rest on my arse cheeks.

"He does look pathetic like that, doesn't he?" I heard Ms Beverley say.

"Most men are pathetic," Ms Elizabeth answered. "Having them naked and on all fours just shows it up." There was a pause, and then she said, "There's some felt tips in the other bedroom, Bev. Get them for me, will you?" "Sure."

The trainered feet left my arse, and Ms Beverly walked past me to go out the room.

"Bev's never had a man to play with before, bitch," Ms Elizabeth said to me once we were alone. "Her Mum doesn't let her use her Dad, which I think is a pity. She's seen my Daddy be used a few times, but I think she was too shy to ask to join in. So you'll be her first."

I half understood all this, and half didn't. Well settled into the not understanding part was my own reaction. I was being held in thrall by two young girls, whose sole aim seemed to be to have some fun with me, and the two of them together couldn't have slowed me down one bit if I'd just stood up and walked away. Instead I was following their orders without question, and being aroused by it as well,. I felt as though some switch had been flicked, and all I'd been before was suddenly transformed. Or rather, all I thought I had been before.

Ms Beverly came back and handed the packet of felt tip pens to Ms Elizabeth before resuming her place on the bed. I felt the pair of bare feet lift and then what I knew had to be the tip of one of the pens moving across one arse cheek and then the other. Words, I thought, but no idea what.

"Time to really start to enjoy ourselves," Ms Elizabeth said, standing up. "Crawl into the other bedroom, bitch."

"No, wait," Ms Beverly said as I started to crawl across the floor on all fours. "I want a ride."

I felt her bony bejeaned arse settling on to the small of my back, her knees pressed into my ribs. So burdened, I started to crawl again.

Next: Chapter 5

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