Inlaws and Outlaws

By slut

Published on Jul 8, 2008


Part Two

To my intense relief, I was alone in the bed when I woke. I stretched out, enjoying the privacy, and thinking to myself how Helen's parents would be wending their merry way south today. And the minute they disappeared over the horizon, I would be ripping the clothes off their daughter and give her the bloody good fucking I'd intended to last night. And all thoughts of what really did happen last night would be washed from my mind in the passion of giving my beautiful new bride the seeing to she deserved.

The actual events of the night were beginning to recede in my mind, just as if it were a dream. A bad dream? Yes, definitely. Maybe it had excited me at the time, I lay there thinking to myself, and maybe I had masturbated afterwards in the bathroom thinking about it. But that was just the heightened sexual sensitivity following my aborted wedding night. Not me at all, only a confluence of circumstances beyond my control.

Reassured, I got up and dressed myself. Then went down to the kitchen to find the three womenfolk gathered around the kitchen table eating their breakfasts. And Helen's father at the counter preparing extra toast, and still stark naked.

He turned to me with a wide grin. "Morning, son," he said. "Fancy some toast? Some boiled eggs?"

"Toast will do me," I said. "Thanks."

"No problem. Sit yourself down, and I'll do you some."

"Perhaps you'd like a big sausage instead," Helen's sister, Liz, said and giggled.

Helen and her father both laughed, and even her mother cracked a smile. It seemed that I was the only one not in on the joke.

"No, just toast," I said, feeling like a fool.

I went over and kissed Helen and took my seat opposite her mother.

"Doesn't your new mother-in-law get a kiss as well, Simon?" her mother asked.

"Of course, Mrs Trent," I said, getting up.

Going round the table, I bent over to kiss her cheek. As I did so, I caught a glimpse down the front of the loose nightdress she was wearing beneath her robe. All three of the Trent women had small breasts, which I have to admit was a part of the attraction fro me of Helen, and in her mother's case it had meant that gravity had done little damage through the years. Those rose-tipped tits I was peering down at could have easily been a young girl's. She took advantage of my distraction to take hold of my face in both her hands and turn it to plant a kiss smack on my lips. And then I felt her tongue push between my lips. Not far, but just enough to let me know it was there. She let me go and I took half a step back, and nearly tripped.

"Your kisses seem to be pretty potent, Mummy," Helen said with a laugh.

"I think it was more likely the peep he took down the front of my nightdress," Mrs Trent replied with a smile.

Helen looked up at me. "You been sneaking a peek at my mummy's titties, darling?" she asked playfully.

I shook my head, but behind me Mr Trent said, "They're well worth peeking at. You can't t really blame the boy."

"True, Daddy," Helen agreed.

I was trying to get back to my own seat, but Liz pushed her chair back blocking my way.

"And a kiss for you new sister-in-law as well," she said. "But no peeking at my titties."

My face easily resembling a ripe tomato in shade, I bent down quickly and gave her a peck on the cheek. She let me past and I resumed my seat, only to find the naked Mr Trent beside me, his heavy cock level with my eyes, holding a plate of toast. I thought to myself that if he mentioned a kiss for my new father-in-law then I wass going stgraight through that window. And I wouldn't bother stopping to open it.

"Thank you, Mr Trent," I said.

I couldn't get over the fact that he was naked around his daughters, and nobody seemed to be taking a bit of notice but me. I'd read about naturists and how for them nudity wasn't really sexual, and I was supposing that this was the way it was here. Their dad just happened to be wearing no clothes, and it was so natural to them that they thought nothing of it.

I'd noticed that there were only four chairs around the table. "Have I taken your place, Mr Trent?" I asked. "I can easily stand up while I eat my toast."

"No, son, not at all. I don't sit with the ladies, do I, dear?"

That last was aimed at his wife, and she shook her head smiling. "No, of course not, precious," she said.

I was trying to get my head around that one, and trying not to be distracted by the large cock hanging more or less next to my face as he continued to stand beside me, when Liz finished her last bit of toast.

"Get me more toast, Daddy," she said, not even looking at him.

He didn't say a word. Just left my side and went back to the counter and put two slices in the toaster.

"I think you should take it outside to the garden when it's done, sweetheart," Mrs Trent said to her youngest daughter. "And daddy and I will join you. I'm sure these two lovebirds would like some time alone."

I couldn't argue with that. Once the toast was done they all moved outside, leaving us alone at last. I shifted my chair closer to Helen, took hold of her hand and lifted it to my lips to kiss it.

"I really missed you last night, Helen," I said. "I wanted you so badly."

She smiled. "And you had to make do with daddy," she said.

"And believe me, he's no substitute."

"Still, darling, you were very polite and that did please me."

"Polite?" I asked, confused. "What do you mean?"

"Pretending to be asleep when he was beating off and feeling up your bum," she said matter-of-factly. "He knew you were pretending, of course, but that impressed him too. You even waited till he was pretending to be asleep before you got up to clean yourself off. He said you were a real gentleman, and that he'd had his doubts about my choice but was very reassured by your behaviour last night."

"He told you about that?"

"Well naturally, darling," she said, looking at me quizzically. "Naturally he told us. Daddy wouldn't keep secrets from us."

I took a deep breath before saying the next word. "Us?" I asked.

"Yes. Mummy, Liz and me. Daddy always tells us everything."

This was all getting much too much. I let go Helen's hand and stood up, and standing I could see out into the garden. Mrs Trent and Liz were stretched out on sun loungers, and Mr Trent, still naked, was squatting at the end of this daughter's giving her a foot rub.

"Can we get away from here for a while, Helen?" I asked. "Go for a walk? Just the two of us?"

"Of course we can, darling. I'll just let Mummy and Daddy know we're going out."

I watched through the window as she went out into the garden and over to the little family group. She kissed each of them in turn. On the lips, but rather longer I thought than a mere peck would require. I knew all families had different ways, but I was beginning to suspect that the Trent family took different to a whole new level.

She came back and took me by the arm, and we went out the front door. The cottage was very isolated, with no other dwellings within a couple of miles and the nearest main road even further, so we had the forest walk to ourselves. For a while we just walked and chatted about inconsequential things, but then I had to go and ask the question.

"When are your parents leaving, Helen?"

"Leaving? Why should they leave?"

I started off pretty reasonable, but that didn't last. By the time I started running out of steam I was on about the weirdness of her family. Her father's actions in the bed last night, telling his whole family what he had done including his teenage daughter, his nudity around them, her mother slipping me the tongue and anything else I could come up with. And as she listened to me she did that devastating holding back the tears, and I saw it and still I kept on. Until I ran out of things to say, and then she started. And the tars flowed as she laid into me. She told me I was selfish, that I was ungrateful, that I was mean, that I was rude and that I didn't love her. There was a lot of stuff in between, but that was the gist of it.

Then she ran off back to the cottage, still crying. I followed slowly - with dignity as I thought. And then had to knock on the door of the cottage. It was a her mother who answered. She took one disdainful look at me.

"She doesn't want to see you," she said, and slammed the door in my face.

I stood there feeling totally wretched, and indescribably guilty. I had blown everything out of proportion, I thought to myself, and had broken the heart of the girl I loved in the process. So what if they were more affectionate than my own family? That wouldn't be a hard trick, after all. And a naturist for a father-in-law wasn't exactly the end of the world. And so his hands had wandered a bit in the night. Not that big a deal. I wasn't going to suddenly turn into a raving queen because a man had touched my arse. A bit of human contact, that's all it had been. Sailors did it all the time, I'd heard, when separated from their womenfolk.

I had it all rationalised away by the time the door opened again. This time it was her father. I was getting so used to seeing him naked now that I think I'd have been shocked if he'd been in clothes. He put a finger to his lips and beckoned me in. I followed him meekly as he led me into the empty front room. He indicted that I should sit, and I did as he remained standing. He closed the door and came back to me.

"You really have upset her, son," he said, not unkindly.

"I know, Mr Trent," I said. "And I really am sorry."

"Really sorry?" he asked.

"More than I could ever say. Mr Trent."

He looked at me thoughtfully. "I wish I could believe that, son," he said. "I've never seen her this upset before. She says she never wants to set eyes on you again, and she's asked me to contact my solicitor to start divorce proceedings."

My whole world was falling apart. I looked up at him helplessly. "If only I could talk to her, Mr Trent," I said. "Then I could convince her."

He got down on his haunches in front of me, his face now level with mine. "I believe you, son," he said. "I think you are genuinely sorry. But if you walked in there right now, she'd do one of two things. Either she'd run wailing from the room or she'd hit you with something large and heavy. Talking wouldn't be an option. Believe me, I know the women in my family."

"Yes, Mr Trent," I said. "So what did I do? Go away and come back later when she's cooled down?"

He shook his head. "You need to strike while the iron is hot, my boy," he said. "Later may be too late." He looked me in the eye. "Do you trust me, son?"

"Of course, Mr Trent."

Now that may seem a touch na‹ve to you, seeing as he'd groped my arse and cum over my back while I presumably slept last night, but that's looking at it all in hindsight. Right then, that moment, I was lost at sea and he was the only one around who looked likely to toss me a lifebelt. In addition to that, he had a way with him that did make you trust him.

"Good," he said. "What you need to do is show her that you're sorry, instantly and without words, to give you the breathing space to do that talking you want to do. And I think I know a way."

"Yes?" I asked eagerly.

"You're going to show her, unmistakeably show her, that you are not the pompous prig with no consideration for her feelings that right now she thinks you are."

"Just tell me what to do, Mr Trent."

He smiled kindly. "You're going to take off your clothes, son," he said. "And you're going to walk into that room with me stark bullock naked. What better proof could there be that you are really and genuinely sorry for the things you said to her?"

I took it in slowly. "Mr Trent," I said. "Are your wife and Liz in there with her?"

He laughed. "Don't worry, son," he said. "You haven't got anything they haven't seen before."

It didn't really take much deciding. After all, it wasn't that terrible a thing to have to do and if it got me my Helen back then it would be more than worth it. I told him I would do it, which got a warm smile of approval from him that really quite pleased me, and stood up to get undressed. I turned my back to do it, which I know is stupid in the circumstances but he didn't say anything.

Once nude I looked down at my cock, which seemed to be in hibernation. I've never had any hang-ups about size. Mine is average, and I've always been perfectly happy about that. But this was going to be the first time my new bride saw me naked, and I would be standing beside her father who had a chopper that was a very healthy size. So I did the old changing room trick of flicking it with a fingernail to wake it up and then turned round.

He looked me up and down, very carefully and slowly. Funny enough I found that a little bit arousing, and my cock woke up a little bit more as he surveyed me.

"Nice body, son," he said.

"Thank you, Mr Trent."

"Come along then."

He led me out of the front room and through to the kitchen. Helen was sitting at the kitchen table, crying and being comforted by her mother and her sister. All of them looked up when we entered, and Mr Trent stepped aside leaving me centre stage in the doorway. I stood there, feeling about as vulnerable and stupid as I'd ever felt in my life before, and waited for some reaction. At least she'd neither run wailing from the room nor hit me with anything, so I figured I was already ahead.

Mrs Trent was looking at me expressionlessly, as if reserving judgement for the moment. Liz on the other hand, looked practically gleeful. Her eyes were travelling up and down my body in a way that I found both disturbing and strangely arousing. Helen just sat there wiping her nose and dabbing at her eyes and looking at me with such hurt that I could almost feel it as physical pain myself.

It was Liz who broke the silence. "Not exactly packing heat , is he, sis?" she said, looking directly at my genitals. ""Don't be rude, darling," her mother told her. "It may be perfectly alright when it's erect. Not everybody's is like Daddy's, you know."

"Sorry, Mummy."

I `d thought I was past embarrassment by that point, but I was wrong. I looked directly at Helen. "I am truly sorry, my darling," I said.

"You think that's enough?" she asked coldly.

Next: Chapter 3

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