Initiation into Bondage

By Jorges Sable

Published on Jan 7, 2023


Jose did not sleep very much during his night in bondage. His arms and legs spreadeagled and his wrists and ankles chafed by the hemp rope that he had asked Tomas to use on him the following morning. Tomas slept well, but every time he awoke he looked across at his boy, noting each time that his penis was being kept rigid by his treatment especially by the "hard as steel" set of rings and straps holding his erection.

Tomas was up by 8am and went to get a much needed drink of orange juice for himself and Jose. He released the boy for a trip to the bathroom to shower and pee, and told him while he had a cold shower to remove the rings and straps from his genitals so it was free for the promised punishment, but to leave on the short lengths of hemp rope on his wrists, but not his ankles. He then got ready the few things he would need to prepare him for the punishment session that both he and the boy had planned. He selected an even more revealing loin cloth for Jose to impress his friends when they arrived. He laid out several coils of rough hemp rope on the bed knowing that it would excite the boy to see them when he returned from his shower. He dressed himself to meet his friends in jeans and white tee shirt, but under it he wore only a small black leather pouch, so he could strip off easily to better enjoy Jose's crucifixion.

When Jose came back into the room Tomas told him to stand in front of him, turn away and put his hands behind his back. Tomas then bound the boys wrists firmly with the lengths of hemp cord that had been on him all night. He thought that the sight of his boy, hands bound behind him and in his little loin cloth would be a wonderful turn on for his friends when they arrived. As he bound Jose's wrists he admired the beautiful smooth back of the boy, covered as it was in a fine down of tiny hairs making it velvety smooth. Finally he put the new loin cloth he had made onto Jose. First a scratchy thin string tied around the waist, low over his penis. Then a thin piece of grey cotton material which he had sewn onto another short cord which tied over the string at the back, before going tightly through his legs to pull up into his butt crack, so that the grey cloth part covered his penis and tucked down inside. Needless to say Jose's already pounding boyish erection pushed the thin cloth forward in wonderfully erotic folds

"I will feed you some breakfast boy, before taking you to the punishment room to await my two friends. Once you have met them we will tie you to the beam ready for hoisting up to form the cross. I have discussed it with Seb my friend and his young nephew, as to how long would be right for your first time, and we all agreed half an hour would be as much as you could stand. There will be no way out for you. You will be punished to the amount that we agree before we start so no pleading for early release. Have you anything to say boy?" "No sir, I will try and take the punishment well to impress your friends," came from the nervous excited boy. "Sir, you say Seb is bringing his nephew. How old is he?" Tomas grinned, "well boy, that was going to be my surprise. He is only thirteen, and so fairly new to the bondage scene but he seems to love it, and this is an opportunity for him to see a really tough scene." This caused another stiffening and jerking in Jose's cock because, unknown to Tomas, Jose had always had a desire for young boys, and would often imagine them in bondage as he jerked off, or would imagine a boy watching him being punished.

After breakfast Tomas took Jose into the punishment room to await his friend and the boy so that he could build up the anticipation of his impending ordeal. Tomas took a last lustful look at the boy, who already had a light sheen of sweat making his supple slim body glisten as he stood there with his arms tied behind him, and the tiny grey pouch extended out in front of him. He slapped the firm young butt that was set off so delightfully by the thin string disappearing between his legs."You can spend the time waiting for your crucifixion by looking at all the toys hanging on the walls. I hope to be back in about half an hour boy when your further initiation into bondage will continue.

Jose watched Tomas leave and heard the key turn in the lock. He walked slowly over to the upright post and beam laid on the floor, noting how the rope went up to a pulley and down to a winch. He felt a flutter in his stomach as he saw the two coils of hemp rope laid at each end of the beam and another at the base of the upright. He saw the rings set in the post to which he knew that his legs would be tied so that he was lifted well up off the floor. All this time he was rigid with excitement and his loin cloth remained tented seductively outwards. A fact that he could not adjust with his hands bound behind him. He realised that he was frightened but also wildly excited at the thought of Tomas and his friend watching him suffer, and even more especially a young relatively innocent boy seeing him in agony on the cross.

Evenually, he heard the key turn in the lock and the door opened to admit Tomas, followed by a young man and a blonde curly headed boy. The two men wore jeans, but were stripped to the waist and bare foot, while the boy, delightfully for Jose, was naked apart from a little chamois loin cloth like the one Jose had worn the day before. Jose could clearly see the tenting in the soft supple chamois leather. Jose turned away from the post and tentatively approached them. "That's it boy, come here and meet Seb and young Chas and let them have a good look at you." Jose did as he was told and came to stand in front of them, while hardly able to drag his eyes away from the near naked boy. Chas was indeed superb, tanned a wonderful honey brown, lithe and getting developing muscles his soft smoothness was like a magnet to Jose and if it had been possible for him to get any harder he would have done! Seb spoke first, "What an absolute stunner of a boy Tomas, and you say he really likes to take pain?" Tomas explained how at the boys first whipping he had cum without being touched. Seb put his hand forward and felt the loin cloth. "Wow, this one is randy, and about to be put through a lot of pain he is like a steel bar. "Here Chas, have a feel of this." Chas moved to stand close in front of Jose, and reaching forward he also felt Jose, expertly gently rubbing his erection through the chamois leather, and feeling the reaction. He lent forward to run his soft hands down Jose's sweating body, and then putting his arms around him he ran them down Jose's back, gently squeezing his butt, before going down his legs and back up to the straining loin cloth.

Jose was in seventh heaven to have this delightful boy so close and feeling him despite his nervous anticipation of impending pain. "Lets get on with this" Tomas finally commanded, and turning Jose around he untied his wrists. "Go and get in position under the post boy, lie on your back and spread your arms to the end of the beam" he ordered. Jose submissively did as he was told.

Seb and Tomas, who had now stripped off to black leather g-strings squatted at either end of the beam and started tying each slender wrist tightly to the beam. First the existing hemp rope went through a ring set in the beam and was tied off firmly. Then many turns of rope around the beam and the boys wrist until he was unable to move either of his arms. Finally they tied his ankles together with another new length of the rough hemp rope, leaving a nice long tails to put through the appropriate ring when he had been hoisted up. They were ready to crucify him!

Tomas crossed to the winch and started winding Jose upright. As the strain came on his tightly bound wrists Jose gasped with the pain, and easing his body along the floor with his bound legs he tried to help by starting to stand up. Tomas went on

winding until Tomas was upright, arms spread and standing on tiptoes which was

difficult with his tightly bound ankles. The ropes bit into his wrists and he

winced with the pain which was far greater than he had expected. Chad was getting more and more excited and crossed to stand in front of Jose, taunting him as he

struggled to take the weight off his wrists by pushing up on his toes, and then running a finger down his chest in the beads of sweat that were forming.

Tomas and Seb went one each side of Jose, took hold of his ankle ropes, and threading them through a ring some way off the floor both pulled together and Jose's legs rose up so that his knees were now slightly bent. Now Jose could push up on his ankles to take some weight off his arms, but his ankles, bound as they were with the coarse rope, hurt almost as much as his wrists. All he could do was struggle to try and ease the pain, while his tormentors could stand back and enjoy the erotic sight of the bound boy as he struggled and sweated.

Chas in the meantime was watching every move. Fascinated to see that Jose's loin cloth was still poking forward despite his obvious intense pain. The level of pain was obvious as Jose groaned and occasionally cried out as he took all the weight on his spread arms. To the watching boy it was the most exciting thing that he had ever seen. He had been in mild S&M with Seb and his friends. He had been whipped, but not too hard, and he had often been spreadeagled and tortured by masturbation to near orgasm before being denied it, sometimes for hours at a time. This however opened his eyes to a new scene and as he fondled his rigid erection he imagined himself submitting to the cross. All Jose could do was watch the big clock on the wall as the half hour ticked by.

Seb and Tomas meanwhile had stripped off their g-strings and lay together naked on the couch enjoying their own brand of sex together, while watching the crucifixion of their latest find. Chas was not interested in them, nor they in Chas. What Chas wanted was to be with his new hero, Jose, and he watched spellbound the agony of the crucifixion. When the half hour was finally up, and Jose hung inert and gasping from his splayed arms, Tomas called across to Chas to start releasing him. First, Chas released the bound ankles which gave a bit of relief to Jose. Then he slowly lowered the winch so that eventually the beam was once more on the floor and Jose simply lay, exhausted by his ordeal but with arms still held wide and bound.

Chas looked at Jose's incredibly still tented loin cloth, and reaching forward undid the string waist cord so that he could see him in all his naked glory. The sight was enough for Chas who pulled off his own loin cloth and simply lay forward until he was on top of Jose's sweating body, and their erections were rubbing together. Jose raised his head to kiss Chas and at the same moment they both came to orgasm. Then, totally spent they lay together to await the release of Jose's arms.

Half an hour later, Tomas came over and untied Jose, picking up the naked Chas from on top of him. "It looks to me as though you two boys have a lot in common. I have asked Seb if Chas can stay over for a day or two if he wants to, and maybe become initiated into some more games, what do you two say to that." In unison the boys replied, "Yes please, oh yes, thank you sir." All that remained to do that day was to carefully dress the abrasions on Jose's wrists and ankles with salve, sending him off for a good shower with Chas to take the rest of the day easy, before planning anymore epic scenes.

In chapter four Chas will torture Jose tied spreadeagled on a bondage table. Chas will masturbate him to near climax but will prevent it by wiping nettles over him. When Jose finally cums it will be Chas' turn to suffer.

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