Initiation into Bondage

By Jorges Sable

Published on Dec 21, 2022


Jose was just sixteen and for the first time was able to go on holiday to his parents seaside bungalow by himself. His parents were unable to get away from their jobs for another two weeks and suggested that Jose had a fortnight to himself, sunbathing, swimming and meeting a few local people. He did not need more than a couple of seconds to make up his mind, and so it was that he packed a few clothes and caught the bus for the journey down to the holiday home.

Jose loved the sun, and he loved stripping off to sunbathe and he knew he would be able to do this without worrying what his parents thought. He also had always had, not very deep down, secret fantasies about bondage and punishment. He had had these ever since he had entered puberty at the age of eleven. Often, when he could get time alone, he had tied himself up. As he grew older he had started self punishment and would often lie naked on his bed with his ankles tied, and whip his smooth flat boys tummy. If his parents were out for a day he would have time to make bunches of stinging nettles and torture his smooth little genitals. He would imagine that his hands were also tied and that he was being whipped by cruel men who had captured him. Now as he left for two weeks alone in the bungalow he knew he would be having many a fantasy night of imaginary bondage. He also packed the penis exciter that he kept well hidden. Several stainless steel rings to slip on his shaft, another around his balls, with thin leather straps to hold them in place. He always enjoyed wearing this device all night when in the mood.

On the first morning, sun shining, he got up and had a hearty breakfast before preparing for the beach. The grounds of the bungalow were not big enough to sunbathe in and he knew that he would use the local beach. He stood in front of the mirror, naked, and stretching up admired his young body. Slim and tanned, with dark hair and brown eyes, not yet with facial hair his boyish good looks remained with a small turned up nose and red sensual lips. He was rather proud of his cock as well, and he watched as he stood in front of the mirror as his uncut penis, with its small bush of genital hair, gently rose to attention with the thought of the day in the sun to come. He picked up his favourite mini thong of red silk (also kept hidden from his parents,) although he knew that he would have to wear his baggy shorts over the top of it. The silky thong emphasised the strength of his boyhood erection as it was stretched into seductive folds, and he did indeed make a sight that would please any observer, of whatever inclination. He pulled his old baggy shorts on over his thong. These were very low cut to show the maximum of his teenage velvet smooth flat tummy so the groin lines ran down each side to nearly meet at the waistband. He was ready to go, so grabbing towel, picnic lunch, a book and a can of beer, he set off along the beach.

He finally settled in a far corner where no one was likely to see him, and laying down his towel he checked he was truly not overlooked. He just wished he dared to strip to his thong, but he was at heart a shy lad so lay down in his shorts, stripping off his shirt and trainers he lay down on his back in the full sun. He did make sure though that his shorts were pulled down as much as possible to expose the maximum of his midriff. He also pulled the shorts legs up as far as he could and then, relaxing, he read a bit of his book and after an hour, fell asleep.

He was therefore unaware of the young man gently approaching him, until a quiet cough alerted him. Brightly blushing he reached for the corner of his towel to cover his slightly pulled down shorts, which, being a sixteen year old boy and having read a chapter describing bondage were already nicely tented by his semi erect cock.

"Sorry to make you jump young man" came the pleasant quiet voice of the stranger. "Please do not cover up because you look great to me, and I too like brief wear, and I assure you mine are a lot briefer than your shorts. I live in that old house just behind the beach, and I saw you pass by and thought I would come and say hola." Jose gave up his attempts to cover up and tried hard to keep his erection down. His intuition told him that this guy had come to look at him and he noticed that he could hardly take his eyes off his tented shorts, pulled up brief as they were. This emboldened the boy to lay back a bit and flaunt himself to the stranger. Jose saw before him a man of around thirty, of wiry build like himself and with the local nearly black hair and olive skin. He looked fit and friendly with bright brown twinkling eyes, and wore cut off shorts, white tee shirt and old plimpsoles.

"Hi anyway, I'm Tomas, and I just wondered if you would like to come on up to my house where I have a large pool, rather than lie by yourself on the beach. As you probably can see the house is in it's own grounds and very private so one can wear brief gear if you want. I have to tell you that I think you would look great in a brief costume boy rather than those old shorts. What is your name by the way?"

Jose told Tomas his name and explained where he was staying and added that he was on his own for two weeks. "Well, in that case come on over now, and if you like you can stay over with me for a day or two as I also live alone and would welcome someone lively like you to give me a bit of company." Jose was excited by the offer and took no second bidding. He slipped quickly back into shirt and trainers and the two made their way up the beach, along a short track and arrived and a high gate, which Tomas unlocked and opened to lead Jose in, and Jose noticed, he locked it carefully behind him.

Jose looked around and was impressed. The whole property was surrounded by high fencing against which evergreen conifers grew so that no-one from outside could get even a glimpse of the land within. A large pool was central and lay in front of the house. Jose commented how great the whole set up looked and this clearly pleased Tomas. "You can strip off to your shorts again now and if you like I can find you a pair of briefs. Anyway, I will go and get my own costume on." said Tomas. "Make yourself at home by the pool and I will join you in a minute. Maybe you would like a beer looking at the time and the heat in the sun?"

Jose, still in his old shorts but wishing he dared to strip to his silk thong beneath, walked over to the pool and throwing his towel on a sunbed he sat on the edge of it. It was as well that he did because a moment later Tomas ran out of the house clutching two cans of beer and now nearly naked. A thin string around his waist held a tiny strip of black shiny satin, in which Jose could see his cock standing outlined, and he thought, it looked nearly totally erect.

Jose could not help himself and his cock hardened immediately to push the thin material of his shorts out from his body despite the little thong within. Tomas was already looking at the boy and he laughed. "Don't worry Jose, it is natural to be like that and why should we worry. After all, look at me, and he stood in front of Jose thrusting his midriff forward as his erection hardened and pushed out like the boy's. "I think that you and I might have a bit of fun on the quiet in my house, especially as you have two weeks alone and can come and stay here for a bit."

For all Tomas' encouragement though, Jose made attempts to cover his obvious excitement and this caused more joshing from Tomas. "Come on Jose, be a man, stop covering yourself up. If you go on doing that I may have to deal with you. What would you say if I tied your hands behind your back to stop your resistance and made you wear something a bit more like my costume?" Tomas watched carefully to see what reaction Jose would have to this small threat and was delighted when the boy laughed and said, "Well if you did that I could not stop you could I." "Alright then, you've asked for it boy," Tomas laughed, " I will be back in a minute to carry out my threat," and Tomas went back into the house briefly before reappearing with a length of thin cord.

"Come here boy" he commanded, and was really excited and delighted when Jose came meekly over to stand in front of Tomas. "Turn around and put your wrists together," was the next command and again Jose obeyed because he was filled with excitement to have this new friend who clearly wanted to make him submit to being tied up. Tomas realised immediately that the boy was wanting to be dominated and was enjoying having his wrists tied. When his wrists were tight, Jose walked around in front of Tomas, pulling at his bound wrists and unable to do anything to hide the tent in his shorts. Tomas

decided the time was ripe to go a few steps further.

"I think we will have those shorts off you now boy and fit you up with a g-string," he stated. "Please sir, no please,"Jose pleaded as he realised that his little red silk thong was about to be discovered. "Well if you will not obey me by letting me strip them off I will have to fasten you up a bit more securely and I don't think you really mind that too much boy, do you?" "Well Tomas," said the boy, "I cannot stop you especially with my arms fastened behind me," was the almost whispered response. "Alright then, you will come with me into the house where I have a room that might interest you. Also boy, from now on you will call me, Sir, and do exactly as I say or else you will have to be punished." Tomas could see the reaction in the boy. The tent in his shorts was now looking most seductive and sexy as his cock now stood out from his body.

"Come with me Jose. From now on I will only refer to you as Boy, and you had better behave as you will realise when you see the room we are about to enter." Tomas unlocked a small door, and opening it wide ushered Jose through. The room was a large square with no windows. Bright lights shone from high up on the walls but what caught Jose's eye first was the adornments on the walls. There were whips, chains, straps and several leather fittings that he had no idea what they were for. "Right boy, come over here" came the order from Tomas. Obediently and quivering with excitement Tomas was led to a goal post type frame and told to stand still. Tomas untied his bound wrists and strapped on leather wrist cuffs complete with rings and clips which were lying on a nearby table. Jose allowed his arms to be pulled aloft and clipped to two short chains hanging from the cross bar.

"I think now is the time for you to be stripped boy" Tomas told him. "Oh no, please don't, why should I be tied up like this," moaned the now helpless boy, while all the

time his obvious excitement showed clearly to Tomas. "Disobedient still are we boy. We can soon fix that for you.." Tomas bent down to the boy, and undoing the waist cord of his shorts he eased them gently down. He was surprised to find the little red thong protecting Jose's boyhood and lusted on the erotic sight as he lowered the shorts. "Well well well, now we can see what you really like boy. You look absolutely great, but because you did not tell me you already had a thong on I think a light punishment of a whipping will be in order. Tomas crossed to the wall and took down a light lash. Returning to the boy he placed the long tails of the lash around his neck to dangle down his now already sweat streaked body, for Tomas purposely kept the room very warm. Tomas knelt before his captured boy and slowly lowered his little silk thong to allow Jose's now extremely hard boyhood to spring free. Tomas gently stroked the lovely uncut penis standing so proud until he could see that the squirming boy was about to cum. "No, no, no, you may not cum yet boy without my permission. First I think you should find out who is master here and willingly accept twenty lashes. What do you say to that?" he asked.

"Sir, please sir, I think I deserve to be punished, and I am willing to accept anything that you care to do to me" whispered the excited boy as he stood, naked and held by his wrists under the overhead beam. Tomas went back to the wall and took down a length of thin rope, returning to Jose to tie his ankles firmly together. Jose now had his arms spread and tightly aloft. Ankles trussed so that he could only writhe and hop when the whip struck, twisting around to try and escape the lash. Tomas again stood back to admire the beautiful lithe sweating boy. He lifted the whip and laid on the first stroke. The result was dramatic. Jose writhed, squirming, his cock twitching in excitement and as the whipping continued with strokes spaced out at half minute intervals, he writhed more and more to the wonderment of Tomas. Jose gasped and moaned with pleasure and pain as the lash curled around his naked torso, raising red wheals across his back, tummy and chest until suddenly, he climaxed and shot streams of cum, before finally hanging limply from his wrists.

"Wow boy, and that is just the start. If that is your reaction to your first whipping I have a lot of interesting punishments for you to undergo. I had only got to lash number twelve when you climaxed. I had ordered you not to cum under any circumstances so you have disobeyed my orders. You will have to submit to the lash again when you are ready, and I mean to start over again because you disobeyed me. What do you say to that boy?" "Sir, I will have to do anything you ask. That was the most exciting climax of my life." Tomas decided to let the boy down so that they could start another session later when he was ready. He unfastened the boy's bound ankles and when his legs were free he released his arms and then, as he came free Jose flung his arms around his new master and friend. "Sir, I will do anything, and I really mean, anything for you." Tomas held the sweating boy and gently lowered him to the wooden floor where the two lay entwined. Soon Tomas also came in a wonderful orgasm and the two hugged their naked bodies together in total contentment.

Tomas knew then that he had found a willing masochistic boy and that he could look forward to two weeks of exciting action in his punishment room. He knew that at the back of the room a wooden upright ran from floor to ceiling and that he would soon be using it. At its base a wooden beam lay, attached by a cord to an overhead pulley which in turn ran to a winch. Rings on the beam were sited to pull the victims arms outwards and leather thongs were wrapped around ready for his wrists. It formed a wonderful cross on which he would watch his boys struggle. He could indeed look forward to tomorrow!

Please send me feedback and especially any ideas to incorporate in future chapters.

Jeorges Sable.

Next: Chapter 2

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