
By Robert Barhorst / Rab2161

Published on Dec 8, 2019


Inheritance 2

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This story as was inheritance 1 is pure fiction.

Business was going great, rooms full and even renting out some of the land for private parties to members to use when not staying at the lodge as I like to call it.

I had it all going great, the mailman was getting serviced every day when he delivered the mail or had to pick up mail. UPS drivers getting their packages taken care of as they dropped off packages, everyone was loving the life. That was until Clair showed up, she was the mailwoman who tried to kill everything. Tom was our regular mailman and he was going to retire and told us that we were going to have to use the mailbox out front of the gate. She was one of those women who reported everything that wasn't by the rules.

Tom informed me that she had moved here due to the last post she was on everyone hated her and refused to work with her. They moved her to three different post in the last year due to her reporting people not following all the rules. Tom was even taking an early retirement due to her. That is what he was calling it, tom had been with the post office for 40 year and was hoping to stay there until he reached the age of 65 but Clair had pushed him to the point where he couldn't take her anymore. It turned out that Tom was leaving a year sooner than he wanted. We hadn't met this Clair yet but from what he was telling us I knew she would report to the police or sheriff's office what was happening here, and I hadn't covered all my base's when it came to them. Tom told us that the intercom needed to be fixed so he could start dropping the mail off at the box and then it the intercom bottom to let us know we had mail. I ordered a new intercom system on-line and was expecting it in a day or so.

Frank our ups driver was dropping by almost every day even when he didn't have a delivery for us and I let him know we were expecting a delivery and if he saw it could he make it his first delivery so we could get the intercom system up and running properly. Frank was a great guy to say the least, frank was on hell of a top. He could fuck like a bull in heat, his nice 8-inch cock felt great in my ass and he had fucked almost all the people including me that work at the lodge. Frank told us that he would keep a look out for it, but I needed to put cover over the top of the intercom due to that is the reason it wasn't working. I asked what he meant, and he told me that it was up only a couple of months when it stopped working and the rain was hitting it and probably getting inside of it. I thanked him and decided to check it out in after he left, until then we were going to have some hot fun and the intercom could wait. Frank agreed and we headed to my room, two hours later he left, and I put on my shorts and t-shirt and headed to the front gate to check it out.

Frank was right, we had rain just two days ago and when I opened the intercom there was water still sitter on the inside. I checked the wires and they were all rusted and snapped off when I was checking them. The buttons were starting to rust also, so I figured all I would have to replace is the outside box and everything should work. I looked at the brick wall and figured out a cover to make sure the weather wouldn't destroy the new box once installed. I figured out a nice cover that would keep the weather out. I cut some of the cover off of the wires and taped them so the weather wouldn't brother them until I could put on the new box. I headed back to the lodge and went to the work shed and found some metal that I could bend or some wood that I could make a nice roof to cover the box. I looked around and there in the corner was just what I needed. I thought about how I wanted to cover the box, know that the rain didn't always come straight down and it would hit the box on the sides if I didn't somehow cover them and the front enough so I started to draw out the idea of what would work and look good. I sat there for about twenty five minutes working on a drawing and the phone in the shed rang, it was Paul at the front desk and he needed some help with the computer, seems he couldn't call up an account for a client who was going to check out in the morning and needed to know what his bill was going to be. I told him I would be there in a second an hung up. As I was walking out of the shed there on a shelf was just what I needed for the intercom. An old box marked phone and I stopped to check it out. I opened it and saw how the back was opened and where the hole were for four screws to hold it in place. I needed just to remove the word Phone on the front and replace it with intercom. I looked around and there was several cans of spray paint on one of the shelves and I knew what to do. I headed back up to the lodge and fixed the problem with the computer which was just he typed in the wrong spelling of the customers last name.

I told him that I needed to go back to the shed and fix up an old phone box for the intercom box. Paul said okay and I headed back to the shed, on the way I decided to make a sign up for the mail man to drop all letters and boxes in the box or in the nitch for pickup and call on the intercom to let us know. I got to the shed and started on the box first and then the sign. Two hours later the sign was done and the box, now I needed was the intercom. I headed back up to the lodge and finished my duties for the night and went to bed. The next day I put back on robe and headed into the kitchen and helped the cook get the food ready for the quest. I got the coffee pot filled and started to cook up the scrambled eggs for the company. I was just filling the warming tray when I heard a scream and headed out to the lobby, there I saw was the mail women and she was screaming about all the men walking around naked. She saw me and said that she was going to report to the police what she saw and have the lodge closed. I told her to get off my property.

I told all the quest to please put on their clothes and please stay dressed just until the police leave and if asked to please tell them that no was walking around naked and she was mistaken. And just to make sure that this happened I told all the quest that their stay for today would be free. They all agreed and in just half an hour the police and the mail woman arrived on the property and came into the lodge. People were dressed and eating or in the lobby ready the morning paper. The chief of police asked me if we could talk in private and I escorted him to my office. We talked and I told him that I didn't know what the mail lady was talking about and that she wasn't suppost to drop off any mail in the mailbox out front at the gate and not suppost to come on the property, and that I was going to call the central post office when we were done to file a formal complaint on her for not properly delivering the mail. Clair was there in the office and she said that Fred always delivered the mail to the lodge, I looked at her and told her she was wrong and Fred never delivered the mail to the lodge, in fact he always left the mail in the box outside and honked the horn to let us know he had dropped off the mail.

The chief was nice enough to write everything down and had me sign it. He then asked if it was okay to talk to my quest and ask some questions to them. I told him it would be okay but please don't brother them all. He said that he wouldn't, and he did comment on how nice of a place it was, and he could see how great business was. I told him that my uncle left me the idea and I just finished what he started. I was smart and while we were waiting for the police to show up, I went on my computer and did my homework on the chief of police for my area and the sheriff department. I did learn that the police chief was single and never married. I couldn't figure out why he was a very handsome man and now that I met him in person, he had a nice bulge in his pants that I wouldn't mind seeing outside his uniform. I went to shake his hand and he had a firm grip and he smelled nice, he stood about 5'10, 170-180 lbs., black hair and blue eyes and a nice trimmed bread. I called him by his title and last name which turned out to be the same last name as one of my aunts. I asked if they might be related and he told me that he would have to look it up. He said good-bye and left the office and I followed him out, I had to check out his ass, and I was glad that I did. He had an ass you want to grab while he is fucking you. I went to the front desk and asked bill for the phone book. He looked around the desk and found it and gave it to me. I was looking up the post office number so I could call and post my complaint with them. I found it and wrote it down on a piece of paper and told bill to put the book back. I looked around the lobby to see who the chief was talking to and saw he would ask one person and they said they were still in their room when they heard the scream. So he would move on to someone else, I headed to my office and called the main post office and lodged my complaint with them and explained that the previous mailman would leave our mail in the box and would honk his horn so we knew we had mail and was in the process of putting in an intercom and putting up a sign asking the mailman to please ring the intercom when we have mail.

After I was done, I went back into the lobby, and notice the chief was nowhere around and asked bill where the chief went, and he said that he walked out back. I went out to the pool area in back and there he was talking to some of the quest that were out there. I saw he was talking to one person and writing down what the person was saying. I walked up to them and asked how things were going, the chief said that he was done, and he would get back with me in a couple of days. I thanked him and said I would walk him out. As we walking out I decided to asks how his wife was doing and he told me he wasn't married and I commented on how that could be, as he is a nice looking man and he probably had all the women in the county would love to be his wife. He thanked me and said that he wasn't in a hurry to be married and hasn't find the right woman yet. I laughed and said yeah why marry when you can play the field and get the milk for free. He laughed and said yeah that is it.

Once the chief was gone and out the front gate I walked back into the lodge and told everyone they could get naked again. That was all it took; clothes were flying all over the place. I headed to the shed and got the new intercom box and all the tools I needed to install it and the sign. I drove our golf cart up to the gate and installed the box and sign, I decided to look in the service box and there was more wires in there with nothing connected to two of them and I read the label and saw there was a hook up for a camera.

Now I had a camera, but it was one of those small ones you have inside your house, but I thought it would work outside till I could order the proper on and install it. But then I thought I would have to look through several boxes to find it, but it would be worth it. I decided to bring some caulk with me to seal around the outside of the intercom box and just then Clair showed up and handed me the mail and a box. She said, she hoped they shut down the lodge and arrest me for being a pervert fag. I looked at her and said that she should shut her mouth before It cost her a job. She dared me to try, and then drove away. I looked at the return label and saw it was the intercom company and opened the box. There was three new intercoms and wire. I opened the intercom box and hooked it up. I was praying that the wires would match, and they did, and I turned on the intercom and the light lit up. I pressed the button and asked Billy if he heard me. There was Billy's voice came back and said yeah boss. I was happy and then dropped the screwdriver. I was looking through the bushes and noticed that there was motors hooked up to the front gates. I got back on the intercom and told Billy to look under the counter and see if there was a button or switch that was marked front gate or something like that. Billy said he saw a button marked FG and did I want him to push it. I said yeah and he did, the gates closed, and I was very happy.

I called Billy back on the intercom and told him to hit the button again and the gates opened. I was a happy camper. Now I can shut the gate and keep Clair out for sure. Now I would have to put up a sign so the customers can enter, and we can keep out Clair. I put everything away in the cart and headed back to the lodge and once back I headed into the shed and found the perfect metal sign and sprayed it all white. Then with a paintbrush I started to write the sign. Once done I went up to the lodge and got something to eat and drink, plus get out of my clothes. I went into my office/bedroom an dropped my pants, throw my shirt across the room onto the bed. I grabbed the phone and dialed up the post office and heard the voice of the manager saying, "Hi this is Toby Williams how can I help you today." I introduced myself and the manager told me it was Toby one of my regular customer to the after-work party at the pool. I let toby know I remembered him and told him about my run in with Clair today and what she had to say. He told me not to worry this isn't the first complaint he had today about her and when she gets in after her route she would be getting fired. I said oh now they are going to fire her, and toby told me that the company didn't have anywhere else to send her and they were tired of complaint about her and how she acts to customers and other employees. So, this may mean that your mail will be a little late tomorrow and for a week or two till they can get a regular new mail man for my route. I told him that is fine if she is gone.

I told toby that tonight's party was themed Haiti, and he said he knew. I hung up and just then Billy called me on the intercom and said the police chief was on the phone. I thanked him and picked up the phone. I was told that he investigated and found no complaints about my place from any of the neighbors around me and all the quest said the same thing about what happened. So, he was going to drop the case and told me if I had any other problems please let him know. I thanked him and told him that I called my aunt and it turns out they are related; in fact, she was his aunt also. He said he found out the same thing and now we are family in away. We both laughed, and he said he had to go and have a nice day, which I said same to you to sir.

I went to the front desk and told everyone we are clear, and the bitch is gone. I went into the storage room and started looking for the camera and thought I would call my lawyer to find out how to keep this trouble from happening again. I called him and found out all I must do is put on a sign this is a clothing optional gay lodge and no one can cause any trouble. I found the camera and then went and got the sign, which I put the statement about being a gay lodge on the sign and took it out and hung it up and hooked up the camera. That night Toby showed up and off went his clothes and I remembered him. Tall dark well built (ex-quarter back built) black man with a cock that was halfway down his leg. I told toby about the trouble again and he said that he knew the police chief and several of his men and said that he would tell them about the bar parties and even invite him to join him here. Two days later we had the bar full and the phone rang, it was the police chief and he said he heard about the party and asked what the theme was and how much it costed to come in. I told him since it was his first time it was free, and the theme was spring break. He told me that he would be here and might bring some of his officers. I told him about it now being a clothing optional lodge and gay also, he said he loved that. Two hours later he showed up with two of the hunkiest officers I have ever seen, they didn't wait their clothes was off and they were at the bar having drinks.

I told the bartender that the drinks for them was on the house tonight. The chief thanked me and before I could say a word, he grabbed the back of my head and pulled me up to him and frenched kissed me. Once he was done, I told him that was thanks enough and if he gets drunk not to worry, he would end up in my bed. He kissed me again and said he didn't need to get drunk for that to happen. The two officers were a hit and Billy came out from the lodge and walked over to me, then he noticed the two officers and said hi to them and he wondered what happen to them after they left the business. Now Billy told me when he got hired that he was well known for his former job which he was known by another name, but he was raised in the area and a farm hand who got noticed and offered a film job as a gay actor. I told him he looked familiar but couldn't put a name to him or where I had seen him at. He told me that he was getting old and all the films they wanted him to perform in was older with younger and he had lovers that just wanted to hook up with him to get in the business or use his money and leave when someone better came along.

So, he decided to drop out of the business and return home and go by his real name now. I told him I didn't care what he did before, and I judge him by how he does his job now. And he thanked me, and we were lover for a while, but he wanted the full thing and I wasn't ready yet. Then he told me the two officers use to be porn stars too. They had bodies that you could tell they spend most of their lives in the gym and god wasn't nice when it came to length in cocks, but their looks got them jobs. Billy told me that they were bottoms and their asses are so loose that they could take a tanker up their butt and not feel it.

The music started and more of the quest join the party and people started to dance. I was standing behind the bar helping the bartender make drinks and the chief of police came over and asked me to dance and I said okay. We slow danced and kissed and his hands kept going to my ass. He had about 6 inches soft and a nice hairy body, so I was in heaven dancing with him. He asked if he had to get drunk to get into my bed and I whispered in his ear hell no, especially if he was a top. He kissed me on the neck and said then let's, disappear. We headed to my room and he was great to say the least, I sucked his slender cock and it grew to about 7 inches uncut, I got on top of him and rode his cock hearing him moan and groan. We changed positions several times and after an hour he finally filled my ass with his hot seed full cum. We kissed and fell asleep, the next morning he was still asleep, but I had to get up and get to the kitchen to make sure the food was being cooked for the quest.

I got two cups of coffee and headed back to my room. Tom was still asleep as I leaned over him and gave him a kiss on his cheek. He woke up and asked what time it was. I told him time to wake up and have some coffee and the food will be ready in about ten minutes, if he wanted to either fool around or take a shower. He pulled me down on him and kissed me and said how about we take a shower and fool around in there. I looked at him and said that is a great idea. He took a drink of his coffee and pulled me towards the bathroom, we lathered up each other and the sex started with kissing and getting each other all lathered up then came the sex, tom fucked me slow and long stokes of his cock up my ass as he put hickies on my neck and back. I was moaning and groaning, and his hand was stroking my soapy cock. I told him to stop stroking me so I could cum when he filled my ass with his cum. Tom told me he wanted to see how many times he could get me off. I laughed and said it only shoots once every couple of hours. And a couple of hours usually means about 4 or better, Tom said okay and stopped. Tom continued to fuck me and I started moaning and groaning again, then he started to really increase his pace, I knew he was getting ready to blow his load in me when all the sudden he shove every inch of his cock in my ass and I felt him bite the back of my neck and that told me he was blowing his load of cum in my tight soapy ass. Before I could say a word or do anything Tom grabbed ahold of my soapy cock and started to stoke me. And I leaned back against him and was moaning and groaning then all the sudden I was blowing my load all over the shower wall and my legs started giving out from under me. Tom grabbed me and held me up while kissing on my neck.

I thanked him and then he whispered in my ear if we are to rinse now or soap up more before we rinse. I turned and kissed him and said that is up to him while my hand grabbed his cock and started to stoke it. Tom had a small shake and said, okay let's get rinsed and get something to eat. We dried off and headed downstairs, once in the dinning room we looked around and there was Tom's two officers eating like pigs, the food on their plates were gone in seconds and they were getting refills every 5 minutes. I was afraid they were going to eat me out of food. Tom and I talked a little while eating and he told me that he was really hooked on me and would like to come and visit me privately and maybe work out a schedule, or something. I said okay, then tom told me that he had some friends on the sheriff's department and wondered if it was okay to invite them to some of the party nights. I told him that would be great, I was wondering how to get that going so all my bases are covered. Tom looked at me funny and then asked what I meant by that.

I told tom that with him on the police department and if any trouble happens you can help cover my butt in time of trouble with the lodge, and I wanted to get the same coverage with the sheriff department. Tom got a face like I was going to use his fun here against him or threaten him with it. But I let him know that wasn't what I meant; I mean as friends you would look out for me. There is no videos and I would not use his coming here against him or threaten to expose him or anything like that. Tom took a deep breath and said that will be cool and he had my back. Tom looked at the clock and saw what time it was and then looked over at his men and told them they needed to get going. Then he leaned over and gave me a kiss and told me he loved me.

I kissed him back and said I loved him, then tom got up and left the dinning room. Billy stopped me and told me not to believe it, because he said the same thing to him, and it only lasted about a month and he never heard back from him. I said not to worry I know bullshit when I hear it.

Two weeks later I still hadn't heard from him and bill was right, and I knew it, and so did bill, but he didn't say a word. Life went on and the lodge was packed everyday and the customers had a great time. Then all the sudden one day while I was at that grocery store stocking up on some of our supplies there, he was Tom was doing some shopping and he saw me. Tom gave me a look of being scared and I wondered why but before I could say a word, I heard a woman voice and there was his wife the woman behind the man and she was cute. I didn't say a word to him but when she wasn't looking, I gave him the hand justter to call me. Tom nodded his head okay and I finished shopping. When I got back to the lodge, I told bill what had happened, and he started to laugh, and she said he figured it was something like that.

Two hours later I was called over the intercom that there was a call for me on one of the phone lines and I took the call. It was tom and he thanked me for not saying a word at the grocery or even causing a scene. I told him all he had to do was tell me the truth and we would have been fine, but he didn't have to tell me a lie, he just had to be honest. Tom told me that he wanted and get together again and just needed to arrange sometime. I told him he can stop by anytime and he could use the excuse he is checking for fire violations or something like that. He thanked me an said he never thought of that. I told him that is something I'm good at. Men need excuses and I have a list of some of those that work good for the wife. Tom said he could stop by Tuesday and wanted to know if that was good for me. I said that was fine, but he was going to have to be in uniform. I said that was fine also. Tuesday came and tom finally showed up around 3 pm and we went into my office and tom and I spend about two seconds talking before our lips were locked together and we started stripping each other. Forty-five minutes later we were laying in bed and tom told me he had talk to his friend in the sheriff department. He wanted to know if he had to set up a date for his friend and some of the men in his department to come to one of the special nights at the lodge.

I told him that anytime was fine and if he wanted, I could give him a list of the date and the theme of the parties. Tom said that would be great. I turned over and grabbed the phone and pushed one of the buttons and ask the person at the front desk if he could call up the date and themes of the bar parties and send them to my computer. We got out of bed and walked over to my laptop and I pulled it up and printed out the list. I handed a copy to tom and told him he could show up for any of them with his friends. Tom thanked me and put on his wristwatch and then saw the time and said he needed to go. I looked at him and he gave me the look again and I knew what it meant. I said okay and we both got dressed. I walked tom to his car and leaned into his window and gave him a kiss good-bye. It was two weeks before the next party and on the day before tom gave me a call and told me that he and his friend plus four other guys would be attending the party.

I knew when they arrived because the reaction of some of the regular quest, then I looked, and I knew why they were all looking. There was five hunks that looked like they just walked out of one of those model calendars. Tom walked over to me and asked where they could get undressed and leave their clothes, I told him they could use my office. They disappeared for a little bit then they showed back up buck naked and everyone was very impressed to say the least. Bill had hooked up with one of the men and it didn't take much time when they were at it. Tom and john and I headed up to my private room and we had a great threesome.

The next morning once we woke up and showered and finally got dressed, we headed down to get something to eat. We were able to talk more, and john said that he needed to know if there was a way, they could possibly rent out the lodge for a week for meetings and possible special training. I told him yeah, we would have to see what dates are free for now and we must set it up early. John said that this place would be great. I told him if he had any idea of what date would work for them, we could go to the desk and set up the date. John said that the grounds would have to be completely closed to the public and the gates locked. He said that they would have to work it out with us. So, I said let's go to the desk and see what date was free.

We headed to the front desk and I had to use the computer to call up the appointment book and see if we even had a day moreless a week, then it came up with two weeks that the lodge would be clear of customers. One week was going to be for maintance of the pool and repainting the lodge and other maintance. The other was for all the employees to have a week off for family vacation time. But looking just ahead of that we had not started setting date for customers. John told me that a week after everyone vacation would be great. And he just needed cost to rent the lodge and he would need a day to set it up. I told him that we could put that week on suspension for now and lock out all days but we could only hold it for two days then we had to start renting out rooms. John looked at me and said he needed to know how much the price would be for a whole week. I clicked a couple of buttons and there was the price he needed. And john said that the fewest staff members working, due to there will be meetings and training that was top secret. I said that would be possible we just need to lock in the date.

John grabbed his cell phone and made a call and while talking to someone he said that he was going to send a fax with prices of a place that would be great for their needs. He then using our fax machine we faxed off the price list and in a couple of minutes his phone range and we set the date.

Then john and tom said they needed to head out and all of the guys left, and I told tom to give me a call. It was a couple of days and tom showed back up and we head straight for my room and three hours later were able to talk. Tom told me that he was glad I was able to host the training week at my place and I asked why all the top secret about it. Tom said that it was special forces training and it would mean I had a house of police, sheriff's and military men running around the place with the meeting room locked and the grounds locked. That would mean no gardener or any staff that wasn't needed. I told them that I could handled the lodge appointments and some of the jobs of the staff, but I needed to know how many staff wasn't going to be needed. Five people was all that would be left working and that was just the cooking staff. I told tom that I needed a head count so I could at least have the place ready. Tom gave me johns number and he would have all the information I needed. And I would have to call him for a head count, but he could tell me that I would have every bed full and might have to open rooms that I was working on. This threw me for a loop because only one other person knew I was working on converting the barn into rooms due to all the increase in customers. I called john and a meeting was set up. Tom gave me a kiss and headed out, john arrived a couple of hours we spend the night moaning and groaning and did every position known to man and a couple we made up, and that included the shower also.

Now the lodge is covered for all problems and we have customers that even include the military that we didn't even know was gay.

And let me tell you, I have personally learned some moves that man has never heard of and they are great.

Hope you love the story and send me a picture of how your cock responded to the story.


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