
By Robert Barhorst / Rab2161

Published on Nov 24, 2019


Starting my own business

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This is a fictional story.

I had just gotten home from my job and was tired, all I wanted to do was take a nice hot shower and jerk off then make me some dinner. I had stripped down and was headed into the bathroom when there was a knock at the door. I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my waist and answered the door. A man in a suit was standing there and he asked if I was Thomas H. Barns and I said yes, he introduced himself and told me he was the lawyer for my Uncle Harold.

Now that was a name, I hadn't heard in many of years. Uncle Harold only came around when there was a death in the family or needed money, that was what my dad always told me. I invited the lawyer in and asked to excuse myself so I could throw on some clothes or a robe at least. I invited him to have a seat and I would be right back. Once I throw on my robe and headed back into the living room, I apologized again for answering my door undressed and told him I was about ready to hop in the shower. He apologized for showing up and not calling first, but he was on his way home and decided to just stop by. He continued to talk and told me that my uncle had passed away and left me all his estate. But he needed my signature on the papers and he could give me my check and the property deed. I was surprised that Uncle Harold had any money and property.

I grabbed my wallet to prove who I was, and the lawyer read the letter saying that since I was named after him, he decided to leave everything to me. I asked the lawyer what property my uncle had, and he told me that I was left the family cabin and 2000 acres of land and 2 million dollars. I signed the papers and the lawyer took a picture of my driver's license. He told me that the title would be in the mail tomorrow and I should receive it in a couple of days or if I wanted, he could drop it by on his way home tomorrow night. I told him whatever worked best for him and got this done the fastest. He said that he would stop by tomorrow night and should be here around the same time.

I thanked him and walked him to the door. Before I hopped into the shower, I called my father and informed him about what just happened and asked about the land and cabin at Indian lake. Dad said that the property was once his grandfather's and he gave it to Harold because Harold would lose everything, he owned trying different stuff to make a fast million. I asked if he would like to go and see the cabin with me on Saturday and dad said yeah. The next day I got off work early and headed home. I figured I could get my shower in and be ready for the lawyer when he got there. I had just finished with my shower and shave when the doorbell rang. I grabbed my robe again and answered the door. There was the lawyer. I invited him in, and he handed me the papers for the property and the keys to the cabin. I thanked him and asked if there would be any problem with me checking out the cabin this weekend? He said no, you are the owner now and it might be good to stop at a store and get my new locks for the place. I told him that was where I was going after he left.

He looked at me and said that he couldn't figure out, why I was named after him, because I didn't look like him at all. I told him that was the family joke. I was named after my mother's father who was named Harold also, but uncle Harold thought I was named after him, and my father never had the nerve to tell Uncle Harold the truth. The lawyer laughed and said that was mean, but he is glad that no one hurt such a sweet man. I looked at him and asked if he knew my uncle and he said yeah, he was raised just a couple of houses down the street from him. He told me how sweet my uncle was and no matter how far he was knocked down he would build himself back up and go on with life. I thanked the lawyer and told him someday I would like to sit down with him and talk about my uncle. He said okay and got up and left. I called my dad and set up to pick him up early Saturday morning and we would stop on our way and get something to eat and continue until we got there. Saturday morning, I arrived at dad's house at 7am and we headed out. Around 10am we stopped and got something to eat and then went on. I had looked up the property on line and directions to it, and from where I lived it was going to take 6 hours on the road and that was going to be a big pain with my dad but I had opened my mouth so I had to live with it. We had only one more hour on the road and we would be there when dad asked if we could stop for lunch and bathroom.

We stopped at a nice little restaurant and ate lunch, then was back on the road. Good thing I did a MapQuest to the location because we would have never had found it. In fact, we almost drove by it, but then I saw a sign saying Harold's world. We drove up and wooded line path and then it was a huge lodge house that surprised both of us. There was a nice gravel parking lot, we parked right by the front door and headed in. the inside of the place looked great and we were surprised why he didn't start up his business. Dad was tired and I looked for the office. Dad said he needed to take a nap, so I told him to go to the master suite and take a nap. He left and I found a disk and letter on the desk in the office and started up the television and put on the disk. There was Uncle Harold and he told me why he left this place to me and what all he planned for the place. I was surprised at first, but he had it all set up. Then he told me to look in the top draw of his desk and there was a file called new business and all the paperwork was there telling me what all he planned and what deals he set up already.

I walked outside, looking around I could see what he was talking about and then looking at his drawing I knew it would be great place and a good business. I personally done great with my investing and I could afford to quit my job and take over his plans. I took his drawings and checked them out and then looked at some of the deals he had set up. A big swimming pool and fire pit, then a game room with a small bar and pool table and video games. I would have to get dish hooked up for television and a landline put in with multiline phone. But everything was very possible, but my dream was to open a gay nudist retreat, so this would work out great. There was a stream and small lake for fishing and he had it set up as clothing optional, but I would make it a total nude place.

He had a list of contractors to do the pool and a couple of other things and prices of the cost. I was surprised at what it would cost but it wasn't out of the world on the price. I had to figure if it would be better to put my house up for rent or just sell it right out. I was getting hungry and went to check out the kitchen and was in heaven. He had a great kitchen and I looked in the frig and it was empty but then I looked in the freezer and it was full and running. I grabbed two steaks out of it and then found some tea bags in one of the cabinets and decided to make some iced tea and steaks. I woke dad up when the food was done. We eat outside and he told me how surprised the place was and that I should sell it and take all the money and enjoy life. We talked for a while and I told dad how I had decided to move down here and take on making this place into a real business and run it myself. Dad told me, to sell it and go and live life happy with the money I had and what I would get from this place. I told him he had a dream once about growing a farm and it fell in his face, but I wanted my chance at doing something I wanted. I grabbed my cell phone and made some calls and talked to some of my friends and started to set things up.

Dad said I was stupid, but it was my life. He said he was going to go to bed, and we could leave in the morning for home. I told him to have a great sleep, and after I got off the phone I went and got the new door locks and started to put them on the doors. My cell phone rang, it was the lawyer asking if he could stop by and give me the check book he forgot about. I told him I was at the resort and wouldn't be home till tomorrow night. He said he was just down the road and could hop over, so I told him okay. A couple of minutes later he showed up. I had only seen him in a suit which he was cute in but now here he was wearing a tank top and shorts and he was even more sexy.

I welcome him in, and we talked for a little bit and I told him that I was going to take on the resort and make it something or at least try. He said that was great and then he handed me a check book which I asked what that was about, and he said that Harold left me his bank accounts so I could take on the dream. I looked at the total of the account and there was three million dollars in it. I asked the lawyer where my uncle came up with all this money. He told me that there was a mine on the land, and he took out what he needed to pay the bills and then fill the saving account. I was surprised and happy at the same time.

He asked if I was going to make this a family resort or what, I told him that since I was gay, I was going to make it a nude gay resort. With the lake and stream there was fishing and then when I get the pool added and the party room and, in the winter, they can go to the mountain and do some skiing. I told him he was always welcome to come and enjoy the place. He looked at me and with a surprise on his face. I told him that he probably was hot naked. He thanked me and said his wife loved him nude especially his ass was hot. I laughed and said I would have to see that to tell him if she was lying or not. He laughed and stood up and without hesitating he dropped his pants and showed me his ass. I told him she was right, and the front part was nice also. He turned four shades of red but thanked me also.

I decided to hit on him some more and told me that why he was here way didn't I give him some head and then he can say he helped to break the place in. he looked at me and before he could answer I was on my knees and putting his cock in my mouth. He didn't stop me, and I kept sucking his cock as it grew bigger and bigger in my mouth. It didn't take him long before he was shooting his load down my throat. He sat back down and thanked me, saying his wife hasn't given him a blow job like that since they were first married. I thanked him and we talked a little bit more and I told him that I would be leaving in the morning with my dad and then would be back in a week once I quit my job and packed up my house for sale.

He told me that he could be my lawyer and help with any legal problems that I would possible run into but since my uncle had already set it up as a clothing optional, I shouldn't have any real problems, but he could help when needed. I thanked him and he said he needed to head back to his family at his parent's house. But he would be back in town on Tuesday.

The next morning my dad and I headed back to hometown and I locked up the resort but put the contact file in my car. On the way home my phone rang, and it was the pool contractor and he said he had talked to my lawyer and was going to go ahead with opening the resort. He told me that he could start working on the pool in two weeks and would have all the permits and a contract with my name on it. I told him that would be perfect and told him that I had the contract he made up for my uncle and I would keep him to the price he told my uncle. He said no problem, but I would have to come up with the tile color I wanted, and we would talk about the pool surround. I told him my email address so he could send me the color chart and the other items I needed to look at. He thanked me and we hung up, dad wasn't too happy with my choice to continue with my plan but he told me it was my life and I had to follow my own path and I had done good with what business decisions I had made so far in my life. I looked at dad and told him that I could retire early now and follow one of my dreams and be happy in life. Two weeks went by and I had moved to the resort and sold my house. That was the fastest sale I had ever seen. My house was up for sale for four hours and the first people to look at the place offered the asking price and I agreed. I had the house packed up and moving company already to move everything by that Friday and I retired from my job and with the car loaded with my clothes and big screen television I was on my way to my new life.

Eight hours later I was in my new place and the moving company would be there the next day. I called the pool man and he was going to stop by the next morning and be able to start on the pool by Wednesday of that week. The moving men showed up and unpack the truck in three hours. I told them if they wanted to stay the night, they were more than welcome to instead of driving back in the dark. I was hoping they would because they were both hotter than hell and I wanted to be able to try and get in their pants. They said yeah and I told them what rooms they were going to stay in and one of them asked if there was a bathtub in the resort and with my quick thinking, I told them that the only tub was the trough outside. he asked if there was a problem with him using it and I told him feel welcome.

He went to this room and came back out wearing just a towel around his waist and a bar of soap and some shampoo in his hand. We went to the trough and I was filling it with some water from the hose and with it being hotter than hell he loved the idea of cold bath. Without hesitating he dropped the towel and there he stood in his full nude hot body. My jaw had to have dropped he was hot to say the least. His hairy chest made your eyes follow it down to his nice long cock and big balls. I wanted to offer to join him in the tub, but I knew it was mute. I saw his wedding ring and the tattoo of a woman with a name under it which I was betting is his wife. She is one lucky woman, to say the least, I would love to take her place in their bed when it comes to getting fucked. He is one hunk of a man. I turned to leave, and he asked if there was any time limit on staying in the bath. I told him no, but then said the pool men would be here at 8am so if I was him, I would be out of the tub by then. I told him I was going to bed so please lock the sliding door when he came in. he said okay and I left.

Once I was in my room, I got naked and left my door open just in case he decided to come in and fuck me. I was just about ready to fall asleep when there was a figure in the doorway, and I said don't just stand there. He walked into my room, I could smell the ivory soap on him, and he asked if I would like some company? And I answered by just pulling back the sheet, he climbed into bed and within minutes we were kissing and groping each other and before I knew it his cock was buried in my ass and he was fucking me like a champ. I was moaning and groaning and begging for him not to stop till he filled my ass full of his cum. He whispered in my ear that he wasn't going to stop till he filled my ass two or three times. We kissed and kept on fucking, he kept his word and he filled my ass three times and then he looked at the clock and said he better get going before his partner woke up and was ready to leave. I kissed him goodbye and told him to come back anytime but by himself.

At eight am the truck came pulling behind the house, and I could hear the cars pulling in and I got up and threw on my robe. I made my way into the kitchen; I had the coffee maker set to start brewing at 7:50am and had the bigger coffee machine set to start at the same time. The moving men came into the kitchen and asked if there was a chance, they could get some coffee to go. I put out two paper cups and told them to help themselves. I looked at the trucker who fucked me and he smiled and then handed me a card and said that their number was on the back and give them a call if ever needed again. I looked at him and he smiled again. I looked at the back of the card and it said thanks for last night. And then had his name and cell number on it.

His partner said they better get going it they were going to get home before dark. I told them to drive careful and have a great day. They left through the front door and there was a knock on the patio door, and I walked over and opened it. There was the contractor, he said that they were going to start working and asked if they would be able to come and go to use the bathroom and I said no problem and that I would have two coffee pots on the patio table with cups and cream and sugar in a couple of minutes. He thanked me and asked me not to put out food because the guys would goof off and eat everything. I told him no problem, but the coffee would be out there. I opened the patio door again and then grabbed a pile of cups and put them out and then grabbed the big coffee pot and took it out. I grabbed the small pot and put it out also.

I told the workers there was fresh coffee for them and help themselves. It took about three seconds and they were around me grabbing cups and pouring the coffee. The contractor came out and told them to get their coffee and get to work. I went back into the resort and into my office, I made up a sign that said bathroom and took it and taped it on the bathroom door. I had signs ordered but they wouldn't arrive for a couple of days yet. I was working at my desk on the resort website when my phone rang and it was one of the companies that I wanted to post the resort on and the man said that I would have to send photo and the website address and information on the resort in the next two weeks or they wouldn't be able to post it in the magazine until the following month. I thanked him and told him that I was still working on it and it would have to wait for a month before I post the ad.

I was about ready to pull out my hair doing the webpage, things weren't working well, and I was tired from being up so late. I decided that I would take a shower and wake up a little bit more before I tried to tackle more of the webpage. I was in the shower with the water running down my face I was getting a clearer view of things. And the relaxation of the water was doing me good, I had installed the shower curtain but forgot that it was clear so anyone and everyone can see me in the shower. And the shower is in the public bathroom, my private bathroom has a nice big crawl foot tub in it and I love it, and yeah there is a shower but with my brain didn't care I just wanted to get a rest and cooled off, and away from that webpage. I forgot that I told the contractor that the men could use the public bathroom and that was what I was in, that is until I heard the door lock and the shower curtain was pulled open. I opened my eyes, there was a totally nude man with a roaring hard cock, and he was coming into the shower to fuck me. I didn't care, in fact that would help me forget what was troubling me and let me escape the problems for now. I felt his hands on my waist and the head of his cock pushing against the crack of my ass and I felt his lips kissing the back of my neck. I arched my butt back and my butt cheeks spreaded some and his cock slide inside between them and into my wet hole. I let out a moan as his cock slide inside. He started to fuck me, and it felt so nice and as it slide inside me and I told him to fuck me and don't stop. He didn't need any more words because he started to fuck me. We were in the shower for about ten minutes, then he shoved his cock all the way in me and I heard him moan, that was telling me he shot his load in me and then his cock slide out of my asshole with a small pop sound. He got out of the shower and dried off, dressed and left. I let his cum drip out of my asshole and down the floor drain. It wasn't long before the next guy came in and we repeated what the first guy did. After five guys they stopped coming in. I got out of the shower and dried off and put on my robe, then headed back into my office. I started working on the website again and everything dropped in place. I had the website up and running.

I decided it was time to go and get dressed and see how the pool was coming along. Once outside they had a big hole dug in the yard and was laying down the frame of the pool, steel rebar was being put in place and tied together. I tried to figure out what guys came in the shower with me, but all the workers had slicked down hair, so it was hard to tell without getting up close to see whose cock smelled of soap. I really didn't care, I had fun and I know they had their fun too, so everyone got what they wanted. I could make out the outline of the pool and the hot tub which put a smile on my face. The trench for the water pipe was being made now taking it to the house. I watched several of the workers hard at work and they looked at me and a couple winked at me. I figured they were the ones who fucked me in the shower but who knows, or cares. After a little bit more time I headed back into the house, I had boxes to unpack and others to put in the attic for now. I was halfway through going through the boxes and marking which ones went into the attic, and the others I unpacked and folded up the boxes for storage. I looked at the clock, it was going on noon and I knew that would mean lunch break for the workers, so I made my way to the kitchen to make some food for myself. I looked out the kitchen window and the back yard was a big mud puddle, all the grass was covered with mud or gone.

I saw a couple of the guys sitting around the picnic table and others sitting on the tail beds of some of the trucks. There was a lot of work done for one day but from what I read of the contract they would have all the work done in two a half week, so that meant they would be working fast getting my job done. I had boxes sitting in the kitchen that I would need to go through also, but I figured I could do that after lunch or tomorrow. I knew I had time before any quest would be coming because the site let everyone know the opening date of the resort. There was a bunch of stuff that needed to be done before I opened the doors for quest. I ate my lunch and figured out some of the stuff I needed to do yet. I was prepared with a list of stuff to do but it was in my office and I'm in the kitchen, while I was eating, I called a couple of dish television companies and got prices to compare. I had to set appointments for them to come and check out the place to get the real price. Then I had to call the phone company to get a multi-line phone line installed, then I wanted to see what phones I could get, I wanted one that had intercom on it also. And I would have to get two, one for the front desk and the other for the office.

Lucky for me there was only two phone companies in the area, and I called them both and set up appointments. Last thing I needed was both guys to show up at once. So, I got smart and set them up for two days. One each day and their salesmen wouldn't meet, and I can get the real price and be able to compare. Within a week I was fucked by every guy working on the pool and even the plumber who was needed to hook up the water line. The concrete was poured, and the tile laid in place then came time for the outer rim of the pool which I had picked the best finish for it. I wanted the family initial in the center of the pool which was hard at first for them to paint due to they kept putting in the wrong one for some reason then the contractor showed me his drawing and it looked like a R instead of a B so we had to change that. I went through a list of how many workers I was fucked by and it was funny I was fucked by almost all of them but the one I hadn't was the contractor himself. So, I made it my mission to get into his pant and have him fuck me. I talked to one of the guys who I got fucked by several times and asked what the perfect way would be to get into his pants, and he gave me several ideas of how to do it. I had one of the phone guys show up and he was hot looking but wore an after-shave that drove me crazy. So, I made it my mission before he left to get him naked and in my bed. We walked through what I wanted, and he brought several samples of phones that I could get and prices. I asked if I sucked his dick could I get a cheaper price. He smiled and said no but who knows maybe he could give me a deal. I talked to him some more and asked the final question what price I would get if I let him fuck me. He looked at me and said we would be able to really work out a deal, and with that I was undressing him right there in the office and we started to kiss and lick while we undressed each other. I made sure we were close to the window so the contractor of the pool men could see me and what I was doing.

The phone man was getting hot just knowing that some of the workers outside could see us and his cock was really hard and throbbing so I decided to let him fuck me right there in front of the window and he had me moaning and screaming for more of his cock in me. He was fucking me so hard and fast that I knew my asshole was going to be sore when we were done but I didn't care, I wanted the contractor to see me getting fucked and then hit on me too. The salesman started really slamming his cock in my ass and then he started to yell, and he blew his load up my ass. I reached back and grabbed his ass holding his cock in my ass till I felt it go down, then I let it slip out my ass. The salesman told me he could give me a four-line phone for the price of a one-line phone. I told him he had a deal and he said that he could have it hooked up the next week. I told him that would be great. We kissed after he was dressed and ready to leave. I signed the contract and it was a done deal. After he left, I got dressed and walked out to see how the pool design was coming. Several of the men started clapping their hands and I started to blush but kept on walking to the contractor trailer and knocked on his door. He told me to come in and I opened the door, there he was naked jerking off watching a video of what he saw in my window. I closed the door and dropped to my knees and started to suck his cock.

He was hotter naked then he was dressed to say the least, I sucked his cock and was licking his balls. He moaned and groaned and was shoving more and more of his cock down my throat. I reached up with my hands and pinched his nipples and he moaned harder. I stopped sucking his cock long enough to tell him how hot he was and how I have wanted to see him naked and have sex with him from the first day that he showed up. He told me that he was happily married and loved his wife, but he had to say that what he saw in my window made him so hot and horny that he wanted to give it a try. That is all I had to hear and before you know it, we were doing it all. We fucked in every and any position possible and he was in love with it. Two hours later I walked out of his trailer and all the men started to clap their hands again. The foreman poked his head out the door and told his men to get back to work.

I head back in the house and cleaned up. A couple of days later the phone man came to hook up the phone lines and I sucked his cock while he wired up my office phone. It was great, all the workers were taking their breaks in my bed or wherever I was fucking me. Once the pool was done and filled full of water, we had a big cook out party to celebrate the work all being done. I told the men that there was no limit if they wanted to stay clothed or naked no limit. I was walking around in just my bathrobe, the grill was full of steaks and hot dogs, etc. coolers full of beer, bottles of water and pop. Everyone was having fun. Half running around nude and some semi-nude. I was loving it, men slapping asses and kissing just having fun. It was the first of many parties I was hoping to have at the lodge.

In two weeks, I had the ads out and the website up and running. The phone was ringing off the hook and I was running everything myself, but the house was full, and dates were getting booked. After five months I was hiring staff. It has been a year and I'm pulling a profit now it is hard to find time for my family events moreless just visiting my family. I know my uncle is watching out for me wherever he is, and he has a big smile on his face. Thanks Uncle.

Hope you like this story. Bob

Next: Chapter 2

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