Infamous Trade

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Aug 24, 2002


INFAMOUS TRADE by Andrej Koymasky (C) 1998 - 2002 written the 20th of July, 1995 translated by the author English text kindly revised by Jer


"INFAMOUS TRADE" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.


Same night - 11.42 p.m.

Kevin was sitting in the back seat of an unmarked police car parked under an oak tree in Kew Garden, in Queens. He scanned through the drizzle looking towards the two story house one block away. The well lit building, was part of a block of four houses. There were two men on guard, sitting in a red Toyota parked in front of it.

Kevin recalled a few hours earlier He had left Terry and Charlie at the latter's house with a police car. Here Charlie had made him leave his rain drenched coat, lending him his raincoat.

While Terry was taking a good hot bath, Charlie asked Kevin, "What should I do?"

The agent understood what the young man was asking, "Whatever he asks you. Now more than ever he needs your total affection, your total love. He is asking you for himself. And I know you'll be able to give it to him in the best possible way. You too desire it, don't you?"

"Yes, but... he is just fifteen..."

"When did you first make love?"

Charlie smiled and blushed lightly. He lowered his eyes and said, "Among friends... I was eleven. And year later."

"With whom? How old was he?"

"An uncle. He was twenty-seven."

"And did you like it?"

"Yes, very much."

"So then! If you're sure, let him be your guide, but never deny him. Give him everything he asks you."

"You would do so?"

"If we were in love like you two are, yes."

"Thank you. You are a friend..."

"I would have loved..." started to say Kevin, but stopped.

It was surely not that one the moment to tell the young man what he was feeling inside himself from the first moment he met him.

Charlie smiled bashfully, nodded and said: "Yes, I know. Me too. But things led us down different roads."

"And now it is too late."

"But we can remain good friends, I hope."

"Sure thing. I admire you, Charlie."

"The same here, Kevin." said the young man squeezing his hand.

Now, somewhat later, Black, sitting in the back seat of the Buick, was thinking back with a certain sweet regret to that exchange of remarks. He would have loved to become Charlie's lover. With Dean he had good sex, occasionally, but he felt the need to have something else, something more - love. Somebody to take care of and who cared for him. Somebody healing the scars of a policeman's life. Who made him feel he was still a human being.

In the front seat Silvan York stopped talking about football with the African American agent who was driving and threw a glance at the silent Kevin.

"We have to be patient." he said.

"But what holds us back?"

"Paper work is a serious matter. What we had before, authorized us only to enter and search Roux's house. For this house, we need a new warrant. By the way, why didn't you tell Firestone you had a warrant?"

"I wanted him to feel self-assured and then make everything crumble in on him. I didn't think it would end that way..." Kevin said, thoughtfully.

Silvan nodded, "Anyway you have been very sharp finding this address in all his piles of papers. But you know how long it takes to get a warrant. Our judge is working on it, we found him and we hope he is not too annoyed to have been disturbed so late. Usually he signs without too much fuss. He was attending a very important party..."

"Firestone's men are in the red Toyota. They are all ex policemen. Sooner or later they will become aware of us."

"Listen, you did a wonderful job. At headquarters they all are enthusiastic about you in spite of the fact you are a policeman. Now don't get hysterical with me. To enter that house and take in all those pigs, we absolutely need a warrant. It is true that you caught Shin red-handed - you were lucky, you didn't have to have a warrant to put your hands on him. He is anyway a diplomat, but I really think that this time we've got him into a corner and we will also make him pay for the death of your two mates in Vietnam. But now we have to wait for the warrant. It that clear?"

The driver intervened, "Wake up, boys, I'd say that the one coming is the man we are waiting for!"

A taxi slowly drew up towards the Buick. Silvan, Kevin and the other agent of the Treasure department moved under the rain. Silvan spoke into his radio while the African American agent was running to the taxi that was standing at a stop line. A few moments later the agent was back and handed Silvan the envelope with the warrant.

The man took the radio to his mouth, "All right. We can go."

The secret service agents and the policemen hiding in the parked cars, ran on the wet road splashing water while converging on the house. Three policemen armed with automatic rifles surrounded the Toyota remaining outside it. Kevin, pistol in hand, remained near Silvan who, despite his weight was moving fast and quite gracefully. Kevin let him lead the action.

Together they pushed their way through the armed policemen and reached the house first. They were close to writing the last chapter of that sordid story, that started only to discover a huge traffic in illegal money and that revealed also an infamous trade. Several V.I.P.s in the world and also in the States, were involved in one or the other crimes, and often in both of them, according to the files found at Roux's house and Rowland's diaries. The FBI could now put these big-shots on the spot . They would not all be exposed. For some of them, Kevin was sure, knowing all the evidence that had been collected and the threat of exposure would let their strings be pulled. But the main thing was that the infamous trade ring would finally be broken. And also those who managed it were either now dead or out of the action.

A small surveillance camera mounted on a pillar followed the detective and Silvan as they burst into the house through the front door lit with a pink light. In front of them a young Cuban in a yellow suit quickly raised his hand to his holster, then changed his mind and raised his hands. He was sitting at a metal desk, talking with a middle aged American who, under his half open leather jacket, had clips on his nipples and a studded collar.

The American asked Kevin and Silvan to show their badges, then turned his eyes to their weapons. Seeing the pistols and badges, he flattened himself against the wall - his eyes not showing fear or worry, but lust. Kevin felt tempted to kick in his balls, but walked past Silvan into the carpeted corridor. On the walls hung Homo-erotic paintings and drawings and Kevin recognized some plates, surely authentic, of Tom of Finland. The corridor was lit with pink lights and smelled of marijuana.

Kevin passed through a heavy red velvet curtain and entered a huge room decorated like a medieval crypt - he was in the sex supermarket. The round wrought iron chandelier with fake candles hanging from the center of the vault and Vivaldi music coming from hidden loudspeakers, created an odd contrast with one of the most hallucinating scenes Kevin had ever seen or could imagine.

Two dozen well dressed men, of various races, were examining some totally naked young men, chained to the walls. The boys, whites, blacks, Latinos, anglosaxons, asiatics, Slavs, had a tag with their name, origin, height, weight, age, and the auction's base price, hanging near them. They were checked like goods on display on the shelves of a store. Fingered, teased, groped, several of them were in a state of erection and lecherously smiled to those handling them.

Seeing the pistol and the badge hanging from Kevin's lapel, the buyers fled in all directions. Kevin grasped one of them by the neck, an Arab with a face sharp like a knife blade. Holding him firmly, he pushed the man towards the door. The Arab tried to resist him, energetically pushing him away. Kevin hit him in the face with an elbow making the man crumble to the floor. The agents coming after him would take care of the man and grill him.

He entered a room that was behind the fake crypt. On the walls were hanging whips, leather masks and vibrators. Here also there were boys of different ages, totally naked, but this time free to mix with the buyers with whom they were talking in a low voice, evidently trying to fascinate them. These boys also had a tag with their data, but hanging from their necks like a collar. Also in this room his appearance caused bedlam.

To the right of this second room, that was half as wide as the first one, there was a grille with a white curtain behind it. Over it a plate written with gothic characters were the words "Treasure Room". Kevin, puzzled and curious, slide aside the grille, opening it without any noise. He pushed aside the curtain and entered an even smaller room, anyway about six yards square. The room was all white and lit with spots diffusing a golden light.

From the ceiling hung four round cages, similar to bird cages but measuring about forty inches in diameter and sixty in height. Inside them there were naked adolescents, evidently drugged. Among half a dozen buyers, now scared seeing Kevin and his pistol, there was Alberto Sacchi in a very elegant white suit, dark glasses and a beeper on his belt. He had in his hands a list. He was evidently the auctioneer. Seeing Kevin, the man started to breath with difficulty. His potential clients started to look for an escape route, but by now the door was blocked by federal agents and policemen.

Kevin seized Alberto by his very costly neck-tie, "We meet again!" he hissed.

"They all are volunteers, this is just play acting, nothing illegal..." Alberto trembling stammered.

"Don't tell me bullshit! Dan, Jacques and Chem are dead. We found enough documents to put you all away for a long time, and you're first. It's you who organized Terry's kidnapping, wasn't it?"

"Terry who? I don't know what you are talking about..."

"According to the evidence you and one Rowland Preston are the only people still alive who have all the answers about this loathsome trade... Who and where is Rowland Preston? Is he here?"

"He's dead... Yung Chem killed him, I've got nothing to do with that..." whispered the man, pale as a sheet.

Kevin turned him over to two policemen, then turned to look at the cages. On the empty one was a tag, "Terry, fourteen years, American, orphan, 170 cm - 67 inch tall, 60 kg - 133 pounds, virgin. $200,000." Kevin shivered and felt the urge to kill somebody...

He looked at the other cages. The last one contained a boy of incredible beauty, who was looking at him with moist fawn like eyes. Kevin, shaken, read the tag, "Elton, 16 and half years, English, 175 cm - 69 inch tall, 68 kg - 150 pounds, recreational creature bred by Yung Chem. $150,000."

Kevin looked at the boy, eyes full of pity. Instinctively he brushed the leg hanging out of the cage and whispered, "It's over, Elton. Young Chem is dead..."

The boy looked at him, almost stupefied, then burning tears started to flow from his eyes and with a very low voice, almost moaning, said, "I loved him, I believed he loved me... he betrayed me. He betrayed me..."

"It's over, Elton, it's over."

"What's over? What will become of me now?"

"You'll go back to your family, to England..."

"No. I don't want..." the boy said, trembling.

Kevin opened the cage door and offered a hand to the boy, inviting him to get down, to come out. The boy looked into his eyes, a deep look, lost, with a silent plea for help. He held out his hand, took the strong hand of the man and came down. Kevin pulled off his raincoat and put it on the boy's shoulders, covering him. Elton was trembling. Kevin thought he had never seen such a sweet, beautiful boy. So desirable. He circled his shoulders with an arm in a protective, affectionate gesture.

"You... you are strong. Take me with you... Please?" the boy whispered.

Kevin squeezed him lightly, deeply moved. Sure he would love taking him with him, healing the wounds of that lost soul that his big eyes revealed.

"You will be entrusted to Social Service, you will be well taken care of. You will go back to your family..."

"No, please. You... I trust you, take me with you..."

"It is not possible. I'm only a policeman." Kevin said with much pain and tenderness.

The boy looked at him with heartrending eyes, "Please..." he whispered in an almost imperceptible voice.

Kevin looked around. Other policemen had taken the other two boys out from their cages, covered them with their jackets and were leading them out of the room. They were now alone.

Then the boy said, "Please... I don't even know your name, but... take me with you. Your eyes are good, and you are strong. Help me, please. You freed me, don't forsake me, now. Please..."

Kevin was torn - he knew he couldn't answer that insistent, grief-stricken request for help. He felt pity for that boy who make him think of a scared fawn.

Silvan's voice called to him as the agent entered the room, "Kevin, we've caught all of them. They are transporting them to headquarters. The boys will be brought to an Army Hospital, they are preparing a special section for them. Social Services is mobilizing for their recovery. Take the boy to one of the ambulances that are coming. Then, if you insist on doing some more, come with me to my office, the bulk of the job is just now starting."

Kevin gently pushed Elton out of the room. He couldn't look the boy in his eyes, it was way too painful for him. He felt the boy trembling next to him while, bare feet, was covering the long corridor towards the entrance of the house. Outside, the flashing lights of the police vans and the ambulances were lighting the night. At last it had ceased raining.

When two paramedics put Elton on a litter and transported him to the ambulance, Kevin followed him until they slipped the boy inside the car. Their eyes met again. In those of the boy there was still a mute, heart-broken request for help. The paramedics closed the rear door and the ambulance set off. Kevin looked for Silvan. He was near a car and signaled him. Kevin went towards him and felt old and tired like the entire world.


January 1989

Kevin spent part of his Christmas at the bed side of Ellen, who was slowly recovering, and part at Charlie's house, with him and Terry. In the eyes of both he read that at last they had made love and Kevin was glad for their evident happiness. In those days he did nothing but think of Elton. He didn't see the boy any more, but he wasn't gone from his heart. His naked body, sweet, elegant, sensual, and his imploring eyes never abandoned him for a single moment. He was feeling he terribly desired that boy, as he never desired anybody. But it wasn't a pure physical desire. It was a mixture of desire, tenderness, passion and sweetness. A desire to protect him. A dream of giving him and receiving from him... love.

Yes, it had been love at first sight - now, after so many days, he could admit it to himself. A love doomed to remain unexpressed. And yet terribly strong. He felt several times like going to the Army Hospital to visit him, but he feared it would be a mistake. He thought plenty of times about asking for news about him, but never did.

Silvan, in the days after the operation, told him that his bosses wanted to meet with him. Kevin didn't really feel like it, but knew he could not avoid it forever. They would tell him they were thankful and so on and so on. The usual, useless, formal praise one receives after a successful operation. He went with Silvan to the big boss' office.

And here he got the biggest surprise of his life - the FBI asked him to become one of their agents, recognizing all the seniority he had with the police. It was a golden opportunity, incredible, fantastic. He asked for some time to think about it. He went to talk with Ellen who encouraged him to accept. Also Charlie told him the same thing, and even little, radiant Terry.

So now he had an office all to himself, on the same floor as Silvan. He was looking at the papers they were preparing for the trial that would put the word "end" to their operation, when somebody knocked at his door and entered - even before seeing who was it, Kevin understood it was Silvan. He was the only one to knock and enter without waiting for an answer.

The bulky colleague entered with a wide smile and sat on his desk, "So then, Kevin, we are at a good point, I think."

"Yes. We have enough evidence and testimony to put them all away as they deserve. I think that not even one of them will escape, even though they have the princes and kings of the Bar as lawyers. Those poor boys will be revenged, even though it will be impossible to completely find a cure for all the ill they underwent. That degenerate Jacques Roux, above all the others... God, I don't know if I'm more happy or upset that he's already dead... He deserved to die a lot more slowly, I think."

"In the hospital, they are doing a remarkable job with the boys. Almost all of the boys and young men are cooperating. As before, they collaborated with Jacques Roux to become slaves, they are now cooperating with the team of psychologists and psychiatrists to find a way back to a decent life. Almost all of them. Some are way too conditioned... some don't want to cooperate. And mainly one of them..."

Kevin looked at him, knitting his eyebrows - he already knew enough about the imposing-looking agent to understand he wanted to give him a message. Silvan took the stapler from Kevin's desk and started to fiddle with it.

Then, without stopping, he raised his clear eyes to his colleague, "Do you remember Elton? He doesn't want to tell us his family name and in Rowland's papers, and Firestone's files we can't find it. He doesn't want to tell us where he comes from. He says nothing at all. He doesn't answer questions, he doesn't cooperate at all. He remains seated all day long or in bed, without doing a thing, without saying a word... that is, almost not a word..."

"Almost? What does he say?"

"I want Kevin... he repeats and repeats only this. So, if you wanted... perhaps..."

"No, I can't..."

"Why not? The Doctors think that the boy became attached to you because you pulled him out of that cage. They think that the boy now needs you..."

"No..." Kevin repeated almost in a wail, uselessly trying to assume an indifferent expression.

Silvan looked at him and slowly said, "I think I can understand you, but... If you won't accept him being entrusted to you, he will be shut up in an institution. For at least for three years until he comes of age, given that the age marked on his tag is the real one. And if the boy maintains the same attitude... he could also spend the rest of his life inside an institution... Unless somebody accepts to become his guardian... Why not you? The boy wants you? He excites you? He trusts you..."

"I can't, don't insist..."

"Because you desire him?" the man asked with a light smile, almost conspiratorial.

Kevin looked at him in amazement and was about react and deny it, when he read in Silvan's eyes that the man knew. He didn't know how, but he knew. That question was not accidental, and neither was it a question. It was a statement. Kevin felt almost crazy - how could he know the most jealously guarded secret of his life? Had he spied on him? Just, before hiring him into the FBI... but knowing he was gay, they would for sure not hire him...

Silvan shook his head, "You are asking yourself how I can know? It was enough for me seeing how you were looking at him while you were almost embracing him, there in that Queens house. And as I understood it, the boy as well understood it, and now he wants you, only you. And yours was not only desire, it was a lot more, and this is what the boy needs now. And you can give it to him. You are his last hope, don't you understand that?"

"But... I don't need a slave." Kevin said with broken voice without even trying to deny it- he felt liking and not judgment in Silvan. And with him he could now acknowledge that the problem was not the boy, but it was himself, his needs, his desire. He was feeling selfish, but could do nothing about it.

"Chem made him a slave - you can made him a normal boy. Why are you running away? That look of yours, there, near the horrible cages, was what the boy needs. And what you too probably need. You are an awesome smart man. He can perhaps give you serenity and you to him, can't you? Why don't you just try?"

"But you know how things are, don't you? They would never trust me with that boy if they knew that I... that he... He didn't ask me to help him, he asked me to take him, don't you understand? To make him mine, that is my belonging, an object..."

"Is he an object for you?"

"Good Lord, no!"

"So, then? Take him with you. Nobody has to know what happens between you, right? And for sure it will not be me to tell. It doesn't concern me how you take care of him, or what you do in bed with him. I just care about having a smart and bright colleague who's content. That the boy can recover, can be healed. Why don't you try? Come with me to the hospital. Spend some time alone with him. Talk to each other honestly. Then you decide. I, and the doctors, will testify to the judge in Juvenile Court that you are the right person to help him recover. If after talking with him, you tell me if you decide to take him with you..."

Kevin was terribly torn and tortured. Then said, uncertainly, "I've done nothing but think of him, since that day. I'm not able to think about other things. I believe I fell terribly in love with him. But can I succeed in undoing what Chem did to him?"

"If you can't succeed, nobody can. Are you coming? I'll take you to the hospital..."

They left. Kevin was upset, fussed, stirred. All along the way Silvan watched him from the corner of his eye, but they didn't talk. They went upstairs and Silvan talked with the doctors. Then Kevin was escorted to the door of the boy's room and allowed to enter, alone. Silvan whispered to him not to worry - there were no cameras or microphones inside the room, they could talk safely. He would be on guard out of the door and would allow absolutely nobody to enter until Kevin called.

Kevin entered and Silvan closed the door behind him. Elton was wearing light green pajamas which high lighted his soft blond hair. The boy was lying on the bed, on top of the covers, his eyes shut and an arm over his forehead. Kevin drew near him and felt a shiver of intense emotion - he wanted to embrace him, to hold him against himself.

With a low voice he called, "Elton?"

The boy opened his eyes and looked at him. An astonished expression, then a bright one, then an uncertain one passed in his eyes, then, with a feeble, trembling voice, he asked, "You came? You're here, Kevin? For me?"


"You came to take me? Will you take me away with you?"

"Do you want it?"

"I believed Chem loved me, and instead... I believed I was the only one he wanted. Instead he made his men take me and he was watching, and he was laughing while they were taking pleasure in me... and then he wanted to sell me by auction... I gave myself totally to him. Before him I never had a man or a woman, he was everything to me, he was my life, I was in love with him. And he sold me. But you'll never do that, will you? You will never betray me, right? I read this in your eyes, your glances are so different from that of any other. If I give you all my love, you'll accept it, wouldn't you?"

"But why me, Elton? Why me? I don't think I'm better than others."

"Even now I read love and desire in your eyes. I want to be yours, and only yours and forever."

"But how can you be sure you could be happy with me? I'm an agent, you'll not have an easy life at my side. I can't give you the luxury the other was giving you."

"I'm not asking you for luxury, Kevin... I'm asking you for love, and I know you are able to give it to me, I see that. Take me, Kevin, please, make me yours. Make me feel that I'm still something for someone, please... Please, Kevin..."

"Elton, I would like to be able to give you what you need..."

"Kevin..." the boy simply implored .

Goodness how sweet was his own name on the lips of that boy! The man bent over the boy and took him in his arms. Elton cuddled up against him and his lips searched those of Kevin. They met and kissed. It was a long, intimate, sweet kiss. Kevin felt he was in paradise. He squeezed the boy's chest against his chest, feeling him slightly quiver.

"Will you take me with you, Kevin?" the boy asked with a frail voice.

The man emitted a large sigh, "Yes, but might take some time. We have to ask the judge to grant me custody of you, and wait for an answer. It is not certain that it will be simple or fast..."

"I'll wait. It's enough for me knowing you want me. Do you want me, Kevin?"

"Yes, Elton, I want you. You are the most precious thing in this world... That is, not a thing, you're not an object, you are a person..." the man hurriedly corrected himself.

The boy smiled and asked him, "May I caress you?"


"There is nothing wrong if you say that I am the most precious thing - the same words said by you or by another, changes its flavor, its meaning. Even if you called me an object, I know I'll never be an object for you."

"But what if you were wrong? You were wrong with the other one, weren't you?" Kevin asked, the boy. He was not even able to pronounce the Korean's name.

"But now I know I cannot be wrong - I've never read in the eyes of that other one what I'm reading in yours, Kevin. And in nobody else's, never. When you came close to my cage, I felt that I had finally found a real man. I thought that my life was over, but you made me come back to life again with your glances. Then you disappeared and I felt lost again, and instead, you came back. Can I ask you to kiss me again... please?"

"You do not have to ask. I'm not your master... if you want to come with me, you have to never forget this - there can never be slaves or masters if two are in love. And I want to love you, Elton."

"Yes... but I'll be yours, right?"

"Yes, as I too will be yours."

"Good. I want to kiss you, then..."


March 1989 - Black's house

They came in. Finally Elton legally belonged to Kevin. The doctors saw the fast progress the boy made when the agent came to visit him and to spend some time with him. They put the boy through several sessions, trying to understand which mechanism had triggered the boy to make him change so much.

Elton was intelligent and understood that he couldn't talk about their love. But at the same time he knew he could not be able to hide what he was feeling for the man. So, when one of the doctors asked him if by chance he saw in Kevin a paternal figure, the boy answered that yes - but not of his real father who never gave him true affection. In Kevin, he explained, he found the figure of the father he always dreamed about but he never had. And the doctors swallowed it. So they testified that it was necessary to give the boy to Kevin. Then Silvan and Ellen also testified about the very high moral and character qualities of the agent Kevin Black, and finally the judge gave the boy to the agent.

They entered the apartment. They both were deeply moved. Kevin took a hand of the boy who cuddled up against his body and they kissed. After that first time in the hospital, they never again had the chance to kissing each other. They kissed for a long while, feeling each other with their aroused bodies, searching each other, exploring each other. The mutual desire was incredibly strong. Their breaths became fast, deep, hot. Elton felt the desire of the man and was enjoying it happily. He also felt that the man had restraints to give free reins to his desires. His teachings as a creature for the sexual delight of others told him what he had to do.

In a while, they were both naked on the man's bed. Elton was tenderly suckling a nipple of his man with delight - the same delight he knew he was giving to him. Then he glided towards the man's fiercely erect pole and at last tasted it - he played with it for a long time, dreaming about the moment he could at last receive it all inside himself.

Kevin thought he was going to go crazy, but not only for the intense pleasure. He was feeling that he was important to the boy - at last, he too was important to somebody. He turned around so that he could return to the boy what he was giving him. Elton moaned with pleasure and put all his arts into action. When he felt that the man was ready, he turned and silently offered himself, his eyes shining with joy and pleasure. He saw the smile full of tenderness of his man while he was taking him and welcomed him inside himself, grateful and happy.


In my home page I've put some of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is

If you want to send me feed-back, please e-mail at


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