Infamous Trade

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Aug 11, 2002


INFAMOUS TRADE by Andrej Koymasky (C) 1998 - 2002 written the 20th of July, 1995 translated by the author English text kindly revised by Jer


"INFAMOUS TRADE" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.


It was just after two p.m. Thomas was looking at Rowland's diaries and thinking. Rowena was on the telephone.

She put down the receiver and looked at him with dark eyes, "No Walkerdine on any flight to New York."

"Could he have used a fake identity?"

"No, I feel he just cheated us. And now..."

"And now Lo Casio want me to pay for that, I bet. The only solution is to run, not let them find us... If we manage, it will not be easy."

"The diaries..." Rowena said thoughtfully.

Thomas looked at her without understanding how they mattered.

The girl nodded several times, then said, "The diaries will save us, all three of us."

"But how? Giving them to Lo Casio in exchange for the money that didn't arrive?"

"No. They might be interested in them. There has to be somebody who will be a lot more interested in having them and who can help us out of this mess. And also free Andres."

"Who's this?"

"The federals, Thomas, the F.B.I.! All those notes about the laundered money and about the kids who were sold. Just think about it! For them it would be an incredible scoop. In exchange they will give us new identities. They will free Andres, and let us go abroad with all our money. I'm sure of that."

"Yeah, but what if they use the diaries and then cheat us? If they extradite me to England for my robbery?"

"What do they know about the robbery? Rowland didn't report the disappearance of his diaries, did he? The newspapers say nothing about them. I'm sure he didn't talk about them. Surely he would not want them to be found by the police, would he? And you could have stolen them at home..."

"They will not believe that... They'll connect me with the robbery. Just all this money would be enough to convince them that I was involved."

"They will pretend not to believe it, I bet. Dress up, darling, let's leave immediately."

"To the federals? Isn't it better to see a lawyer first?"

"If we knew one we could trust one hundred per cent... But if he's one of Lo Casio's men, or even one of the names listed in the diaries? No, straight to the federals. Let's risk it all in one throw of the dice."

Thomas was not completely convinced, but let Rowena and her decision guide him. He thought that facing the federals was far better than Lo Casio's wrath. He dressed quickly. Repacking all their belongings in the suitcases and with the money case, they went down to look for a taxi. Several full cabs passed, but at last an empty one coming from the opposite direction saw their signal and making an U turn, stopped in front of them. They took it, giving a fake address. They changed cabs twice, always looking backwards, fearing that they were being followed. When they finally felt sure that everything was OK, they asked the third taxi driver to take them to the F.B.I. General Headquarters. Here they asked to talk with someone in charge. They were led to a small bare waiting room, that made one think of a hospital room without beds. Thomas was nervous, but Rowena occasionally smiled at him encouragingly, probably to hide her own fears.

They had been gone from their hotel room about thirty minutes, when someone quietly knocked at their door. Not receiving an answer, after knocking several more times, he pulled an old credit card from his pocket. Slipping it into the door slit, he managed to push the bolt and open it. As soon as he entered, he saw that the room had been abandoned.

"Christ! I'm late! Where the fuck can they be now?" Dan Firestone asked himself. Leaving the room, mad at himself, he headed to the elevator.

Now he had to set his men on the trail of those two - he promised Lo Casio to make them disappear without any fuss. Now he had to absolutely do it! He decided to return to Jacques' home. From there he would start the search for the two he had to kill. He had to be there anyway when Chem arrived to take Terry.


When Rowland Preston left the International Section of Kennedy Airport, it was shortly after seven p.m. He had with him a raw leather bag with a bottle of whiskey he had bought at the duty free shop. He followed a plump Puerto Rican who was pushing the cart with his elegant baggage.

Rowland was walking under the canopy, staying close to the building and far from the lane where the December rain was pouring on the line of waiting taxis. As usual the shower gave him bad feelings. He always considered rain as something bringing bad omens. Anyway, he couldn't be more happy than today. He was near meeting Dan Firestone. The ex-policeman agreed to kill Yung Chem for him, so he could endure any kind of weather. All long the walkway a line of arriving passengers was waiting to catch a taxi. Rowland was thinking about the limousine waiting to take him and Dan Firestone to the auction in Queens, the New York borough he found so depressing. If God ever decided to send a second Deluge, Queens would get its rightful destiny.

While he was walking, he thought back to the risk he ran asking Dan to kill Yung Chem. Dan was unpredictable. His motivations often remained obscure, as he made up his mind. What if he cheated him and revealed everything to Chem? Rowland chased away that horrible possibility from his mind. He was upset enough - allowing more negative thoughts would be like suicide. If ever Chem knew about his project to have him killed, he would be ruthless. Rowland could not be sure, not even in Hell. But Rowland counted on Dan's love for Jacques, who cost a lot of money just to escape for a little longer the inexorable illness that was destroying him. This made Dan extremely maneuverable - he could satisfy the constant need for money of the ex-policeman and Dan would be crazy not to take advantage of this. And Dan was not crazy.

While following his luggage beyond the line of taxis, a thought rapidly crossed his mind. He could possibly make him an even more profitable offer - offering him to become an equal partner in the auction sale this evening. Or, better, an equal partner in any sale of sex slaves. He would lose, by doing so, but this way he no longer had to pay for Jacques' advise or for Dan's services. Yes, he would share with him everything to the last dollar - he couldn't be more generous than that!

But Yung Chem had to die, at any price!

He glanced up at the December gray sky. In the States there was always the same horrible weather as in England. Dan choose that fucking Queens as the auction's place just because it was close to his investigation agency. The house, a two story building, was registered under the name of a Panama company. In reality, it belonged to Rowland. A couple of middle aged Hungarians, very discreet and reliable, were living there providing the preliminaries and keeping the books updated.

Dan and Jacques had planned a procedure for the adult slaves - they were Jacques' patients, young men skillfully driven to desire to be sexually dominated and taking part to the auction under the advice of their doctor, Jacques Roux. They stayed in the house for a short time, a little more than forty eight hours. They had to sign a document and to make a voice recording where they stated they were doing this willingly. That declaration was an assurance against any attempt at blackmail or pressing charges. As happened with the minors unsold at the auction, the unsold adults were sent to cruise in Manhattan's streets, or sold to American pimps. Sometimes they were brought back to England by Rowland.

The boys Rowland choose among his London Charity Foundation's group, were left in company with two gay men who had worked for him for years. They both were really skilled with the boys. They dutifully prepared them for their destiny. The group of boys were taken to the auction place one week in advance. They all were sleeping in a wide room where was placed only a king size bed and a set of inflatable camping mattresses on the floor. In the bed were the two young men and the boy they took in turn with them. It wasn't a complete and thorough "weaning" like that performed on Chem's island, but it was fast and just as effective.

Dan's men, the most beautiful group of tough guys Rowland ever saw, insured the security of the house. Payments for the auctioned slaves were accepted only in cash and no returns were allowed. On the other hand the clients had all their time before the auction to evaluate and appreciate the items, also thanks to private meetings they could have in special cubicles. The net income for Rowland never was under two million dollars. Nobody ever complained about the purchased slave.

That night, when he claimed his luggage at the airport, a Puerto Rican with his name written on a sign board was waiting for him. Mister Firestone, the man explained him, was waiting for him with his car. The polite Dan, who normally carried his luggage, had evidently decided to keep a low profile. Perhaps he couldn't stand the rain. After a three minutes walk, Rowland saw the Puerto Rican pointing him to a limousine parked behind a small green shuttle bus connecting the various terminals of the airport. Suddenly he felt excited, relieved and safe. Dan would for sure be enthusiastic about his new offer. He knew that, sure, he really knew that. He tapped on the Puerto Rican's shoulder, pointed at the open trunk of the limousine and accelerated his pace leaving him behind to unload his luggage. The back door was ajar, ready to welcome him inside.

With a sigh of relief he sat on the back seat of the limousine - he would for sure come out from all this shit like a real lord!

"Dan, you can't imagine how happy I am to..."

Rowland gasped in surprise. In a muddle with panic he felt an icy sensation, then hot and again icy. He withdrew, but there was no escape - the door was suddenly shut and the lock clicked. Rowland, his heart furiously drumming in his chest, held his breath. He tried to swallow, but couldn't. In the back seat, next to him, was seated Yung Chem taken up with softly singing and trimming his nails with a small nail-file.

Neither said a word while the chauffeur was paying the porter and went back to resume his position at the steering wheel. Jeff Dalton, with his Chicago Bulls' cap, turned from the front seat to look at Rowland. When the limousine left the terminal, the English man felt a long, unpleasant shiver on the back of his neck. He was desperately trying to resume his self control.

Chem brushed the nails of his left hand against the lapel of his light gray coat. "Soon it will be Christmas - the feast of peace. May everybody live in peace, then," he said in a sweet tone talking to nobody in particularly. Then stared at him. "A change in plans, Rowland. I decided to come and take little Terry in person instead of waiting for him to be delivered to me. I'm really anxious to have him for my pleasure. Did you have a good journey? British Airlines are really my preferred ones. None other serves better lunches. And what about the British Airlines' tea? Unique!"

Rowland put down his briefcase and his whiskey bottle over a copy of the Wall Street Journal lying on the seat between him and Chem. He had to regain his composure. "Behave yourself. Be calm and pretend nothing has happened" he thought. He had been taken by surprise. He had really hoped to never see this paranoid bastard again. Now he had to find answers to his questions about the lost eight million dollars. He had to weigh each of his words carefully. His life depended on his answers. Could he maintain his calm until the meeting with Dan? If he could not succeed, he could only rely on God.

He greeted Chem patting a hand on his thigh, "Chem, darling. What a nice surprise. I'm sorry but I don't share your enthusiasm for the British Airways' meals. And the tea they serve, that looks to me like cat's piss, if you want my opinion. But what about Dan? I thought he was coming to meet me..."

His voice had too sharp a tone, but he was unable to control it.

"Yes, he hinted at the fact you had to meet, but decided it was better if you and I had a little tête à tête. There is the problem of my eight million dollars you lost..." Chem said with a soft voice, gently brushing Rowland's arm.

Rowland lowered his eyes down to his hands he was now keeping clenched in his lap, "Believe me, Chem, I'm as much upset as you are. I wanted to explain to you how it happened, but had no means to contact you. You are always moving and..."

"I see. Tell me how it happened, then."

"I assume full responsibility for your loss, of course. I'll give you back all the money to the last penny..."

Chem raised a finger toward Jeff, smiling. "You see? I told you, he is a man full of resources. Never underestimate Rowland, I told you Jeff, right?"

"Sure, I also told Dan. You can ask him. Where is Dan now?"

"At his Jacques' home. They have a small problem, as you know. We will meet him before the auction. He is waiting for me to deliver me my little Terry. He says the lad is a difficult boy - so much the better, I'll find more pleasure in taming him, in subduing him to my pleasure. I'm already aroused just thinking about it, here feel!" Chem said keeping Rowland's hand and pushing it between his legs.

The Englishman felt a slight disgust and embarrassment feeling the hard consistency of the man's erection and that gesture was too intimate. Physically, Chem didn't appeal to him at all. Rather Jeff, seemed to be a real stud.

It was curious, Rowland thought, in such a delicate and dangerous situation, he could think about how much he would love to be fucked by Jeff... He withdrew his hand and to calm down he massaged his forearm, a system he learned in a yoga course. Suddenly he got a fantastic idea. Perhaps somewhat dangerous, but it was worth taking the risk. As long as he didn't meet Dan, he had to take the initiative with Chem who believed himself to be so good in surprising people. Rowland had already bought Dan's alliance. He had now to buy some time with Chem. He would chat with him long enough to allow Dan to solve his problem. The elegant oriental man who was seated next to him, who presumed to be so shrewd, was near being fooled.

"Chem, darling, I thought not to tell you until it became a fait accompli, that is, when I really have all the money in my hands. But I sent a dozen more boys from London and they will be here on the seven p.m. flight, hence in time for the auction. Moreover I intend to rise the starting prices of the auction. This sale will give me double what was previewed, that is at least four million. And then, do you remember, I told you that an estate agent found an Arab, a man rolling in wealth, who is ready to pay a fortune for my house, didn't I? With all the foul-ups that have happened in their land, many sons of Allah are very eager to move to London. They buy English estates paying crazy sums of money for them. At first I refused, you know that. But before leaving I heard that the estate agent and his Arab client are still eager to buy my home and ready to pay not less than two million pounds for it, which is the other half of your eight million. So, in a few days, you will have back everything. It will be enough if after the auction you come back to London with me and everything will be settled."

Rowland was very nervous, and cheekily lying. There would not be more boys on auction and even less his beloved house for sale, at any price. But Dan would eliminate Chem before he could become aware of his lie, therefore...

"I was expecting nothing less from you, Rowland. You didn't disappoint me, you behaved according to your nature. Really. You are fantastic." the Korean said toying with his nail-file.

"Well, I am in debt to you, and don't want to lose your confidence..."

"Yes, I too am in debt to you, Rowland!" Chem said softly and violently thrusted the nail-file in the man's thigh.

Rowland screamed and kicked him in the leg. Paying no attention to the pain, Chem yelled an insult at him and grabbed him by the throat. Rowland tried to free himself with both hands but Chem, beside himself with rage, was relentlessly clasping his throat. The English man felt his strength abandon him. His head was aching. He felt like his eyes were bursting out of his head. He heard the Korean abusing him in English.

Suddenly Chem let him go, pushing him away and throwing a punch into his stomach. Rowland found himself curled on the floor at the Korean's feet.

"Who do you think you are going to cheat, you tart! Our Dan is not stupid - killing me would solve your problems but would not give him any advantage. He thought about that and wisely decided to turn down your proposal and make an agreement with me. Let me tell you that he will be largely rewarded for being trustworthy to me."

"What are you talking about? I'm not a man to kill anyone, you should know me. Dan invented everything and I can't understand why..." Rowland gasped trying to find a way out.

"Dan records all his telephone conversations. He is wise. He made me listen your conversation."

Rowland closed his eyes. Chem continued: "You tend to underestimate people and at the same time you have too high of an opinion about yourself, like any Englishman does. The main thing for Dan is Jacques' destiny, you had to know that. If he did the dirty job for you, he would only shorten Jacques' life, didn't you think about that? Evidently not..."

When the limousine turned to take the rain wet loop road, Chem bent over Rowland. An instant later the English shouted a yell while the Korean's fingers clasped his throat like a steel vise.

"I don't want to die... please, don't kill me..." Rowland wheezed.

Chem took Rowland's whiskey bottle and raised it looking at its label, while with the other hand continued clasping his throat, "If you bought it at the duty-free, they cheated you. They make you pay more than in the liquor stores, didn't' you know?" he said and hit him in his face with the bottle.

Shaking with shudders, Rowland curled in on himself. Chem hit him furiously until the Englishman was still.

"I want back my money, whore, stinking piece of shit... my money... my money..."

In the front seat Jeff signaled to Naoki to stop the car.

While the limousine left the lane, Jeff turned back and took the bottle from Chem's hand, "You'll never get back your money if you crush his skull."

He got over the seat, bent near Rowland and felt for his heart beat on his throat. Then stood up looking at Chem who had half opened the window and was breathing heavily, his eyes closed, still shuddering with rage. "He's dead."

Chem opened his eyes, "No, I only hit him a couple of times..."

"More than a couple of times, I'd say. You loose your temper and this is nothing new."

"What shall I do, now?" Chem asked, annoyed, starting to cool down.

"Let's take care of his corpse. We'll eliminate anything that would help to identify him then we'll leave him on the road. He can possibly be run over, it could seem like an accident and that will reduce any investigation to a minimum.

Chem nodded. Ten minutes later, while the road was desert, working fast under the chilly rain, Jeff and Chem threw the lifeless body of Rowland into a large water puddle that hid it quite completely, then went back inside the car. The limousine had just resumed its way when they saw the lights of an oncoming vehicle. Chem and Jeff remained to watch the lights from the back window. It was a Schoolbus from Harley Christian School, which ran over Rowland's corpse and continued its ride. It was over.


While Chem was talking with Rowland in the limousine, Kevin Black received an urgent call from Silvan who told him that they had reached the end of the line. He could find Terry and they could trap not only Dan Firestone but a lot of other people involved in the illicit traffic of currency and money recycling. They had a really good stroke of good luck,

Kevin passed to take Charlie and run to see Silvan. Meanwhile, the man was giving orders to remove Andres from the prison and was preparing fake documents for Thomas, Rowena and Andres to allow them to expatriate to Venezuela. Rowena and Thomas would appear as husband and wife. The diaries were so precious that Silvan even agreed to take the eight million dollars of Yung Chem that Thomas stole from Rowland, giving him back eight clean million dollars. As soon as Andres arrived, the three people would be put on board on a plane and sent with their counterfeit documents and good money to Venezuela. Nobody would ever hear about them again.

Kevin was happy - Russell Fort's death seemed to have shut an important track for him, but now an exceptional one was opening up. More than a track, it seemed like a twelve lane highway. Dan Firestone and many other people would never again harm somebody, and thank to all the charges they could now make against them, they would never be released from prison. Yes, Kevin was really happy. Also Silvan was bursting with satisfaction from his ruddy big face. They carefully prepared the round-up. Kevin got to give the priority to Terry's rescue and also that Charlie went with them - he intended to entrust him with the little boy, knowing the affection that bonded both of them. At this point, the boy had no one but the young man. Kevin talked about that with Charlie and the young man said he was ready and happy to apply to the courts for custody of Terry.

Silvan asked Charlie: "Sergeant Black told me he wants you to be part of our round-up in Jacques Roux's house. Now I would like to know from you personally the reasons pushing you to ask to come with us. Are you aware that, first it is dangerous, and second your presence can hamper us?"

"I talked with sergeant Black while coming here. The problem is neither my safety nor that I want to get in your way. I'll keep myself aside, don't worry, I'm not a hero nor a fool or an idiot. But Terry suffered so much with all this and he still doesn't know that his parents were killed. I am the only, dear and true friend left to him. The first person he has to see is me, the one who will take care of him. Seeing a policeman he can fear it's another trap. He can't remember sergeant Black. It has been eight years since he last saw him. We should not give Terry a new shock. I'm also Terry's godfather, besides being a dear friend. He will need a known face, mainly now that his mother is dead. Why are you so worried about me?"

"Young man, you are new to this kind of game. None of us know you. Except perhaps sergeant Black, and even he doesn't know you that well from what I've heard. And anyway, even if you were working for our government, you'd not forced to come with us. Honestly, I'm afraid you would not be able to cope with the situation."

"I'll come, in any case. I know were that psychiatrist's home is. And if somebody tries to stop me, I'll go and see a lawyer and we'll see if you can stop me. Terry, for you, has no special meaning, he is just one more kidnapped boy, possibly one among many, just a number. But to me he is more than important. I'm deadly afraid at the thought of what could happen to him and what could happen to me. But I'll be there at any price. You cannot stop me. And I'll really be more of an hindrance coming by my own than coming with you, don't you think so?"

"Young man, far from me trying to stop you. I just wanted to check what mold were you cast from, to be able to act so properly. By the way, if you ever decide to work for the government, give me a call - I like your determination. Anyway, as Black wants you there... if something goes wrong, so much the worse for him who brought you here. Well, let's go, then. Mister Yearley, you heard our plan. Keep a low profile until it is time to rescue the boy. And by the way, it is not true that they are just a number for us - each kidnapped boy, for us too, is first of all a human case. We too have a heart, believe me..." the Treasure Agent said raising his imposing mass from the chair. He smiled to Charlie then threw a piercing glance to Kevin, "I knew that with you in my way I would gain only troubles. I should hate you, do you know? Let's go, the sooner we end with this, the better I'll breath."


In my home page I've put some of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is

If you want to send me feed-back, please e-mail at


Next: Chapter 15

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