Indian School Friends

By Indian Chokra

Published on May 31, 2013



Indian School Friends By

Disclaimer: If you are underage (below 18) or if it is illegal (to read gay sex) or if you offended by gay sex do not read any further.

The following story is pure fiction and any resemblance with any character or incident or both is pure coincidence. Mail your comments at

Indian School Friends Part-1 By

This is a story between two friends Rahul and Vinod. Rahul is in 9th grade, height 5'8", black hair and slim body. Vinod also is in same grade. 5'10", black hair and good build. Vinod attends boxing and wrestling classes after school. Vinod has been blurting for a week about his neighboring girl who came to his house for studies and how he seduced her and fucked her...

It was a normal day for Rahul. He got up in the morning, finished daily chores, completed his homework and got ready to go to school by 11am. His school was in afternoon session and would start at 12:30. But Rahul would go to Vinod's place and from there they would go to school together. This was the daily routine. Rahul and Vinod were good friends. Rahul's parents knew Vinod well and they would even let Rahul stay at his place for studying during exams. Rahul went to his place and rang the bell. No one answered the bell. After some 2-3 minutes Vinod opened the door wrapped only in towel. He must have just finished his bath. Droplets of water were dripping from his hair and drizzling down his body. Nice developed chest, tight abs and strong legs was all Rahul could see while the rest covered by towel. Rahul could see the outline of his soft dick. It looked 2 or 3 inch and Rahul thought of teasing him.

Rahul said, "Did you really fuck girls with that pencil dick of yours??"

Vinod got agitated on this and said. "Hey with a dick this big you can only make anyone scream!!" and with that he grabbed his dick from towel and showed it to Rahul. Rahul had an average 6-inch dick when hard and 3-inch when soft. From what he showed it looked like 2 or 3 inch. Rahul thought of teasing him further.

Rahul laughed and said, "That dick can only tickle a girl. I bet the girl would have ran away to her home after she saw that you don't even have balls with that little dick..!!" and Rahul started to pull his towel.

After a little fight he was lucky to be able to pull his towel. This pissed off Vinod and he pulled his towel with great force. He was able to get his towel back but Rahul lost his balance slightly. As Rahul was taking support of the wall nearby to gather balance Vinod kicked Rahul in his balls. This was a heavy kick. As a reflex Rahul grabbed his crotch in pain.

But before Rahul could react Vinod went behind Rahul and wrapped the towel around his face and tied it at the back of his head. Rahul was completely blinded. Rahul and Vinod had wrestled before but never had he kicked Rahul in crotch or even hit Rahul with such power. Rahul was terrified a bit and thought of apologizing to Vinod and end the matter here.

As Rahul was trying to untie the knot with both his hands behind his head, Vinod punched Rahul in guts twice with all the strength. The blows were so powerful that Rahul could not breathe. Rahul felt the air leave his lungs. Rahul thought he would throw up and fell on his knees and held his stomach and bent over to avoid any further blows to stomach. Rahul tried to speak but it felt like no words but only air escaped his mouth.

Rahul was still suffering from pain in his crotch and gut. Vinod grabbed Rahul by his hairs and pulled him up in standing position and hit a knee straight in his crotch. Rahul felt his legs go weak and almost passed out with pain and fell forward in Vinod's arms. Vinod caught him and threw across the room.

Rahul hit the wall squarely with a loud thud with his back hitting against the wall. Every inch of back was numbed as he could neither feel the pain nor any flesh on his back. A few seconds later the senses came back with severe pain in his back as if hundreds of thousands of needles were pricked to his back. Rahul had totally given up the thought of untying the towel or apologizing to Vinod. Rahul tried to defend himself but was blinded by the towel.

Vinod grabbed Rahul by neck and again threw Rahul on an arm chair. Rahul fell on the chair face first. His forehead hit on the backrest of the chair. Vinod started to take off Rahul's neck tie. Rahul tried to kick him but Vinod held his legs and stood placing his feet on Rahul's.

Rahul knew he was standing straight in front of him so he started to hit in air in an attempt to connect atleast once. Vinod caught hold of Rahul's hand and held them above his head with one hand. Vinod started to slap Rahul with other hand. The slaps were not hard enough to leave any marks but were enough to sting. He must have reddened both Rahul's cheeks when Rahul stopped to resist. Now he took off his tie, flipped Rahul over and firmly tied his hands behind his back and flipped Rahul over again.

He reached for his belt and unbuckled it and then unzipped his trousers. Rahul was terrified of thinking of what he was doing. "Hey get off me. What the fuck are you doing??" Rahul said.

Vinod slapped him hard a couple of times. Then he took off Rahul's pants. Rahul was left only in his shirt and briefs. After that Vinod untied the towel and took it off his face. It took a few moments to adjust to the light. Rahul looked around but couldn't see Vinod anywhere. He thought of running away. But how could Rahul go outside in only shirt and briefs with his hands tied behind his back??

Soon Vinod came in the living room with a pair of briefs in his hands. Rahul tried to get up but Vinod pushed Rahul back in to chair. Rahul started to apologize,"Hey Vinod, I'm sorry mmmpphhh... mmmpphhh... mmmpphhh..."

But before he could say any further Vinod stuffed the briefs in Rahul's mouth. Rahul could not speak but only mumble at him. Vinod was certainly enjoying this which showed on his face with a wicked look. It was certainly an unwashed pair as Rahul could taste sweat, piss and cum on the briefs. Rahul tried to get up but Vinod pushed Rahul into chair and this time placed Vinod kneeled onto Rahul's lap. Vinod's right knee on Rahul's left lap and left knee on right lap and pinned down Rahul into the chair. Vinod grabbed Rahul's hairs with his left hand and started to slap Rahul on both his cheeks repeatedly with right hand.

As tears started to run down Rahul's cheeks, Vinod mocked him, "Are you crying?? What are you?? GIRL?? SISSY BOY??" and kept slapping Rahul.

After 5 minutes Vinod stopped slapping. Rahul had closed his eyes. Slowly he started to open them. As soon as Rahul opened his eyes Vinod looked at him and said, "You made fun of my cock and balls. Let's see how much are you packing??"

With that Vinod put his right hand on Rahul's briefs with the left hand still holding his hairs. He grabbed Rahul's dick from over the briefs by his thumb and index finger. Rahul tried to shake him off but Vinod warned, "Stop moving or I'll crush your balls!!"

Rahul took it as an empty threat and kept on trying to shake him off. Vinod removed his hands from Rahul's dick put his hand inside Rahul's briefs and grabbed his balls between his thumb and two fingers. Rahul was alerted by this and stopped moving but Vinod kept on increasing the pressure. Rahul felt like his ball would eventually pop out of sack into Vinod's hands. Rahul was in severe pain but neither could Rahul move nor stop him in any way. Rahul was totally at Vinod's mercy. Then Vinod released his grip but immediately gripped the other ball. Rahul cried out in pain but the briefs in his mouth didn't let the voice cross the room.

Vinod got down from Rahul's lap and yanked out Rahul's briefs and said, "Today you will learn a lesson to keep your limits. Don't be afraid. We will get to school in time. But before that, let's finish what we started."

Vinod got up and went in his bedroom. He came back with his cell phone. He slapped Rahul a few more times which formed tears rolling down Rahul's cheeks. Vinod switched on the camera and took some snaps from it. He then flipped Rahul on stomach and started to reach for Rahul's trousers which were lying on the floor. Vinod pulled out the leather belt from the trousers and started smacking the heavy leather belt on Rahul's ass.

First on the right cheek and then on the left cheek. Right and left and right and left. He went on town on Rahul's ass with the leather belt and all Rahul could do was muffle in the briefs. For first ten minutes he spanked Rahul hard and fast. Then he spanked Rahul slowly but firmly to see every welt was impressed on ass. The smacks this time were hit with even more power and strength. This went for another ten minutes. For the next ten minutes he spanked Rahul hard and fast and again slow and more power.

Vinod started groping Rahul's ass with his hands which by now was a dark shade between red and purple. The groping stung like hell but all Rahul could do was expected that Vinod would get tired and stop. But that did not happen. After a few groping he again started to spank his ass. Hard and fast for about ten minutes and then slow and firm for next ten minutes. Rahul was all tears and Vinod was enjoying this. When Vinod stopped Rahul was relieved but the torment was far from over.

Vinod pulled Rahul by hairs "Get up you Asshole. It's time for the next part of your punishment!!"

Rahul got up without any resistance. He had no strength to resist. Vinod took Rahul into his bedroom and threw Rahul across on the bed. Rahul fell on his back facing Vinod. Vinod was still naked. Vinod took a few snaps of Rahul lying on his bed with his hands tied back and tears forming on his cheeks from the camera phone and climbed the bed. Rahul started to run away but he grabbed Rahul by arm and pulled him back on the bed.

Vinod started to unbutton Rahul's shirt and exposed his chest. He sat on his stomach and gripped Rahul's nipples between his thumb and index finger and twisted it slightly. Rahul tried to wriggle free but Vinod put whole body weight on Rahul. Vinod was gradually twisting Rahul's nipple more and more and more till a point Rahul almost screamed (or only muffled) in pain. Then Vinod left the nipples and again gripped them and twisted them but in opposite direction as to previous time. This went for a 6 more times till Rahul's nipples were sore and stood erect from pain.

Vinod now held Rahul still by holding his throat and pushing it away from his body such that Rahul's was almost facing the headboard of the bed. Then Vinod gently ticked Rahul's right nipple. The pain was not much after what Rahul had gone through. Then Vinod ticked left nipple. Slowly Vinod increased the force with every stroke till Rahul was all tears once again.

Vinod stopped torturing Rahul's nipples and got off Rahul. As soon as he got up Rahul tried to run but was grabbed by his arm and pushed back into bed.

"You still have enough strength to run huh?? Well, I'll put a sock on it.", said Vinod and again climbed on Rahul but this time sat on his chest with his back towards Rahul and started punching in his guts and all Rahul could do was muffle and kick in the air but that brought no relief. Rahul lost the count of the blows as he passed out. He woke up when cold water was splashed on him.

It felt like his entire gut was on fire. Rahul came back to senses and saw Vinod sitting on his chest and his dick was inches away from Rahul's face. Vinod started to stroke his cock and it started to get erect. Slowly his dick got semi-erect. He would slap it against Rahul's cheek a few times and stroke his dick again. Precum started to form at the tip of Vinod's dick and got splashed on Rahul's cheeks.

Rahul could not believe his eyes!! Vinod's dick grew fully to atleast 9-inch long and quite thick with a 6-inch girth. The foreskin was stretched covering only half the head of his dick. Slowly stroking his dick Vinod pulled the foreskin back completely and exposed the entire purple head which was glistening by precum like a gem and Rahul was afraid of what was going to happen next. Vinod grabbed his hair and whispered in his ear, "Get ready to feel this..."

Vinod flipped Rahul onto his stomach and spread his legs. Rahul started to move but Vinod held him by neck with one hand and started fingering Rahul with other hand. Rahul wiggled under him but all in vain. Slowly fingering with one Vinod increased the speed gradually. After a couple of minute he added ne more finger and kept finger fucking Rahul from 5 minutes and then pulled out both fingers.

Vinod lined his dick at the entrance of Rahul's ass and brought his lips near Rahul's ears, "Now you are my Bitch...!!! I'll take your ass and from now on its mine to fuck anytime anywhere I want..." and with that he pushed entire length of his dick inside his virgin ass without any lube and only his precum, which did not do any good for Rahul.

Rahul's ass was on fire. Rahul never even had a finger up his ass and now a 9-inch long dick was banging up his insides. Rahul screamed but only muffled cries was all that came out. Vinod fucked Rahul vigorously taking out all the anger on him. He kept fucking Rahul for 5 minutes and then pulled him up by hips in half-doggy position and fucked with all power. With hands tied behind back, Rahul was at real disadvantage as the entire weight came on his neck.

Vinod stopped power fucking and started long dicking Rahul. He would take his dick out till only the head was buried in his ass and then shoved his dick back in with all force upto the base. In and out and in and out and in and out he went. Vinod's balls were slapping on Rahul's ass and Rahul was crying as he was virginity was forcefully taken by his best friend.

"How do you like it Bitch!! From now on you are my personal bitch...!!!"

Rahul's eyes rolled back as Vinod's dick hit his prostate. Rahul felt a jolt as Vinod's dick hit his prostate again and again. Slowly Rahul started to get an erection and he tried to get away from him but all in vain. Vinod fucked for 5 minutes and Rahul could feel his own dick swelling between his stomach and the mattress on bed.

The rhythmic fucking movement by Vinod was causing Rahul's dick to get erect. He tried to divert his attention by thinking of something else like his school, homework, etc.. But every time Vinod hit his prostate Rahul would feel a jolt and his cum rising in his dick. As Rahul felt he was about to cum Vinod pulled out his dick. Rahul was relieved and he was taken off the edge.

After a minute, Vinod pushed his entire length in Rahul's ass and long dicked for another 5 minutes. With each inward stroke Vinod's dick hit Rahul's prostate and Rahul felt his dick grow and he would cum. But before Rahul could cum, Vinod pulled out. This went on for another 5 times. By now Rahul was frustrated by the edging and was sweating heavily as he was edged for 5 times.

Vinod flipped Rahul and he was on his back. Vinod was also sweating profusely. Beads of sweat were forming on his forehead. Vinod pulled Rahul's ankles up and placed them on his shoulders. Vinod's eyes fell on Rahul's dick which was leaking precum and laughed, "You are fucking enjoying this?? Oh Fuck!! So you want to be my Bitch!!!"

Vinod slowly stroked Rahul's dick as the precum oozed out of the tip. After a couple of dozen strokes Vinod stopped and reached for his camera and took few more snaps. He took snaps of Rahul's upper body clearly excluding any presence of Vinod. After that Vinod penetrated Rahul and fucked him with even more force. After some time Vinod started to stroke Rahul's dick with his right hand, "Come on Bitch Cum for ME!! Oh Yeah. Cum for ME my Bitch!!"

Rahul could not believe that his dick was growing. Rahul was shocked to see his body deceiving him. Vinod kept stroking his dick for nearly 10 minutes and Rahul tried to hold it as long as possible not wanting to give Vinod the satisfaction of knowing that he was enjoying. But Rahul's body was betraying him and he could feel his cum rise inside dick. Luckily Vinod stopped and then he pushed Rahul's knees over his shoulders and started fucking him again.

Vinod kept stroking Rahul's dick with his right hand and at the same time choked his throat with his left hand. Rahul's dick was right in his face and he knew if he came it would hit his face. But he was helpless as Vinod's entire weight was on Rahul and Rahul could not move an inch. Rahul tried to control but after 10 minutes of continuous stroking and Vinod's dick hitting Rahul's prostate from inside Rahul lost his control and he came. He came like never before.

Rahul had the most mind shattering orgasm he ever had. Cum blasted out of his dick in 10 clear shots of hot cum. The first shot hit straight in his eyes. Vinod was paying close attention to Rahul and as soon as he started cumming Vinod stroked Rahul's dick all over his face. Rahul's entire face was covering in his own cum. Rahul could not open his eyes nor could he breathe. He could smell his own cum.

Vinod let go Rahul's dick,"Wow Baby. You came a lot. Looks like you really enjoyed this one!!" And Vinod started to take more snaps of Rahul.

Vinod started fucking him even harder. He gripped Rahul's thighs and power fucked him. Hard and Long and Fast. After five minutes Vinod took out his dick and climbed up on Rahul's chest and started to stroke his dick and came all over Rahul's face. Rahul's entire face was filled by both of Vinod's and his own cum.

Rahul thought this was over.

But Vinod was far from satisfied."How about I add more taste to this mixture..." and with that he repeatedly spat in Rahul's face. After some time Vinod untied Rahul's hands and removed his shirt entirely. He held his hands behind his back with one hand and grabbed his camera phone with other and force walked Rahul into bathroom. He released Rahul's one hand and told him to scoop the entire thing on his face (cum and spit). When Rahul refused he was immediately treated with a knee in his gut. The pain in his gut had completely receded but the knee brought back all the pain. As Vinod prepared for another hit with his knee Rahul agreed quickly knowing the pain it would bring.

Vinod had his cell phone with him. This time he switched the camera in video mode and began recording the entire event. Rahul scooped a small bit with his index and middle finger and put the finger in his mouth. Having never done such a thing he almost threw up. But Vinod warned him," If you fucking throw up in my bathroom I will make you lick the entire floor." Slowly Rahul scooped everything without throwing up. Vinod forced Rahul down on his knees.

Vinod held his dick in front of Rahul, "Suck it clean, Bitch!!"

Rahul licked the dick for a few minutes cleaning it up. Then Vinod pulled Rahul away from his dick," Clean your face come out within five minutes or else be ready for another round of beating!!"

Vinod took his cell phone and went out. Rahul cleaned his face, went out and got clothed. By then Vinod had got dressed and packed his bag for school. On the way to school Vinod started talking to Rahul.

Vinod, "Hey Rahul, your ass felt great on my dick. We should do it often."

Rahul was offended by this, "I'm not interested in it and from now on I'll never ever come to your house again."

Vinod threatened, "Do you want everyone at school to see the pictures I clicked today? And don't forget the video..."

Rahul had completely forgotten about the cell phone and was terrified and shook his head in a `no'.

Then he said, "OK then. From tomorrow onwards you will come to my home just like you used to and come to my home whenever I call you. You can tell your parents that you need my help in studies.."

Vinod put an arm around Rahul's neck and gripped him tightly, "But not a single word about what's really going on to anyone. Not even our parents. Or else... You know what..!!"

Rahul could not reject and only said- "YES."

..THE END of Part-1

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