Indian gay men's sex advenure Chap

By jake barr

Published on Jun 6, 2011



Indian Gay Men's Sex Adventure, Chap 1


Disclaimer: The people and events in this story are imaginary.

I saw Dinesh coming up the path to my house with another male. I anticipated his knock and let him in. As he passed me in the corridor he whispered in my ear

"Hey Jake, I want to fuck you tonight".

That sent an electric current through to my loins directly to my cock. That isn't unusual because just looking at him and remembering the hot times we have had does the same thing.

Dinesh is in his 30's and I met him about ten years ago in his early 20's. He has dark skin and his body is very sexy, but what is even more so is super horniness. He is always up for it, and is a very passionate and super versatile. He was the first Indian gay that I had met and having sex with such a good lover I got turned on to Indians. He really likes much older guys and sometimes women as well.

The guy who Dinesh had brought with him was also Indian, but I had not met him before. He was introduced as Rajesh, and was about 5' 8" tall, and a little thicker set than Dinesh. He was average looking but had big black sexy eyes, that made him look very horny. He said he was bisexual but had no gay experience, and came along to watch. I was happy with that. Just being in close contact with two sexy Indians was a plus for me.

As a Caucasian in my 60's I had a lot of sex with women, but about 15 years ago I realised that I was more attracted to men, and all my sex since has been with men. I have been trying to make up for lost time ever since.

We didn't waste much time and glided through to my bedroom. Standing next to my king sized bed Dinesh moved towards me and began kissing my lips. He tasted so good and I could feel myself getting very hard. I tongued him as well and my hands automatically found their way to his cute, slim butt. He wears his jeans very loose without a belt and so I slipped my hands inside his jeans and caressed his arse cheeks. They seemed so smooth, and as well I could tell that he was wearing a jockstrap. I had seen him in a jockstrap many times and had taken photographs of him and I had no difficulty in imagining what he looked like with his jeans off. As I was feeling his butt and locked on to his lips he was feeling me through my pants and this made me even harder.

"You make me so horny, with your super hard cock pushing out your pants and I want you" said Dinesh

I told him that I couldn't wait to feel and see his naked dark skinned body. He moved closer and started to rub his bulge on mine and I could sense the pre cum was rising in my hard cock. When I am turned on I can produce quite a stream of pre cum.

Rajesh was standing a couple of paces away, and I could see that he was fascinated with the activity between Dinesh and myself. I looked down to his crutch and could see that it was bulging as well - perhaps not as prominent as Dinesh and myself, but it was very promising for an inexperienced bisexual, and I had a feeling that he would join in at some time. Because I hadn't met him before I didn't know what he looked like with his clothes off, but I hoped he would be as sexy as Dinesh. Dinesh is fairly hairless in his upper body with just a hint of hair in the cleavage of his chest and a little hair on his slim legs. He has a beautiful 7" cock with a nice foreskin covering the head. It retracts just a little when he is properly hard. Although he is just average thickness, his cock gets steel hard and stays that way for hours. I had never been fucked by him before, but I knew if I gave him my man-pussy tonight that he would fuck me for a long time. I was already imagining my arse cheeks wrapping itself around his cock, and in due course a getting a big load of his spunk. Dinesh's balls aren't huge but they sure are able to produce a lot of spunk. He also has a great bush of pubic hair which is thick and black and glossy. He doesn't trim it much and his cock always looks resplendent pushing out from its hairy thatch. He is so horny that he sometimes wanks 2-3 times a day. Just as I was thinking all of this he said

" I want to fill you with spunk tonight and see it running out of your pussy".

I told him I couldn't wait, but I knew we would have to take it slowly so that Rajesh could join in if he felt inclined.

I said to Rajesh, "how are you feeling?" And he said you "guys are so hot I am getting really turned on".

I could see that his hands were behind him running across his own arse cheeks. Maybe Rajesh is a bottom and had an urge for a cock in his pussy. That would be unusual for someone who is a novice at gay sex, but it looked promising.

I slipped Dinesh's shirt over his head and ran my hands over his almost hairless chest. I also sucked on his now protruding nipples. While I was doing this he was unzipping my jeans and he said:

"I want to feel your hard cock".

I was trying to oblige but was so hard now that my underpants were restraining my cock and balls. Gradually I helped Dinesh get my cock through the unzipped fly and immediately Dinesh had his fingers around it and it felt so good. My cock is about 6" long, but is reasonably thick with a suckable head which Dinesh had experienced many times. He slowly fingered my slit and said,

"Oh my gosh, your cockhead is slippery with precum, and I can't wait to get my lips around when we are on the bed".

Dinesh continued to play with my cockhead and spread the precum over the head. It felt fantastic having him handle me like this.

Rajesh was taking all this in with great interest and he had taken his shirt off to reveal a very hairy chest- quite a contrast to Dinesh. He was now gently rubbing his crutch through his jeans and I could see that he was now very hard. Dinesh looked across at him and whispered to me,

"I think he might have a thick cock. I haven't seen it but judging by the protrusion it has to be big".

We were all very turned on now and I said to Dinesh:

"Slip off your jeans so that we can see that hard cock pushing on the fabric of your jockstrap".

He also removed his socks and apart from the jockstrap he was naked. He looked so sexy and I could see a wet patch through the jockstrap. He was turned on alright. I rubbed the bulging jockstrap and Dinesh moved closer to me and rubbed it on my cockhead so that for a brief moment our precum was mixing. He kept moving it up and down on my cock, and I said to him "if you keep doing that too long I will cum all over your jockstrap." He realised this and slowed down, because we had a lot more sex ahead of us. Dinesh is definitely not a wham bam thank you mam type and likes to take it slowly and sex with us can last for a couple of hours.

Rajesh was getting into the spirit as well, because he removed his jeans to reveal white bikini style underpants and his cock was doing its best to get out of them. We just watched because we didn't want to rush Rajesh, but let him do what was comfortable for him. He was looking very promising for his first gay encounter.

I had removed my clothes and was lying on the bed on my back. Dinesh was quickly on the bed as well and was lying gently on top of me. Then getting up a little with his knees he proceeded to continue to rub his very full jockstrap along the head of my very hard cock head. I was in ecstasy. He them moved forward and pushed his tongue into my mouth. This was almost too much, but I tried to relax and just enjoy it and tried not to cum. I also rubbed his cock through the jockstrap, but I was craving a sight of his black cock and so I slowly pushed his jockstrap off, to reveal his hard cock. As usual it was pointing up and it looked so good with some glistening precum. We were now rubbing our naked cock heads together and mixing our slippery precum. It felt very sexy. Then I said to Dinesh,

"How about licking some of that precum off the head of my cock?"

He didn't need another invitation and was straight down on my cock. Dinesh is an outstanding cocksucker, but he restrained himself and just ran the tip of his tongue across my bulging cockhead. I was groaning in ecstasy and Dinesh was saying "yum. yum, I love the taste of you precum".

Just then Dinesh and I looked across at Rajesh and he had very quietly slipped his bikini underpants off and stood before us naked. Our suspicions were right, Rajesh had big dark brown cock and it was super hard. It was about 7-8 inches long but what was impressive was its thickness! Rajesh had his fingers around it and they only just fit. He had very loose hanging big balls which were covered in black hair and he had a very dense bush. Dinesh and I looked at each other and we were both thinking the same thing: we would love to suck that big cock, but no way would we want it in our butts - not this time anyhow.

I said to Rajesh, "you seem to be getting very turned on for someone who professes to be bisexual". "Well, you and Dinesh are two very sexy guys and I love watching you getting on with each other" as he continued to stroke his thick cock.

Dinesh and I didn't push him in to joining us at that moment but we both knew it was only a matter of time before we had a threesome on our hands.

Just then I had a craving for Dinesh's black cock in my mouth, so asked him kneel before me and ease is hard cock into my mouth. He was there in a flash, and I could see his cock head pushing through his foreskin and there was a lot of precum pooling there. He pushed his cock into my mouth and then slowly withdrew and pushed in a again and it tasted so good. He reached down behind him and started to stroke my cock at the same time. I was in heaven. After about five minutes of thrusting into my mouth, Dinesh said:

"I want to suck your crazy hard cock Jake" and slid down and began tonguing me throroughly. I said to him, "you are the greatest cocksucker!" Dinesh said he was loving it, but his cock was itching for some man cunt! His tongue was licking down the whole length of my very hard cock, and then he would suddenly wrap his lips around my cockhead and give a big tounging. I was trying hard not to cum with all this activity, and when I was getting near I asked Dinesh to slow up, and he said:

"Are you ready for some black cock in your pussy? I thought this was a great idea and it would slow me up from blowing my load. I reached across and handed Dinesh some KY and suggested he slip some into my arse, and also some fingers to loosen me up. I turned onto my side facing Rajesh who was standing on the other side of the bed still slowly stroking his cock, the head of which had now swollen quite a lot and was quite red in contrast to the brownness of his stiff shaft.

Dinesh was super horny and itching to get into my pussy, as his cock was pushing against my butt as his fingers pushed into my hole to loosen it up. His fingers were gentle but going deeper and deeper and it felt good. The question was, could I cope with his steel hard cock in there?

After about five minutes of fingering me Dinesh, said I think you are ready Jake . Do you want it now? It was a crazy question because I was craving to have him fuck me for the first time, and I knew he would be gentle, yet would ream me good and proper!

I looked across to Rajesh and I was sensing that all he needed was an invitation to join in so I said to him:

"When Dinesh gets into my pussy, why don't you kneel in front of me and I can suck that big Indian cock of yours at the same time. Would you like that? Rajesh looked a bit shy and didn't answer, but I had a feeling that the thick cock head would be in my mouth shortly.

I could feel Dinesh positioning himself behind my back as I lay on my side and presented my butt to him. He was holding his rock had cock which he had lubricated with KY, and was directing it to my man pussy. I knew it would be a bit painful to start with, but I tried to relax because my fantasy was about to be realised with Dinesh's cock deep inside me. Dinesh was very gentle but persistent and very soon I could feel that he breached the tight arse muscle and was in. He gradually pushed more and more of his seven inches into me and I felt engulfed with black cock! Heaven. Then he slowly withdrew most of it and pushed in again, and then slightly quicker next time, until he got into a nice fucking rhythm. It felt so good having his cock deep inside of me. I reached back and caressed his hairy balls each time he pushed into me.

Just then I sensed a stirring and it was Rajesh, who could hold back not longer and was up on the bed and kneeling in front of my face with his huge cock. It looked even thicker close-up. He looked at me and said, Jake, I want you suck my cock head. Wow, I didn't need any further encouragement and he slipped the huge head into my mouth. I could only just take it, but I rolled my tongue over the head and he started groaning. I was in heaven. I had and Indian cock in my mouth and another in my cunt! Dinesh reached across me as he was fucking me and was rubbing Rajesh's balls which made him groan even more.

At the same time I turned my head back to Dinesh and we had our tongues in each others mouths, and this made us harder still, if that was possible.

After ten to fifteen minutes of this activity, Dinesh said to Rajesh, "why don't You kneel a bit higher, and as I am fucking Jake, I can give your big cock a sucking at the same time".

I was reluctant to let go of that big morsel but I had to share it with Dinesh, who very quickly latched onto it as he was reaming me. We were all in ecstasy and groaning a lot at the sexual pleasure and lust.

Suddenly Rajesh was groaning so loud that we all realised that he was going to drop a load, so I said why don't you pull out of Dinesh's mouth and stroke it and give each of us a load of your cream onto our faces. I was the first to get a huge squirt of spunk right across my lips and then very expertly Rajesh steered his cock to Dinesh and he got the rest of the load right across his face. Rajesh was smiling and looked very satisfied as both Dinesh and l licked the spunk from our faces, which made Rajesh smile. He said, "if you like it that much, just wait an hour and I can drop you both another load!" I believed him too as he was a super horny guy.

All of this activity brought Dinesh to the point of no return, and he said to me: "Jake. I am going to spunk you a huge load in a few seconds". I could feel Dinesh speeding up and his leg muscles tightening and after 6-7 thrusts he let out a huge groan and collapsed behind me but is cock still deep inside. Gradually it slipped out and I could feel his spunk dribbling out of my pussy onto the sheets. Dinesh ran his fingers through it and I asked him to put some spunked fingers into my mouth. It felt so erotic to taste his cum after he had reamed me.

Dinesh then began stroking my cock expertly to bring me off too. Rajesh said, can you bring him off like that? And I said yes, he's done it many times before and my spunk usually flies out a long way when he does. Dinesh worked on my cock for five minutes , giving it an occasional suck as well, and then suddenly I realised that my balls were going to release a huge load, which flew across my stomach and some hitting my chin. Rajesh looked in amazement that Dinesh could bring off so quickly.

We all collapsed onto the bed together and agreed it was a very hot session, and Rajesh, the new convert said: "hey guys, we're going to do that again very soon" Dinesh and I looked at each other with a smile on each of our faces and Dinesh said , yep!

Will try to write more chapters? Suggestions, comments to

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