India Posting

By john skehan

Published on Jan 15, 2023


India Posting 2 cajuncock

Ok, if you've gotten this far you know the drill. This is a work of gay fiction, It is the property of the author and may not be reused without his written permission. Now sit back, unzip, grab a rag, and enjoy. comments- cajunboi868@gmail

As I sat there watching the hand move closer to my now stiff cock, I thought of so many ways this could go wrong. It could be a set up to blackmail me? It could be a police sting? It could be mob connected? But perhaps it was as Jahli said part of the culture of India before European nations took over? I did not know. But I did know that my body and mind were turned on at that moment. It was more turned on than at any time with anyone in the past. The dark fingers were at my balls now just barely touching them. But I shivered, excited at these new feelings.

Jahli's other hand moved to the side of my face as he smiled "I know that this excites you bringing out perhaps hidden feelings. Give in to them! You are here in India, not your old country anymore. I want to please you in so many ways. I want to enlighten you, raise those boundaries, open your eyes and body to new pleasures. Please let me show you my world?" I nodded my acceptance. Jahli pressed his lips against my own gently pushing them to open to his invading tongue. He tasted of mint and spices. I grabbed his waist. He stood up with me in his strong arms. Both pairs of shorts fell to the wooden floor of the porch as soon our shirts followed the shorts down. We stood naked with our hard cocks pressed together and wet with pre. I felt the skin of his uncut tool slip against my circumcised cock and shivered once more. Both of his hands clutched my ass massaging the two pale melons. He pulled away to ask "Here or in your bedroom? Don't worry Jai will bring us all that we need." I fell back on the open mats with my legs wrapped around Jahli's hips. I felt his hardness rub up and down my crack in search of my pulsing hole. I yelled out his name as his tip centered on the magic spot. As if my magic Jai was there holding a copper vessel of oil. In his other hand was another metal bowl with burning herbs. The scent of the herbs did something to me. Suddenly, I wanted to feel the Indian's cock plunder my virgin tunnel. Jai poured oil on the hard cock and it dripped into my ass crack. Jahli's cock rubbed the oil around my entrance gently. Then ever so slowly it entered my needy body. I gasped at the entry both from shock and from need. Jai waved the herbs around our faces once more. My muscles opened to welcome Jahli to my paradise. He leaned to kiss my ear whispering "Now I will show you true love and bring you to India's own heaven."

Ever so slowly he moved into my body. Each inch thrilled me, making me beg for more. Jai chuckled "I see that my lord's cock has again tamed a foreigner. You have again brought light into his mind." As he spoke, I looked up to see his dangling, brown cock erect over my face. I saw the skin pull back as his dark snake became visible with a clear drop on the exposed tip. I stuck out my tongue trying to catch that taste of India. Jahli watched and laughed. He whispered "Now, you will be a slave for the men of India. We will train you to please us in every way. You will be proud to offer us every pleasure your body promises." I felt his hairy bush press against my ass and knew that I'd given myself fully to him. Jai grabbed my legs holding me open for his master's use of my body. For the next hour Jahli taught me the many ways that an Indian man could make love. Each new position brought a new sensation of pleasure to me. I was screaming for more, more pleasure. Jahli held off his orgasm for a remarkably long time. Sensing my own climax he would move my body into a new position and start the journey to pleasure once more.

Finally, both of us had reached our limit. Jahli plunged deep inside my body screaming in Hindi. I felt the pulse and throb of his cock. Once, twice, a third and fourth time he exploded filling me. He fell onto my chest breathing heavily as the pulsing ended. I put my arms around his shoulders to hold him. I had not cum myself which he saw when he pulled away. He turned to Jai saying "Ok, you must please our new friend. Bring him over to the land of our gods." Jai did not hesitate replacing Jahli between my open legs. He was a master at the art, bringing me to the edge twice before having my cock explode as he filled me with his seed. We both yelled at the same moment.

Jahli applauded us before leaning in to kiss us both. We three lay there for a while reveling in the shared satisfaction. I sat up to see the naked garden boy with his dripping cock in his hand looking somewhat embarrassed. Jahli laughed saying "It looks as if you will be learning more of Indian customs very soon. Let's all take a shower together before dinner? Jai will find sarongs for us all as the gardener will serve out meal." We showered resulting in renewed stiff weapons only slightly hidden in the loose robs. As we ate Jai would often stroke the poor gardener's hard, uncut cock causing him to moan. Over coffee after the meal Jahli announced that he must return to his wife and home. I looked shocked at that. But he explained that it was a traditional arranged marriage not for love. He had hired a manservant whose duties included satisfying the mistress, and sometimes his master. He told me that if I liked the manservant could come over to help Jai with some household tasks.

My first day at the office was the usual introductions to staff. Jahli's manservant had picked me up at the villa as arranged. As I moved to sit I noted that his assets were on full display, a thick, dark cock behind a thin, white, knee length robe. He patted my lap as he sat behind the wheel. I was glad he was driving because the streets were packed with people and animals. Thankfully the office had a/c that was comfortable. I was offered tea and a handshake my the boss. He bowed in the local fashion. I went into my office and spent the day going over the ledgers. My lunch was brought to me. I looked out the office window to see the workers eating at their desks. The company provided take out meals for the staff and managers. Tea time, a British hangover, was again brought to our desks. A bell sounded at the end of the day. All of the workers quickly disappeared. Jahli came to my office telling me that his manservant would drive us both home.

The drive home was just as exciting as that of the morning. I wondered that there were not more deaths on the crowded streets. At the villa, the gate was opened by the garden boy who bowed to us. Jai was waiting on the porch with cold drinks for the two of us. The driver sat with Jai in the far corner of the porch. Jahli and I were soon joined by the near naked gaden boy who removed our clothing leaving us both hard and naked. Jao and the driver both stood dropping their clothes to the porch floor. Jai walked to Jahli with open arms. The driver moved towards me. I felt the

garden boy move behind me to pull my ass open to his wet tongue. I received the best rim job I could ever imagine. My ass was dripping with his spit and some applied oil. He turned me to the naked driver who was smiling broadly at the gift he was being offered. He picked me up in his strong arms positioning me over his hard, large weapon. With one hand the garden boy held the cock lining it up with my hole. I felt the driver push me down, embedding himself to the root inside my body. I screamed at the sudden pain. Looking over I saw Jahli doing the samething to Jai as the garden boy licked Jahlki's balls. The sounds of skin slapping skin and moaning men fill the air. As I watched, the garden boy moved to position his cock at Jai's already stuffed hole. Slowly he moved in next to the occupying cock. Jai screamed out in pleasure as both men filled him. This only seemed to spur my invader on as he picked up his pounding of my ass. Soon he was a blur of action letting me know that I'd once again be filled with Indian seed.

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