Indentured by Grandpa

By Master Redbeard

Published on Aug 14, 2022



by Master Redbeard

r/e/d/b/e/a/r/d/e/d/s/f at y-a-h-o-o dot com

This is an erotic man/teen story. If that offends you or if you're breaking some law by reading it, go away now. Also, if you have trouble telling fantasy from reality, please stop reading this, go away and get help.

It is also a gay slaveboy story, set in a society in which cute young men are sold to be pleasure slaves. There is dominance/submission, bondage/discipline, enforced nudity, and boy humiliation. It's set in a future world where enslavement of good looking young men is standard and older men dominate.

In Chapter 1 a teen boy is desperate for a place to live and turns to the grandfather he barely knows. He's told he will have to become an indentured servant to live with his grandfather. He doesn't know Grandpa is a major slave trader in the gay state of Eureka. The old man negotiated certain agreements when his grandson was a free boy. But now that the boy is stripped, shaved and turned into property, will those agreements hold?

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Grandpa released me from the cage in the back of his ATV. He told me to walk with my hands held behind my back. His hand was on the back of my neck as he led me through the house dressed in just my cum-soaked white briefs. We went up a back staircase from the kitchen as he explained, "This is the staircase that slaves use."

We entered a back door to Grandpa's quarters. There was a magnificent bed, larger than any I'd seen before. But this was more than just a bedroom. There were closets larger than the classrooms at school. There was a den with bookcases that could have rivaled our town's library. There was also a kitchen, and other parts of this massive suite I couldn't even see or know the purpose of.

Grandpa stood tall and sounded imperious as he said, "You may undress your Master, slaveboy."

I unbuttoned his shirt, folding it as neatly as I could. He looked at the shirt disdainfully, which sent a shiver of fear up my spine. But he said, "I don't punish a slaveboy for being ignorant. Tomorrow we'll have Kiki give you lessons on the proper care for a gentleman's clothes." (I would learn that Kiki was the dark-skinned slaveboy who had served us on Grandpa's private plane.)

As Grandpa stood in his white boxer shorts, I could clearly see the outline of his thick penis. I looked at him and just said, "Master?" He understood my question and replied, "Yes, Master sleeps nude." I peeled down the underpants, trying hard to avoid getting slapped by his half-hard meat.

There was a divan at the foot of his massive bed. He nodded to it and said, "There's a small blanket on it. You may use that blanket. But understand that is an act of charity on my part. If you displease me, I can have you sleep on the hard floor with no covering. Or I could send you downstairs to the slave quarters." Then he quickly added, "And strip off those briefs, boy. Slaveboys sleep nude."

After the other indignities, I wasn't going to fuss about this new command for nudity. I peeled down the briefs and got on the divan. The divan was hard, as if there was only a thin layer of cloth over a wooden structure. The fabric was scratchy on my skin. My feet dangled over the end, and the blanket was thin as paper and didn't cover much of my body. I fell asleep from exhaustion, but slept fitfully replaying everything in my head. I thought back to the web conference from prison. I wish I had negotiated a comfortable bed to sleep in.

Grandpa kicked me awake and I fell on the floor. I scrambled to my feet scared that I'd be punished for not waking up earlier. Grandpa was naked and standing over me. "Don't be scared, slaveboy. I told you I wouldn't punish you for ignorance. You haven't been shown yet how to prepare my breakfast in the kitchen. You haven't had a clock set to wake you at 5 am. After my shower, Kiki can take you in hand."

When I stood up my penis was hard and waved in front of me as I walked. Of course I always had an erection when I woke up. But this felt different with my homosexual grandfather staring at my stiff cock.

The bathroom was larger than my mom's entire apartment had been. There was a big shower. Grandpa ushered me in first and then he came in, blocking the exit with his large body. He showed me how to adjust the many shower heads and what settings he preferred. He bowed his head so I could wash his hair. For a man his age, he had a thick head of hair that used to be red but now was tinged with grey. "Dig your fingers in there, slaveboy. Get it all nice and soapy." I did as commanded and then washed the bubbles off his head. The old man stood up tall as I rubbed soap under his arms, then down each arm. "Kiki will teach you later how to care for my fingernails and my toenails, boy." I just took everything in stride.

As my soapy hands moved lower on his body, i was aware that his thick cock was now sticking up thick and halfway hard. It kept slapping against my side. I tried to turn away or position myself differently, but it became clear he was purposely pushing his penis against me. He turned around and ordered me to wash his rear. It was wide and as hairy as the rest of him. When he turned back around to face me, his penis was sticking up fully hard.

"Get down and work on my feet, slaveboy." Even the tops of his feet were hairy. I lathered up each toe and then I felt his hand on the back of my neck. "To make sure you've cleaned my feet thoroughly, you can now kiss them." My lips made contact with the top of his left foot. He raised the foot and said, "Take each toe in your mouth and suck it, slaveboy." As I was sucking each toe, I felt his hand reach down and fondle my exposed butt cheeks. The side of his fingers were running up and down my crack. I tensed my cheeks together, but that only made the old man moan with pleasure. I kept fearing he would forgot his promise not to fuck my ass.

Then he lifted my face so that I was looking directly at his cock and balls. "Start by soaping my balls. Make sure you get the sweaty part behind my balls. Then you must learn how to push my foreskin back so you can wash me thoroughly." The previous night my arms were chained to the ceiling, so this would be the first time I'd be touching his penis. I soaped him gingerly. Then I washed off the soap.

His big hand was on the back of my neck as he guided his cock to my lips. I turned to the side and I felt an electric charge course through my chest and around my cock. I reached down to hold my most tender parts, but Grandpa kicked me. "That was a 20% charge. It may have felt harsher because of the water. Understand this..." He grabbed my hair and forced me to look up at him. "Slaveboys do not act in a willful manner. Slaveboys obey."

He held the back of my head as he rubbed his dripping uncut cock side to side across my lips. "Stick out your tongue, slaveboy. Use your tongue to lick all across the head and down each side." I did as he commanded. Then he directed me to suck each of his balls. Everything down there was so hairy, I soon had hairs stuck in my teeth. Then his leaking cockhead pressed to my lips. I suppose he could see in my face that I wanted to speak, so he pre-empted me by saying, "I made a promise not to fuck your ass, slaveboy. But we said nothing about your adorable mouth. A man has a right to expect pleasure from his indentured servant."

His foreskin had slid back behind the helmet head of his cock. He pushed between my lips and commanded me to use my tongue to lick and tickle his cockhead. Then he pushed in a little further. "Use your tongue to play with the skin, boy." He moaned and started moving his hips forward and then back. Each time he slid forward, he pushed a little more of his thick tool into my mouth.

"Such an adorable face, the face of an all-American teen jock, heheheh. I'll tell the truth, when we were on that web call and you were talking to me through the computer screen I had my cock out and I was toying with it. I was looking at your mouth, thinking of how it would look stretched out to accommodate my fat hunk of meat."

As he swayed forward and back, feeding me his cock, he continued, "You have a classic cocksucker mouth, Buddy boy. I mean what I say. If you were going to auction, cocksucker mouth would be listed as one of your prime features. Your lower lip is soft and thick, like a cushion for my penis to slide on. Your upper lip is curved up in a bow, perfect to wrap around my thickness." His voice was soothing and sort of hypnotic. I found myself sucking up and down on his cock. I gagged at first, but then my throat seemed to relax.

"I'm gonna feed my gorgeous grandson," he moaned as he grabbed my ears and started to fuck my throat. He wasn't being rough, but he was pushing all the way in. His thick patch of grey and red pubes went up my nose so I could barely breathe. Then he started moving his hips faster, forward and back. It's like his cockhead was rabbit punching my throat.

There was a loud groan, like an eruption from Grandpa. He pushed my head back against the tile wall of the shower and I felt his cock shove forward and pulse with power. Then there was a shot of thick cream that went down my throat. His penis kept on shooting cream, and I swallowed as fast as I could. "Don't you dare spill a drop, boy. That's your Master's cum and you're responsible for eating it."

He eased his cock out of my throat and then lifted me up to face him. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed me hard on the lips, forcing my mouth open. He was tasting his own jizz on my tongue. His hands grabbed at my ass, and once more I tensed the cheeks. He smacked my butt and laughed.

I turned off the shower and we both stepped out of the stall. I was shocked to realize that Kiki, the dark-skinned slaveboy, was standing in the large bathroom with a big fluffy towel in his hands. He rubbed the towel all over the old man's big hairy body. Grandpa now ignored me and was telling Kiki all the things I had to be taught. Apparently I was expected to let my body "air dry"; there were no towels for slaveboys.

We moved into the bedroom where Kiki directed me where to find Master's clothes, and the correct way to do everything for the old man. Master had given him permission to speak in order to instruct me. Kiki already brought a silver tray with Grandpa's breakfast on it. It was set down on a small dining table. During the entire process, the old man was reading the morning newspaper from his phone.

When he left the room he turned back and said, "Oh, Kiki, the new property also needs to learn how to fold my clothes correctly." The youth bowed and said, "Yes, Master." Then our Master turned to me and continued, "And you need to sort through your things, boy. There's a box under the dresser where you can place all your underpants. Include any jocks, swimsuits or sports uniforms. The rest will be discarded."

After the old man left, I looked down at myself and realized that my penis was still sticking up erect. Kiki smiled at me and said, "We have to get that down or it will be in the way."

I cleared my throat. "W-we're allowed to speak?"

"You must be careful not to speak out of turn if there is a free man present. But when it's only us indentures in the room, it doesn't much matter." He then took an ice cube from a freezer compartment and before I knew what was happening he pressed it against my hard dick.

I screamed. The freezing ice cube felt hot against my tender hard-on. "As I said, we must get it to go down." Indeed my cock softened from the cold temperature. Then Kiki got on his knees and was attaching something strange to my penis. He snapped it shut, used a key, then placed the key in a drawer next to Master's bed. He saw the confused look on my face. "It's a chastity device. You can't play with it now. In fact, if you start to get an erection the little pins along the inside will stick into you and be painful." I was jiggling the device, as if I hoped I could get it opened. He continued, "But Master is kind. He will take the device off at certain times and let you pleasure yourself. You must appreciate when he shows you such kindness." Another thing I wish I had known about when Grandpa first spoke to me about indenture.

Kiki smiled at me in a friendly way and then asked, "Did Master use your mouth in the shower this morning?"

Defensively, I touched my lips and said, "I'm n-not gay. I never took a dick in my mouth before."

"Yes, I remember what that was like. I was a straight boy when I was first indentured, and quite repulsed by the very idea of touching an old man's penis, no less taking it in my mouth. Just keep in mind, you were lucky to take his cock in the shower when it was shiny and clean. If he pulls down his pants after a long day his ball sweat smells and tastes sour."

I shook my head to try to shake away that image. "H-how did you get indentured?" I asked.

"My parents brought me to this country. We were not legal and the immigration people caught up with us."

"They indentured you for illegally crossing the border?"

"Not quite. My entire family was going to be sent back to our home country. Things there are very bad, there is starvation and violence everywhere. Then someone from the government gave my parents an option. I was signed up for a five year indenture and my parents were able to get citizenship. I'm more than half-way through my five years now. I feel very lucky to belong to Master."

As we were speaking I had been helping Kiki change the bed, including fresh blankets and sheets. When we finished, he looked sad. "Now that Master has you... well, I have been his body slave for a long time now. I hope I can continue to serve Master."

"I'm sorry. I don't know what the plan is. You know I'm his grandson...."

"You used to be his grandson. Indentured servants don't have families."

"He made some promises to me about the indenture," I began.

"I know he promised not to fuck your ass," Kiki chuckled. "I heard him arguing with Master Bruno about that. Master Bruno says that a boy is either free or he is an indenture, and there can't be an in-between state."

For some reason I automatically reached back and touched my butt as if protecting it. Kiki continued, "I remember the pain the first time Master mounted me."

I pulled on a fresh pair of briefs. The chastity device was outlined and easily visible through the white fabric. Kiki showed me how to set an internal alarm that was hooked to the GPS chip that had been inserted under my armpit. The next morning I would wake at 5 am and head down to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

The kitchen was our next stop. I was shown how Master liked his eggs, how to prepare his coffee, and how to set up his breakfast plate. Master was very fussy about details. Then I was taken to a gym that was set up for slaves. There was already a card with my name on it. Kiki put that card in a slot and different machines lit up.

"This is your card. Each machine is programmed for a weight and a number of repetitions. You are required to meet these standards.

I sat at the lat machine and started to work it. I grunted and felt pain through my arms and chest. "This is too much. I can't possibly do this ten more times." When I let go of the arms and tried to get up, I felt a terrible electric jolt through my body.

In a resigned way, Kiki said, "You will do the number of required reps on each machine of you will be punished."

I sat back down at the machine and struggled. Before Kiki left he pointed to a shower in the corner and said, "Slave showers only have cold water. I hope you enjoyed washing Master in his shower this morning. That's the only hot water shower you will experience."

My body ached all over as I stood under the cold water shower. Kiki returned to get me and told me that I would serve at dinner. "Don't worry about how to dress," Kiki said, "Master wants you in your white free-boy underpants."

I didn't know anything about serving at a dinner party. But I was simply told to follow Kiki and do as he instructed me. Kiki went around the table and put meat on each of the eight dinner plates. I followed him and scooped up vegetables to place beside the meat. Kiki was only wearing a slavejock. The front pouch was mesh, so his penis and chastity device were easy to see. There was a thick waistband, but no straps in the back. His ass was completely exposed.

As Kiki went around the table, men kept grabbing at his ass. I followed Kiki around the table and men kept pulling down the back of my tighty whities to grab my ass. Some squeezed my cheeks, some fingered my crack, some pinched my smooth flesh. The guests all appeared to be colleagues of Grandpa Red, old and distinguished as he was. But they made raucous jokes about Kiki and me.

"This is the one who used to be your grandson, isn't it?" a large black man named Leon said. I kept my head down and didn't react. "Do you really have an arrangement not to fuck his ass?" All the men laughed.

Changing the subject deftly, Grandpa said, "This morning he gave his first blowjob. Honestly, I expected I was going to have to just jerk off into his mouth. But he sucked it all the way down. And you gentlemen know that's a lot of cock for a newly-enslaved straight boy to take."

"That sounds like an invitation for after-dinner entertainment," Bruno said. Once again there was laughter around the table, and once again I looked down at the table and didn't acknowledge that I had heard anything.

At one point I was pouring wine into a glass and a man behind me pinched my ass right through my white briefs. I yelped and the wine spilled onto the tablecloth and onto the the trousers of a man called Ian. "I'm s-sorry, M-master. I'm so sorry, sir." I was flustered and tried to wipe it up.

There was a small commotion at the table as men insisted I should be paddled for the spill. I soon found myself bent over one side of the table. Some of the men held me down in position. Ian, whose pants were now stained with red wine, pulled down the back of my briefs and raised the paddle high. WHAM, it hit my butt cheeks harder than I expected. I exhaled sharply. Then he was using the paddle to toy with my cheeks, rubbing it gently up and down. When I started to relax, the paddle landed on my left butt cheek. Then immediately it smacked my right cheek.

He gave me ten swats in all. But when he finished, all the men took turns feeling my exposed bottom. Their comments ranged from rude to obscene. "Dammit, Red, I don't know how you can resist fucking an ass as pretty as this one."

Those comments came to an end when Bruno took his seat and pushed down his pants and his jockstrap. His cock was thick around and long. He was slowly toying with it. "C'mon now, Red, you were telling us how good he was at sucking cock."

Grandpa snapped his fingers at me and pointed to Bruno. "Under the table, slaveboy."

As soon as I took Bruno's cock in my mouth He pushed down on the back of my head forcing me to take all of it as deep as possible. My nose was buried in his thick black pubes. I gagged and choked, but the men seemed to enjoy that. Men reached under the table to feel me up and grab at my body. Once again, a lot of those hands were on my butt.

Bruno howled loud as his cock shot load after load of cream down my throat. "You better not spill a drop, you little brat." I managed to swallow it all. When Bruno pulled my face off his spent cock, I was pulled by Leon, the black man whose cock was so thick it hurt my mouth to spread that wide.

"Hold on," Grandpa interrupted. "The slaveboy forgot to thank Master Bruno for the load of cum."

I looked up from the black man's cock and said, "Th-thank you, M-master Bruno, for feeding me your load of cum."

There were chuckles around the table, the way adults chuckle when a child says something precocious.

I remained under the table for the next man, but the one after that was Ian, and he wanted me on my back on the floor. Ian mounted my face and fucked as hard as he could. "Yeh, I'm fucking this cute straight boy's throat the way I'd fuck a whore's pussy." I thought he would hurt me, but I survived.

After all eight dinner guests had taken their turns and fed me their cum, it was Grandpa's turn. He leaned back in his chair and pushed his pants and boxers down to his knees. He spread his legs as much as he could, and lifted his balls. "Lick down behind my balls, slaveboy. Then lick between my balls and my thighs. It's very sweaty there."

I remembered what Kiki said about the benefit of sucking the old man's cock in the shower. It was ten at night and now his ball sweat was rancid and tasted like spoiled meat. But I stuck out my tongue and lapped it up. Then I took each ball into my mouth and tongue-washed everything between his legs. Then he pointed his dick right into my mouth and I swallowed it all the way to the base.

"Are you sure this boy never sucked cock before today?" one of the men laughed. "He sure seems like a natural."

"He's demonstrating that he's going to be a very good slaveboy, gentlemen. He wants to please his Master and he learns quickly." Then he patted my head and said, "Use your tongue to push my foreskin back and lick under the skin."

There were appreciative murmurs around the room. I can't explain it, but it felt great hearing Master praise me like that. Even though I was tired, I sucked up and down on the old man's cock at a brisk tempo, like I was a starving man who needed his cream. I used my hands to play with his balls. I started to feel his cock pulse and soon I was rewarded with a load of his spunk down my throat. After he finished cumming I kept on licking at his cock.

Grandpa pushed me away from him and chuckled, "He sure seems eager for cock. Maybe he's not so straight after all." He had me stand in front of him and brought out a tiny key which he used to unlock the chastity device. My cock had been all curled up and squished by the restricting hunk of plastic and metal. Grandpa pulled my briefs to the ground and said, "Slaveboy, get up on the table and masturbate your cock. You've earned it."

So this is how it would be? I couldn't play with my cock because Grandpa had me cock-caged. But he would be kind and let me play with myself when it involved putting on a show for all his buddies. I stood on the table and jerked off, while nine old men sat back in their chairs and sipped brandy. They would command me to turn 45-degrees clockwise every few minutes, so all the dinner guests would have the benefit of seeing my cock and my ass.

When I started breathing heavy, Bruno held his brandy glass up to my cockhead. I exhaled very hard and felt my cock shooting into the glass. All the men cheered and banged on the table. Bruno brought the glass to his lips and drank down the cream that had come out of my penis. I stumbled climbing down from the table. I suppose my body was worn out.

On the way up the back stairs to Grandpa's bed chamber, I remembered an elementary school joke. "What's the definition of 'Gross'?" "When you kiss Grandma goodbye and she slips you the tongue." (Meaning your grandmother gives you a French Kiss.) That now seemed so feeble compared to my current experience: "When you kiss Grandpa goodnight and he slips you eight-and-a-half niches of thick, cheesy, uncut cock."

to be continued

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Next: Chapter 3

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