
By moc.oohay@awagodeier

Published on Jan 29, 2015


Incubus 10

Time moves on. Now I knew about Chad?s curse, I did my best to help him. Once he waited too long and his cock almost didn?t fit inside me. With my abilities, that said a lot.

Shane and the twins were harder to heal. Sex with them would have made things worse. Rape is the worst crime in the history of mankind. With murder, you died and moved on. With rape, you were violated in the worst possible way and had to live with the aftermath.

My friends came from school, but we didn?t go. We finished the school year with homeschool. It gave me more time to work on their issues. Every time I got something in order, something went out of place. Dad wouldn?t help, stating that I had the best connection with them and could do a better job. They trusted me far more than they did any other adult.

I made headway. I came home one day from the beach to find Shane doing the delivery boy. From both of their emotions, Shane was lucky. Evan, the delivery boy, had a good heart. He was loving and caring. Shane couldn?t have asked for a better partner. I left before either of them noticed me and dragged the twins away before they could enter the house.

The twins were another story. They were connected on a different level. I knew that they were attracted to the same kind of guy. They were more likely to take the same lover. After Dad?s story, I had misgivings, so I talked to Dad about the problem.

Dad said that there were many kinds of love. Jimmy and Joey had every right to take the same lover and they couldn?t have children with each other, so sex was in a gray area for them. As long as they both consented, it was cool.

My misgivings were satisfied and life moved on. I even told the three of them about my incubus powers. They wanted to try out my power and I gave them a touch of desire. All three fell to their knees before me. I let them go off to their own adventures satisfied that they now believed me.

All was well until one night when we all were at dinner. Dad and his latest conquest, Ivy, Chad, Jimmy, Joey, Shane, and I were having a great time, when Chad started screaming. Out of nowhere, just started screaming his head off.

He screamed, ?Succubus, in the building, NOW!?

Dad and I both got up and spread our senses. There was a being of sexual power at the front door. Just the one. I motioned for the others to take Chad out of the house. Dad and I went to the door and opened it to find a teenage girl, just a little younger than me.

She knew that we knew. She went straight to the point. ?My name is Olivia Smith. I need your help.?

Dad and I shared a look and led her to the living room. Dad motioned for her to continue and she told us her story.

?My mother?s name is Rebecca Smith. She is a succubus, as I am. When I was 10 years old, she took control of my father and had him rape me. In the middle of it all, I drained him dry until he died.? It was a risk we took when we gathered energy that we could take too much.

?Mom watched the whole thing and laughed as he died. She then told me I was a demon who killed her lovers. The last four years have been hell. She has had me raped every opportunity, trying to corrupt me and turn me as black as she was.

?She told me that Incubi like you are our enemies. That you hunted and destroyed us. I don?t want to die, but the truth of the matter is that I would rather be dead than submit to the hell that my mother would have me live.?

Dad thought at me, I?m impressed. To be raped daily and still be this strong. Then she killed a man and instead of the euphoria and joy most succubi feel, she feels remorse. You and I know the feeling of gathering energy. Taking a life is addicting. The energy involved is unfathomable.

Have you? I thought.

Once, he admitted. It is something I never talk about. Life should never be stolen unless they try to steal it first. Olivia wants something from us.

Olivia had gone silent, knowing that we were talking telepathically. When it was obvious that we were finished she continued.

?Let me get right to the point. I don?t want to be a succubus. I don?t want to be this evil, soul sucking beast. Please, if it is in your power, take this curse from me.?

Dad and I were staring at her in shock. I could tell from Dad?s face that no request such as this had ever been asked in our known history. I knew nothing about this area, so I left it to my father.

?Iknow of no way to remove your powers. It is true that incubi and succubi have fought each other over the centuries, but nothing like this has ever been asked. I?m sorry but I cannot, we cannot remove your gift.?

?IT?S NOT A GIFT, IT IS A CURSE!? she screamed.

?It can be a gift,? I said. ?There is so much good you can do with your power. There is so much good you can do with your life.?

?Idon?t believe that,? she sobbed.

?Yes you do, or you wouldn?t be here now,? I said. ?There is a person caught under a curse, here on the property. It can only be removed by a succubus. Start there and use your power to help people who need it.?

A look had come over her face. An undefinable look that spoke volumes. A look that spoke of world shattering feelings. She looked at me with tears in her eyes. She nodded and I asked her to follow me.

I reached out to Chad and told him what was happening. He was still terrified and only agreed to do it if we were there with him. We introduced her to Chad who nearly cowered under her stare. Olivia looked at him from all sides and said one word, ?Mother.?

That one word was enough for all of us to know who had attacked Chad. She continued to walk around him, dragging her hand through the air. I felt her power spread over him, poking and prodding different areas as she tried to undo her mother?s curse.

Suddenly, she leaned forward and kissed Chad on the lips. He froze against her, but we all felt the power spike and a loud snapping noise filled the air. Rubbing my ears, I asked, ?What was that??

?The breaking of the curse,? she said. ?Mom always left a way to remove it when she caught up with them and drain them dry.?

Chad was definitely cured. His cock was back to its original 8 inches. The look I gave him told chad we would test drive it later. He smiled at me and hugged me hard. We then went up to the house with Olivia to talk about what was going to happen next.

The three of us decided that Olivia would stay with us for the time being. She would have her own room at the main house, since mine was already full. We seemed to be gathering quite few people to our house, each of them as different as the next.

That night, I invited Chad out to the beach and we walked down it for a while and just talked. He wanted to go off to college later this year, and now he would be able to without fear. I told him I would miss him. He was my first lover, the man who showed me what I was missing. It wasn?t just about the sex. It was the relationships and connections that I had gained.

Chad told me he had been afraid. Afraid that all he was good for in the world was having sex. He wanted to help people, do more in his life. All he had was this strange gift to tell whether a man would be good in bed.

I caught his face between my hands and told him, ?You are so much more than that. You have much more to live for. If you want to help people, do it. If you want to be there for those who are in need, then be there. The choices that you make from this day forward, won?t be the results of a rampaging succubus.

?Freedom is power. You have your freedom to do what you like, get what you need, and take the things you want. What do you want right now most in the entire world??

?You,? he whispered and took what he wanted. His lips met mine in a blaze of passion. He no longer needed me, he wanted me. Every kiss and touch set us both on fire. Each of us was hard as a rock already inside our shorts. We fell on the ground with him on top of me.

Chad was too impatient to wait. He took the front of my shirt in his hands and tore it in two. He ripped the buttons off of his own shirt in the haste to get it away. He fumbled with his belt buckle and I just reached up and tore his pants, belt, and underwear off in one pull. I did the same to mine and met his lustful grin with my own and flipped us over.

I took his large 8 incher into my mouth. He was fully back to normal now and responded eagerly. He was very thick and his uncut head was leaking precum already. I swirled my tongue around his foreskin, inside and out. I thought he was going to cum right then and there. He barely held on by a thread. Not wanting to finish so soon, I stopped and slowly sucked his cock.

I drove him wild with impatience. I wouldn?t go fast and quick, no matter what he wanted or did. With a look I told him to relax and go with it. After a few seconds he did and the full effect of what I was doing to him came over him. I went super slow, allowing him to feel every texture of my mouth. I pulled back on his foreskin, not wanting to tear it and went down and up on his cock.

He lay there and gasped under my touch. His breath came faster and faster until he roared and came in my mouth. I swallowed every drop. His cum was as sweet as ever.

He looked done in and was unhappy about it. He wanted to fuck. He had this confused look on his face because I was smiling. I gave him a drop of my power and he became hard almost immediately. The happiness shone on his face.

I kept him pressed to the sand as I straddled him. I took his cock in my hand and guided it to my hole. I lowered myself down onto it and released my breath as it penetrated me. My hole opened up to take him inside me like a knife in warm butter. Once he was fully sheathed inside me, I began to move up and down.

Are there any words to describe the pleasure of being fucked? No, there never is a description close enough. We went at it full throttle and enjoyed every sensation. Before long he had me flat on my back with my legs into the air. His cock rammed my hole with as much force as he could muster. My hands held on to his back while he kissed as much skin as possible and my cries of joy pierced the night. He came inside me for the second time and more energy washed over me. My own seed decorated both of our chests as he collapsed on top of me, breathing hard.

We lay there making out for a long time. We didn?t have any more sex, just lay there in each other?s arms. We ended up falling asleep in the sand until the predawn light filled the sky. We gathered what remained of our clothes and threw them away. We made our way back to the house completely nude and unashamed. As we walked up to the house he leaned in for one last kiss.

He then hugged me close and tight and whispered into my ear, ?Happy 17th birthday Dick.?

To all my readers. Wow, all I can just say is Wow. I totally forgot to submit this chapter to Nifty. I admit it? I am an idiot. I am so sorry. This 10th chapter was supposed to be submitted last May and I thought I did. I can only blame final exams and an upcoming new semester. I am a full time college student and work as many hours a weeks as possible. I have a hectic life.

Anyway, I am now going to be working on the second book of the Incubus series. I always intended to do so, but hit a large writer?s block. Thanks to some new fans who in the last month sent me some words of encouragement, I am going to start again as much as I can. Don?t be disappointed if the going is slow.

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--Rei Edogawa

Next: Chapter 9: Incubus II 1

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