
By moc.oohay@awagodeier

Published on May 7, 2014


Incubus 9

Rei Edogawa

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It was a long flight home. I had told Dad that the twins and Shane were going to move in with us and he accepted it without question. I missed my friends and they needed me.

Unfortunately I was brooding. Mom had confronted me in the airport as we were boarding the plane and what she said was annoying me.

Mom had come running up and screamed at the top of her voice, "Richard Ross you cannot mean to live your life amongst all these faggots and queers!"

I couldn't say anything, I was too shocked by what she had said.

She started babbling hysterically, "This isn't the way of the world. You are destined to meet a woman and have babies and live happily ever after. You are not supposed to deny God and have sex with men and go to hell!

"It is ludicrous, you can't go. You are coming home with me right now. We will find you a new program, a better one since this one didn't work out. I can't believe the charges brought against this one after all. You must have been mistaken. There is no way a man of God could ever do something like that."

"ENOUGH," I yelled. "It is you who are mistaken. You and your blind faith wandering after any moron waving a cross. I am not denying God, I am embracing my destiny. Those morons in charge of Destiny House did those things that I said they did.

"How dare you stand before me, before us like that and say that we lied. You have no right to call yourself my mother. I am not going to speak to you again until you realize the truth and come to terms with it." With that I turned from her and walked to the plane.

She wailed, "NO! How can this be---! She told me that if I appealed to you, you would see the light. How could you do this to me!?"

I ignored her and entered the plane where the others were waiting for me. The doors closed on her wailing screams. We were in the sky five minutes later.

A few hours later, Jimmy flopped down in the chair next to me, "Dude, stop brooding. She can be such a bitch and you know it. Come on man, we're moving to Hawaii. Land of beaches and hot surfer dudes. Can't wait to get one in our bed, eh Joey?"

"The fact that you two dream about sharing the same person speaks volumes to me," I said. "If you want to meet a hot surfer dude, wait till you meet my friend Chad. From what I remember, he is pretty well packaged if you get my drift."

"AWESOME!" both the twins said.

"Attention Passengers," the pilot said over the intercom. "We are about to make our decent into Honolulu International. Please buckle up until we have landed."

When the plane landed we got off and found that dad left us a present. There were red and blue Honda motorcycles for jimmy and joey. A silver Toyota Tundra for Shane, and a black Audi for me.

Yelling in joy, we got in our vehicles and I shouted, "Follow me to the house."

I took off first. The Audi drove like a cloud. The twins followed right behind, in their helmets and jackets that matched their bikes. Shane drove behind them. It didn't take long to drive up to sunset beach. The estate was just beyond that.

Driving up to the second gate, I entered the code. The gates opened and we entered. The house was still the same as a month ago. The temperature was still in the mid-eighties, much too warm for the clothes we were wearing.

Heading up the stairs, I found that Dad had plaques mounted on the doors. I had the master, the twins would share the second biggest bedroom, and Shane had the smallest. I called down to them, "Hey guys, looks like Dad already chose our rooms. Better go in and see if you like the rooms."

I went into my rooms and got changed. I pulled on a pair of shorts, and a muscle shirt with long armholes. Feeling much better, I walked into the twins' room.

The only bed in the room was a king, covered in red silk. There was a flat screen on the wall, an armoire in the corner, and a walk in closet that connected to Shane's room. A desk was near the bed with two laptops on it, in red and blue.

Walking down to Shane's room, I found his room was over my office, in the rounded corner of the house. His bed was in the rounded portion, surrounded by windows, giving him an awesome view from his bed of the beach. He also had an armoire, a desk with laptop, and a flat screen. He also had a bookcase built into one wall. It had no books yet.

Shaking my head at my father's insight, I went to grab my board and catch some waves. The water was perfect, the waves were just right and frequent. No one was around until late afternoon, when Chad showed up.

We talked for a while about my experiences and what I've missed. Now that I was more in the know, I found out some things about Chad I didn't know before.

"Several years ago," he started. "I was only thirteen. I was seduced by a beautiful woman. We had an affair for several weeks that ended when I left her. She was a cruel, sadistic woman. It didn't show in the beginning, but by the end she was doing things that I wasn't comfortable with.

"Needless to say, she took it rather badly. That was when I discovered what she was. She cursed me, a little like what you did to the staff of Divinity House. Don't get me wrong, they deserved it. But, what she did to me was designed to force me to seek her out."

"What did she do?" I asked.

"Her curse causes extreme sexual buildup. My cock grows in size to reflect the buildup. If I wait too long, it could kill me. I came close once. I developed a fever that sent me into delirium. If your father hadn't found me, then I would have died. The only relief is if I have sex with a creature with sexual power, such as an incubus or a succubus. That was what she was, a succubus.

"Your father told you that God sent an angel down and granted the gift to your ancestor, so that people could stop being sexually repressed. What no one knew is that he had a daughter that saw what joys there was from the gift and sought to take it from her brother when he was wakened.

"She disguised herself as another woman, and seduced him. He had sex with her unknowingly. God was displeased to say the least. Her brother was held blameless because he didn't know, but she was cursed. For her lust, she was cast into darkness. Never allowed to venture into the light of day again, she despaired and attempted to take her life.

"Lucifer sent a demon from the lower levels with an offering. He offered her the power she was denied, but she must use it to corrupt the innocent. She agreed to it and slept with the demon. She became the first succubus and set about corrupting the people around the world.

"She had one child, a daughter, from her incest with her brother. This child was corrupted as she grew and became the next, and so on and so on.

"I believe that a succubus has been near to you recently. I can sense their energy when they are about or have been active. It's all over you. I know you haven't been corrupted, but someone tried recently. Be careful Dick. If they know who you are, they will come after you."

With that Chad got up and took off down the beach, leaving me to ponder what he said. So there was something out there to be worried about. A sex crazed demon could come after me to turn me into someone I wasn't. Dad confirmed everything Chad said via telepathy.

Standing up and grabbing my board, I headed back to the house shaking my head. I found the others in the pool, skinny dipping. "What's with the peep show?" I asked.

"Your dad was awesome setting up these rooms for us, but we left with very few clothes because our parents wouldn't let us pack. Once we get jobs, we'll get some new ones, until then, nudity and Hawaii's beautiful tropical weather are our friend." Shane said.

Laughing, I stripped off my trunks and dove in. Swimming around and splashing the guys was fun. After an hour or so, we got out and went inside. I ordered dinner for us from a local pizza joint. Over dinner I told them not to worry about jobs. I would take them shopping for clothes the next day. They only needed to worry about school, and maybe seducing the occasional guy and having their way with him.

They tried to not accept it, but I wouldn't take no for an answer. It was late by then, late for us anyway. Our jetlag was pulling at us so we all went to bed. I was dropping off when I heard my door open. Opening my eyes, I saw my friends enter the room and they crawled into bed with me.

Wrapping our arms around each other we all went to sleep. For the first time in a long while, we could rest without fear or anxiety.

A new twist to the series. A mysterious past. A curse of lethal proportions. What will I think of next? Anyway, I got more fan mail. Love to get it. All comments and criticisms welcome. Please tell me what you think. Also, look up my other story I'm working on, Paradise World under the Sci-fi Fantasy Section.

Next: Chapter 8

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