
By moc.oohay@awagodeier

Published on Apr 29, 2014


Incubus 8

Rei Edogawa

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It took a while to set things up. Each day some new orderlies would escort me to my therapy sessions with the Doc. After a week, it became a group session, where I was with the other gay kids, i.e. Shane, Jimmy, and Joey, and we would talk about God and what it meant to be Gay.

What they didn't know is that all the orderlies became my proxies as well. Every time they had sex with anyone, I would get power. I shared that power with the others every time I saw them. It kept us all strong willed.

I refused to think about any bad effects that doing this could happen. The looks in their eyes when I first came, were that of despair and hopelessness. Now it was one of strength and resolve. As I made all of the staff my proxies and began to make minute changes to them.

Eventually what I did was Increase their libidos and horniness by 10. This drove them to have sex as much as possible, with whoever they could. What they didn't know was that it was with me. I made them believe that I was different people in different places. The power that I gathered was enormous, because I was feeding, not only on them, but the energy that they gathered on my behalf.

There was one orderly in particular who was exempt from my work. He did not participate in the rapes, abortions, or brainwashing. He was here only because he had to. His parents were still supporting him and required him to volunteer here until he was finished with his degree. His name was Adam and he was hiding in plain sight.

He was gay and couldn't wait to be out of here. He was taking extra classes a semester to finish early and move on with his career. He wanted to be an OB/GYN. Still in med school, he had only a few months to go and then he would be finished with this place. I did not touch him, for in a sea of corruption, he stood alone as a pillar of light.

I had been there three weeks when Dad came through at last. He found a judge willing to take the case of our false imprisonment. I watched through his eyes as he stood before the court and told them of the rumors surrounding Divinity House and watched as witnesses were called. The witnesses on our side were former residents.

They told of the humiliations they endured. The constant rape, the botched abortions, STD's gone wild. Some of them made the best of this situation, but all were mentally scarred from their experiences. Now they were adults, they were slowly fixing the damage that Divinity House had done. I can only assume that Dad helped them through their problems as only we can do.

The only reason they had not come forward before now is that no cop, no district attorney, no judge in the area was willing to take the case. They didn't have my father working for them. His methods were... persuasive.

Finally the judge called the residents of Divinity House to bear witness. The night before we were to speak, they summoned us into a room. At this point they hadn't even mentioned what was going on. They informed us that evil men were trying to promote the devil's work and we were to be his knights, fighting for God's holy war.

To ensure that we would cooperate and tell only what they wanted us to, they tied us down and tried to beat us. The second I realized what they were going to do, I struck out at them. As they raised the straps they were using for the first blow, I brought their lust to the surface and intensified it by 100.

They fell to their knees with raging hard-ons and couldn't move or even hardly breathe. I brought Adam to the room at a run. He saw immediately what they were doing and released us and took us back to our rooms. The next day, Adam was first on the stand and told them what he had witnessed.

Most of the residents were still too afraid to speak out. They sat on the bench as question after question was asked, but never said a word. Years of intense psycho-therapy will do that to you. I had done what I could, but they were beyond my meager healing skills. The judge immediately ordered psychiatric evaluations on all of them. Four of us were willing to testify; Jimmy, Joey, Shane, and myself.

They told of the experiences they had endured. Every day was like a nightmare that would never end. Pain, suffering, and humiliation were their bread and butter. It was not the goal of Divinity House to rehabilitate its residents, but to subdue and subjugate.

I went up the stand last.

I started off, "I came home to help a friend. I had hoped to convince his parents to let him come home, or at the least let him come with me. Homosexuality is not a disease, it is not a curse. It is who we are and how we are born.

"Some of us cannot accept that. Some of us take time to come to terms with it. It is only the foolish and ignorant that believe that this is wrong and that we can be saved. There is nothing to save.

"I came here to help a friend. I was kidnapped, tortured, and raped by the very people who sought to change who I was. Who I am. They have failed. I am more determined than ever before to be who I was meant to be, to do what I was meant to do.

I turned to the judge and said, "I am sixteen years old. I have been through hell and back. I have been imprisoned against my will, committing no crimes, and all for being different.

"I want to go home, but most of all, I want my friends to never go through anything like this ever again. All of us residents at Divinity House are friends, no, we are more than that. We are brothers and sisters. We are family. For all the horrors that Divinity House has shown us, there are still good people underneath it all. On behalf of us residents, Adam, We thank you.

"Your Honor, Divinity House is nothing more than a prison to separate the strange and different from the people who do not see, the people who do not look, those who do not wish to know. It is hard enough to find yourself in the world today. We do not need institutions like this to subjugate and brainwash people. Shut it down. I beg you."

That was just about it. The other side asked me questions relating to my care, but the damage was done. Five witnesses, one being an employee, was enough for the judge to shut down Divinity House. It's residents were to receive help to deal with the traumas that they had endured. As most of their parents were unwilling to take back their children, they would become wards of the state.

The staff of Divinity House were to be prosecuted for child abuse, sexual assault, and battery, except for Adam; who took no part and came forward when he realized that he couldn't stay silent any longer. They would all receive consecutive sentences that would add up to about 150 years in a maximum prison. It wasn't enough for me. The last thing I did to them as they were lead away in handcuffs, was take away their ability to orgasm.

They would spend their days in prison, desperate to have sex, and never getting satisfied. Their bodies would bring them to the edge of release and they would never get it. It was the worst punishment an Incubus could give out, because eventually, the person cursed would go mad.

There could be problems with the curse, if God decided that it wasn't warranted, it could be turned back on me. But I was justified in doing this because these people had done truly horrible things and it would be up to the incubi of the world to fix the problem.

Dad did something truly spectacular then. He stood outside the courthouse and announced that his company was sponsoring a home for the teenagers that had no place else to go. Property had already been purchased and repairs were underway. They would get the help that they needed in Hawaii he said.

Adam's parents cut him off, but I convinced Dad to grant him a scholarship and he spoke to an administrator in a Hawaiian Hospital. Adam would begin his internship there next fall.

Dad had taken rooms at a hotel for all of us. There were about twenty residents and four to a room. The twins, Shane and I shared one room. The next day, we would be on our way home. As I lay there next to Shane, slowly but surely cutting ties to all of my proxies, I smiled at their agony as they realized that there would be no pleasure in the years to come.

Never mess with the Incubi.

So, I've gotten more emails concerning this story and I'm glad so many are liking it. I got more chapters to come. Keep sending me those emails.

Next: Chapter 7

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