
By moc.oohay@awagodeier

Published on Apr 25, 2014


Incubus 7 By Rei Edogawa The rights of this story is copyrighted to Rei Edogawa. Do not copy or redistribute in any different way. If the contents of this story are found anywhere else, than the perpetrator shall be prosecuted. Please donate to the Nifty Archive to keep the website going. ***************************************************************************** Once I had explained the place to Dad, he agreed to me going home. I was going to have to alter Mom's mind, because she didn't know anything about us. As to Shane, Dad said if I used my gifts wisely, then I wouldn't have any troubles with the staff. There would be no reason to actually destroy the place. Privately, I disagreed. The place was hell on earth. I left Ollie to the tender mercies of my father, who would be wowed beyond belief by the time I returned. Dad had his jet and pilot waiting for me by the time I got to the airport. We took off and were on our way. The flight gave me time to think. I needed to make a plan. Shane was in trouble. He needed me, but I needed to get to him first. Luckily his parents didn't know about me, or so I hoped. They were conservative Christians with archaic views. Anything they were doing right now was for his own good. When we landed, I found dad had arranged a rental car for me to use. It was waiting for me in the hangar when I got there. It was the latest Porsche, and it drove like a cloud. I got to my mom's without any problems. She was in a state of shock when she saw me, and I had to alter her mind fast before she really freaked out. It wasn't hard and she was cool afterward. We talked for hours about my new life. She was happy for me. She loved the description of my bathroom, she wanted one for herself. I promised to see how much it would cost. I went to bed and got up early the next day and went to see Shane's parents. His parents weren't expecting me. We talked for a while, but they were adamant. Shane was staying where he was, but they did give me permission to visit. I made my way to Divinity House and went inside. I took them a long time to check me in, and even longer to bring out Shane. I was shocked when I saw him. My powers started screaming at me to help him and I was going to be only too happy to do so. I wrapped my arms around him when I saw him, and he just stood there. He had only been there a few days, and he was pale and withdrawn. His blonde hair had been shaved down to a stubble. He was wearing a white jumpsuit like he was in prison. His blue eyes had become dull and lifeless. I had to talk to him for a long time before I could get any more out of him than the occasional grunt or nod. When he was ready, the story came in bits and pieces. He came home to a ransacked room. All of the things that labeled him gay were found and spread out before him. All his magazines and toys, his journals, and his DVD's were shown to him as his parents confronted him and told him he'd been an evil son and was going to hell. They then brought in the orderlies from Divinity House who took him away. His first day was filled with counseling sessions as they assessed him. That night they kept him awake all night and lectured him. Then they kept him awake all day and that night when he was too exhausted to fight back, they brought in one of the female residents who raped him while they watched. The next day, he told them everything. "Everything?" I asked. "Yes Dick. Even about you and the others," he said. "They are both here now. Joey and Jesse are separated and I can hear them screaming for each other still. I don't know what they are planning for you Dick, but I heard them talking about you. Be careful." That was when they came for him. I guess talking to me gave him courage because he fought them. I tried to help him, but I couldn't do anything. Not without exposing myself. He started screaming long howls as they dragged him away. I headed for the door to leave but found the doors locked. I turned to the receptionist to see what the problem was, but she wasn't there. I then heard someone call my name. As I turned to the person, every instinct I possessed screamed at me to run. A doctor was standing there with two orderlies. "Gentlemen, can I help you?" I asked. "Yes," the doctor said. "My name is Dr. Hernandez and you can come with these gentleman. You have been admitted for help. You need help, Mr. Ford. We will provide it." I turned defensive. "And what if I don't want your help?" "It doesn't matter what you want," was the response. "Your mother has signed the admissions forms and here you are to get help. God will be so pleased. He is ever present and merciful. He extends his mercy to you, if you will give up your life of sinfulness and embrace the light." "And what life of sin am I accused of having?" "Your homosexuality, of course." With that he gave me the file he was holding. It was full of pictures of me with Dad's hired help. Pictures of them taking their turn with me. This was during my conversion, when I didn't have the power to finish and dad used anyone to help me. Also in the file were my admission forms, signed by Mom. I threw the folder back at him and followed the men quietly. I was seething inside, but I felt that if I was to take this place down, then maybe it would be easier as a resident. However, I wasn't stupid. As they walked me toward my cell, I reached out mentally to my father, but couldn't reach him. So I reached out for Ollie instead. One of our gifts was the ability to talk to people over distances. If we had sex with them, we could control them for small spans of time. Ollie was still at my house. I took him over and sent him running up to the house. Luckily he was in a pair of shorts, he wouldn't have appreciated running nude up to the main house. He burst in on Dad in the middle of an orgy. Dad had time to say Ollie's name before I said, "Problem with Mom. Has committed me to Destiny House. Help, rumors of rape and mental torture are true. Friends have been here for days. Out of time." With that I let Ollie go. Dad would have to come up with something, but I felt his anger. They took me to a cell and left me there day. The bed's mattress was filled with sawdust. I lay on it and gathered my strength. They came at midnight for me. The orderlies wrenched me from my bed and dragged me from the room. They took me to a white room where they stripped me of my clothes and shaved my head. They dressed me in a thin white jumpsuit. Then they took me to Dr. Hernandez. As Shane told me, he lectured me on God's grace and love. He read from the bible and tried to get me to pray with him. He then talked to me about what was in store for me. When I was leaving I decided to play a trick. I gave him my proxy, meaning any sexual release he had would find its way to me. It was a way to gather energy without having sex. He would spend the day horny as hell and when he had to relieve it, I would get the power. They kept me awake that night and all the next day. My proxy sated his lust several times that day, though I didn't know on who, but I had my suspicions. It kept me going, and that night, right on schedule, they brought in a woman to rape me. I felt her and them before I saw them. I felt their lust, but her, I was drawn to. Dad told me that there were people in the world who I would be drawn to. They had some specific need that only I could give them. He said that since I was gay that most of the people would be men, however, some women would have some need that absolutely needed to be given and only I could give it to them. She was one of those people. I knew immediately what the problem was. I couldn't explain how or why, but she had been pregnant recently. Someone had performed an abortion on her, a bad one at that. I felt the infection inside her, I felt the hemorrhage building from a punctured artery. She needed healing, bad. This wasn't like a cancer where a wave of my hand could heal her. Any problems with the reproductive system were extremely hard to fix because it was so delicate. Dad told me that the only way for a sex organ to be fixed was with actual intercourse. I felt her need to live, to be free. I would help her no matter my own feelings. I knew that I could heal her now, though I hadn't been able to before. When they entered, I noticed the men. They were filled with lust for the coming show. They didn't know me. I used a drop of power to cool their lust and to leave us alone. She was pretty. Long brown hair framed her face and was pulled back into a ponytail. She had a dash of freckles across her cheeks and nose. Her green eyes stared at me with a look of lifeless acceptance. She wasn't gay. She had been sent here for having sex and being caught. Her parents had walked in on her and her lover. Her lover was the pool boy. I grinned at my own memories and understood the desire. I wanted her to enjoy this. I unzipped the jumpsuit I was wearing slowly, giving her a good opportunity to see my sculpted chest. I pulled back the opening until my nipples were showing. I licked a finger and caressed one, making it darken and pucker. Her eyes were on me the whole time; she couldn't stop looking. I went slowly because this was a seduction spell. The tiniest mistake could break it. I drew the zipper farther down to my crotch and pulled out my penis. Her eyes now locked onto it and she gave a gasp of desire. I gently pulled the foreskin back and forth from the head, making me semi hard. I gave her a look and a sexy grin and she leaped at me, tearing her jumpsuit off in the process. I grabbed her and pushed her down to the bed. My jumpsuit was off in a second and my face was down in her cunt. She moaned as I pleasured her, my tongue running up and down her labia. I reached up with one hand and started playing with her breasts. Her labia started to expand and lengthen. She would be ready for me very quickly. Once her juices started flowing, and she was nice and wet, I didn't waste time. Spreading her legs, I quickly pushed inside her. She was tight, but wet. I began to thrust inside her, she began to gasp as my cock filled her up. I pushed in harder and faster and she gasped and started to shriek as her first orgasm overcame her. I flipped her over onto her stomach, and took her from behind. Soon she was shrieking again as wave after wave overcame her. I then stood up and fucked her in the air. She was screaming for it, begging me to go faster and faster. I was close now. The pressure was building up and I threw as much healing power into the orgasm as I could muster. I came with a roar, my cum filling her full and spilling over. It went deep inside her. I felt my seed flow into her uterus and seek out the damage. It went to work healing the damage to her uterus and killing off the growing infection. I knew she couldn't get pregnant from this, but I also made sure that she couldn't get pregnant at least until she was 18. I just took fertility instead of giving it. Then they came back and took her away. I was left to spend the night by my lonesome self. I knew that my father was nearby and his anger was greater than that of my own. He would legally get us out of here, and what I did next would get this place shut down permanently. I swore it to myself and every other person in this place. Each one was calling out to me for something. Some needed physical healing, others psychological. There were teens that were crying out for freedom, and some were just wanting the nightmare to end. I would free them all and make Dr. Hernandez wish he had never started this hellhole. ***************************************************************************** I know that many of you might be upset because of the heterosexual sex, and I won't be making a habit of it. I want to be clear. Places like Divinity House do exist in the world, and while most of us know that being gay is not a disease or a sin, there are people who believe that to be true. Some people go to places like this because they can't accept themselves and wish to be hetero. If they can achieve it, more the power to them. I don't judge. What I do condemn, is the people who try to force others to be someone they are not and make life hard for them just because they can. Accept yourselves for who you are and never let anyone take that away from you. Know yourselves and be yourselves. If you have any comments, please email me. I love getting them.

Next: Chapter 6

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