
By moc.oohay@awagodeier

Published on Apr 21, 2014


Incubus 6

By Rei Edogawa

The rights of this story is copyrighted to Rei Edogawa. Do not copy or redistribute in any different way. If the contents of this story are found anywhere else, than the perpetrator shall be prosecuted. Please donate to the Nifty Archive to keep the website going.

Now that I had fully accepted myself, I was having sex every day. Dad was teaching me how to manipulate people, and how to use my other powers. I learned to bestow beauty, wisdom, and life to others. However, healing was still beyond me.

I became so busy between learning my powers and gaining energy to use them that time between when I arrived and when school started just sped by. Before I knew it, it was time to start school. I was so nervous about it, but it turned out to be a nonevent.

With my new confidence, new clothes, and new looks, I became very popular. My friends were not the jocks and cheerleaders, but the outcasts and misfits of the school, the ones that didn't quite fit in, or believed that there was a place for them. I gave them one.

Most days after school, we went to my house and hung out. It was the one place that all of us could be who we really were without fear of judgment or ridicule. I refused to allow it. The few people who had tried to make fun of others at my house, found themselves unwelcome. My friend Ollie was an interesting person. He was from a broken family. His mother was an addict, doing whatever it took to get her next fix. His father died when he was only a kid. He had a younger sister, who was 13 to his 16.

He protected her as much as he could. I found out his mother had tried to whore him and his sister out, but he had managed to avoid it. I sent dad's attorney to speak with her discreetly. She wouldn't be trying that again. If she did, I would be paying her a visit. Among other things, dad had taught me several punishments for those who were unsuitable for the gifts we gave, and did something unforgivable. Whoring out your children was unforgivable. No matter what way you looked at it, it was rape. And we incubi didn't do rape, ever. Ollie had more than one problem. He hated his mother and he hated himself for it. If it weren't for his sister, he would have committed suicide a long time ago. He also had problems with his sexuality. He was bisexual and wouldn't come to terms with it. In some cases, we incubi could sleep with him and he would accept it, but in this case it would do more harm than good. Ollie was looking for love and all I could offer him was lust. My lust would, however, set him on the right track, so he wouldn't miss the ones he was destined for along the way. I could foresee enough to know that he would be a part of a threesome/ He would meet his male partner first, and if he was still fighting what he was, they would never fall in love, and his partner wouldn't introduce him to their female partner.

Instead of using my incubus powers on him to help nature along, I did it the slow way. My seduction of him was a long one. It took a lot to make him open up and let someone in. Ollie's sister was away on a field trip to another island for a few days, and Ollie's mom was acting strange. I invited him to use one of the guest rooms for as long as he wanted it. Ollie chose this time to accept.

A storm was brewing, a bad one. Weather service was calling it a slow moving typhoon. It would take days to pass. Dad made sure we had enough supplies to last a while, but we were unlikely to lose power. Unknown to the general public, Dad had a lover that had perfected cold fusion. The main house, little house, and cars all ran on cold fusion generators. Dad was working on getting the yachts and planes outfitted with them as well. The day that the storm hit, Ollie and I had gone for a walk down the beach, when it struck a little earlier than was expected. Within minutes we were drenched. We ran back to the house and went inside to dry off. The shirt I was wearing was stuck to my body and was hard to get off. Ollie tried to help, but in the confusion my pants slipped off. Ollie just stared at me, his eyes filled with longing and desire. He caught himself after a minute and apologized.

I said, "What are you apologizing for?" He said, "You are naked. I'm sorry I saw." I said, "What of it? Do I have two cocks and a vagina? It is just a little nudity Ollie. You have the same parts as me. The human body is nothing to be ashamed of."

Bright red, Ollie turned to face me. I told him to go get dried off and to meet me in the living room and we would play Xbox. Glad to move the subject on, Ollie ran upstairs to change. I grinned to myself and went to change as well. It was too cold in these wet clothes. Surreptitiously, I brought the temperature up to 80 degrees. When we were both changed, we played Xbox for a while, then popped in a DVD and relaxed. The house adjusted to the new temperature, and slowly it was getting to Ollie. Normally I kept the house below 75, so he was unused to the temp change. It didn't affect me however, I could take any temp and be fine. Ollie took off his shirt first, revealing his white chest. The boy didn't tan worth a damn. His nipples were rose pink, and he had a slight happy trail from his navel down below his waist. Several times he asked me if thought it was too hot. Since I wasn't bothered by the heat, I could honestly say no.

Finally, still too hot, he worked up the nerve to remove his jeans. He relaxed even more once they were off. I just sat back stealing glances at him, while watching the movie. At the end of it, I suggested we have a few beers. Ollie knew I had beer in the house, and anyone who wanted any were welcome to have some, but if anyone did, they were stuck at my house for the night unless someone sober drove them home. He readily accepted and the beer helped him lose the nervousness he had been projecting since earlier. After the beer, we went to our rooms to shower and sleep. I was in the bathroom, about to get into the tub, when there was a knock on the bathroom door. Ollie came in and said, "Hey Dick, there is a problem with the guest bath. The water won't turn on." He froze there, seeing me naked. I said, "Oh, sorry Ollie. We've been having problems with that. Just hop in.

With that I got into the tub and leaned against the side. Ollie just stood there staring and stammered that he couldn't possibly interrupt my private time. I just sighed dramatically and said, "Dude, just get in so we don't waste the water. This thing uses a lot, and I don't want to refill it again. Get undressed and get in." I stood up and gave him the full view. "I have a dick, you have a dick. I told you before, nudity doesn't bother me. Stop acting like a pussy and grow a pair. It's just a bath. Surely you've had one before. Ollie didn't say anything, just undressed and climbed in. I saw right away what he was embarrassed about. He had a small dick, about 3" soft. I fel.t bad for him. He was so insecure about himself because he didn't feel he could measure up. Well, I thought, it was something I could help with. I turned the jets up to maximum and leaned back against the wall. Ollie was trying very hard not to look at me. I thought of several ways to draw him in and started with;

"So Ollie, tell me. When did you lose your virginity?"

Ollie jumped at my question, sending water splashing everywhere. "Dude, why would you ask that question?"

"It is a perfectly normal question." I said. "Sex is one of life's greatest pleasures. It is fun beyond belief, as long as you're careful and responsible. So when did you lose it?" Ollie gave a great sigh and looked defeated. Keeping his head down he said, "I was going to last year. She was very pretty, but she took one look at my dick and refused. Said something so small would never, could never interest her or any other woman. Not even five minutes later after getting dressed and walking out, she dragged Darius, the quarterback, into the room half dressed.

"I was still getting dressed and she didn't care. I got a good look at his package and his was much bigger than mine. So I never bothered to try again because she was right. Who in their right mind would want such a small tool?"

He started to get out, but froze when he realized that I had gotten really close while he wasn't looking. "Ollie, you can't let one bitch get at you like this. And as to who would want you? I would."

With that I took his cock into my mouth and gave him the best blowjob I could. Ollie seemed frozen in place, his breath coming faster and faster, as I pulled out hard on his cock, stretching it as I went. I felt him tense up, before his cock swelled and his cock gushed out his cum into the back of my throat. I swallowed it down, savoring the taste, my eyed never left his. I felt more energized and Ollie stared down at his cock, which was now closer to 8" hard. "What the—How?" he spluttered.

I just gave him a look. He then just smiled and accepted it. I turned away from him and leaned over the side of the tub, offering my ass to him. "Really? You sure?" he asked. "Ollie, this isn't my first time." I said. "But we don't have condoms." "You won't need them with me."

"But?" he started, but I just pointed as his dick and he became too horny to ask any more questions. He stuck his newly enlarged dick inside me making me howl with joy. I heard a "Yahoo! You go boy, ride that big cock you cock slut." From the door.

I turned to the door and found dad standing there watching the show. I grinned at him and continued what I was doing. Ollie was new at this, but nature has its own set of instructions. I soon found Ollie's rhythm and met his thrust for thrust. Ollie didn't last long. What I had done to him made him ready to go again, but he was so sensitive that he couldn't keep going. He came again with a roar that shook the windows in their panes. His cum filled me to the brim and refreshed my energy levels. As always, gathering so much energy made the cum in me surge so that with Ollie's last thrusts, I came, my ass tightening around his cock, prolonging our pleasure.

Ollie was in no condition to stand. I had taken more from him than I had intended. I helped him from the tub and dad helped me dry him off and got him into my bed. Grabbing my robe we walked downstairs and out to the pool.

Dad had a grim look on his face and I wasn't happy to see it. He started very hesitantly. "I've had a call from your mom." That alone terrified me. I didn't know how much she knew about all of this. "She says it's about your friend Shane. He has been sent someplace called Divinity House. Do you know what that is?" My blood ran cold. Divinity House was a dumping ground for my old town's rejects. They promised to take your problem children off of your hands and with the grace of God and their therapies, they will deliver back to you a normal child.

Some of my friends had been sent there. Divinity House was for pregnant teens, homosexuals, and bad seeds. It was any kid's greatest fear to be sent that place. Horror stories were told about that place. Residents were assaulted mentally, physically, and sexually in there. The doctor's therapies included actual counseling, but it also included mental breakdown and rebuilding. Sometimes the doctor's would use the bad seeds to rape the gay residents, to bring them to the joys of heterosexual congress. And for the pregnant, they delivered their children, which were put up for adoption and then the treatment commenced to bring them out of their sinful ways. If Shane was there, then his parents found out that he was gay. And if that was the case, then I had a promise to fulfill. I had promised Shane that if he ever ended up in that place, that I would do everything I could to get him out. And by God, I was going to do it, or burn the place down.

***************************************************************************** The End of Chapter 6. We're headed back to the beginning, to face a place where people shouldn't be sent. The world is full of people with different ideals than us and often these people have different reactions than us. We must learn to accept this and adapt to each situation. I wonder how our hero will adapt to this situation?

Next: Chapter 5

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