
By moc.oohay@awagodeier

Published on Apr 5, 2014


Incubus 4 Rei Edogawa

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I woke to bright sunlight and the softness of silken sheets. My skin felt so smooth instead of the slight roughness I had felt before. I sat up and the sheets floated off of me. A breeze from the open window was keeping the room cool and made the air smell of salty brine.

I got up and went to the walk in closet. Standing naked in the wrap around mirror, I saw the changes with calm eyes for the first time. My chest and abdomen were well defined with a gem cutter's precision. My hair had been a dull black and stringy before, now it was shiny and thick falling in waves just pass my ears.

My eyes shone with color and the shape of them had slightly changed. My face was more angled and my lips were fuller. My skin had been a golden tan before, now shone and screamed vitality. My cock now was 6" soft and I estimated over 8" hard. My ass was rounded and perky.

Turning away, I looked through my new clothes for something that would fit me right. I chose a pair of cargos and a graphic tee and leather sandals. I pulled a brush through my hair and went to find my father.

Dad was in his rooms, his bed covered in naked men and women. He saw me standing in the door and immediately disentangled himself and grabbed a robe. We went silently downstairs into his study.

He turned to me and said, "Let me tell the story, then you can ask questions."

I nodded and he began, "Centuries ago, our ancestor, whose name has been lost to us, was dying. His body was rotting from the inside at a very young age, 14, I believe. He prayed to God that his life would be spared. An angel came down and made a deal with him. If he gave his life to God and brought love and laughter to the world, then his life would be spared.

"He agreed and the angel kissed him. He was able to feed off sexual energy, and take that energy and bring out the beauty in people. He made love to them, made them feel worth loving, and when he left them, they were more beautiful than when he met them.

"When his son was born, he was overjoyed. He married the mother of course, and she understood why he did what he did, though she didn't like it. She resented him for it and grew to hate him, especially as her youth faded and his didn't.

"She murdered him in his sleep and then killed herself. Their son married soon after. After their wedding night when he lost his virginity, the transformation overtook him. When he woke, he understood immediately what happened, raised as he was on his father's stories. His wife on the other hand was terrified. Her husband had changed overnight. She grew accustomed to the changes and his infidelity.

"And so it was that in every generation there would be at least one son with the gift. Over time the gift was blown out of proportion and called a demonic curse. We as Incubi use the sexual energy of others to make the world a better place.

You, Dick, are my only son, my only child. I knew the gift would come to you. I also knew that in Kansas, the possibility of you losing your virginity was very slim. So I waited till you were old enough, then I brought you here.

"I understand what you must be going through. I turned the rite of passage into adulthood into something twisted and perverted. I used the men of my estate and your homosexuality to awaken you to the gift, because I believe that this gift must continue down the bloodline.

"Also, it is a gift that brings so much enjoyment, not just sexual. My father before me slept around with everyone he came into contact with. He used that energy to heal people. I was him save countless lives without them being any the wiser.

"I am so sorry for this, the way it turned out. I wanted this to be a better experience for you. I didn't intend to stage an orgy like I did, but you didn't have the energy to complete the change. The only way for us to gather the energy needed is by unprotected sex. I believe it is because condoms make the whole thing unnatural. We need full genital contact to gather the power. It is the only way."

Father's story was so preposterous, that I didn't want to believe it. However, I couldn't ignore the evidence in my own eyes. I accepted his story and my predicament. I was not given to be a sexual creature. I liked it enough, but this was a little over the top.

"Do I need to have sex? Will I waste away without it?" I asked.

"No, he said. "We've had to go years in between feedings and as long as we don't use the extra gifts that come with it, you won't have to."

He was watching me closely for signs of what I would do. I have to admit, the idea of healing people was very appealing. I wanted to help, but I couldn't decide now.

I said to him, "No more sex for me unless I decide. Don't put the voodoo on someone to get me laid again. If and when I choose to have sex it will be for me and me alone."

With that I left the house and went to the guest house. Opening the fridge for a can of coke, I found it stocked with beer. I thought Dad must have accidentally had this fridge stocked by mistake, but a note was inside.

Dick I know you are underage, but I don't see the reason why not as long as you are under my roof. Do not drink and drive. I will kill you. Dad

I had never had beer before. I grabbed a bottle and went to the living room. I turned on the TV and popped the bottle. I watched a few shows and drank my beer. It made me relax and chill. I made sure to eat food with it, because I didn't want to be blitzed out of my mind.

After the shows, I went upstairs and tried out the sauna and whirlpool tub. I lounged around, relaxing to the fullest and found to my pleasure that I could hire a masseuse, or even a spa attendant to come and service me whenever I wanted. Dad kept them on retainer. They didn't live far away, so I called and got that set up for the next day.

I had another beer with my dinner that night, which was sent down from the main house. It kept me buzzed through the evening and when I went to sleep, I dropped out like a light.

End of Chapter 4. At a crossroads, with a decision to make.

I've gotten some positive comments and questions from some of you. Rest assured your answers are forthcoming, however, it may not be as soon as you think. Any more comments or questions are welcome to

Next: Chapter 3

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