Incomplete Harmony

By Ice Cold

Published on Apr 14, 2002


I saw the 'Making The Video' of 'It's Gonna Be Me' again. Mmmmmm. Justin plastic doll. Mmmmmm. Lance plastic doll. Mmmmmm. JC plastic doll. Delicious. I wanna a JC plastic doll. I wanna own a JC plastic doll.




-Ramblings from the loony mind of EC

Disclaimer: You know, one day I asked JC if this is real and he said yes. I asked him if he was sure. He said yes and started to kiss me. So I started to kiss back. Hey, the guy's offering himself. Why not?

Then I woke up.


Incomplete Harmony

Justin looked at his cereal. Joey looked at his coffee. Chris looked at his bacon and eggs. Lance was smiling as he drank his coffee. JC was face down on the table and snoring.

Lance got up and proceeded to the kitchen. "Who wants Advil?"

"Me!", the three hang-overed and awake people said.

Lance smirked and went to get the pills.

Justin groaned as his head throbbed with pain. "God, I hate hangovers."

"Who ever said they were good?", Joey said, rubbing his forehead in pain.

"Why isn't Lance having a hangover?", Chris asked, wincing as he felt bile rise up his throat and forced it down.

"Wanna know why?", Lance said as he came out of the kitchen holding a tray with four pills, a pitcher of water and four glasses beside it.

The three greedily gobbled the painkillers and poured themselves some water and drank the pills down. Lance sauntered over to JC and shook him awake.

", don't.", JC mumbled as sleep began going away.

"I have some painkillers for you.", Lance said.

"No go away. Sleep.", JC muttered and began dozing off.

"Watch. Lance is about to use an instant wake up method.", Justin whispered to Joey as Lance sighed.


JC instantly woke up with wide eyes and dashed upstairs to the music room. As JC disappeared, Lance sat down and began sipping his cup of coffee.

"I hate it when Lance does that.", Joey whispered back to Justin.

"Haha. Very funny, Lance. I almost had a heart attack.", JC said as he began walking down the stairs.

"Well, you didn't want to wake up. You left me no choice. Advil?"

At the mention of painkillers, JC's head throbbed. "Ow. Damn, I have a headache."

Lance poured JC a glass of water and handed the pills and the glass to JC. As JC drank the water, Chris piped up.

"Lance, you were saying something about why you didn't have a headache."

"The reason why I don't have a headache is because I didn't drink like a water-deprived person. Unlike the four of you who probably raised the wine economy by another notch."

After getting rid of his headache, JC sat down to write lyrics. He walked over to his nightstand and pulled out a piece of paper from its drawer.

He stared at the piece of paper, willing his mind to conjure the next line of words that would complete the chorus.


He sighed. "That's it. I give up."

He crumpled the paper and threw it into the paperbasket.

He took his notebook and readied his pencil, waiting for words to come into his head.

Still nothing.

He sighed again, walked over to the paperbasket and picked up the paper he threw in. Smoothing out the wrinkles, he stared at the words he had written.

"Guess I'm stuck with you."

"Hey guys, listen to this.", Chris said from the newspaper he was reading. "Murderer for the Quinas killings found and arrested this morning."

"John Thomas was escaping the country when authority caught him, trying to pass off a fake visa."

"That's good.", Justin said.

"There's another article here. Something about literature.


"Some guy named Thomas Winterlow will be accepting the Pulitzer Prize for outstanding achievements in literature tomorrow."

"Pulitzer? That's awesome.", Lance said and peered in the newspaper.

"It says here that he is considered to be a literature prodigy by critics and has written one of the most insightful works of the century."

"That's nice.", Joey said half-heartedly.

"At the young age of fifteen, he wrote a poem that won first prize in an international poetry contest and at 21, he graduated with the 'Best Thesis' Award in his school."

"Whatever. I wish I had his talent. Then maybe I could finish this damn song.", JC said from his notebook.

"Having trouble, C?", Justin asked and sat down beside JC.

"I'm having trouble finishing the chorus of this song."

"Lemme see that.", Justin said and took the piece of paper and immediately put it back. "That's a love song, C. I'm no good at that."

"And at the age of 22, he became the youngest author to ever write a book that made it to the international bestseller list."

JC sighed and fell on his back at the couch. "Chris, shut up. We don't need news. Right now I need inspiration."

"Hey maybe I should dance for you?"

"No, I don't think so Fatone. That would gross me out not help me."

"Oh come on, you know I'm sexy."

"Sure, by the standards of an elephant."

"Yeah! I'm sexey! Sex-ey!"

"And besides, Joey, it's a love song not a horndog song."

"Who cares?! I'm sex-ey!"

Joey began moving his body. Justin giggled and joined the fray. Chris put down the newspaper and joined in.

Lance looked up from his book and looked at JC and shook his head. JC nodded his eyebrows and returned to his song.

"They're nuts.", Lance and JC both said.

"Dammit! Stop dancing, you three! I can't concentrate on my song!", JC shouted.

Joey, Chris and Justin smiled at JC and began dancing faster. JC rolled his eyes and moved to the kitchen.

"Annoying little bitches."

Two minutes later, Lance joined him in the kitchen. "Annoying little bitches."

"So, Snow White, if I go into the crowd and our fans rip me to shreds, would you go out and save me?"

"Justin, you said you were already ripped to shreds already. What would we save? Your brain. Oh, I forgot, you're blonde. You got none of those."

"Very funny, Lance. In case you didn't know, you're blonde too."

"Ah but I'm the exception. You see when I was given a brain when I was young, I used it."

"Why are we talking about my brain here?"

"Because you called me Snow White again for the thirty seventh time ever since you watched that Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs VCD."

"Thirty seven? You actually keep track of that?"

"Yes, Justin, I do and it's because I have a brain and I use it. Unlike you, oh brainless one."

"I give up. Lance is unbeatable."

"Told ya."

"Shut up Joey."

"Hey, C, watcha doing over there?"

JC looked up and smiled at his bandmates. "Drawing."



"Didn't you stop drawing, like a year ago?"

"Well, I had the urge to draw again and who's stopping me?"

"Lemme see then."

"No, I don't think so Just. You wouldn't like it."

"Unless, it's a picture of a naked grandma, it's okay for me."

Justin grabbed the piece of paper. He looked at it and scowled. "Here take your stupid picture back."

JC burst out laughing and he let the paper face the other guys and they burst out laughing too.

On the paper was a skillful drawing of Justin's head and a small body and stenciled below the drawing were the words, 'Big but Brainless'.

"This is hilarious, JC!", Lance said in between giggles.

Joey and Chris kept laughing, clutching their sides while Lance softened to snorts behind his hand. JC smiled at Justin.

"It's not funny!", Justin burst out, serving to make Joey and Chris laugh even harder and making Lance return to laughs.

Justin took the paper again. "It doesn't even look like me.", he said and gave a look that could curdle milk.

"But it does.", JC said. And took the paper. "Here's the huge nose and the pretty pink lips. And the eyes. See.", JC said as he pointed to the various parts of Justin's portrait.

"Is this 'picking on Justin' day?"

"Hmmm. Picking on Justin day. I like that. How about picking on Justin week?"

"Or month."

"Or year."

"Week sounds good."

"Week it is."

"Oh god.", Justin said and buried his face in his hands.

"I didn't know you could draw.", Joey said as he sat down at JC's bunk.


"I said you're good at drawing."

JC smiled. "Thank you. I just started again today."

"Again? So like, how long have you been drawing?"

"Ever since I was a seven. I wanted to become a famous artist. Turns out I did become a famous artist only in the other way."

"Your...ummm...picture of Justin was hilarious."

"Payback really is a bitch."


"Remember when he hid all of my boxers and I had to ask all the hotel staff where they were? And I was so embarrassed?"

"Yeah! How could I forget that?!"

"Joey, who was his partner in crime?"

Joey went silent. "Oh god."

JC grinned that idiotic grin. "Who was it Joey?"

"No JC. Don't you dare."

"I think his accomplice was a fat pig who had magenta hair and barely fitting clothes and I think he looked like this.", JC said and took a pencil out of his nightstand and began drawing in his notebook."

After a few minutes, JC managed to sketch a good drawing of Joey, wearing clothes that were about to burst and messy violet hair.

"There we go."

Joey took the paper and stared at it. "This doesn't look like me at all."

"That's what Justin said."

Nate willed himself to sink even furthur into the matress of his bed. Thirty minutes ago, his stomach reminded him in loud rumbles that it was empty.

Too tired to get up, Nate took his pillow and sunk even furthur in his matress. He pressed his face on the pillow and frowned.

"Damn you, Jeremy."

He sighed. "But I won't cry for you. Never."

And he didn't.

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