Incomplete Harmony

By Ice Cold

Published on Mar 25, 2002


Disclaimer: Ummm...anyone who knows what fiction means, please raise your right hand. (Right not left, Sean). For those of you who didn't raise their "RIGHT" hand, I'll spare you the agony of lugging out the big, old and dusty dictionary. Fiction means not real or didn't happen and that's what this story is. Fiction. It never happened and will never happen. OK? Remember. Fiction.

Ramblings: Laptops suck. They are meant to be put on your lap but once they start to heat up from the usage, they become very uncomfortable. I remember when I was so excited in writing something about this story and I just dumped my laptop in my lap. What I don't recall is that I left the laptop running for two straight hours.

So what happened is I fried my balls. And I jumped up and almost threw the laptop out of the window.


JC has always been the songwriter of Nsync. Though Justin puts in some lyrics, it's JC who comes up with most of them.

And, to JC, it was normal to suddenly find your mind blank when it comes to thinking about the next line. If that happens, all JC would do was sing what was written and the next line would immediately come.

If not, he'd rest, find a book and begin to read. Usually, it comes to him a little while later. If it doesn't, he throws away the song and starts a new one.

But this particular song had JC enraptured. He was at the last line of the chorus when his mind went blank. He tried everything. Singing it again. Reading a book then singing it again. Nothing.

And though his mind screamed at him to throw it away, JC folded the piece of paper, tucked it in his notebook and went to sleep in hopes of figuring out what the next line should be.

Incomplete Harmony

"I can't believe we're going to Michelle's house!", Lance said and began bouncing around the limo.

"Never thought I'd see the day serious and calm Lance would goof around like some kid.", Justin commented.

"Must be true love.", Chris added.

"Or it could be that I fed him a hundred spoons of sugar this morning.", Joey said.

"Nah. He'd die of diabetes.", JC put in.

"He's not diabetic."

"But if you feed a person that much sugar, he becomes energized so much that his poor brain can't handle it and it would just melt to putty.", JC defended.

"But we're talking about Lance here. The guy who can memorize a schedule with one glance."

"The guy who knows what we wore last night. Or the day before yesterday. Or the day before that day or the day before that day before that day."

"The guy who knows how to instantly wake us up. Annoying but true."

"The guy who knows every embarrassing moment in the history of Nsync and can use it as ammo against us."

"The guy who can single-handedly make us all blush simultaneously with just a few choice words."

"So who's keeping him in check?", Justin asked.

"Michelle?", Chris suggested.


"Thank god for Michelle.", the other four chorused.

"But it's true. You're like the braniac of Nsync. Who else can do that? I bet Kevin can't. His brain is too old and musty."

"Justin, that's not nice."

"Oh come on, you know it's true."

"Justin, we are friends with Back...why is your mouth hanging open? Close it."

Justin's eyes widened and pointed out the window behind Lance.

Simply put. It was enormous. Michelle's house was enormous.

"Oh my god.", JC said, awestruck. "Lance, your girl's richer than you."

"She said quaint. You call this quaint?", Lance said in awe.

"But I want to answer the door!", someone said from behind the oak doors.

"But madam that's my job."

"Don't call me madam and it's my house, if I want to answer the door then I will answer the door."

"Very well madam. Your wish is my command."

Moments later, a girl with fiery hair and emerald eyes stepped out and greeted them.

"Hi guys!"

"Hey Michelle!", they all said except for Lance.

"Hi sweetie.", Lance said in that phone sex voice.

"Hi Lancey-pie.", Michelle said.

Lance made a face. "Since when did you start calling me Lancey-pie?"

"Since you started calling me sweetie earlier."

"Awwww. Now the lovey-dovey couple is gonna fight.", Justin piped in.

Lance turned to Justin. "At least, I'm getting some. Unlike some person who has to do themselves last night when he thought everybody was sleeping."

Justin turned crimson and he began looking for a place to crawl in as Chris and Joey turned their heads toward him. "Is little Justin looking for some little loving?"

"Ack! No! I'll get you for this Lance!"

Chris and Joey made kissing faces and began chasing Justin as he ran away. "Come back, little Justin. Me and Joey are gonna give you a little loving."

Justin turned his head. "I'll get you for this Lance! I swear I will!"

"Pshhh. That's what they all say."

Michelle kissed Lance on the cheeks. "Come on. We're gonna take the grand tour and your tour guide is yours truly."

"Just hope, we don't get lost.", JC said.

"And this is the library."

"Wow. Library, indeed.", Lance commented.

"So many books. JC would be happy here.", Justin said.

True to his word, JC was already exploring every shelf, looking for fantasy books.

"And that concludes the grand tour of my house."

"Sheesh. I thought it would never end.", Joey said. "It was so big."

"But where are the secret passageways? I'm sure that a house like this would have some.", Justin asked, still trying to fix his hair after Joey and Chris messed it up in an attempt to make Justin look like he just had sex.

"Nope. Nothing like that."

"This house is boring."

"You'd be surprised what this house holds.", Michelle said and smiled.

Nate sat down and swept his right hand over the black and white keys of the piano.


And he began to play.

And it resonated throughout the whole house, forming a beautiful yet sad melody.

And silence reined. The relishing kind of silence as everyone listened to the beautiful melody, the beautiful but sad melody.

The melody ended. Cut off as it was about to reach its climax.

Once more, silence reined as everyone let the goosebumps subside on their body.

"Who was playing?", Chris asked.

Michelle looked at Chris. "My brother."

"That was so...sad.", Justin added.

"Ever since he broke up with his boyfriend, he's been like that.", Michelle explained.

"Excuse me? Boyfriend?"

"Yeah. My brother's gay. Any problems with that?", Michelle clarified.

"No. None at all. We were all a little surprised, that's all."

"Right answer. I feed homophobes to the dogs.

"Uh Michelle, can I get a drink or what?", JC asked.

"Sure. In the kitchen. Do I have to show you or I'll just give you directions?"

"Directions, please."

"Okay go out this room. Go left. Then when you see the tapestry of a soldier, go right. Then at the large oak doors, turn left and you'll find a carpeted hallway then go through it then you'll see a grey door and there's the kitchen."

JC nodded dumbly.

Though JC was sure he would get lost, he still tried his luck. Apparently, his luck wasn't that good today.

He came upon a room where there was a boy sitting in front of a piano. And with shaking fingers, the boy started playing the piano agian.

The sad melody from earlier floated through the air again, coursing through JC's ears.

"So he's the one."

Finally finding the kitchen, JC was able to obtain a bottle of water. Turning to the kind chef he asked water from, he spoke.

"So who was the boy that kept playing the sad song earlier?"

"Oh. You mean Master Nate."

JC burst out in laughter. "Excuse me did you just say Master Nate?"

"Yes. Master Nate. Miss Michelle's brother."

"I'm sorry but Master Nate is just too close to something naughty."

The kitchen doors swung open and a new voice joined them. "Really now, would you be so kind to tell me what naughty word it is too close to?"

"Master Nate.", the chef said and smiled.

JC burst out laughing again much to the annoyance of Nate. "What the hell is your problem man?"

Composing himself, JC replied. "I'm sorry but it was just too funny. Your name is too close to mast-"

"Yes, I know. And I don't need you to repeat it."

"Hey no offense but it was just too funny."

"See? That's why I don't like you to call me Master, William.", Nate said to the chef, smiling.

"JC! JC! Where are you?!", Michelle's voice shouted.

"I'm here, Michelle!"

"Thank goodness, you didn't get lost."

"Yeah, you should put directional arrows in this place of yours."

"It's your fault for being such a lousy hostess."

Michelle turned around to face his brother. "Nice to see you're still alive. What brings the mourner down here?"

"I was hungry."

"I told you, you shouldn't have lost all that weight for that scum you call your ex-boyfriend."

"Michelle, I wanted to be skinny too. I didn't like myself when I was chubby."

"But you're too skinny."

"Michelle, give it up."

"You're TOO skinny."

"And what exactly do you call youself?"


"HA! Yeah right!"

Michelle sighed. "I want you to gain weight or I'll force feed you and you don't want that."

"Ummm...guys, I'm still alive here, you know.", JC interjected.

"Oh sorry, Jayce. Come on let's get back to the guys."

Before going out the door, Michelle turned back towards her brother. "Ten pounds or it's force-feeding."

"Come with us Nate. It'll do good for you."

"I don't want to, Michelle."

"You just can't sit here all day and mourn."

"I've been doing it for a whole week already and you can bet your enormous riches that I can do it for another week."

"It's not healthy."

"When did getting your heart broken ever become healthy?"

Michelle sighed and looked to the three guys behind him. "Guys, some help would be appreciated."

Chris stepped forward and began being enthusiastic. "Come on Nate. It'll be fun!"

"I'm in no mood to be fun right now."

"Oh come on. You gotta have some fun."

"No, I don't."

"Yes, you do."

"And who are you to tell me what I need?"


"Yes, I'm waiting."

"Ummmm...damn. Sorry Michelle."

Nate grinned smugly. A large Saint Bernard entered the room and sat down beside Nate. Nate began petting the dog as the dog began sleeping. He turned to the group who was currently trying to convince him to go with them to a club. "OK, who's next?"

Justin stepped forward and did puppy dog eyes. "Please come with us, Nate."

Nate cocked his left eyebrow. "You remind me of my ex-boyfriend who I caught red-handed cheating on me. Right now, it's taking all my self-control not to kick your ass."

Justin's eyes widened and he backed off as Joey took his place.

"Look, if you don't wanna go, I'll make you go. I'll sling you over my shoulder and carry you to that club and force you to dance."

Nate hugged the large dog beside him. "Poofie here.", Nate said as he pointed to the sleeping dog. "Knows how to bite people when I don't want them here."

Joey sighed. "This is useless. He won't come with us."

"I don't wanna come with you, okay? Why can't you get that?"

Michelle sighed. "Okay, let's go."

"But if you wanna come just call us so we can tell you where we are.", Lance said and left his cellphone number.

Nate took the piece of paper. As the clubbers went out the door, Nate smiled sadly.

"I doubt that I'd be coming."

Next: Chapter 2

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